MTL - Lord of the Abyss-Chapter 389 Attack on the castle in the sky!

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  Chapter 389 Attack in the Sky City!

  【Steel Guardian】The orange hero was killed, his heart was bleeding, so he carefully observed this strange black city wall, and finally realized that the enemy's black city wall is not so simple.

   Its characteristics are consistent with those of the Great Wall!

  Tall beacon towers and Great Wall guards that can be combined with guards.

  A powerful barrier that can withstand all attacks!

  These are the basic abilities of the Impassable Great Wall, but the judgment made by [Steel Guardian] made the other lords in the coalition army unbelievable.

  They all stared at the Great Wall in a daze: "Is it really the Great Wall? This is a mythical defensive building. How could it appear in the territory of [Nine Heavens Tour]!"

   "Boss guard, did you read it wrong!? We haven't even got the orange city wall yet, how come [Nine Heavens Travel] has mythical buildings!"

   "That's right, mythical buildings, that will only appear in the late stage. We are still playing with mud in the early stage. How could a lord make such a big killer out of it?"

  The other lords are unwilling to believe the judgment of [Steel Guard], mainly because this judgment is too appalling.

  They all thought that this kind of city wall in the [Nine Heavens Tour] territory was just an orange or legendary city wall.

  The legendary city wall is only about 4 kilometers away, so everyone will pay a little more casualties!

[Steel Guardian] has already backed down: "Am I that stupid? Is it the Great Wall of Impossibility? Can I be wrong? I have faced the Great Wall of Impairment in the simulation game. Give us another month's time." It’s impossible for us to break through the Great Wall of Despair!”

   "[Nine Heavens Tour] is not impossible to get the Great Wall of Desperation. If he can establish a god-level alliance, he must have completed the task of the god-level dungeon!"

   "The Great Wall of Despair, isn't it from a god-level dungeon! The chances of this are quite high!"

  【Steel Guardian】analysis finally made some lords pay attention. Among them, someone took out a spell scroll and tried it.

   "Originally, I wanted to use this magic scroll to destroy the last line of defense of [Nine Heavens Travel] in one fell swoop, so let me try to see if this is the Great Wall of Impossibility!"

  The lord named [Infinite Firepower] used a legendary forbidden scroll. As the scroll was torn apart, countless meteors and fire showers fell from the sky, focusing on the Great Wall of Impossibility.

  But such a legendary forbidden technique only caused a little ripple on the impasse barrier, and did not cause any destructive effect at all.

   Instead, the Arrow Tower aimed at this side, and a wave of arrows rained down, killing the mage hero who used the forbidden scroll in [Infinite Firepower] in seconds.

   This attempt made many lords of the coalition army silent. They could clearly see that the legendary forbidden technique just now had no defense at all!

  This barrier has endured such a fierce forbidden technique without losing even a hair. This is by no means the defensive ability that a legendary city wall can possess!

  [Steel Guardian] thoroughly proved that this is the Great Wall, and he immediately reported the situation to his boss [Dragon Guard·August Flower].

   "Boss, during the siege of area 016, we discovered the Great Wall of Despair in the territory of [Nine Heavens Tour]! What should we do?"

  At this time, 【Dragon Guard·August Flower】has no time to answer 【Iron Guard】, because the current August Flower is tired of dealing with the counterattack of 【Nine Heavens Tour】.

  Before when the coalition forces attacked several areas of Wu Feng, [Dragon Guard August Flower] led a group of Dragon Guards to attack the outpost in area 022.

  Because Area 022 was surrounded by the Iron Curtain, the Dragon Guards concentrated their elites again. In their plan, Area 022 was the most promising one.

   After all, after the Iron Curtain encircles, there will be no reinforcements in Area 022, and it is absolutely impossible to defend the outpost base alone.

  The facts are similar to [Dragon Guard·August Flower]'s estimate. [Nine-day Travel] has about 50,000 troops left in the outpost 022.

   However, it was besieged by 12 Dragon Guards with an army of 300,000, although [Nine Heavens Travel] put a star tower in this outpost.

  But the dragon guards are much stronger than other lords. Their elites resisted the output of the star tower and demolished the first two walls of the outpost within a few hours.

  [Dragon Guard·August Flower] rushed to attack the third city wall. In the process, they also encountered a landmine detonated in Harlem.

  But the dragon guards all had various means. They used various spells to block the power of the mine explosion, and only lost a small part of their troops.

   This is the gap between Dragon Guards and ordinary lords. They have prepared various props to deal with possible enemies and situations.

  The minefields laid out did not cause much damage to Dragon Guard, and the other defensive facilities in the outpost were even more meaningless.

  [Dragon Guard·August Flower] let his own epic hero lead the team, and broke down the third city wall in one fell swoop. Many of the Stormy Pear Blossom Towers on it were forcibly demolished by [Dragon Guard·August Flower].

  After the third layer of city wall was destroyed, [Dragonguard August Flower] was ready to sweep the outpost base in one fell swoop, but he also saw the black city wall behind this layer of city wall.

  This circle of black city walls is 20 kilometers long. [Dragon Guard August Flower] is far more discerning than [Iron Guard].

   The moment he saw the black city wall, he realized that it was the Great Wall of Impossibility!

   "[Nine Heavens Tour] has the Great Wall of Desperation! No, this is a trap!" [Longwei·August Flower] reacted extremely quickly.

  After seeing the Great Wall of Desperation, 【Dragon Guard·August Flower】realized the danger. With the Great Wall of Desperation, many of their arrangements would be meaningless!

   And Wu Feng also allowed the elites in the Great Wall to attack with all their strength when the enemy rushed under the Great Wall of Impossibility: "It can be fully fired! Blow me hard!"

  Following Wu Feng's signal, the two meteor turrets on the Impassable Great Wall fired immediately. The meteor cannon and other heavy artillery fired at the same time, which directly plunged Longwei's army into a baptism of terrifying artillery fire.

This cannon fire is the firepower of an epic defense tower, and with the addition of the star tower, a large number of heroes and units were dropped in seconds, even the epic heroes of [Dragon Guard August Flower] were heavily concentrated, almost By seconds.

  In addition to the defensive tower firing, Wu Feng's powerful troops have descended, and the iron curtain encirclement is only an epic talent ability.

   The Impassable Great Wall is a mythical-level defensive building. The connected Great Wall can still transport troops freely under the siege of the Iron Curtain.

  Wu Feng didn't do anything before, just waiting for the city of the sky to move to a suitable position.

   Now that the time is just right, Wu Feng immediately sent several of his armies to the past, the heavy artillery army led by Qi Yalu, and the night ranger army led by Geralt.

   These two armies, which were still in other areas according to Longwei's calculations, were airborne to area 022 in an instant. With the Great Wall of Desperation, it is so easy to dispatch troops.

  Wu Feng's golem army and chariot army descended together. The golems possessed invincible fighting power on the battlefield, and thousands of lava chariots also had powerful mobility and firepower.

  Following the arrival of the four legions, Wu Feng immediately launched a counterattack. All the legions have received the bonus of the Great Wall guards. The enemy is right under the Great Wall. The 50 kilometers range will be a death zone that the enemy cannot escape!

  Seeing Geralt soaring into the sky, he immediately turned on the transformation of the Dark Demon King, turning into a Dark Demon King with four demon wings.

   Geralt stretched out his hand, and the sky turned black. Under the influence of his power, this dark environment will last at least an hour!

  With the double bonus of the power of the night and the power of the guard, the night rangers turned into bosses one by one, and followed Geralt to kill them!

   This powerful and unparalleled army immediately made the dragon guards feel hopeless. Geralt made a flash and appeared in front of the epic hero of [Dragon Guard August Flower].

  Both are epic-level heroes, but Geralt has crushing-level strength. His speed exceeds the limit of the opponent's reaction. He swung his knife from the side and easily cut off the opponent's right hand.

The Dark Moon Knife in Geralt's hand was extremely sharp. When the blade turned, it slashed across the chest and abdomen of the enemy again. The epic hero was beheaded by Geralt on the spot!

  Geralt's invincibility in one-on-one duels at the same level is really vividly displayed!

   "Retreat! Retreat quickly!" The epic hero of [Dragon Guard August Flower] was killed. He was both angry and heartbroken, but all he could do was urge his brothers to retreat.

   Now it is clear that with the Great Wall at the Impassable, it is impossible for them to capture this outpost, and the idea of ​​the Iron Curtain encircling and blocking reinforcements is a joke.

  [Nine Heavens Soaring] reinforcements, as well as the bonus of the Great Wall guards, the suppression of the Iron Curtain is offset, and the enemy is even stronger than before.

  The Dragon Guards had already suffered heavy losses due to the siege of the city, and now they are being hit head-on by the enemy's reinforcements. If the tough ones continue to fight, they will only be wiped out under the artillery support of the Impassable Great Wall.

  How could Wu Feng let these guys run away like this? He allowed the enemy to break through the three-story city wall, just to make the enemy unable to retreat now!

   "Since you're here, don't leave!"

  Following Wu Feng's call, the Nine Heavens Thunder Pool Tower appeared in the outpost, and then there were countless thunder pools that blocked all the escape routes of [Longwei·August Flower] and others.

   This is a Lei Chi trap set by the three Nine Heavens Lei Chi Pagodas. There are so many of them that can be deployed. Wu Feng only needs to let Lei Chi block the enemy's retreat.

  On the enemy's retreat path, a row of mine-clearance pools formed an insurmountable moat. If you want to continue to retreat, you have to wade through the mine pools.

   Among the dragon guards, there were also some brave ones. [Dragon Guard Eight-Star King] sent his troops into the thunder pond, and he sent thunder beasts with high resistance to thunder.

  But even if it was a thunder-type beast, after entering the thunder pool, it also attracted the sky thunder, and it was also blasted to pieces by the sky thunder and the damage from the thunder pool.

  Such a fierce thunder pool, if you force your way through it, at least half of the troops will die in battle, and considering the paralysis effect of the thunder pool, the chances of being caught up by the enemy's troops are extremely high!

  In this case, [Dragon Guard August Flower] could only bite the bullet and fight, but he was soon ravaged by the Velociraptor Golem and the Golden Giant Golem.

   This kind of high-end golem rushes into the enemy group first. They can withstand all kinds of attacks and wantonly destroy the formation. Each golem is cast from extremely high-strength steel.

   It is much more difficult to take down a golem than to kill a boss of the same quality. Wu Feng also has not only golems, he also has heavy artillery gunners and meteor turrets in the rear for fire support.

  【Dragon Guard·August Flower】In the end, they planned to use the teleportation card to teleport all the troops away, but the Liangyi Formation Tower also appeared in the outpost at this time.

  The Liangyi array has already enveloped this area, and under the effect similar to the iron curtain encirclement, [Dragon Guard August Flower] can only send the troops away unless they use an epic teleportation card!

   Such a rare prop, 【Dragon Guard·August Flower】naturally they would not have it, and 【Dragon Guard·August Flower】had been completely shocked by Wu Feng's handwriting.

   "[Nine Heavens Tour] has relocated several epic defense towers at one time, why does he have so many epic relocation cards?"

  [Dragon Guard·August Flower] What I don't know is that Wu Feng has an epic Void Shadow controlled by Vigus, so why does he need to use the defense tower migration card!

  Multiple means to completely block the Dragon Guard troops brought by [Dragon Guard·August Flower], when [Iron Guard] sent a message.

  Wu Feng has already completed the encirclement, so [Longwei·August Flower] naturally has no intention of replying to him.

   Naturally, I know that [Nine Heavens Tour] has the Great Wall of Desperation, and I am f---ing surrounded!

  After the Great Wall of Desperation was exposed, Wu Feng also launched the fiercest counterattack: "Other areas, you can also attack, first destroy all these coalition forces!"

   "Others can come here too. After we wipe out the coalition forces, we will wipe out all the territories of these three-eyed boys and kobolds!"

  After Wu Feng issued the order, Xiaonan, Xiaobei, [Fairy Gushe], [Qianshan Dusk Snow], and [King of the Four Seas], who had been preparing for a long time, all parachuted onto the battlefield through the Great Wall of Desperation.

  They brought their own elite army, and it was time to beat the dogs in the water!

  These elite legions all have bonuses from Beacon Towers and Great Wall Guards. After their attributes and levels are soaring, they can easily crush the troops of the coalition forces.

   At this moment, countless gargoyles and life-stealers poured out from various bases, as well as mechanical dogs and machine-gun robots overwhelming the sky, overwhelming all the attacking enemies!

   If Wu Feng followed the conventional explosive style, the troops produced every day by the construction of arms would be a drop in the bucket.

   Fortunately, he has a mechanical heart and a melting pot of heaven and earth. As long as the mechanical heart has enough resources, it can be built desperately, and the production line and various mechanical arms can be exploded crazily.

  Epic-level mechanical heart, the production line within the orange quality is unlimited, and Wu Feng can openly manufacture the production lines corresponding to technologies such as mechanical dogs and machine gun robots.

  Before Aoshi Jiuzhongtian only pulled 4 mechanical dog production lines and 4 machine gun robot production lines, because his resources are limited, and it is useless to pull more production lines.

  Wu Feng possesses far more resources than he does. He also owns a large amount of territory and can mine all kinds of ores. His resources are at least dozens of times that of the World-Defying Nine Heavens.

  He also decisively pulled dozens of production lines. After the production capacity is full, the daily output of mechanical dogs can exceed 200,000. At the same time, according to the expansion of the territory, he is constantly setting up more production lines.

  The number of mechanical dogs and machine gun robots is increasing. Up to now, the number of mechanical troops accumulated by Wu Feng has exceeded 2 million.

  Relying on the increase in the skills of thousands of troops, Wu Feng can increase the overall attributes of the mechanical dog and the machine gun robot by more than 1000%! In this way, the attributes of purple-quality mechanical units are also comparable to orange-quality.

   This is quantitative change leading to qualitative change. Although Wu Feng divided his troops, there are hundreds of thousands of various mechanical units on each battlefield.

  In addition to the high-level and large number of heaven and earth ghosts, he actually took the initiative to attack when he encountered the siege of the coalition forces.

   Various bases spit out massive armies like anti-black holes, and the lords of the Three-eyed and Kobold tribes immediately discovered that the enemies they encountered were very powerful.

   I saw a mechanical dog that was only a circle bigger than a tiger and a lion rushing into their battle formation. The bite force and firepower of these mechanical dogs were amazing, and they were capable of close combat and long-range firepower.

  Each mechanical dog has the combat power of the orange unit, causing heavy losses to their troops in minutes. A mechanical dog can generally kill several units of the coalition army.

  Under the impact of the mechanical dogs, the coalition forces suffered heavy losses.

   "Is this a mechanical dog? I have met mechanical dogs of other lords before, but I have never seen such a fierce one! Did this mechanical dog take medicine?"

   "Damn it!? My purple-quality cavaliers can't charge and sweep this group of mechanical dogs, and they even tore down my cavaliers!"

   "My dear, the mechanical dogs of [Nine Heavens Travel] are not only large in number, but also very high in quality. The production of high-quality mechanical troops will not reduce the output?"

   It is not that the members of the coalition forces present have never seen a mechanical dog, but they have never seen such a fierce mechanical dog.

  This completely overturned their cognition and made the coalition forces miserable. Originally, the coalition forces they formed were to crush the Supreme Alliance by relying on their numerical superiority.

   But now their numerical advantage is not obvious. Although there are many lords, the number of coalition forces that can be formed is only two or three times that of mechanical dogs and machine gun robots.

   But the quality of the coalition troops is far inferior to mechanical dogs and machine gun robots. In the coalition army, the main troops are green and blue troops, and the number of purple troops is small.

  The mechanical dogs and machine gun robots made by Wu Feng are mainly of purple quality, which is a model with very high production capacity.

  After the number reaches the standard, thousands of troops can make them equivalent to the same kind of orange quality, which improves the quality of mechanical dogs and machine gun robots in disguise.

   It is possible for the orange units to fight against the blue units. It is possible for one mechanical dog to rush into the enemy group and kill all directions.

   Wu Feng was very satisfied with the performance of the mechanical dog army. They acted as cannon fodder in front to attract firepower, and the other lords of the Supreme Alliance could send a large army to sweep the enemy.

  The coalition forces had already been beaten to death on the three-story city wall, and their losses were huge. After the Great Wall of Desperation was exposed, Wu Feng sent the army over.

  [King of the Four Seas]'s Black Dragon led a group of dragons to fight out from area 016. His heroes and troops slaughtered the coalition forces wantonly, causing the enemies to flee in all directions.

  [King of the Four Seas] killed very well: "It's still the boss who is strong, deliberately attracting this group of guys deep into the hinterland, and then defeating them in one fell swoop, this is so cool to chase and kill!"

[Steel Guardian] Looking at the three-headed black dragon spewing flames in the sky in shock, he almost knelt down with his legs weak: "What the hell! This is a mythical hero!? In the Supreme Alliance, there are such Such a boss exists, this is too heaven-defying!"

  The other coalition forces also saw the lethality of the World Extinguishing Black Dragon. They had no power to resist and were completely killed.


  In area 042, Temujin of [Zhu Family's Sixth] also led the Mongolian iron cavalry to defeat the enemy's army.

  After mopping up area 077 where he was located, Temujin summoned more Mongolian iron cavalry, led by this mythical hero, who could easily pierce through the enemy formation just like [King of the Four Seas].

  Tiemu really existed, and the dragon guards already knew about it. They just didn't expect that Tiemu would really come out at the deadliest moment, and directly killed their coalition forces.

  [Zhu Family’s Sixth] smiled and said: "It’s my favorite rhythm of chasing the defeated army again. This wave must kill the enemy’s lair! Temujin, we are going to sweep an area alone this time!"


  In area 043, the troops of [Qianshan Muxue] and [Gushe Fairy] are also chasing and killing the enemy's coalition forces. Both of them have epic heroes.

   After working together, the two were able to sweep the coalition forces, relying on epic heroes to wantonly destroy the enemy's formation, and Wu Feng also sent Demon Lu Bu.

  Riding like a thousand horses, Lu Bu wielding Fang Tian's painted halberd is simply a **** of killing, killing the enemy quickly collapsed, and he was chased all the way.

  【Qianshan Muxue】smiled and said: "Master Leader is really in control of everything. These coalition forces are already exhausted. If we fight out now, we can defeat them in one fell swoop!"

  [Gu She Fairy] nodded: "Three epic heroes are enough to be worth a mythical hero. To deal with these coalition forces, we don't need that much combat power!"

   "What I'm thinking about is how we can quickly take down the territories of these lords later!"


  Many outside lords watching the battle saw that many bases of [Nine Heavens Travel] were about to be destroyed, thinking that this time the Three-Eyed Clan had the upper hand.

  But they never expected that the Great Wall of Desperation suddenly revealed by [Nine Heavens Travel] completely reversed the situation.

  They were all shocked by this, because the meaning of the Great Wall is so special!

[Little Supervisor] got the news right away: "No matter what the outcome of this battle is, the news that [Nine Heavens Travel] owns the Great Wall of Desperation will make the headlines! It will be the headlines on the entire 799th floor! "

  “[Jiu Tian You You] is really a huge news source, and I have made headlines on the front page several times because of him!”

  [Little supervisor] thought of [Nine Heavens Tour], which made the front page of the entire "Abyss Daily" by establishing a god-level alliance.

   Now that there is such explosive news about the Great Wall of Despair, then the last news is also normal.

  【Little supervisor】I even thought about the topic of the news! "Shock! The novice lord has owned this god-level building in two weeks, and the empress is slightly inferior compared to it! The future Supreme has begun to emerge! "

  Anyway, [Little Supervisor] is the essence of the title party, and the title can be taken as long as it is easy to attract people's attention.

  Especially if it can catch the traffic of the Blue-Blooded Empress, it will become popular in minutes. As for whether this will attract the fans of the Blue-Blooded Empress to explode wildly, it is not the responsibility of [Little Supervisor].

   Besides, the blue-blooded empress possessed the Great Wall of Desperation only after she became the overlord. Back then, she used the Great Wall of Desperation to sweep away many overlords in one fell swoop and break through to become the master.

  Later, he achieved the supreme position by relying on the Great Wall of Desperation, and even the suppressed abyssal demons could not cross the border.

   Now that [Nine Heavens Travel] has obtained the Great Wall of Desperation so early, he may really become the overlord or even the ruler of the future! This topic started, mildew problem!


  【Royal Family·Feng Wu】on the other side also knew the information about the Great Wall of Desperation. She clapped her palms with a smile on her face: "Interesting, so interesting!"

   "My future son-in-law actually has the Great Wall of Desperation, he can give me different surprises every time! I am looking forward to how far he can grow in the future!"

   "This time, he might really be able to give Old Eleven a little shock!"

[Fengwei·Witch], who originally thought that the Eleventh Prince could not lose to a blue star human being, couldn't help being shocked: "The Great Wall of Desperation is a mythical defensive building. With this building, the territory of [Nine Heavens Tour] is almost Solid as gold!"

   "At least from now on, [Nine Heavens Tour] is already invincible!"

  Ninth Princess clicked on [Fengwei·Witch]: "You, you, you haven't seen the essential thing. [Nine Heavens Travel] exposed the Great Wall so quickly, obviously he has more than one hole card."

   "I was wondering how he would kill all the dragon guards. To deal with Old Eleven, he had to get rid of these dragon guards first."


  [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] also learned that [Nine Heavens Travel] owns the Great Wall of Desperation, so she chose to contact [Hongchen·Feixuan].

  “[Nine Heavens Tour] not only has the Great Wall, but he also has enough magic crystals and resources to extend the Great Wall.”

   "I took a look. He has set up a 4-kilometer Great Wall in six regions, and 20 kilometers in area 022. He has a Great Wall of more than 40 kilometers. This is billions of magic crystals!"

   "[Nine Heavens Tour] really broke through my cognition again and again, and I also confirmed the reason why he wanted to find an ally in Tianyu No. 032."

   "Maybe in the past two days, we can really see the scene of the fall of the three-eyed prince!"

  [Red Dust · Feixuan] is also in a state of confusion at this time. When she heard that [Nine Heavens Travel] has the Great Wall of Desperation, her heart trembled, and she realized the power of [Nine Heavens Travel].

  [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] is willing to join the Supreme Alliance at this time, [Hongchen·Feixuan] thinks it is a wise move, and she even suggested that [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] should not leave this alliance easily.

[Hongchen·Wu Zhao] seemed to see what [Hongchen·Feixuan] wanted to say, and she said, "It was originally for me to build an alliance, but [Nine Heavens Travel] has the Great Wall of Despair, after I join the Supreme Alliance, I can easily won't quit."

   "The important task of forming an alliance can only be done by you, and I will try my best to support you."

   After finishing speaking, 【Hongchen·Feixuan】contacted Wu Feng according to 【Hongchen·Wu Zhao】: "Boss, that friend of mine is willing to join your supreme alliance."

   "She is in country 034 in Tianyu 032, and she has already applied to join the Supreme Alliance."

  Wu Feng is currently organizing forces to deal with the dragon guards in area 022, but the split base in Tianyu 032 is also very important.

  So he immediately passed the application of [Hongchen·Wu Zhao], but before that, [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] signed a high-level contract, and could not disclose information about the Supreme Alliance to outsiders in any way.

  After officially joining the Supreme Alliance, [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] saw the characteristics of the Supreme Alliance, and she was completely shocked!

   "The god-level characteristic of the Supreme Alliance is actually the unparalleled general! This is quite the best god-level characteristic, and the epic-level characteristic of the Chaos City Defense is also a magical skill in the early stage!"

   "Now I can also have a mythical hero!"

  [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] is an indigenous lord, she has many resources supported by the foxtail masters, plus [Hongchen·Wu Zhao]'s talent is an epic talent.

  Now she has acquired a genuine epic hero. After obtaining the bonus of the unparalleled **** general, the Valkyrie beside [Red Dust·Wu Zhao] suddenly became a mythical hero!

  Wu Feng saw that the total score of the Supreme Alliance had skyrocketed, and he also nodded secretly. The newly joined [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] is also a very powerful member.

  He is going to take a look at the character of [Hongchen·Wu Zhao]. If her character passes the test, then he can consider developing her into a long-term member of the Supreme Alliance.

   "Sister Wu Zhao joined in too? It's great that we can fight side by side together!" [Hong Chen·Yu Yan] also cheered after seeing 【Hong Chen·Wu Zhao] join.

  Wu Feng heard Zhu Biyu say to him quietly: "Boss, are you going to wipe out this generation of Hongchen family? This guy [King of the Four Seas] had this idea back then."

"In the end, he didn't know why he gave up on this dream. He didn't expect Brother Feng, you are more ambitious than him. If you win this generation of the Hongchen family, then you will be blessed! Every day you can face the sea and enjoy the warmth of spring. opened."

  Hearing Zhu Biyu's words, Wu Feng couldn't help but glance at the profile picture of [Hongchen·Wu Zhao].

  You can feel her powerful aura just by looking at her profile picture. This is a powerful beauty in ancient costumes, but her fox tail always makes Wu Feng a bit of a joke.

  So Wu Feng looked at Zhu Biyu curiously: "The Hongchen family? Is there any special saying for this?"

  Zhu Biyu chuckled: "That's natural. The Hongchen family is a group of beauties prefixed with Hongchen in the Foxtail clan. They are all peerless beauties who have been screened and confirmed within the Foxtail clan."

   "It is said that every 10 years, there will be a generation of beauties in the world of mortals, and they are all ruthless characters who can rank in the top 1000 on the beauty list."

"Moreover, the Hongchen family has a special mission, which is to find their common true destiny, let him join the foxtail clan, and train him to become the supreme leader of the foxtail clan. The foxtail clan has always believed that as long as there is a Supreme, you can change the status of the alien race."

   "Since the appearance of the blue-blooded empress, the goal of the Hongchen family has become to cultivate a second empress!"

   It's a married couple, and it's also the supreme one. This foxtail tribe is really playing around!

  Hearing this, Wu Feng finally understood why [Hongchen·Yuyan], [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] and [Hongchen·Feixuan] all had the prefix of Hongchen.

  They should be the key personnel trained by the Foxtail Clan. If Zhu Biyu hadn't heard that, Wu Feng really wouldn't know the secrets of the Hongchen Clan.

  He had never thought of taking down the entire Hongchen family before. In his eyes, the strength of [Hongchen·Yuyan] and [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] was more meaningful.

   "No matter what, [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] is now a member of the Supreme Alliance, and we will communicate more with each other in the future. I will first occupy a sub-base in Tianyu No. 032."

  Wu Feng immediately communicated with [Hongchen·Wu Zhao], and left a hopeless Great Wall in [Hongchen·Wu Zhao]'s territory.

  Passing through the Great Wall of Desperation, Wu Feng can directly descend to Tianyu No. 032, but when Wu Feng sent his troops to the territory of [Hongchen·Wu Zhao], 【Hongchen·Wu Zhao] said suddenly.

   "Leader, I have already prepared a sub-base for you in Tianyu No. 032. You don't need to occupy other people's territory, so as not to overwhelm the enemy."

   "I'm almost monopolizing this area. As long as you have a base in this area, others will not be able to find you."

  [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] marked the sub-base she reserved for Wu Feng. As she said, she has already occupied 80% of the territory in this area.

   This very aura-sister Yu reserved an area of ​​about 1 million units in this area, which was specially reserved for Wu Feng as a sub-base.

  In such a large area, [Hongchen·Wu Zhao] is really big, Wu Feng is not polite, but he left a hopeless Great Wall in [Hongchen·Wu Zhao]'s territory.

  With the preciousness of the Great Wall of Despair, it would be more than enough to exchange such a large sub-base, so Wu Feng unceremoniously occupied this area.

   With this sanction base, Wu Feng can act freely in No. 032 Tianyu. In his sub-base, he still left an impenetrable Great Wall. Now No. 032 Tianyu has been completely opened up by him.

   After completing the arrangement of the backhand of this move, Wu Feng turned his head to look at several battlefields again, and now it is time to kill all the enemies.

  The battles in areas 016, 042, and 043 have come to an end. Wu Feng's allies cooperated with his mechanical army to complete the sweep of the enemy.

  So this wave of army not only pursued the defeated army to kill and injure the living forces as much as possible, but also chased them all the way, preparing to capture the territories of these three-eyed lords and kobold lords.

   This is exactly the plan to reproduce the operation of areas 018, 075, and 077, but this time more areas are involved. It can be said that the entire country of 062 is boiling because of this!

  In this case, Wu Feng still pays the most attention to the Dragon Guards in area 022. It is easy for Wu Feng to clean up the coalition forces in other areas.

  Now the Dragon Guards in area 022 are the key, if they are killed, and then the Dragon Guards' territory is flattened, the so-called coalition forces will be meaningless.

   I saw that there were also a large number of mechanical dogs and machine gun robots in area 022. They were a large army gathered by Wu Feng, specially used to consume the army of Longwei.

   At this time, the dragon guards have suffered huge casualties, Wu Feng is ready to deliver the final blow!

   But when the army of the Dragon Guards was in danger, a group of troops were dispatched from Area 012 and Area 021 to support and respond to this group of Dragon Guards.

   Leading the team are several epic heroes, they belong to different dragon guards, but this time the dragon guards are all members of the Overlord Alliance!

   That is to say, the most elite group of dragon guards under Big Brother has been dispatched, and this is one of Big Brother's back-ups.

  These heroes and troops that have been killed, as well as special war weapons, are steel fortresses that are rushing to the outpost.

  Two steel fortresses rushed in from area 012 and area 021 respectively. This kind of fort made a loud bang and rushed towards the outpost base slowly and surely.

   "It turns out that Big Brother's ultimate move is here. He actually transformed the natural disaster fortress into a movable steel fortress. Then all kinds of city defense facilities on the fortress can be used!"

  Wu Feng noticed that the steel fortress had been moving to the outpost, but Big Brother and the others must have used some props to hide the moving steel fortress.

   It wasn't until the steel fortress was only a few hundred kilometers away from the outpost that the noise caused by the movement of the steel fortress was not discovered.

  The Iron Fortress and the Overlord Alliance army came to support them, and the Dragon Guards could retreat safely.

  Zhu Biyu was also very surprised when he saw these two mobile fortresses: "It's actually a mobile fortress. This should be a legendary fortress transformed with special legendary props!"

   "This thing is invincible in the early stage. It can concentrate the alliance's defense towers on the steel fortress, so as to concentrate its forces to attack the enemy's key points."

   "The Overlord Alliance can actually get the Mobile Fortress, and it can be regarded as having two brushes."

  Hearing what Zhu Biyu said, [Steel Straight Man Black and Thick] also introduced the Mobile Fortress: "This kind of mobile fortress is rarer than the epic defense tower. My father once got the transformation props for the Mobile Fortress."

   "Such a steel fortress, plus a large number of defensive towers, is indeed very powerful. With this thing, Lord Goudaoliu can expand rapidly!"

  In the Supreme Alliance, many people have heard of the Mobile Fortress. Before Wu Feng said anything, other lords gave suggestions one after another.

  [Zhu’s sixth son] shrugged his shoulders: "Boss, these guys are looking for death. You can blow up this so-called mobile fortress with the hand of a god!"

  Wu Feng also felt that this mobile fortress was a joke in front of his God's Hand. If he really planned to blow up this mobile fortress, he should be able to finish it with a single God's Hand.

  Big brother should know that his hand of the gods can kill enemies in a large area. He also sent a mobile fortress, maybe there is a way to deal with his hand of the gods.

   After glancing at the location of Sky City, Wu Feng chuckled, and didn't rush to use the hand of the gods, but watched the mobile fortress rushing towards his outpost with a calm face.

   "This mobile fortress is fierce? Can he defeat the Great Wall? Let's see who has the stronger firepower!"

  Wu Feng did not let his troops pursue the enemy troops that entered the fire range of the mobile fortress. About 1/3 of the first batch of Dragon Guards fled back to the mobile fortress.

  They entered the mobile fortress to rest, and the mobile fortress rushed towards the outpost base, even in the presence of the Great Wall, they still rushed straight over.

  In this case, the duel between the two sides became a duel between two fortresses. This scene was immediately photographed and spread.

  Many lords saw this scene, and they were extremely looking forward to the collision between the two sides. Soon the mobile fortress stopped 50 kilometers away from the outpost, and then launched a bombardment.

   I saw a super cannon appearing in the mobile fortress, which is the main gun of the epic turret. I didn't expect that Big Brother actually got this level of defense tower.

   Compared with the meteor turret, this giant turret has a longer range. This is a super turret specially prepared by Big Brother. It is called an electromagnetic turret. The mobile fortress and the super long-range turret are simply a nightmare for any base.

   What is even more shocking is that there are electromagnetic turrets on the two mobile fortresses. This kind of handwriting must have consumed a lot of resources and props.

  I saw that as the turrets on the two mobile fortresses started shelling respectively, layers of ripples immediately burst out of the impasse barrier, which was the fluctuation caused by the fierce bombardment of the turrets.

  Wu Feng could clearly see that the firepower of the turrets in these two fortresses was not weaker than that of the Meteorite turrets. If the bombardment continued, the Impossible Barrier might not be able to withstand it.

   The meteor turret was still a little short of range, and couldn't reach the electromagnetic turret in the mobile fortress. I didn't expect Wu Feng to be suppressed from range.

  In the mobile fortress, a hero of Big Brother is sitting inside, beside him, there is also a hero of [Domineering Qianren].

The elder brother suddenly said: "Qianren, if [Nine Heavens Travel] uses the hand of the gods on my mobile fortress later, you must remember to use the legendary avoidance card! Its combination with [Ten Thousand Lights] is enough to resist a blow The hand of the gods."

   "If your talent can be triggered, then it will be able to withstand the hands of many gods. The victory or defeat this time depends on how well your talent is used!"

  [Domineering Qianren] smiled and said: "I borrowed your prop that increases luck, then the chance of triggering my talent will be greatly increased."

   "As long as my talent is triggered, I can use the same item repeatedly. One avoidance card can't stop the hand of the gods, so it should be no problem to use it a few more times!"

   "With the help of [Thousands of Lights], I am confident in blocking the hand of the gods!"

  Big brother nodded. In order to fight against [Nine Heavens Travel], he collected another batch of powerful props, and must keep the two mobile fortresses.

  As long as the mobile fortress is there, so what if it is the Great Wall! ?

   This kind of immobile city defense is just a living target!

At this time [Zhu’s sixth son] couldn’t help but say: “Boss, don’t you use the hand of the gods? The eldest brother should only have these two electromagnetic turrets. As long as his electromagnetic turrets are blown up, he will have no ability to compete with them.” We fought."

Others had similar thoughts, [Steel Straight Man Black and Thick] touched his chin: "Although the Mobile Fortress has protective facilities, it is definitely not able to withstand the hand of the gods, but I guess the big brother should have prepared some props to deal with it. The hand of the gods."

  Wu Feng felt that the suggestion of his allies was also good, but he was not in a hurry to use the hand of the gods, because he didn't need to use this move to deal with the mobile fortress.

   "Don't worry, the Mobile Fortress is powerful, but in my eyes, it's all rubbish!"

  I saw him looking up at the sky: "It's time! You will know now why I don't need to use the hand of the gods!"

   Following Wu Feng's voice, a 'dark cloud' appeared over Area 022!

  Brother looked up, and then he couldn't help but swear!

   "What the hell! This is... the castle in the sky!?"

  (end of this chapter)