MTL - Lord of the Abyss-Chapter 398 Heavenly Punishment Right Prime Minister

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  Chapter 398 Heavenly Punishment Right Prime Minister

  When 【Eye of the Abyss】appeared on the outskirts of Wu Feng's territory, Wu Feng immediately treated him as an enemy. After a defensive tower locked it, he attacked directly.

  As waves of arrows fell, the big eyeballs sent by [Eye of the Abyss] did not suffer much damage. This thing is very strong.

  【Eye of the Abyss】ignoring the attack, he continued: "I have no hostility towards you, you'd better listen to what I have to say..."

  【Eye of the Abyss】As soon as the words fell, an arrow from Zhenhouyi Tower shot through this big eyeball and directly exploded it!

  Wu Feng then slowly opened his mouth: "Are you teaching me how to do things? I saw your mark. You are a member of the Sky Eye Alliance? The Sky Eye Alliance is the enemy in my eyes!"

   "And you think I don't know what you're doing? Your big eyeballs have been scanning the information in my territory. If you take a look, I'll shoot your eyeballs once!"

This attack was really beyond [Eye of the Abyss]'s expectation. Although he has more than one eye of the abyss, every time he loses an eye of the abyss, he needs a lot of resources to breed again, and he will feel severe pain .

  [Eye of the Abyss] Now I know the power and arrogance of [Nine Heavens Journey]. Regardless of whether you are hostile or not, if you pose like this, you will be taught a lesson.

  So [Eye of the Abyss] didn't dare to pretend to be a wolf with a big tail. After he condensed an Eye of the Abyss again, he could only close his eyes and go out of Wu Feng's territory.

  If he dared to open his eyes and look around, Wu Feng would definitely shoot his eyes out!

  Actually, Wu Feng has a good fortune jade plate, so he is not afraid that the Eye of the Abyss will look around, and even what the other party sees is all information that Wu Feng has disguised.

   But he just doesn't like this kind of sneaky guy who pretends to be here to do something, but still thinking about how it's not good for him. Is he really the only smart person?

  After 【Eye of the Abyss】pretended not to open his eyes again, Wu Feng sent a whiteboard hero over to communicate: "You said someone wanted to talk to me. If it's as expected, it's someone from the Three-Eyed Clan, right?"

  Wu Feng had heard about it from Zhu Biyu a long time ago. Although the Sky Eye Alliance is a relatively well-known intelligence organization, this organization is not something with a good reputation.

  They were established by a top powerhouse in the Three-Eyed Clan. Among the initial members of the alliance, several were lords of the Three-Eyed Clan.

   This is mainly because the Three-Eyed Clan has the special pupil technique of the third eye in addition to the lord's talent. In this case, some pupil skills are reconnaissance-type Three-Eyed Clan lords, so they jointly established the Sky Eye Alliance.

   Today's [Eye of the Abyss] is the lord of the three-eyed tribe who possesses this kind of pupil technique. His ability is simply too suitable for investigation.

   Most of the members recruited by the Sky Eye Alliance are lords with similar abilities, and the three-eyed tribe accounts for more than 1/3 of them.

  This makes the relationship between the Sky Eye Alliance and the senior officials of the Three Eyes very close, and it is not a neutral intelligence organization at all.

"Your Excellency is so smart, I'm just here to bring a sentence for the Right Prime Minister!" [Eye of the Abyss] Afraid that Wu Feng would not understand, he specifically called out his name: "I am referring to the current Right Prime Minister of the Three-Eyed Dynasty. Master Tianzhu!"

  Wu Feng frowned, "The Eye of the Abyss" said the right-hand man, Wu Feng naturally knew who it was, and that was the real super big shot! The former Dragon Guard of the Three-Eyed Emperor is now the right-hand minister of the Three-Eyed Emperor.

   It is said that this right minister is also a master-level strength, and also controls a powerful god-level alliance, and is the right-hand man of the three-eyed emperor.

   Moreover, this right minister of the three-eyed tribe, codenamed Tianzhu, is one of the sharpest swords in the hands of the three-eyed emperor, and he is the same as the generalissimo who conquered countless strong men.

  The name of the Right Prime Minister can really stop children crying at night, and many overlords and even rulers have fallen in his hands. In the era when the three-eyed emperor rose, he was an invincible powerhouse.

  Now with his high status and authority, a single word can affect the fate of countless people.

  [The Eye of the Abyss] actually said that he was here to speak for him, so Wu Feng knew that his fight with Big Brother had already attracted the attention of the top three-eyed tribe.

  Although Wu Feng hadn't killed the big brother yet, he had already fought the big brother according to him. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that when the barrier to avoid the battle disappeared, the two sides would probably decide the winner.

  This time, it should be called both victory and defeat, life and death!

   "The right minister asked you to bring me a message? It was you who brought the devil here?" Wu Feng said suddenly, and his words made [Eye of the Abyss] stunned, and he was a little unresponsive.

  As the lord of the three-eyed tribe, [Eye of the Abyss] naturally didn't know the meaning of this stalk, just like many lords outside the three-eyed tribe didn't know that the big eyeball was a compliment to the three-eyed lord.

  This is the same as when others say that the lord of the big-headed tribe is a big-headed boy, or that the lord of the blue-star tribe is called a big dick.

  Although【Eye of the Abyss】didn't understand the stalk, he could tell that Jiu Tian Aoyou dared to say that the right minister is a devil? This seems to be a curse word used by the lord of the Dragon Kingdom, right?

  Dare to insult the right prime minister, this nine-day tour is really audacious!

  [Eye of the Abyss] was ready to scare Jiutian Aoyou, but seeing his unscrupulous posture, [Eye of the Abyss] was scared again.

  He felt that if he said so about Nine Heavens Travel, this guy might let the defense tower attack him again. In that case, wouldn't he lose another Eye of the Abyss.

  The lord of the Three-Eyed Clan thought about it, but he still didn't touch the fate of the Nine Heavens Soaring, so he could only say sullenly: "The right minister is a master-level powerhouse, and he has already noticed you."

Wu Feng was not afraid at all, he chuckled: "He is also big-eyed!? How is he going to look at me? If you have anything to say, say it quickly, I'm still in a hurry to kill Big Brother and his dragon guards!" !"

  Wu Feng's face-to-face remark made [Eye of the Abyss]'s scalp tingle. This guy is not afraid of the right man at all!

   Actually said to his face that he was going to kill the eleventh prince. This really didn't give him any face. It just made people's scalp tingle. How dare this guy be so bold.

  [Eye of the Abyss] can only bite the bullet and say: "My lord right minister told me to tell you, little guy, you have to stop as soon as you do anything."

   "If you stop here, you can end in a draw with the eleventh prince, and the prime minister will ask the eleventh prince to evacuate this area. The entire country of No. 062 is yours."

  Wu Feng sneered, it was a draw? Let big brother retreat? Also give me country No. 062?

  I just need to get rid of the big brother, more territory is mine, I need you to give me country 062 like alms?

   This right-hand man simply wanted to use the ability of the fruit of face to make Wu Feng give up dealing with Big Brother, which is simply ridiculous.

  However, considering the direct refusal, the right minister might take action in person regardless of face, Wu Feng was not quick to speak, he said with a smile: "Then the right minister should let the elder brother remove the battle avoidance barrier now and evacuate."

   "As long as the big brother is 10 regions away from me in the future, I will not deal with him. Of course, he should stay away when he sees me. After all, he is my defeated opponent."

  Wu Feng's words are to make him give up this proposal by using conditions that the elder brother can't agree to.

  With the pride of the big brother, it is absolutely impossible to agree to such a condition. After all, letting the big brother see him and stay away from 10 regions is more uncomfortable than killing him.

  [Eye of the Abyss] Hearing Wu Feng's reply, he knew that Nine Heavens Travel would not agree. This guy, even the right minister, refused to give face!

  Since this is the case, he has to say some words, [Eye of the Abyss] still think about it before speaking: "Hey, I am just responsible for conveying some opinions. If you have some words, just listen to them."

   "Nine Heavens Traveling, this time the Prime Minister is looking for you in person, it is for your face, do you know the power that the Prime Minister has mastered!? The Right Prime Minister can destroy an overlord just by raising his hand."

   "He is in charge of the military department and has the right to mobilize the army. If he says a word, there will be countless three-eyed alliances serving him, including five hundred alliances!"

   "The same master, few people dare to say that they can face the right minister. For us novice lords, he is a **** on top!"

   "Now the Prime Minister has spoken in person, if you are not stubborn..."

  Wu Feng folded his hands and looked coldly at [Eye of the Abyss]: "The right one is your god, not mine!"

   "If I don't agree, what will happen? Let him descend from the 759th floor to the 799th floor and slap me to death!?"

  [Eye of the Abyss] shook his head: "Even if it is Supreme, it is difficult to deal with you across so many layers, but you are not without relatives."

   "According to [Marshal Canopy] and [Floating to Lost Connection] in your alliance, we quickly found out your true identity."

"Your real name is Wu Feng, and your parents work in the Yanhuang Alliance. Their territory is on the 785th floor. Believe it or not, their territory will be erased on the 785th floor with just a word from the right minister! "

  [Eye of the Abyss] wanted to intimidate Wu Feng by finding out the real information. After all, although the 700th floor is a safe zone, no one can guarantee that no accidents will happen.

  He also threatened Wu Feng's parents. Wu Wenjin and Chen Jing share a territory. As one of the official members of the Yanhuang Alliance, Wu Wenjin is also a monopoly.

  But in the mouth of [The Eye of the Abyss], the Yanhuang Alliance is nothing. The power mastered by the right minister can indeed mobilize a large number of the top 500 alliances to take action.

   On the 785th floor, the power of the Three-Eyed Clan Alliance is astonishing, and the Yanhuang Alliance may not be able to keep Wu Wenjin and Chen Jing.

  Wu Feng knew that the possibility of what [Eye of the Abyss] said did exist, and if the right minister really wanted to target his parents, their territory would be very dangerous.

   But this is exactly the possibility that Wu Feng imagined before, he knew that the three-eyed royal family would make some tricks!

  [Eye of the Abyss] Seeing that Wu Feng did not speak, he continued to present all kinds of facts: "[Nine Heavens Travel], don't think that the 799th floor is completely isolated from other floors."

   "At the level of the right minister, there are still many ways to influence the 799th floor. If you anger him, it is not even a question of whether you can keep your own territory."

   "The eleventh prince is the nephew of the right minister. With the support of the right minister, the eleventh prince will definitely become a new generation of **** emperor."

   "I advise you to obediently go to the Eleventh Prince to admit your mistake now. If your attitude is a little humble and you get the understanding of His Royal Highness, then you still have a way to survive."

   "For example, if you dedicate many of your mythical items to His Royal Highness and become His Royal Highness's loyal guard, you can still become a member of our Three-Eyed Dynasty. Your Majesty the God Emperor, there is also a precedent for foreign dragon guards..."

  [Eye of the Abyss] Just as he was speaking, a black arrow shot into his eye. Wu Feng's answer was decisive and cold: "Let me be a dog for the eleventh prince? You must have thought too much!"

   "Then you also tell that **** prince, he is dead! I said it! If the three-eyed emperor comes, he will be gone!"

   "When the battle-avoiding barrier disappears, that's the day I'll kill this **** prince!"

  Wu Feng was just thinking about how to protect his parents before, but [Eye of the Abyss] thought he was afraid, and was still talking nonsense there, thinking about making Wu Feng a dog by threatening.

   Possessing a mythical talent, how could Wu Feng be someone else's dog? Others are afraid of the power of the Three-Eyed Clan, but he is not!

  It is said that the right minister can affect the 799th floor. He may indeed be able to influence a little bit, but at most he can suppress the lord with epic talent.

  Wu Feng possesses a mythical talent, it would be extremely difficult for anyone to deal with him through so many layers.

   Otherwise, there would not be a blue-blooded empress who was crazily suppressed and rose to become the supreme blue-blooded empress.

  Since the blue-blooded empress was able to become supreme under the crazy suppression of the Three-Eyed Clan, Wu Feng felt that he would be invincible on the 799th floor as well.

  After he killed the second eye of [Eye of the Abyss], he had already made up his mind that no matter who stood in his way, no matter what the situation, he would kill Big Brother!

  What right-hand man, what three-eyed royal family, they are all chickens and dogs!

   "However, the old handsome guy and mother are not so safe on the 785th floor. As long as several three-eyed alliances jointly attack, they will be in danger. I have to get someone to protect them."

   Wu Feng is not so worried about his own safety, he still has many mythical heroes that he has not used!

  Now, what he is most worried about is the safety of his parents. He rejected the request of the right prime minister. Maybe this guy will be attacked immediately.

  So Wu Feng immediately contacted the helper he had promised earlier, and he found [Zhan Tian Dou Di] first: "Old man, I need your help..."

  Wu Feng knew that [Zhan Tian Dou Di] had a very straightforward temper, so he cut straight to the point.

  【Zhan TianDouDi】haha laughed: "Little friend, you finally came to me. I heard from [Xiao Hongli] that you are fighting with a prince of the Three-Eyed Clan, and you beat him up?"

   "But you came to me when you gained the upper hand. It's the three-eyed people who brought out the people behind you to suppress you again!? They still haven't made any progress. If you hit the young ones, they will come to the old ones!"

  [Battle of Heaven and Earth] He really deserves to be an old-fashioned master. He is at home, but he can control all these things. Before Wu Feng opened his mouth, he guessed what it was.

Wu Feng also spoke frankly: "That's right, this time the Eleventh Prince's uncle, the right minister of the Three-Eyed Dynasty came to me and asked me to let the Eleventh Prince go, otherwise he would deal with me and my parents." .”

   "I'm on the 799th floor and I'm not afraid of any enemies, but my parents are not. They are only middle-level lords on the 785th floor. As long as the right minister uses a little power casually, their territory may be destroyed."

   "I'm here to find the old man, just to ask the old man to help me protect my parents from being targeted by the three-eyed tribe."

  When Wu Feng sold it to [Zhan Tian Dou Di] before, the other party promised to owe him a favor. This time, it is time to ask [Zhan Tian Dou Di] to pay back the favor.

   And [Zhantiandoudi] is indeed very straightforward: "Little friend, I will take over your matter! As long as it is against the three-eyed tribe, I will do my best!"

   "It happens that my youngest son is on the 785th floor. Don't worry, if someone from the Three-Eyed Clan makes a move, I will let my youngest son suppress the opponent. He is also a four-star overlord anyway."

  The words of [Battle Heaven and Earth] made Wu Feng's eyes brighten. The youngest son of [Battle Heaven and Earth] is a real strong man, a four-star overlord, that is to say, a super lord who has mastered the four heavens!

   On the 785th floor, he is definitely the most influential existence! With such a big shot, Wu Feng felt relieved.

  Wu Feng quickly thanked [Zhantiandoudi]: "Old man, thank you for your action, this time I am really grateful!"

  [Battle Heaven and Earth] He said cheerfully: "Little friend, when I saw you, I felt that I hit it off very well. We can walk around more in the future. I also have a heartfelt request."

   "If [Xiao Hongli] encounters a strong enemy, I hope you can help me take care of her. Although she has developed very smoothly, she is still young and lacks experience in fighting..."

  [Little Red Li] Entered the 799th floor because she was underage. She had only tried the simulation game for a year. In this case, she was much more immature than other lords.

  [Zhantiandoudi] is most worried about [Little Hongli]. As for his grandson who is deviant, he doesn't bother to care about it! Just let him fend for himself!

  It’s still [Xiao Hongli] This little padded jacket from another generation knows how to love grandpa the most.

  [Fighting Heaven and Fighting Earth]'s request, Wu Feng immediately agreed: "Senior, it's absolutely fine, I will pay attention to her."

  After the two exchanged with each other, Wu Feng hung up the communication. He took a deep breath, and went to find the second master, which is the father of the [King of the Four Seas] [Seven Seas Sea Emperor]!

  Before looking for it, Wu Feng first contacted [King of the Four Seas]: "Fourth brother, can you help me match up and find Lord [Seven Seas Neptune]?"

  [King of the Four Seas] Seeing Wu Feng's serious expression, he immediately patted his chest and said, "Boss, do you have something to do with my father? I'll just tell him, he will definitely come to see you!"

   With [King of the Four Seas] as a matchmaker, Wu Feng soon met with [Seven Seas Sea Emperor]. In order to facilitate communication, the two met in the virtual space of the Cornucopia Alliance.

  【King of the Four Seas】This guy also followed in with a shameless face. He said that with him here, his father would definitely sell face.

  After seeing each other, the two looked at each other and smiled, [Qihai Haihuang] said first: "Little friend, I would like to thank you for taking in my son and my daughter."

   "They have grown very fast in the god-level alliance. As a father, I am about to visit and thank you!"

  【Neptune of the Seven Seas】has no airs of dominance at all, and 【King of the Four Seas】is very surprised. When his father talks to men, doesn’t he always look aloof.

  Why is it so refreshing to see my boss now? The boss is obviously not a beautiful woman with fair skin and long legs!

  Wu Feng also smiled all over his face: "Senior Sea Emperor, your son and daughter are both excellent, and they are important forces in the alliance. I am very fortunate to have so many outstanding talents joining my alliance."

  [King of the Four Seas] also puffed out his chest: "Father, I have a mythical hero now! I am ranked ninth on the list, which is better than when you were shining among the stars!"

  [Qihai Haihuang] slapped his son on the back of the head: "Since you have a mythical hero, why don't you know how to get one for your sister?"

   "Yu Yan is your own sister! Remember to find a way to help her get an epic hero in the future! Otherwise, I will break your dog legs!"

  [King of the Four Seas] has a bitter face, and he is planning to find a way to get a few more epic heroes to enhance his strength.

  But Dad actually gave himself this kind of task. Although he loves Sister Yuyan very much, it is very difficult to get her to become an epic hero.

  Papa was referring to the fact that the original level is an epic-level hero, and at that time, under the boost of Wushuang God General, he can become a mythical-level hero!

   "Father, then you have to support me a little bit! I don't want any more, you give me seventeen or eight epic hero summoning scrolls, and I'm sure I can help sister Yuyan get an epic hero!"

  [King of the Four Seas] demanded while licking his face.

  As soon as Wu Feng heard it, he called him a good guy, helping [Hongchen·Yuyan] to create an epic hero, you just need seventeen or eight hero summoning scrolls, and these 10 can almost summon an epic hero.

  Now that you speak so much directly, how can you still get some kickbacks?

  [Qihai Haihuang] also had black lines all over his face, and he slapped [King of the Four Seas] on the back of the head again: "I can have seventeen or eight epic hero summoning scrolls myself, and I can wake up with a smile in my dreams!"

   "You still want to ask me to give you so much! You figure it out yourself! Don't you still have two good sisters? If you eat soft food well, you will naturally get it!"

  Speaking, [Qihai Haihuang] looked at Wu Feng again: "My little friend is laughing, my son is only five or six years old, and he has no other advantages except teasing women."

  [King of the Four Seas] muttered to the side: "I didn't learn from you like this! Grandpa scolded you like that at the beginning..."

  【Neptune of Seven Seas】immediately glared at 【King of the Four Seas】: "Have you learned from me? I am here to be principled and not picky eaters. Lolita, girls, and elder sisters are all fine."

   "Don't take the initiative, don't refuse, and don't take responsibility, have you memorized the nine-character formula!? You actually went to lick your aunt who is fifteen years older than you!"

  Wu Feng coughed: "Senior Sea Emperor..."

  [Seven Seas Neptune] waved his hand: "Let's call him Brother Haihuang. I'm not much older than me, so I'll be more kind to you."

  [King of the Four Seas] stared wide-eyed, if the boss calls his father brother, wouldn’t the boss become my uncle?

  But [King of the Four Seas] is ready to continue to be called the boss. Our seniority can be discussed separately, and we can't mix them together!

Wu Feng had no choice but to change his words: "Brother Haihuang, as the saying goes, a third-year girl holds a gold brick, and a thirty-year-old girl sends Jiangshan. I think the only flaw of the fourth child is that he has not found someone who is thirty years older than him." Aunt…"

[King of the Four Seas] also muttered: "Dad, didn't you say it yourself, you didn't know your aunt when you were young, and you mistakenly regarded girls as treasures? Isn't this also your regret? If you can learn from your son when you are young , you have already become the supreme!"

  【Neptune of the Seven Seas】was almost laughed at by 【King of the Four Seas】, I will learn from you? At that time you were not born yet! how to learn

  If I learn from you, you will be gone!

[Qihai Haihuang] was too lazy to be serious with [King of the Four Seas], so he shifted the topic back to Wu Feng: "Let's not talk about these polite words, my little friend is looking for me, but for the sake of a decisive battle with the three-eyed prince. thing?"

Wu Feng also answered openly and honestly: "It seems that Brother Haihuang has already guessed it. I have completely suppressed Big Brother now, but he used an epic avoidance card. I can't forcefully break it. I can only surround him first." .”

   "Not long ago, the right minister of the Three-Eyed Dynasty asked me to let the eleventh prince go, or he would deal with me. He also investigated my true identity and the location of my parents' territory..."

[Qihai Haihuang] Hearing this, he shook his head with disdain: "Sure enough, the three-eyed clan is playing this trick again. Whenever a talented lord emerges, especially after someone suppresses the genius of the three-eyed clan, the three-eyed clan This kind of suppression strategy will be played.”

   "Relying on their status as the number one of the ten clans, they killed and maimed many talented lords with good potential. You are not the first case."

   [Seven Seas Sea Emperor], let Wu Feng nod, he also knows this, with the three-eyed tribe's **** nature, it is really impossible for them to use this trick only on him.

It can be said that as long as the people of the three-eyed clan cannot win, they will use the power behind them to suppress their opponents. Since the three-eyed clan is now the number one of the ten clans and has the most supreme among the ten clans, they are among the top ten clans. Hegemony has been formed.

  In addition, there is also the kobold race, a race that voluntarily becomes a dog, and the power of the three-eyed race can simply sweep other races.

  【Neptune of the Seven Seas】When he was young, he also encountered a similar situation, but because of his family background, he still became the master under pressure.

  But those genius lords who can’t find a backer, have been maimed and killed by the three-eyed tribe, and no one can back them up.

  In the eyes of the Three-Eyed Clan, [Nine Heavens Traveling] belonged to this kind of lord with little background, and at most it was supported by the Tianzu of the Dragon Kingdom.

  Ketian Group only represents the power of the Dragon Kingdom in the Blue Star Human Race, so how can it compete against the general trend of the Three-Eyed Race alone!

   It's just that Wu Feng has already established a line with other masters through various props in his hand, and [Seven Seas Sea Emperor] is one of the backers he found!

   "Brother Neptune, please help me protect my parents. Their territory is on the 785th floor, and I cannot radiate to that floor."

  Wu Feng put forward his own request, and 【Seven Seas Sea Emperor】patted his chest and agreed: "No problem, our Naga tribe also has a powerful lord on the 785th floor, I will ask someone to help take care of it."

   "If the three-eyed people really attack them, I will do my best to save them!"

  [Seven Seas Sea Emperor]'s words are equivalent to adding an insurance policy. Wu Feng is still very grateful for this, and he and [Seven Seas Sea Emperor] also gradually established a friendship in this way.

  After discussing this matter, [Qihai Haihuang] saw that [King of the Four Seas] was still there, so he still said to Wu Feng: "Brother Aoyou, brother, I have a heartfelt request, I need your help..."

   "I only learned some time ago that the daughter I gave birth to with a female overlord of the blue blood race is now the lord of the 799th floor."

   "She is now in Tianyu No. 055. I heard from Si Hai that you also have a need to expand outward. Want to draw a group of lords from other Tianyu into your alliance?"

   "My daughter [Shangguan Yun'er] should be able to meet your needs, why don't you drag him into the Supreme Alliance?"

   Before Wu Feng could speak, [King of the Four Seas] looked at [Seven Seas Sea Emperor] in disbelief: "Father! You actually have other illegitimate daughters? How many women do you have out there?"

  [Qihai Haihuang] slapped [King of the Four Seas] on the head: "Your mother didn't even ask me this, so you came here to ask!? So far, I only know that I have two daughters."

   "Aren't you happy that you have a younger sister? By the way, when Yun'er joins the Supreme Alliance, you will also be responsible for helping her get an epic hero, otherwise I will beat you up."

  【King of the Four Seas】I am speechless, this is another cheap sister who fell from the sky!

   But he doesn't want this sister! Because he is going to add another task, Dad, you think I am a wholesale epic hero! ?

  Wu Feng couldn't help but said: "Old Duan..."

  [Qihai Haihuang] shook his head: "Why do you Blue Star people like to call me Lao Duan? My surname is not Duan..."

  Wu Feng had no choice but to change his address: "Brother Haihuang, I can pull your daughter into the Supreme Alliance, but I suggest you contact those beauties you were merciful in the past, maybe you can have a few more daughters..."

  [Qihai Haihuang] also sighed: "Thinking about the time when I was the most chic, it happened to be eleven years ago. If you count the time, if you really have harvested..."

   "The four seas you..."

  Wu Feng also looked at [King of the Four Seas]: "Xiao Duan..."

  [King of the Four Seas] shook his head: "Boss, my father's surname is not Duan, and of course I don't believe in Duan..."

   Wu Feng had no choice but to pat [King of the Four Seas] on the shoulder: "It doesn't matter, even if your surname is not Duan, then you may have a few more brothers or sisters."

  [King of the Four Seas] with a mournful face: "Boss, I really don't have that much ability, so arrange an epic hero for each of them!"

  [Seven Seas Sea Emperor] didn't care about the miserable expression of [King of the Four Seas], he immediately laughed: "I'm going to find someone to help you protect your parents, I'm leaving first!"

   "I told Yun'er, you remember to add her to the alliance..."

  [Qihai Haihuang] decisively chose the yo-yo. After he left the virtual space, he immediately contacted a blue-blooded mistress named [Linglong female respect].

  Seeing the private message sent by 【Qihai Haihuang】, 【Linglong Mistress】sneered coldly: "You heartbroken man, I have already told you not to contact me again! What are you doing looking for me again?"

   "Are you going to die again? Aren't you afraid that that wicked woman in your family will cut you off?"

  [Qihai Haihuang] He didn't care at all when he heard what [Linglong Empress] said. The female bodyguard of the blue-blooded empress has been giving such duplicity since the first time they met.

  Hearing her first sentence of heartbreaker, 【Qi Hai Hai Huang】 knew that the old love in the other party's heart had not been broken, so he said cheerfully: "I came for our daughter."

   "I have helped Yun'er find a strong alliance that can make her grow quickly. Don't you want her to become the second empress! I will pave the way for her."

  【Linglong Mistress】stared coldly at 【Qihai Haihuang】: "You finally have some conscience! You found an epic alliance for Yun'er?"

   "Of course there are people in our blue-blood clan who can establish an epic alliance. You don't need to take action. Yun'er hasn't accepted you as a father until now!"

  【Neptune of the Seven Seas】A look of tenderness: "If it's just an epic alliance, how can I take it seriously, I'm the master of a generation!"

   "The next player I'm looking for is the god-level alliance. [Nine Heavens Travel], have you heard of it? His alliance is the newly established god-level alliance, and now there are vacancies!"

   "The alliance characteristics of the Supreme Alliance are very powerful, enough to help Yun'er complete his great cause!"

  [Linglong Female Venerable] was also a little surprised, and she quickly remembered something: "The son of you and that wicked woman should be in the Supreme Alliance!"

   "It's no wonder you can get this quota. For your sake, I'll let Yun'er join!"

  [Linglong Female Venerable] still has this duplicity, she is actually very happy in her heart, with the bonus of the god-level alliance, Shangguan Yun'er will become stronger rapidly.

[Seven Seas Neptune] still strike while the iron is hot: "I also arranged for Sihai to take care of Yun'er. As an older brother, he will take care of Yun'er for me. I arranged for him to prepare an epic hero for Yun'er, plus alliance characteristics , Yun'er will be able to have a god-level hero!"

  [Linglong Female Venerable] Hearing this, she still snorted coldly: "Damn ghost, you still have a little conscience!"

  Hearing the name of the dead ghost, [Qihai Haihuang] felt hot in his heart. He thought of the days before and after the moon many years ago, and the days when he sank in the sound of the dead ghost.

   But thinking of the one at home, [Seven Seas Neptune] coughed: "By the way, [Nine Heavens Travel] also encountered a little trouble."

   "He is at the most critical moment of the battle with the prince of the three-eyed tribe, but the right minister of the three-eyed tribe wants to sideline the fight, so [Nine Heavens Traveling] asked me to help him take care of his parents."

   "I have asked a Naga overlord to help me out. I remember that you also have a sub-base on the 785th floor. I wonder if it is inconvenient for you to make a move."

   "If you make a move, I can ask [Nine Heavens Travel] to help take care of Yun'er, this little guy has a lot of good things..."

  【Linglong Female Venerable】looked at 【Qihai Haihuang】with a smile: "I mean, how can you remember me, you heartless man, so you are still thinking about my body!"

  These words made【Seven Seas Sea Emperor】break out in cold sweat, how could he dare to be flirtatious again, 【Linglong Lady】just said that, she still nodded: "For Yun'er's sake, I will help."

   "My lord empress doesn't like the three-eyed tribe the least. If the old guys of the three-eyed tribe really want to make a move, I will teach them a lesson!"

  [Qihai Haihuang] was refreshed, this time he killed three birds with one stone, and he did his best to help [Nine Heavens Travel].

   After all, he sent a son and two daughters to the Supreme Alliance, so naturally he couldn't let the Supreme Alliance be in crisis.

  【Qihai Haihuang】Looked into the distance: "If [Nine Heavens Travel] can really reach that height, then Sihai, Yuyan and Yun'er can be regarded as a single person who has ascended to heaven! I hope they can seize this opportunity!"


   On the other side, after receiving the reply from [Qihai Haihuang], Wu Feng first added [Shangguan Yun'er] as a friend.

   After the other party added friends in a leisurely manner, they sent out an application to join the Supreme Alliance. As soon as Wu Feng passed it, there was a 23rd member in the Supreme Alliance.

  [Shangguan Yun'er] After joining, Wu Feng spoke in the alliance group: "This time we have a newcomer, everyone welcome!"

[Shangguan Yun'er]'s profile picture is a heroic beauty in armor. She also cut her hair short, and she looks very handsome. In the words of [Qianshan Muxue] and [Blue Enchantress], she is very sassy. young lady!

  【Qianshan Muxue】: "Wow! Handsome and sassy young lady, our alliance is really a gathering place for handsome men and beautiful women!"

  [Blue Enchantress] was also very excited: "Not only is she full of heroism, she is also a blue-haired aristocrat in our blue blood clan!"

  [Shangguan Yuner] also introduced himself in the group very succinctly: "Hello everyone, I am [Shangguan Yuner] from the blue blood race. It is a great honor to join the Supreme Alliance. Please take care of me in the future..."

  Wu Feng also noticed that [Shangguan Yun'er]'s blue hair is purer than that of [Blue Enchantress]. Is this the legendary blue-haired nobleman?

  [Shangguan Yun'er]'s hair is all dark blue, while [Blue Enchantress] has some black hair mixed in.

  Wu Feng also remembered the previous rumors, saying that the blood of the blue blood race is blue, which is the only difference from the blue star race.

  But among the blue-blooded people, there is also a group of people with natural blue hair. Not only their hair is blue, but other hairs on their bodies are also blue.

This is said to be a symbol of the pure blood of the blue-blooded people. This kind of blue-haired members often have high talents. Later, many big lords in the blue-blooded family were pure blue-haired, so they were also called blue-haired nobles. .

  The only one is the blue-blooded empress. She was not born with blue hair, but she eventually became a generation of supreme. This is what countless blue-blooded people admire her most!

  [Shangguan Yun'er] is a blue-blooded nobleman, so she is definitely a high-status existence in the blue-blooded family, and [Blue Enchantress] couldn't help but guess her identity.

   "Last name is Shangguan? Could it be the daughter of that empress, it is said that the empress was not tolerated by her tribe because she had a child out of wedlock, and later the empress saved her..."

   "If it's the daughter of that empress, then this is also the daughter of an overlord! You can often see the Empress..."

  【Blue Enchantress】Thinking of this makes her excited, she really wants to ask 【Shangguan Yuner】what the Empress likes to do every day...

  Wu Feng saw that [Shangguan Yun'er] was capable, so he privately messaged him: "Shangguan, is your territory in Tianyu No. 055?"

  [Shangguan Yun'er] nodded: "That's right, my territory is country 087 in Tianyu No. 055, and now I am the monopoly of one area."

  Monopoly, then【Shangguan Yuner】is indeed very strong. It seems that she is at least the owner of a legendary talent.

What surprised Wu Feng even more was that [Shangguan Yun'er] gave him another blockbuster: "In Tianyu No. 055, there is also a three-eyed prince. Compete with him for the top spot on the rich list."

  [Shangguan Yun'er] continued: "So my mother told me that I can join the Supreme Alliance, and I immediately agreed."

   "I can help you kill the eleventh prince first, and then we will work together to deal with the fourteenth prince!"

  (end of this chapter)

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