MTL - Lord of the Abyss-Chapter 383 Fan Tianyin!

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  Chapter 383 Fan Tianyin!

  The black moon appeared in the 100th round, which did not exceed Wu Feng's expectations. It can only be said that the difficulty is about the same as he expected.

  Three new moons appeared at the same time, Wu Feng had never seen it before, he just felt that the difficulty was so high, if the rewards of **** difficulty were not good enough, he would want to curse!

And after all three months came out, the enemy that appeared in the 100th round was the epic Void Shadow with a level of 195. Under the blessing of three new moons, it was not only mutated, but also blessed by the blood moon. match!

  Wu Feng looked at Wei Gusi, but Wei Gusi shook her head: "This guy has exceeded the upper limit of my charm, I can't charm it..."

  Since Wu Feng was tempted, Wu Feng went straight to it, and he didn't mean to use the hand of the gods, but just let many defensive towers attack together.

  Including the Houyi Tower and Dragon Yin Tower obtained in the dungeon, and a meteor turret that came with the Impassable Great Wall, Wu Feng's virtual territory has a total of 8 epic defense towers.

   Its types are particularly complete, such as star towers, nine-level thunder cloud towers, Wu Feng has put them out, so many defensive towers cooperate with Geralt, enough to suppress and severely damage the shadow of the void.

  With Wu Feng destroying the Impassable Great Wall, Void Phantom could only be ravaged repeatedly. As a result, this guy couldn't sit still, and actually wanted to teleport into the Impassable Great Wall.

  This kind of behavior is tantamount to seeking death, and the result is that the shadow of the void is stuck on the barrier of despair, becoming a living target!

  Wu Feng liked this kind of target very much. After the defense tower concentrated fire, the Void Shadow lasted for less than 10 minutes before being killed.

   "The life value of the fifth-order epic boss is still too strong. With such a strong output, it takes so long to kill him."

  Wu Feng used to rely on the hand of the gods to severely damage the enemy before killing the epic boss. At that time, he didn't think it was a bit difficult to kill the boss with his own strength from the beginning to the end.

   However, the corpse of an epic boss is still very valuable. Wu Feng threw it into the evolution blood pool and obtained another wave of void holy blood.

[Ding... The evolution blood pool devours the corpse of an epic boss (Void Shadow). According to its level (level 5, 195), the evolution blood output of the evolution blood pool increases by 80 drops/day, and the output of evolution holy blood Increase by 4 drops/day, you get 800 drops of evolutionary blood (orange quality), 20 evolutionary holy blood (legendary quality). 】

  【Ding... The evolutionary blood pool devours the corpse of an epic boss (void shadow), and according to its quality (epic) and race (void alien), you get 40 drops of void holy blood (epic quality). 】

  Wu Feng used the Void Holy Blood extracted from Void Shadow this time, and handed it to the Void Octopus: "Little thing, this is for you. Let's see if you can digest it."

  5 drops of the Holy Blood of the Void were thrown out, the Void Octopus was overjoyed, it quickly swallowed the Holy Blood of the Void, for fear that Wu Feng would take it back.

Vigus saw that Wu Feng was very interested in the void octopus, and she swung her long whip: "My lord, after this little guy swallowed 5 drops of the void holy blood, his attributes have been enhanced by about 20%, and his bloodline awakening degree has also increased. promote."

  Actually, Wu Feng also saw the changes of the void octopus. This guy has more and longer tentacles. The sacred tentacles have red tentacles, and this guy has purple tentacles. They are a perfect match.

  Since this is the case, the void holy blood can be used by the void octopus in the future. At that time, its potential and strength can be improved, and when it is transformed into an epic hero, its combat power should be stronger.

   After solving the epic Void Shadow boss, Wu Feng's clearance progress soared rapidly, and he quickly reached the 120th round.

  【Ding... Ten consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the Rainstorm Pear Blossom Tower Summoning Card (orange) you get is upgraded by 2 levels, and you get the Thousand Arrows Qifa Tower Summoning Card (legendary quality). 】


[Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the missile tower summoning card and array tower (purple) you get is upgraded by 2 levels, and you get the Dongfeng Express Tower summoning card and the four-element array tower Summon Card (Legendary Quality). 】


  With the blessing of high difficulty and high rounds, when Wu Feng draws defense towers, he has a chance to draw orange defense towers in ten consecutive draws.

   And when the hundred consecutive draws, all 10 defensive towers are purple defensive towers, so it is almost impossible to draw blue defensive towers during the hundred consecutive draws.

   The difficulty is high, and the benefits are really greater. Wu Feng will never worry about not having a legendary defense tower in the future.

   And in the 120th round, there was a change that even surprised Wu Feng.

[Ding... Infinite trial (hell difficulty) is illuminated by the purple moon (the state of the crescent moon), the level of all monsters is increased by 6, the refresh rate is increased by 200%, the chance of boss refresh is increased by 200%, all monsters are affected by the purple moon, and they have purple monsters Abnormal state (mutation chance increased by 30%). 】

  The crescent purple moon in the sky actually turned into a waning moon in the 120th round, and its bonus was naturally higher. The levels and attributes of the bosses encountered were all improved, which was a life-threatening rhythm.

   "The purple moon changed from a new moon to a waning moon, but the other two moons did not disappear. In this way, my vision is even more exaggerated than the vision on the seventh day of the golden novice period."

  Wu Feng felt his scalp tingle when he saw this scene, but he took a screenshot of this celestial phenomenon and sent it to the Supreme Alliance group.

   "The leader of this alliance observes the stars at night and calculates with his fingers. In a few days, there will be a vision of three months together, and it will be this kind of wonder of three months!"

   Wu Feng's screenshot shows the scene where the three moons appear together. This scene made some allies laugh.

[King of the Four Seas] smiled and said, "Boss, why are you still posting this kind of screenshot! It will be released in March, we have seen it before! It is not news if it is sent to other lord groups ..."

  As a result, the words of [King of the Four Seas] made [the sixth brother of the Zhu family] call him crazily: "Fourth brother! Are you stupid! Didn't you see that Ziyue has a different body shape from the other two brothers!"

"In the past, they were triplets. Except for their color, everything else looked exactly the same, which was just the difference between a black twin and a white twin. Now Ziyue is a circle bigger than her triplet brother! This have you seen?"

  [King of the Four Seas] Hearing this, he looked at the screenshots carefully, and he also found the difference. Just like what [Zhu's sixth son] said, this f---ing purple moon is actually in the state of a crescent moon!

   So far, the lords on the 799th floor have only experienced the three moons in the form of a new moon, and then the waning moon that appeared alone.

   They have never seen this kind of mode in which a waning moon brings two new moons together! This is too weird! Could it be that the moon is different over the boss's territory?

  The old prostitute couldn't help but say: "It turns out that the moon over Brother Feng's territory is not as round as ours. No wonder his growth rate is so much faster than ours."

  [Qianshan Muxue] also couldn't help but add to the topic: "The celestial phenomena of our leader is at least a few days ahead of us."

   "It seems that the leader's development progress is much faster than ours, so everything makes sense!"

  Everyone laughed and discussed. In their opinion, whatever their boss came up with, they would not find it strange or weird.

  In this case, some of them posted screenshots to other groups, Zhu Biyu first contacted Wu Feng: "Brother Feng, your screenshots are not from P, they are so useful!"

   "I'm going to use this screenshot to pretend to be aggressive, do you think it's okay?"

  Wu Feng waved his hand indifferently: "You don't have to worry about pretending to be bold, as long as you don't spread this screenshot everywhere, it's fine. I'm a kind person who doesn't leave my name."

   It's just that Wu Feng forgot, for Zhu Biyu, sometimes there are no secrets for him.

   Zhu Biyu first sent the screenshot to an intelligence sharing group, which is a place where intelligence dealers often exchange information.

  Using the words of intelligence dealers, you have an apple, I have an apple, we exchange each other, everyone still only has one apple.

  You have an intelligence, I also have an intelligence, once we exchange, we both have two information.

  So in this information sharing group, some information is often exchanged. If you don't contribute information for a long time, you will be kicked out.

  Zhu Biyu obtained a lot of explosive information in this group, and he also provided some information.

   This time, Zhu Biyu was going to pretend to be a big contest here. He first sent the screenshot to the group, and then silently did not speak.

  The sense of smell of the intelligence dealers is much sharper than that of [King of the World]. They immediately noticed that this screenshot was different.

   Everyone knows that in the abyss, there is no way to P-picture. This is a genuine astronomical map. The purple moon, the blood moon, and the black moon appear together. The pictures that came out in March are not fake!

   Immediately, someone went crazy @朱必瑜, [I live next door and my surname is Wang]: "Old pig! Where did you get this screenshot? How can there be a scene that is different from our celestial phenomenon!"

Zhu Biyu chuckled: "A friend of mine, the leader of the god-level alliance who did not want to be named, told me that he watched the stars at night and counted with his fingers. After three days, there will be a vision of three months. It will also be this kind of three The wonder of the full moon coming out!"

  As soon as the words came out, the audience exploded, and many intelligence merchants were keenly aware that this was extremely explosive news.

  Everyone in the group knows that, unlike other people, when [Tenpeng Marshal] said that I have a friend, he often really has such a friend.

  Because he can't help revealing some information about his friends, sometimes, he can even easily guess which friend he is.

  This time it is similar.

  You [Marshal Canopy] is the leader of the god-level alliance, isn’t there only [Nine Heavens Travel] alone! In other words, this is the information obtained by [Nine Heavens Travel] through special means?

   Moreover, [Nine Days Tour] is specially locked for 3 days later! If this news is true...

   The intelligence merchants immediately drove out to sell food regardless of whether the news was true or not! Anyway, there is [Nine Heavens Tour] endorsement, if something goes wrong, everyone should go to [Nine Heavens Tour] to settle the score. As long as you dare!

  Zhu Biyu chuckled, Brother Feng said a few days later, but didn't specify a few days. This is not accurate information, so Zhu Biyu "processed" it a little bit, and changed it to a clear 3 days later.

  He just wanted to see how many people would foolishly think that there would be such a vision three days later, and he would be able to watch fools perform at that time.

  What Zhu Biyu didn't know was that the founder of this information group, a three-eyed clan lord named [Ten Directions Extinction], was shocked by his news!

   "How is it possible! [Nine Heavens Travel] can also accurately predict the celestial phenomena, does he have similar abilities? Shouldn't his talent be a developmental talent! Why does he still have the ability to predict the sky!"

【Ten Directions Extinct】Different from Zhu Biyu, a blind cat who ran into a dead mouse, he really learned about the celestial phenomenon in 3 days from now. It may be a large and two small version of the astronomical phenomenon in March. .

   Originally, he thought that only he and his companions knew this information, but [Nine Heavens Travel] not only knew, but also let [Marshal Canopy] expose it!

   All of a sudden, [Ten Directions Extinction] felt that [Nine Heavens Traveling] was unfathomable! The ability of this lord is really terrifying!

  So [Shifang Extinction] immediately contacted [Marshal Canopy]: "Brother Zhu, is your news reliable? How can there be a lord who can predict the celestial phenomena! I have a friend who really wants to know the principle."

  [Marshal Tianpeng] would definitely not say it casually, so he smiled mysteriously: "Don't say it, don't say it, you know it!"

  [Ten Directions Extinct] I was taken aback, I know? How do you know I know!

   It’s a bit confusing, but [Marshal Canopy] represents [Nine Heavens Travel], he asked [Marshal Canopy] to this information group to reveal this important information, is he here to hint something to me?

  [Ten Directions Extinction] couldn't help but fell into deep thought, what did [Nine Heavens Travel] really know? Also includes my identity?

  Because [Ten Directions Extinction] is very smart, he thought of a lot at once. From this point of view, [Nine Heavens Travel] is not as simple as he imagined, so he can try to get in touch with [Nine Heavens Travel].

  Thinking of this, [Shifang Extinction] decided to observe and observe: "The Eleventh Prince is already planning to do something, and he and [Nine Heavens Traveling] will have a battle in the near future."

   "Then I can take a good look at how powerful this guy [Nine Heavens Travel] is. If he can kill the eleventh prince..."

   "Then I can only wish him good luck, it's not that simple!"


  At this time, Wu Feng didn't know what Zhu Biyu had done. He was carefully watching the boss of the 120th round. This boss was originally a sixth-order legendary boss.

   As a result, under the influence of the three months, it was actually affected by the black moon and the waning moon. It suddenly evolved from a legendary boss to an epic boss!

   This guy also has the same mutation as the void octopus! It's grown a bunch of purple tentacles!

  Wu Feng couldn't help looking at the Void Octopus: "You Void Shadow Clan, do you all have tentacles after mutation? The tentacles of this tentacle monster are much bigger than yours."

  The void octopus can only babble out some words: "We...mutate learned from me..."

  Wu Feng shook his head, the two Void Shadows have mutated into tentacles, let them imitate you, you Void Shadows are all perverts, right?

  However, Void Phantom, which has mutated and evolved, and its level exceeds the sixth level, is indeed very powerful. Under the protection of the Impassable Great Wall, it attacks crazily, which makes the durability of the Impassable Great Wall drop a lot.

   It’s just that this guy found the wrong enemy. Faced with the continuous output of defense towers, after 15 minutes of persistence, he was still ruthlessly killed.

  After the huge corpse fell to the ground, Wu Feng immediately used its waste and threw it into the evolution blood pool. Such a big gift made the Bone Demon go crazy with joy!

[Ding... The evolutionary blood pool devours the corpse of an epic boss (Void Shadow). According to its rank (level 6, 235), the evolutionary blood output of the evolutionary blood pool increases by 160 drops/day, and the output of evolutionary holy blood Increase by 8 drops/day, you will get 800 drops of evolutionary blood (orange quality), 40 evolutionary holy blood (legendary quality). 】

  【Ding... The evolutionary blood pool devours the corpse of an epic boss (void shadow), and according to its quality (epic) and race (void alien), you get 40 drops of void holy blood (epic quality). 】

  Void Phantom provided another wave of Void Holy Blood. I don't know if it was due to psychological factors. Wu Feng felt that this Void Holy Blood should be more suitable for Void Octopus to consume.

  So Wu Feng threw another 5 drops to the void octopus. After this guy swallowed the holy blood of the void, he grew more tentacles.

   Wu Feng did some calculations, and this guy has indeed added more tentacles than before, and his total attribute has been increased by 25%!

   However, the void octopus devoured the holy blood of the void and reached the upper limit. Today, Wu Feng swallowed the holy blood of the void again, so Wu Feng had no choice but to put it away.

  Anyway, in the infinite trial, Wu Feng will not lack the Holy Blood of the Void!

  After clearing the 120th round, Wu Feng thought he would encounter a second waning moon in the 140th round, but this did not happen in the 140th round.

  Wu Feng felt a sense of loss. He just went all the way to the 150th round, but the result surprised him!

[Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the Trap Tower Summoning Card and Starlight Tower Summoning Card (purple) you get is upgraded by 2 levels, and you get the Heavenly Network Tower Summoning Card, Planetary Tower Summoning Card ( legendary quality). 】

  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the quality of the Sky Thunder Tower Summoning Card (orange) you get is increased by 2 levels, and you get the Nine Heavens Thunder Pool Tower Summoning Card (epic quality). 】

  From the 120th round to the 150th round, Wu Feng drew an epic defensive tower, and the probability of shipping it in the 150th round is still higher.

   Now he has the third Thunder Pool in the Nine Heavens Thunder Pool, and if there are all nine Thunder Pools, then it will be the real Nine Heavens Thunder Pool Pagoda!

  Waiting for the 150th round Another thing that surprised Wu Feng was that the celestial phenomena actually changed in the 150th round!

[Ding... Infinite Trial (Hell Difficulty) is illuminated by the blood moon (the state of the waning moon), the level of all monsters is increased by 6, the refresh rate is increased by 200%, the chance of boss refresh is increased by 200%, all monsters are affected by the purple moon, and they have blood madness Status (attack power increased by 50%, defense power reduced by 50%). 】

In the 150th round, the blood moon also turned into a waning moon, which brought an increase in the level of monsters. At the same time, due to the increase in the number of rounds, the level of the enemy was already soaring. In the end, the boss and monsters in the 150th round reached 305. Level, this is the level of the seventh-level boss!

  Originally, the boss of the 150th round was a Tier 7 epic boss, and there were three rounds of blood moon blessings. The fighting power of this boss made Wu Feng tremble with fear.

  I saw this epic-level boss constantly impacting on the impasse barrier of the Great Wall of Desperation, and the entire Great Wall of Desperation trembled slightly under the impact of this behemoth.

This is a situation Wu Feng has never encountered before. The durability of the Great Wall of Desperation is also rapidly declining. If it is such a fierce attack for an hour, the durability of the 10-kilometer length of Desperation will probably drop a lot, and there will be certain dangers. .

   "Then hurry up, don't let this boss mess around!" Wu Feng thought of this, and decisively used the hand of the gods!

  Slapped by the hand of the gods with the power of the void **** stone, it actually has the ability to restrain the shadows of the void, and its void shuttle and void dodge abilities cannot be used, so it can only be slapped firmly.

  This Void Shadow can only find a way to forcibly carry it! Under the influence of the blood moon and the purple moon, it still mutated a little, and it grew a lot of weird arms, trying to stand up together against the hand of the gods.

   But the power of the hand of the gods is several times stronger than before. Even the seventh-order epic boss was severely injured and vomited blood by a slap, and half of his body was gone.

However, relying on its strong vitality, the boss survived. Looking at the boss, Geralt couldn't help opening his mouth slightly: "What the **** did I see? This boss is too perverted! It doesn't matter!" Fuck him to death!?"

   "Fortunately, I didn't go out to fight it, otherwise I would kneel if I slapped it!"

  Wu Feng did not let Vigus and Geralt participate in the battle, such a fierce seventh-level boss, even the mythical heroes at this stage may not be able to stop it!

   Fortunately, the Great Wall of Desperation can stop its attack, plus the offensive of various defensive towers, the seriously injured Void Shadow uttered a real roar.

   It needs to face more ferocious attacks of all kinds, and the thunder summoned by Lei Chi will completely submerge this boss!

   "Liangyi Great Formation, Nine Heavens Thunder Pond, suppress this guy with me!" Wu Feng then launched many of his own epic defensive towers, so many epic defensive towers, even Dao Dao will be wiped out!

   Even the Nine Heavens Thunder Pool Tower summoned Thunder Tribulation, and began to ravage the big boss repeatedly. Under the repeated attacks of various defensive towers, even the severely damaged seventh-level boss couldn't stand it!

  Finally, as countless thunders submerged it, Houyi Pagoda shot the deadliest blow!

  The seventh-tier epic boss was killed on the spot.

  When such a huge corpse fell down, Wu Feng was overjoyed. This was another big wave of benefits. This is a seventh-order epic boss, and the extracted evolutionary blood is of epic quality!

[Ding... The evolution blood pool devours the corpse of an epic boss (Void Shadow). According to its rank (level 7, 305), the evolution blood output of the evolution blood pool increases by 320 drops/day, and the output of evolution holy blood Increase 16 drops/day, you get 1600 drops of evolutionary blood (orange quality), 80 drops of evolutionary holy blood (legendary quality), 20 drops of evolutionary holy blood (epic quality). 】

  【Ding... The evolutionary blood pool devours the corpse of an epic boss (void shadow), and according to its quality (epic) and race (void alien), you get 40 drops of void holy blood (epic quality). 】

  After Wu Feng put the corpse into the evolution blood pool, he really got 20 drops of epic evolution holy blood. Apart from Wu Feng's own use, he can distribute it to other mythical heroes.

   "The boss of the 150th round is a Tier 7 epic boss. Then there will be a Tier 7 epic boss in the following rounds! It seems that it is not difficult to get more epic evolution holy blood!"

  Wu Feng was very excited. After the level of monsters broke through 300, he still entered the follow-up levels, so he had to face the constant impact of seventh-level monsters.

   Fortunately, there is the Great Wall of Desperation, so Wu Feng can continue to push horizontally, but the quantity and quality of the seventh-order monsters are really amazing. Wu Feng can only watch the durability of the length of Desperation decline slowly but firmly.

  Under such circumstances, Wu Feng encountered a seventh-tier legendary boss in the 165th round. As a result, this guy evolved into an epic boss under the black moon.

   This is a Void Dragon that is stronger than the 150-round Void Shadow. Wu Feng had no choice but to use the hand of the gods again, and then cooperated with other defense towers to kill it!

  The corpse of the void dragon allowed Wu Feng to obtain another wave of epic void blood! Even the amount of dragon blood has skyrocketed.

[Ding... Evolutionary blood pool devours the corpse of an epic boss (void dragon), according to its level (level 7, 315), the evolutionary blood output of the evolutionary blood pool increases by 320 drops/day, and the output of evolutionary holy blood Increase 16 drops/day, you get 1600 drops of evolutionary blood (orange quality), 80 drops of evolutionary holy blood (legendary quality), 20 drops of evolutionary holy blood (epic quality). 】

[Ding... The evolutionary blood pool devours the corpse of an epic boss (void dragon), and according to its quality (epic) and race (void alien, dragon), you get 20 drops of void holy blood (epic quality), 20 drops Dragon blood (epic quality). 】

  Wu Feng feels that this black moon is pretty good, if there are more shots...

   Just as he was thinking, Wu Feng reached the 160th round, and the black moon he was looking at slowly turned into a waning moon!

  The scene that appeared this time was three waning moons appearing together. This scene was even scarier than the scene in the 150th round. Wu Feng also took a screenshot of it just like the 150th round.

   It's just that Wu Feng didn't post it to the group again, and the cooldown time is also important for pretending to be aggressive. When the next time there really is a big and two small March together, it won't be too late for Wu Feng to use the screenshots later to pretend to be aggressive.

  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the quality of the Starlight Tower Summoning Card (purple) you get is increased by 2 levels, and you get the Planetary Tower Summoning Card (legendary quality). 】

  Wu Feng had just finished capturing the picture and drawing the defense tower when he heard a deafening roar. He looked up abruptly and saw a divine dragon covering the sky and rushing towards his virtual territory.

   The impact of this divine dragon almost shattered the void barrier. Wu Feng also saw the whole picture of this thing clearly at this time. This is actually a mythical boss of level 7 and 325!

   "In the 160th round, how could there be a mythical boss?!" Wu Feng was stunned. The appearance of a mythical boss here is simply unreasonable! He thought he would encounter a mythical boss after rushing to the 200th round.

   And now Wu Feng also heard the system prompt of the **** moon.

[Ding... Infinite Trial (Hell Difficulty) is illuminated by the black moon (the state of the crescent moon), the level of all monsters is increased by 6, the refresh rate is increased by 200%, the chance of boss refresh is increased by 200%, all monsters are affected by the purple moon, and they have dark corruption Status (20% increase in all attributes, 20% chance to evolve into a higher-level boss). 】

   Seeing the system prompt, Wu Feng suddenly realized that this is the epic-level void dragon that triggered the evolution effect of Black Moon, and actually evolved into a mythical-level boss!

   Now Wu Feng's plan to clear the 160th round failed. Facing this seventh-level mythical boss, he felt like he had nowhere to go.

  If the seventh-order epic boss appeared this time, then Wu Feng would definitely kill him!

   But Wu Feng felt his legs go weak when he saw this seventh-tier mythical boss. Not only was it of high quality, but it was also of high rank. Even a seventh-tier mythical boss would be difficult to single out.

   Unless the hero is wearing a magical costume, he can single out the boss and kill him!

   Just when Wu Feng was about to try it out, the Void Dragon squirted out a mouthful of dragon breath and shot it fiercely at the barrier of despair. Wu Feng saw that the durability of the barrier dropped rapidly.

  Even because this is a mythical boss, the damage it caused even affected the interior of the Impassable Great Wall, causing some low-level defense towers to be shocked and destroyed.

  Seeing this scene, Wu Feng shook his head. He knew that he didn't need to try anymore. His own output should not be enough. To kill this Void Dragon, Wu Feng even used the hand of the gods.

  Wu Feng did some calculations, even if his mythical heroes descended, and with the help of epic defense towers, it would take at least an hour to kill the Void Dragon.

   And this 1 hour is enough for the Void Dragon to break through the void barrier and enter the virtual territory to kill all directions.

  And if so many mythical heroes are summoned, no one knows what changes will be brought about. If another void dragon is drilled out at that time, and then evolve...

   It will be even more troublesome then!

  So Wu Feng didn't force it either. To deal with this Void Dragon, at least he had to wait for him to get a Mythical-level defensive tower, and he also needed to let the Mythical-level heroes have stronger weapons.

  Since this is the case, it is better to accept it as soon as it is good. Wu Feng resolutely gave up breaking the barrier and left this round of trials directly.

  As Wu Feng left the trial, Wu Feng was very surprised by the system prompt he heard.

  【Ding...The lord Jiutian Aoyou successfully passed the 159th round of the infinite trial (hell difficulty). According to the number of rounds of clearance and the record, a total of 2632000 points were scored, which can be used to increase the trial star. 】

  【Ding... The lord Jiutianyou encountered the purple moon and the waning moon in the difficulty of hell. The trial score was an additional +50%, and an additional 1,316,000 points were obtained, which can be used to increase the trial star. 】

  【Ding... The lord Jiutianyou encountered a **** moon in the difficulty of hell, and the trial score was an additional +50%, and an additional 1,316,000 points were obtained, which can be used to increase the trial star. 】

  【Ding... The lord Jiutianyou encountered a black moon and a waning moon in the difficulty of hell. The trial score was an additional +50%, and an additional 1,316,000 points were obtained, which can be used to increase the trial star. 】

   "It turns out that the more celestial phenomena encountered randomly, the higher the extra rewards. Difficulty represents rewards, which is also reasonable. This wave is taking off!"

Although Wu Feng only cleared round 159 of the Hell Difficulty, which is not much different from the Nightmare Difficulty, but because he opened the Hell Difficulty, the trial score has an additional bonus, and he killed a full 2 Only the seventh-order epic-level boss, and he also met March Qi.

  Under various bonuses, Wu Feng's trial score was already high, but with March's blessing, his trial score directly broke through the sky!

  In the end, Wu Feng's score soared by 6.58 million points, which is several times higher than before! Even if he didn't have much left in his previous trial score, he can raise his trial level to 43 stars in one fell swoop!

From the 25th star trial to the 43rd star trial, Wu Feng himself was stunned: "How come I feel that the further I get to the back, the faster my trial level rises! Other lords must not have this feeling of taking off." .”

   This time, Wu Feng also directly increased his skill points by 18 points. The speed of reaching the stars is really getting faster and faster! Beyond comprehension!

  With 18 skill points, Wu Feng concentrated the skill points on Tower Defense Light, and first raised this skill to level V, which cost 4 skill points.

  Light of tower defense: Level V, after lighting up, it can increase all the attributes of all defensive towers by 50%. Upgrading to level VI requires 4 technology points and the tower defense level reaches level VI.

  After Light of Tower Defense has been fully upgraded, Wu Feng is not going to upgrade Light of Tower Defense anymore. He puts the remaining skill points into more advanced technologies.

  He is still investing in the tower defense magical power of the three-stage technology that increases the full attributes of the defense tower. This technology requires 4 skill points to upgrade to level 1. Wu Feng's 14 skill points can upgrade it to level IV!

  Tower Defense Power: Level IV, which can increase 80% of the total attributes of all defensive towers. At the same time, it can increase the upper limit of Tier 1 and Tier 2 technology by 4 levels. Upgrading to Tier V requires 4 technology points.

  Level 4 tower defense power has fully increased the total attributes of the defense tower by 80%. Now, the combat effectiveness of all of Wu Feng's defense towers has soared.

  Using the Houyi Tower of the Sky-breaking Bow, it can shoot enemies outside multiple areas, which is really cool!

After upgrading the tower defense power, Wu Feng still had 2 skill points left, so he simply focused on the defense tower specialization. Considering the possible situation, Wu Feng gave priority to upgrading the arrow tower specialization, which is mainly because In order to enhance the power of the Houyi Pagoda.

   At that time, the Dragon Yin Tower will be used to fight AOE, and the Houyi Tower will be the real killer move!

  Arrow Tower Specialization: Level II, which can increase all attributes of all arrow towers by 20%, and upgrade to Level III requires 1 technology point.

  The arrow tower boost plus other full-scale boost skills have increased the Houyi Tower's overall attributes by more than 200%. Wu Feng is sharpening his sword and preparing to use it against Big Brother.

   After leaving the instance of Infinite Trial, Wu Feng can also draw another wave of prizes with special privileges.

   "The lottery draw in the infinite trial has increased the number of draws for my special privileges, and the special privileges can also be drawn in a row. This should be able to produce god-level items..."

  Wu Feng finally called Lele, and also took a wave of special permissions.

  In the ninety-nine levels of natural disasters, Wu Feng has obtained a large number of hunting points and challenge points. He can use these special permissions to draw a lot of prizes.

  Combined with the reputation, Wu Feng can come to 5 waves of thousands of consecutive draws, of which 2 waves are drawn with intermediate legends, and the other 5 times can be drawn with advanced challenges.

   In this way, Wu Feng's treasure chest key can be used to draw hero equipment. With this special authority, he can draw various props and get enough good things every day.

  With Lele's blessing, Wu Feng started a wave of lottery draws, and the income was also very good. After all, the last lottery draw was a million consecutive draws!

  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the lord crystal (purple quality) you get is upgraded by 3 levels, and you get the lord crystal (legendary quality). 】

  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the random hero summoning card and resurrection crystal (orange quality) you get will be upgraded by 3 levels, and you will get a random hero summoning card and resurrection crystal (epic quality). 】

[Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the Hero Identity Card, Misfortune Card, and Defense Tower Migration Card (purple quality) you get will be upgraded by 3 levels, and you will get the Hero Identity Card, Death's Advent Misfortune Card , Defense Tower Migration Card (Epic Quality). 】


  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the miniature mushroom eggs and awakening crystals (orange quality) you get are upgraded by 3 levels, and you get the doomsday messenger mushroom eggs and awakening crystals (epic quality). 】


  【Ding... Ten thousand consecutive draws (special authority) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the invincible brick (legendary quality) you get is increased by 4 levels, and you get the Fantian seal (innate chaos artifact). 】

  (end of this chapter)

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