MTL - Lord of Ashes-Chapter 996 The ultimate qualitative change! Terrifying power-ups!

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Lord of Ashes Chapter 996 Ultimate qualitative change! Terrifying power-ups!

Of course, Zhang Yanhang may also be able to travel to space through teleportation. As long as he has a rough coordinate point, he can avoid restrictions and go to places he has never reached. Obviously, things like energy consumption don't mean much to him, so rounding up means that there is no disadvantage.

However, even if you really want to go to space, you have to wait until after testing your strength, so there is no rush for now.

In addition to the power of the ordinary four-piece set of giant enlargement, Zhang Yanhang also wanted to test the power of Fatianxiangdi, so he quickly canceled the four-piece set of giant enlargement.

Then Zhang Yanhang immediately turned on the skill effect of his Fatianxiangdi skill and began to check it. Speaking of which, it seems that he has not checked the Fatianxiangdi skill at all after being promoted. Presumably his maximum deformation limit should have increased again now Quite a few.

Law, Heaven and Earth·Original Code lv.6 active skills]

Active effect: After the skill is activated, the Master of Destiny can freely change and enlarge his body. The maximum deformation limit is 2400%+2700%=5100% [currently 770m+126m], and the power effect is +600%. No cooling time, consumes a small amount of stamina. 】

Additional attributes: Maximum deformation limit +2700%. 】

"Although the skill level of Fatianxiangdi has not been improved, the maximum transformation limit has remained at 5100% conversion rate, but because of my rapidly growing height, the maximum transformation limit has increased from the original 644 meters to 770 meters. Compared with before, the maximum deformation limit of 126 meters has been increased."

It only took four hours to increase the maximum deformation limit by one-fifth. At this time, Zhang Yanhang's current growth rate is indeed a bit indescribable. I can only say that it is really fast. Without upgrading the skill level, he can break through the original mid-term goal of 1,000 meters within today.

By the way, Zhang Yanhang said that his body size has increased by 15 meters, but he ignored the decimal place. In fact, his current body size is 1510 cm, which is 15.1 meters, so he can reach his current body size.

"But it's already 770 meters, but it still can't surpass the Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. It's a bit regrettable."

Fortunately, Zhang Yanhang's original small goal of Merdeka 118 must be easily surpassed. After all, Merdeka 118 is only 679 meters, and now he is almost 100 meters ahead of him, and even the tallest building in the world, Khalifa The tower is only temporarily insurmountable.

Although the height of the Burj Khalifa is 830 meters, he is only 60 meters away now. He reckons it doesn't need to be too much. Maybe he can surpass the tallest building in the world as long as he waits until noon up.

Moreover, although the Burj Khalifa looks tall, because it gets thinner as it goes up, even if the outer layer is made of metal, Zhang Yanhang estimates that the Burj Khalifa should weigh at most about 500,000 tons. Now one hand can be easily swung up and played like a branch.

It can only be said that all the creations of human civilization after surpassing the peak of human beings are no more than toys to him today.

After simply checking the upper limit of Fatianxiangdi's deformation, Zhang Yanhang quickly began to use the Fatianxiangdi skill. Along with the stretching of bones and the expansion of muscles, Zhang Yanhang's body changed from the original "petite and weak" almost instantly. The 15 meters in the air directly swelled to a height of 770 meters that could easily touch the clouds.

But this is definitely not the end, Zhang Yanhang continued to release the four-piece giant enlargement technique on his body, his body began to continue to expand, and soon rose to a height of 850 meters.

Although Zhang Yanhang previously dispelled the giant dust cloud that covered the sky over Greenland, the subsequent contact between the magma and the glacier still brought a lot of water vapor, which rose to the high altitude in a warm environment and combined with the surrounding The environment formed a thick layer of low clouds.

Although it was short, it was much higher than the normal rain clouds which were only 400-500 meters high, around 700 meters. Now it was wrapping around Zhang Yanhang's chest, which made him feel a little cool for no reason.

Looking at the surrounding clouds that were so thick that he could not see the ground, Zhang Yanhang was inexplicably moved. Once upon a time, even if he stretched out his hand, it was difficult for him to touch the sea clouds of about 200 meters, but now the clouds of 700 meters It could only reach the position of his chest, and the interval between this was less than a week.

But Zhang Yanhang believes that with the subsequent increase in his growth rate, his changes in this area will definitely be more rapid. Sooner or later, he will be able to step on the ground but overlook the entire earth, directly rising to the same height as the atmosphere.

Of course, although the atmosphere is definitely relatively far away for him now, he thinks that the relatively low troposphere can still work hard, even though the average height of the troposphere is only above 10 kilometers.

After a brief taste of the 850-meter body shape, Zhang Yanhang did not forget his mission. He began to re-test his strength, which is the most important thing for him at present.

Because he felt that the upper limit of power in this state would definitely be far more exaggerated than he imagined, so Zhang Yanhang directly put a 10 million-ton steel cube on his right hand. Five times the strength of one hand in the four-piece state.

But he didn't expect that he still felt very relaxed with the 10 million tons of steel cubes in his hand, so he put another 10 million tons of steel cubes on his right hand with a snap, and when he had endured the previous giant enlargement technique After ten times the strength, Zhang Yanhang soon felt that Yu Yu became smaller.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang soon felt that he had reached the limit state after he just put nearly two million tons of steel cubes up one after another.

"So, rounded up, my current one-handed strength has reached 22 million tons?"

As for why Zhang Yanhang did not measure accurately, it can only be said that when the strength has reached the current level, accurate measurement has become meaningless. There is really not much difference in terms of the strength of millions of tons as the unit of measurement.

Well, in fact, there is still a big difference. After all, before rounding up, he was actually short of 270,000 tons. He, that is, his current actual strength is about 21.73 million tons.

"But after rounding it up, it can definitely reach 22 million tons. In this way, if I add more spiritual energy, wouldn't the strength of one hand reach 44 million tons? And the strength of both hands is even greater. Reached an exaggerated 110 million tons..."

Originally, Zhang Yanhang thought that he might not be able to destroy the 2,400-kilometer Pluto at the fifth level, but now it seems that Pluto may be the same, after all, his current upper limit of strength is indeed somewhat exaggerated.

But it has to be mentioned that in his strength composition, the strength bonus brought by weight is definitely a crucial and indispensable part. Although it is impossible to measure it now, Zhang Yanhang can still use it according to Past experience to roughly estimate his current weight.

It's just that the estimation is an estimation after all, and there is no way to be very accurate. Therefore, he can only roughly judge that his current weight should be within the range of 7.5 million tons to 8 million tons. Therefore, it seems that Twenty-two million strength, but in fact one-third is the bonus brought by weight.

As for a more detailed test, Zhang Yanhang felt that if he used his current alchemy to make an oversized weighing scale, he might be able to test it, but he found it troublesome, and he was actually satisfied if he could know an approximate number, after all He felt that there was no need to know the weight very accurately.

"If it is calculated in catties, the strength of my hands after blessing the spiritual energy has reached a terrifying 220 billion catties. If it is calculated on the basis of one catty of raw rice per person per day, I can lift it with both hands. The weight of the rice raised is enough to feed the entire empire of two billion people for 110 days, which is nearly four months of supply."

As for Qindao City, which has a population of only 20 million, the rice that Zhang Yanhang can lift now has been supplied for 11,000 days, which is almost 30 years, enough for him to go back to the 1990s. Now.

"What's a qualitative change? This **** thing is called a qualitative change!"

Zhang Yanhang feels that it is probably a bit inappropriate to call him the fifth-level corresponding awakened country-level awakener. Perhaps the awakened star-killing star is more in line with his current position.

"After that, I really had to go to space to find an asteroid and test it."

Zhang Yanhang felt that with his current strength, it was fortunate that he hadn't tested the actual effect before. Otherwise, let alone Greenland, it is not certain whether Canada next to Greenland and half of North America can still exist.

After all, it is really not difficult for him to destroy the surface of the planet without talking about the depth.

"But even if I'm strong enough to this level, I'm only at the fifth level, how strong will the sixth level be? It can only be said that the road is long and difficult, and I still need to continue to work hard to advance to the sixth level and see if I become a god. It's just the style."

Moreover, in addition to becoming a god, Zhang Yanhang also dreams that one day he can be like a golden giant in a divination tarot card, and he can knock a red giant star like a jelly bean.

As for how big the red giant is, the larger one is about one billion suns, and the smaller one is more than 100 million suns.

It can be said that a red giant star is equal to the size of a star system. After all, the most common change of a star after entering the red giant state is to gradually swallow all the planets in the star system in the process of continuous expansion and use this as fuel to accelerate itself Expansion, therefore, as long as enough planets are devoured, it is theoretically normal for the expansion to be exaggerated.

After testing his strength, Zhang Yanhang is going to test his current attack speed again. This is also very important, and it is even more useful than pure strength in the proportion of kinetic energy.

It's just that he won't test the specific attack speed of his fists for the time being. He will test this when he goes to space later. Of course, he knows that his current attack speed is at least a few hundred Mach. With Mach 139, the attack speed that has just received a large bonus is naturally much higher than the movement speed.

Therefore, this time he is only going to test the speed increase of the six clean soul spears.

After a short test shot, Zhang Yanhang found that the attack speed of the six pure soul-crossing guns had also become strange because of the excess bonus, but the strangeness was strange, but the increase was really fierce.

Zhang Yanhang's six soul-cleaning guns could only shoot 7,880 machine gun bullets per second, but now they can shoot 16,967 machine gun bullets per second. The firing rate of cannon bullets has been increased by 9087 rounds.

"After being promoted to rank, UU reading the speed of emptying a magazine of my six cleansing soul guns has finally been reduced to less than one second. Originally, it took me about 1.3 seconds to empty a magazine, but Now it takes only 0.6 seconds to empty a magazine, which is 0.7 seconds lower than before."

It can be said that Zhang Yanhang's attack speed this time has more than doubled compared to the original one because of the huge attack speed bonus plus the excess bonus.

For this situation, Zhang Yanhang is naturally not very surprised. After all, he has already obtained a 140% attack speed bonus from the main attribute reward, and then gained 240% attack speed by relying on the eight arms and eight toes. Bonus, the addition of these two parts alone is already a 380% attack speed bonus.

Before Zhang Yanhang, all the attack speeds of his whole body added up to less than 700%. Therefore, even if there was no excess bonus, this time it would still be an exaggerated increase. Now the excess bonus is just to make the already exaggerated increase It's just an exaggeration.

"Originally, I just wanted to empty a magazine in 0.5 seconds after activating the six cleansing skills, but now if I activate the skills to double the attack speed, it can be directly reduced to 0.3 seconds to empty a magazine."

Although the increase in attack speed this time is indeed relatively sharp, but in view of the fact that there is a certain degree of irreproducibility, Zhang Yanhang is currently only planning to set the next small target at 0.5 seconds.

After all, although the difference is only 0.1 seconds, it is due to the reason that the compression becomes more difficult. This 0.1 second seems to be a small gap, but in fact it needs to make the cannon fire at a speed of 20,000 rounds per second to achieve it. His current The rate of fire per second is still short of 3033 rounds, which is about one-third short. In fact, there are still quite a few shortfalls.

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