MTL - Lord of the Abyss-Chapter 381 Innate Chaos Artifact!

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  Chapter 381 Innate Chaos Artifact!

  Wu Feng activated the divine power of the leader's idol, and saw him raise his right hand high, summoning the power of the idol, and as a result, shocking changes took place in the homes of all the members of the Supreme Alliance.

  I saw the leader **** statue in their territory suddenly opened his eyes, then made the same gesture as Wu Feng, and then disappeared into a golden light.

  This scene stunned many allies, Zhu Biyu opened his mouth wide: "I'm going! Why did Brother Feng's statue disappear? I really didn't do anything to him! He disappeared by himself!"

  [King of the Four Seas] was amazed again and again: "This is the boss using the power of the statue! This statue actually has such a function? Isn't it so handsome!"

   "If only I had this ability, then not only would I be able to command the generals, but I would also be invincible!"

  [Zhu Family’s sixth child] was even more excited: "I'm sorry! So the boss still has this trick. If I can do it like this, then I can really use my talent of the emperor to guard the country."

   "At that time, I can fight side by side with my heroes, even stronger than them!"

  After seeing the idol take off, the goblin warrior quickly waved: "My wife, come and see the lord's idol appear!"

  【Two Hairy Legs】It's still so simple and direct: "Leader, awesome pen!"

  [Whoring to Lost Contact] Comrade was also in-depth communication with his beautiful hero at this time, but this time he changed to the master bedroom of the lord's mansion.

   Originally, he was admiring the scenery outside, but when he saw the huge statue suddenly disappear, he almost fainted from fright.

  After knowing that it was Wu Feng's operation again, he couldn't help complaining: "Damn it! I can't communicate in depth in the lord's mansion! Otherwise, sooner or later, Brother Feng will be so frightened that I can't stand up!"

   Wu Feng's operation made his allies see a wonderful scene, and they were all curious, what kind of enemy the leader was dealing with, and he actually needed to use this move!

  At this time, Wu Feng also obtained the full power of the **** statue, and even the **** statue of the leader in his main base disappeared together.

  I saw seven-colored light suddenly appearing from behind Wu Feng, and then this light projected on Wu Feng, his vision immediately increased rapidly.

  When he got used to this field of vision, he found that he had turned into a golden statue with a height of 200 meters. The appearance of this statue was exactly the same as himself.

  So when Wu Feng used the golden statue, he didn't feel any lag at all, it was the same as manipulating his own body.

  He looked down at the Spider God Statue condescendingly, and then stretched out his right hand: "Hey, even the power of the hand of God has been inherited."

   "Then this is the power of the idol + artifact, it depends on whether you can withstand my attack! My Ultraman form, at least I can be Tiga!"

  Wu Feng felt that after he merged with the **** statue, it was almost like becoming an Ultraman.

   Also changed from the size of an ordinary human to a giant of light!

  At this time, Wu Feng also possessed the power of a god. With 1 point of divine power, he could fight for half an hour, so he didn't have to worry about running out of energy like Ultraman.

   "But the consumption of 1 point of divine power should be able to kill this spider statue. Go to hell!"

  In order to save his divine power, Wu Feng chose to fight quickly. He slammed at the Spider God Statue, his right hand turned into pure golden yellow, and slapped the Spider God Statue fiercely.

   This slap was no less than the hand of extinction. The terrifying power slapped off one of the spider's claws.

  The Spider God Statue, which had always maintained an indestructible golden body, was finally injured. Wu Feng used the hand of God, which was indeed powerful enough to kill a god.

   Not to mention the statue of the spider god, even if the spider goddess descends, if she is slapped by the hand of God, she will be injured.

   Seeing the effect, Wu Feng immediately shot with all his strength, and didn't give the spider statue any chance at all. He aimed at it and took a burst of shots. Riel also helped to suppress the spider statue's counterattack, and immediately put the statue in a desperate situation.

  After the eight spider legs of the spider statue were almost torn apart, Wu Feng launched the hand of the gods at the spider statue! Wu Feng wanted to see this time, the power of the **** statue combined with the divine weapon.

  When Wu Feng made this blow, the unconsumed part of 1 point of divine power that activated the statue was poured into the hands of God.

  Infused with divine power, the hand of God completely exploded with the lethality of a divine weapon, and the giant cyan palm was bigger than ever before, which was also the result of inspiring the power of the two gems.

  The giant cyan palm slapped the head of the Spider God Statue fiercely, blowing it up on the spot, and the Spider God Statue was completely destroyed.

   And as the idol exploded, pure divine power flew out, Wu Feng was overjoyed, he was aiming at the divine power imported by the Spider Goddess!

  Wu Feng opened his mouth and sucked it in, and all the remaining divine power flew into his mouth and was completely absorbed by the statue of the leader.

   After consuming 1 point of divine power, how to absorb the remaining divine power, the lord statue will increase 6 points of divine power, which is almost equal to the income of the entire Supreme Alliance for 1 day.

  God's power didn't decrease but increased, Wu Feng was very excited. With just these powers alone, it's not in vain for him to make such a big battle!

   At this time, the duration of the appearance of the gods has also expired, Wu Feng immediately canceled the fusion, and all the gods returned to the territory of each ally.

  After the golden light fell again, the tall statues returned to their original places. The allies were surprised to find that the statues seemed to have changed.

  [Qianshan Muxue] looked at the statue of the leader with a swipe: "Why do I feel that this statue seems to be more spiritual, as if it is about to come back to life, and it has become more handsome!"

  [Steel Straight Man Black and Thick] also looked up and down the statue of the leader: "If this statue comes to life, what will happen? Lord leader, this is the rhythm of becoming a god!"

  【Two hairy legs】The words are still simple and direct: "Leader, awesome pen!"

  The goblin warrior waved again: "My wife, come and see the gods! The lord has appeared again!"

  Many allies are also full of curiosity about the **** statue that suddenly disappeared and then suddenly appeared. After seeing the increase in the **** statue, some of them were excited.

   When fighting other enemies in the future, this lord statue will definitely exert a stronger effect.

  Wu Feng walked into the ruined spider temple. This temple has been completely destroyed. Wu Feng repeatedly confirmed that nothing strange was left behind.

But after Wu Feng walked into the spider temple, a spider the size of a normal human's palm uttered: "You humble mortal, you dare to destroy my statue. From today onwards, we will be eternal enemies!" !"

"All dark creatures will hate you extremely, and will take the initiative to attack your territory and try every means to kill you! I will offer a reward for my followers to hunt and kill you and destroy your territory! I will also put Capture your soul and torture it!"

   "If we meet again next time, I will definitely let you..."

   Wu Feng was too lazy to listen to the creature controlled by the spider goddess, so he trampled the little thing to death with one kick.

   "There are so many squeaks, let's wait until you can descend to the 799th floor. Besides, we have long been sworn enemies. I don't have any psychological burden to kill you."

  After completely destroying the temple of the Spider Goddess, Wu Feng discovered that there were special rewards for it.

  【Ding...Successfully destroyed the Spider Temple, destroyed the statue of the Spider Goddess, completed the Blasphemer achievement, and obtained 10,000 hunting points. 】

  【Ding... If you successfully destroy the Spider Temple and the statue of the Spider Goddess, you will get an additional 15,000 challenge points. 】

  【Ding... The lord statue destroys the spider statue, and you will add 1 God's Guard (hero) quota and 500 God's Guardian (army) quota. 】

  The rewards Wu Feng received in this wave were equivalent to capturing 3 dark fortresses. This temple is obviously more precious than the dark fortresses. After all, this is the basis for the Spider Goddess to gather the power of faith.

   "Lord Lord, Variety Tianzun has come to the depths of area 022, and we will be able to enter the next area soon."

   On the other side, Variety Tianzun's progress is also very fast, and the red queen quickly reported the relevant situation, and she also switched Wu Feng to the perspective of Variety Tianzun.

   At this time, the Variety Tianzun has passed through several underground passages, and is rushing towards the northwest. It is quickly approaching the direction of No. 001 area.

   As a result, at the exit of the underground passage at the junction of area 022 and area 011, Variety Tianzun found a dark fortress.

  In this dark fortress, there are even more dark elf heroes and monsters gathered. Although Variety Tianzun has a strong hiding ability, when he rushed out of the passage, he was still discovered by the guard tower in the fortress.

  The sentry tower immediately issued a piercing siren, and at the same time, there were markers to mark the Variety Tianzun, and then countless other defensive towers and heroes launched attacks on the Variety Tianzun.

  Variable Tianzun had no choice but to retreat into the passage. It was not Riel, and it was impossible to rush through with such fierce firepower.

  Wu Feng also saw the situation of the dark fortress when the Variety Tianzun rushed out just now. This dark fortress also completely blocked the passage. If he wants to enter area 011, he must take down the dark fortress.

   Seeing this fortress that was more magnificent than the previous dark fortress, Wu Feng reckoned that Riel might not be able to take it down with the angel army alone.

  He decisively launched his lore, which is the hand of the gods!

  Now he can absorb the evolutionary holy blood every day to refresh the hand of the gods. He still has the epic evolutionary holy blood, so he can use the hand of the gods up to 8 times a day.

   In this way, if this dark fortress is destroyed, there are still many opportunities to use it. No matter how you look at it, you have the confidence to activate the hand of the gods!

   I saw Wu Feng coming to the edge of the Dark Fortress, aiming at the Dark Fortress, slowly raised the hand of God, and then shot towards the Dark Fortress!

  A big cyan hand descended from the sky, its power enveloped the entire Dark Fortress, and no one could escape with void spells.

This is why after Wu Feng got the Void God Stone, the power of the God's Hand has increased. Not only can he blow up stronger enemies with a slap, but he can also make the enemy inescapable. He wants to use void magic to escape from the God's Hand The kill range is also impossible.

  The power of this hand of the gods, although not as powerful as Wu Feng's previous summoning of the 'Tiga' fusion, is still enough to destroy this dark fortress.

  I saw that when this palm fell, even the avenue was obliterated, countless dark creatures in the dark fortress were obliterated by this palm, and even the spider temple in the dark fortress was blown down by a palm.

  A roar came from the spider temple: "Who the hell? How dare you desecrate the temple of the gods. Prepare to bear the wrath of the gods!"

  Wu Feng almost wiped out the Dark Fortress with a single slap, he signaled Riel to do it, and the four-winged Judgment Angel flapped his wings and appeared in the Dark Fortress.

   There are dozens more angel units around her, which are the new companions she summoned with the Gate of Heaven and the Expedition to Heaven.

  After Riliel appeared, she immediately wiped out the remaining dark heroes and dark lords, and then took down the Dark Fortress.

  【Ding...Successfully destroyed the Heart of Darkness, broke through the Dark Fortress, completed the Pathfinder achievement, and obtained 3000 hunting points. 】

  【Ding... If you successfully break through the dark fortress and open up the underground passage between area 022 and 011, you will get an additional 5000 challenge points. 】

  The appearance of Riliel made the Spider Goddess, whose temple was mostly destroyed, furious: "You dare to attack my temple? I will let you..."

   "No, why is it a four-winged judgment angel again!"

   Halfway through the Spider Goddess's speech, she realized that something was wrong. At this moment, Wu Feng also appeared beside Rielier. He looked at the Spider Goddess: "I didn't expect that we would meet again so soon."

   "You said an hour ago, if you meet me again, what will you do to me?"

  Wu Feng's words stunned the spider statue. After destroying one of her temples and committing blasphemy, this mortal dared to do it again!

  He is really bold, isn't he afraid that he will unleash the wrath of God and destroy him?

   Seems to have sensed the Spider Goddess' thoughts, Riel spread her angel wings and appeared in front of the Spider God Statue: "If you want to deal with the lord, pass me first!"

  Rariel's strength gave Spider Goddess a headache. This mythical hero has a divine weapon at her side, and it is difficult for her to take down the opponent.

   In this way, can I just watch this mortal show off his power in front of me? This is a complete disgrace to the gods!

  Wu Feng also wanted to anger the Spider Goddess, he hooked his fingers towards the other party: "What? What you said just now was a joke? This is the so-called Spider Goddess?"

  When the Spider Goddess saw what Wu Feng said, she was extremely angry. How dare this guy provoke her like this? He is so arrogant!

  As a god, when has Spider Goddess been ridden on her face like this before, she trembled with anger, opened the altar directly, and began to guide divine power into the statue.

  Wu Feng was not in a hurry to let Rilier interrupt her. The divine power that the Spider Goddess poured into the statue will be his!

  As the Spider Goddess crazily imported divine power, the Spider God Statue was wrapped in golden light, making it appear sacred and inviolable, and it was the gods that Wu Feng wanted to violate.

   "Rariel, Chris, you can go!" Wu Feng snapped his fingers, and a blond superwoman wearing a red cape appeared beside him.

  This time, Wu Feng asked Fengyun to replace Chris, the superwoman with great strength. Chris, who possesses divine power gloves, is the main force against Spider Goddess.

  Her Divine Power Gloves and Divine Blood Cloak are the Godslayer Set, which is specially used for the Godslayer hero equipment. It has an additional restraint effect on the gods. It is much easier to kill the Spider God.

   Originally, Spider God Statue felt that she had been infused with more divine power, so she would be sure to deal with Rilier, but she never expected that Wu Feng would summon another mythical hero.

Moreover, this heroine was wearing an artifact that made her feel palpitations. The eight spider legs of the Spider Goddess were intertwined, and she looked extremely shocked: "Gauntlets of divine power, cloak of divine blood?! It's actually this set of godslayers!" suit!"

There was even a tinge of fear in the voice of the Spider Goddess, and Wu Feng knew that his operation was correct, so he sneered: "Why? This is not a nonsense? I thought that the Spider Goddess is so powerful, why is she going to be punished by me?" Fuck."

   "Chris, this time you are the protagonist, let me see the strength of a mythical hero!"

  Chris twitched her lips aside. The life of Xianyu was disrupted just like that. Seeing the lord's posture, she must show her full strength.

   As a last resort, Chris had no choice but to operate in this way, so a golden light appeared all over Chris, and she slammed into the spider statue like a little sun.

  With just one punch, Chrissy bent the chelicer branch of the spider statue. Her fist has the bonus of divine power gloves, and each punch can deal several times the damage.

   After just a few punches, the spider **** statue made of some special material is full of potholes.

  The attacks of the spider statue were all blocked by the blood cloak, and the blood cloak could also speed up Chris's movement speed. Chris attacked around the spider statue at will, and the opponent couldn't touch her.

  Chris alone completely suppressed the Spider Goddess with more divine power, and Rieli didn't pay attention to singles, and decisively joined the ranks of besieging the Spider Goddess.

  The sad Spider Goddess poured in more divine power, but she could only be completely suppressed. She roared again and again, but she couldn't change the situation at all.

  Under Chris's crazy attack, Spider Goddess suffered more and more injuries. Wu Feng watched and nodded repeatedly: "Kris, this is your full strength."

   "Then you will return to the natural disaster ninety-nine level, and you can beat the sixth level for me as soon as possible!"

  Wu Feng saw Chrissy's performance, and he knew that Chrissy with the artifact suit was almost the strongest among her mythical heroes.

The Divine Power Gloves and the Divine Blood Cloak are one attack and one defense. It can be said to be both offensive and defensive. Exhausted!

  When Chris heard Wu Feng's words, she almost turned her head and left. Why is Xianyu's life so difficult! Can't you let me lie on the lord's palace and bask in the sun!

  Wu Feng's words to Chris angered Spider Goddess, what do you mean? I haven't been dealt with yet? Are you ready to take down the next enemy? This is not taking this goddess seriously!

  Spider Goddess became more and more angry. She tried her best to mobilize her own power and slashed at Wu Feng. This was to capture the thief first and the king first. To solve this mortal lord, these two heroes would not be a problem.

  Seeing Spider Goddess's movements, Wu Feng chuckled: "You really think I'm a soft persimmon that you can pinch casually, do you believe in light?"

  Wu Feng's soul questioning, Spider Goddess doesn't know what it means at all, why believe in light, my old lady has always been active in the dark underground world, and can't see any light!

   And Wu Feng had already activated the ability of the God Statue of the Alliance Leader at this time, and he merged with the God Statue again!

  All the allies of the Supreme Alliance saw the leader's idol disappear again. This scene made them stunned. Didn't the boss come here just now? Why come again so soon!

[Prostitution to Lost Contact] Holding two beautiful heroes in his arms, he hammered his waist and saw the leader's **** disappear into light. He couldn't help but widen his eyes: "Brother Feng is so fierce? This is because he wants to be a man of seven times a night." Rhythm? Is his sage time so short?"

  [King of the Four Seas] couldn't help being envious: "Boss can use this combined ability continuously? This is simply invincible!"

  Many allies are not sure what kind of enemy the leader needs to face. They only know that few enemies can stop the leader's attack!

  Wu Feng has turned into a 200-meter-high golden statue at this time. He looks down at the spider statue: "You think I'm a bully? Then let you know why flowers are so popular!"

   As he spoke, Wu Feng slapped the spider goddess with a slap, which directly broke off the Spider Goddess's claws. This was almost the same as Chris's attack when she used the Divine Power Gauntlet.

  Spider Goddess was besieged by three top fighters. Even if she poured more divine power, she could only be suppressed by the right side.

  When Wu Feng made a move, the statue of the spider **** was already damaged. He cooperated with the hand of God to **** hard, and the statue of the spider **** was soon severely damaged, and finally was slapped to death by Wu Feng.

   This time Wu Feng didn't need to use the hand of the gods to easily kill the Spider Goddess. Wu Feng's fighting power was stronger than before.

   This is after the divine power in the lord statue has increased, the power of the statue has also increased.

   And after Wu Feng destroyed the Spider God Statue, all the divine power contained in it was absorbed by the leader God Statue. After this wave, Wu Feng gained 11 divine power points!

   This time, the divine power in the leader statue increased from 17 points to 28 points! This wave of growth is extremely high, and it also makes the progress of the leader's statue's promotion skyrocket!

  【Ding...Successfully destroyed the Spider Temple, destroyed the statue of the Spider Goddess, completed the Blasphemer achievement, and obtained 10,000 hunting points. 】

  【Ding... If you successfully destroy the Spider Temple and the statue of the Spider Goddess, you will get an additional 15,000 challenge points. 】

  【Ding... The lord statue destroys the spider statue, and you will add 1 God's Guard (hero) quota and 500 God's Guardian (army) quota. 】

   "This Spider Goddess is really a good person. She is giving away heads, divine powers, hunting points and challenge points. She really...I cried to death..."

   After Wu Feng shed a few drops of crocodile tears, he left a 5-kilometer impasse Great Wall in this dark fortress. In this way, Wu Feng can send troops to enter here at will.

  Variable Tianzun continued to explore in the area where area 011 was located, advancing frantically along the direction specified by the mysterious parchment, preparing to rush all the way to area 001 to find the exit.

  Wu Feng looked at the time, it was already 36:00, and it was not long before the end of the day, and the Variety God still had some time, so Wu Feng decided to draw today's lottery first.

  He has drawn two rounds of resource crystals before, and now he has not raised many new resource crystals, so he only draws a few other things.

   Wu Feng returned to his main base through the Great Wall of Desperation. After he came to the koi pond, he could finish all the lottery draws here.

   "This time I can try the effect of the master key, and directly draw a wave of hero equipment, so that all my powerful heroes can use powerful equipment!"

  Wu Feng has been looking forward to this lottery draw for a long time. With the master key, he can specify the categories of treasure chests to open. Relatively speaking, equipment treasure chests still have the most stable income.

  Opening this kind of treasure chest will definitely reveal unit equipment or hero equipment, both of which can greatly enhance the combat effectiveness of the territory.

   Especially Wu Feng has many powerful heroes, but they have relatively few powerful equipment. For example, among the mythical heroes, the only ones who have artifacts are Riel and Chris.

   "See if I can draw out one or two artifacts from this wave. Any artifact can greatly increase the strength of the corresponding hero!"

  Wu Feng thought of this, took out the master key, and then used this key to select the output type of the next treasure chest key.

  So Wu Feng tried to draw a lottery. After he opened the treasure chest key, the treasure chest that appeared randomly was locked as an equipment treasure chest. When he opened it, all he saw were troop equipment or hero equipment.

   This wave of hundred consecutive draws was just a small experiment, and Wu Feng was also very satisfied with what was produced.

  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the Hundred Stones Bow (purple) you get is upgraded by 2 levels, and you get the Ten Thousand Stones Bow (legendary quality). 】

  Wu Feng only used a purple treasure chest key when he drew a hundred consecutive draws, and what he drew was purple hero equipment. With the addition of a hundred consecutive draws, it became a legendary hero equipment.

  A huge and powerful bow appeared in Wu Feng's hand. This is legendary bow and arrow equipment. It can be used by archer heroes, and it can also be used by the great witch statue on Houyi Tower.

  A legendary bow and arrow equipment is enough to make a statue of a great witch have the output of a legendary defensive tower, and a single arrow can burst the lord's heart of an ordinary lord.

   "Well, from this point of view, my 8,000 treasure chest keys must be able to produce a lot of legendary bows and arrows, enough to arm more great witch statues!"

  Wu Feng did some calculations, 80 hundred consecutive draws, plus thousand consecutive draws and ten thousand consecutive draws, is enough to produce a lot of legendary equipment, and it is quite easy to produce seven or eight legendary bow equipment.

  His two Houyi towers have a total of more than 20 statues of great witches, of which 7 already have legendary bows and arrows as weapons.

   This lottery draw is over, Wu Feng should be able to arm half of the great witch statues, which is still a huge improvement.

  So Wu Feng asked the koi to bless him collectively, and then started a series of lottery draws.

   With the Dragon Blossom Koi, Wu Feng's luck is extremely high. When opening the key to the purple treasure chest, equipment above purple will almost always appear. Wu Feng's income from this lottery is also unexpectedly high!

  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the Shadow Bow (purple) you get is upgraded by 2 levels, and you get Phantom Bow (legendary quality). 】


  【Ding... Hundred consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the iron halberd (orange) you get is upgraded by 2 levels, and you get Fang Tian's painted halberd (epic quality). 】


[Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the divine power bow, divine power cannon (army equipment blueprint), and seven-star spear (purple quality) you get will be upgraded by 3 levels, and you will get the sky-shattering bow and magical cannon (army equipment blueprint), meteorite spear (epic quality). 】


  【Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-inducing talent, the divine power bow (orange quality) you get is upgraded by 3 levels, and you get the sun-shooting bow (innate artifact). 】

  Wu Feng did a crazy lottery draw, and when he got to the fourth thousand consecutive draws, he produced an artifact. It was a longbow-like artifact. Its power was incomparably astonishing, and it could be regarded as a real killer.

  But in Wu Feng's territory, there are no archer-like mythical heroes for the time being. Wu Feng summed it up. This longbow, which is an innate artifact, can only be allocated to Houyi Xuying.

   "Houyi is equipped with a sun-shooting bow. This is a perfect match! Don't I have a chance to get two artifacts today!"

  Wu Feng will be able to draw 10,000 consecutive draws in the lottery this time. He still uses the key of the legendary treasure chest, and the probability of getting a top prize is extremely high.

  So he drew a lottery, and the things he finally got during the draw shocked him extremely.

[Ding...Thousand consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entrance talent, the arcane mage hat, thousand-mile saddle (army equipment blueprint), and full moon scimitar (purple quality) you get are upgraded by 3 levels, and you get the supreme beauty Mage Hat, Nightmare Saddle (army equipment blueprint), Sun and Moon Knife Dark Moon Knife (epic quality). 】


  【Ding... Ten thousand consecutive draws (treasure box key) are successful, triggering a soul-entry talent, the Ziyin Immortal Sword (legendary quality) you get is upgraded by 4 levels, and you get the Zhuxian Sword (innate chaos artifact). 】

   "Damn it! It's actually this thing, this is an innate chaos artifact! This is going to be against the sky!"

  Wu Feng saw a sword flying out of the treasure chest when he saw Wan Lian Draw, and he was numb all over. He didn't expect that he would actually get the Zhu Xian Sword this time.

   This is the legendary artifact for killing the gods. In comparison, the Sword of Killing the Immortals is the real weapon for killing gods! The divine power glove is nothing in front of it.

  Xianzhu Sword: Innate Chaos Artifact (Hero Equipment), possesses the powerful power to kill immortal gods, with additional abilities: Zhuxian Sword Qi, Zhuxian Sword Formation, Zhuxian Sword Art.

  Remarks: If you gather all the four swords of Zhuxian, you can deploy the Zhuxian sword formation, so that it has the lethality of immortal weapons.

  The Immortal Execution Sword belongs to the Innate Chaos artifact, which is the top existence among the artifacts. This is because Wu Feng's talent has not evolved to the Immortal level, so Wu Feng cannot obtain the Immortal-level hero equipment.

  So what he drew was the best innate chaos artifact below the immortal level, and the Immortal Execution Sword, Immortal Slaughter Sword, Immortal Trapping Sword, and Immortal Immortal Sword could become Immortal Level weapons when paired together.

  Then Wu Feng does not need evolutionary talent, and he has the opportunity to produce immortal items. This is obviously the existence of the super class at this stage. If it is collected, it will definitely sweep all directions!

   "Should I use the Zhuxian sword for myself, or for Jiujianxian or Li Yingqiong?" Wu Feng held the Zhuxian sword, and he fell into deep thought.

  This super artifact, he couldn't find a suitable person to use it? Can you believe this?

  Sword weapons, or fairy sword weapons, sword repairers like Cadiz really don't know how to use them. After all, he doesn't even know how to control swordsmanship. How can he use Zhuxian Sword?

   Among the heroes of sword immortals, Jiu Jianxian and Li Yingqiong, who belong to Wan Jianzong, can use Zhuxian sword, but they are not mythical heroes, so it may be difficult for them to exert the power of Zhuxian sword.

   But now they can only use it. Wu Feng's sword control skills are probably at the level of purple heroes. It would be too wasteful to use Zhuxian Sword.

  Considering that Li Yingqiong was more talented than the two of them, Wu Feng brought the female sword fairy over and asked her to use Zhuxian Sword first.

   As a result, Li Yingqiong stretched out her hand to grab the Zhuxian Sword, but was shocked by the sword energy stirred up by this fairy sword. She looked at Zhuxian Sword in disbelief: "This fairy sword has a spirit. If you don't have enough strength, you can't use it at all!"

  As the sword fairy of Emei, Li Yingqiong is very blessed. She was born with a Ziying sword. Many fairy swords will automatically recognize their masters, and there are countless treasures.

  But now she wants to pick up the Zhuxian Sword, but she is not recognized by this fairy sword, which is beyond Li Yingqiong's imagination.

  Wu Feng didn't expect that Zhu Xianjian's temper would be so strong, and he would actually despise the user. As a result, Wu Feng could only use it by another person.

  Seeing the lord looking at him, Jiu Jianxian laughed aloud: "Even epic heroes can't hold this Zhu Xian sword, I'm afraid I can't hold it either..."

  Wu Feng thought about it, but shook the fairy sword gourd: "Since you can't use it, then I will use the Zhuxian sword."

  He stretched out his hand to grab the Jade Sword. Perhaps because of the hand of God and the original human blood, Wu Feng successfully grabbed the Jade Sword.

  It's just that when he pinched the sword formula to control the sword, Zhu Xianjian flew out crookedly, and Jiu Jianxian said: "My lord, you are so talented, and you can comprehend my drunken sword intent so easily!"

   "When I'm drunk, the imperial sword is the most delicious."

  Wu Feng's face was full of black lines, it was obviously because he still couldn't fully control the Zhuxian Sword, which caused the Zhuxian Sword to fly out crookedly, but Jiujianxian said it was a drunken sword intent.

  For a moment, Wu Feng didn't even know whether he was mocking himself or really praising himself.

  No matter what, he is considered a user of Zhuxian Sword, so at least he can't embarrass this innate chaos artifact. It seems that he still needs to find time to practice his sword art.

  While Wu Feng was trying to make Zhu Xian Jianfei straight, he also summoned many heroes one by one, and distributed the equipment suitable for them to them.

  The first one to arrive was Wei Gusi. This time Wu Feng got the Supreme Beauty Mage Hat, which is already the third component of the Supreme Beauty suit.

  The beautiful succubus was put on a mage hat by Wu Feng himself. The appearance of this hat can be changed at will, and with the ever-changing magic robe, Weigusi has the ability to change shapes.

Wei Gusi was also very curious about this, so she began to change various looks in front of Wu Feng. For a while, she was a lady wearing a gorgeous top hat, for a while she was a cute and cute student, and for a while she was an energetic athlete wearing a Sports cap.

  Regardless of the style, Wei Gusi's charm is unparalleled, she is absolutely fascinated by Wu Feng, if it is not considered that this is not a lord's palace, Wu Feng will have to punish Wei Gusi on the spot.

   "Lord, do I look good?" Wei Gusi didn't realize her lethality to Wu Feng at all. She smiled at Wu Feng, and Wu Feng almost couldn't help it.

  He coughed: "Naturally, it is a beautiful thing. You have three supreme beauties suits, plus the queen's whip, you can control the fifth-level boss, right?"

  Wei Gusi nodded lightly: "These equipments have raised the upper limit of my charm ability. According to my current level, I can charm the boss who has just reached the fifth level."

  Wu Feng smiled slightly. In this way, as long as Vigus charms the fifth-order legendary boss, with the art bonus of enslavement, it can be equivalent to the fifth-order epic boss.

  Such a powerful boss is enough to easily sweep away all enemies, Wu Feng is full of expectations for this, let Wei Gusi try it in the infinite trial later.

  After giving this piece of equipment to Wei Gusi, other heroes came to the koi pond, and many epic heroes gathered together, which made Wu Feng very energetic.

   "I called you here because I have epic equipment suitable for you. You can all use powerful equipment, which will greatly increase your combat effectiveness!"

  Wu Feng looked at Mo Lu Bu, Geralt, Meng Zhao Yun and others, and he was going to give them the equipment at hand.

   "Fengxian, this Fangtian painted halberd is tailor-made for you, you can use it! With this weapon, you can sweep away invincible."

  Wu Feng took out Fang Tian's painted halberd, and handed it to the tall and powerful demon Lu Bu, but Lu Bu immediately bowed and said, "Father-in-law..."

  Seeing Lu Bu's posture, Wu Feng quickly helped him up: "You don't need to be polite when you call your prime minister, and you don't even need to call him foster father."

  Being Lv Bu's adoptive father, Wu Feng didn't want to get impatient. To challenge himself, the name of prime minister is better. If Diao Chan is summoned, it will be even better, and it will be more suitable for the title of prime minister.

  Who doesn’t want to be Cao’s thief?

   "Yes, Prime Minister!" Lu Bu happily took over Fang Tian's painted halberd. This is his exclusive weapon, and it is the rhythm of taking off!

After Mo Lu Bu, Wu Feng gave the meteorite spear to Meng Zhao Yun. Although he is only a legendary hero, after getting the meteorite spear, his combat power will have a qualitative leap. Among the legendary heroes, absolutely is top-ranked.

   And Wu Feng was also thinking that if he had the right blood essence, maybe Meng Zhao Yun could also find a way to obtain high-level bloodlines, so as to evolve into an epic hero.

  As the general of the five tigers, Zhao Yun's cultivation potential is still very good.

  Geralt on the other side saw that everyone else had decent weapons, so he looked at Wu Feng eagerly. He wanted to see what powerful equipment Wu Feng would give him.

Wu Feng then took out an epic scimitar and handed it to Geralt: "Geralt, this is one of the sun and moon knives, if you gather the other epic scimitar, then the other The power will be multiplied!"

   "Try first to see if it works, and if it doesn't work, you can't change it..."

  Wu Feng made a joke. Geralt was already envious, and he took the weapon decisively: "It's easy to use, absolutely easy to use! Now I'm more confident in single-handedly fighting the epic boss!"

  Geralt eagerly took the Darkmoon Scimitar, and after dancing it a little, he found that it perfectly matched his ability!

  The demon hunter's lethality will skyrocket accordingly, and killing a legendary boss will be almost like killing a dog!

  Epic-level heroes, with epic-level weapons, the combat power should not be improved too much!

   "Then this sun-shooting bow can only be used by Houyi Xuying. What kind of power will an epic defense tower match with an artifact?"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion