MTL - Lord of Ashes-Chapter 983 The limit of gravity! Reverse the magnetic field!

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"I remember the last time when I upgraded the xx-level talent Haiwu Tianchou to the current xxx-level talent Shouyuan Wuliang, it only increased the attack power bonus and defense power bonus by 444%. It was still tall before, so the growth talent is really strong."

Zhang Yanhang's original attack power bonus was about 846%, but now it has directly increased to 1294%, which means that a single punch can cause about fourteen times the damage, compared to the previous 9.5 times. The magnitude of the increase can be said to be exceptionally significant.

In addition to attack power, Zhang Yanhang's defense power bonus has also increased by more than half this time due to the increase in lifespan, but unfortunately, defense power is different for each rank. There are no good test subjects to compare.

It has to be said that the benefits provided to Zhang Yanhang by the deepening of the energy level of the body are really too many, and it has already provided so many benefits, but Zhang Yanhang still feels that there are other more changes.

However, the next step has nothing to do with the improvement of lifespan and strength, because the next change is about the evolution of flying ability.

Zhang Yanhang's original flying ability obtained at the fourth level is related to the gravity of the earth, so at most, he can only fly in the atmosphere.

After all, we all know that it is the pull of the earth's gravity that creates the existence of the atmosphere. Therefore, the limit of the atmosphere is naturally the limit of the earth's gravity, which in turn leads to the fact that if you rely on the earth's gravity to fly against gravity, you cannot enter space at all. Zhang Yanhang used to be A space that can only be entered by flying.

But it is different now that he has been promoted to the fifth level. Zhang Yanhang can clearly feel that the essence of flying ability seems to have changed, or it has evolved, and the principle of flying has become completely different from before.

Specifically, if the knowledge points instilled in him by Qiankun Wujigong are correct, then his current flight principle should have changed from relying on the earth's gravity to resist gravity to relying on the planet's magnetic field to resist gravity.

Moreover, the evolved magnetic field anti-gravity flight still does not require any physical strength and energy consumption. Therefore, it is referred to as increasing the amount without increasing the price, and the benefits are big.

As for the specific changes, it is natural that Zhang Yanhang can fly into space. Although this knowledge point may be relatively unpopular, the coverage of the planet's magnetic field is indeed far beyond the planet's gravity.

After all, it is well known that the essence of light is an electromagnetic wave, and the electromagnetic wave constitutes a magnetic field. Therefore, in theory, when you can see this planet, you have actually received its electromagnetic wave and magnetic field.

However, the magnetic field will weaken and disappear if it is too far away, leaving only tiny electromagnetic wave particles propagating, resulting in a much smaller coverage area of ​​the magnetic field than theoretically.

Therefore, although the planet's magnetic field is still very far away in terms of range, it can basically only propagate within the galaxy. If the distance is far away, it still cannot be covered.

But in any case, since the magnetic field of the planet can cover the entire galaxy, it means that Zhang Yanhang has the ability to fly outside the earth, and can start to fly freely in the solar system by relying on the ability automatically obtained by promotion.

However, although it is true that he can fly freely, but limited by his current flying speed, it would be better not to fly too far. Slow down, if you have time to explore the universe and find out what life and planets are, then it is better to open a few more permanent transmission channels, which can be regarded as a contribution to mankind.

I don't know why, but when mentioning the planet's magnetic field, Zhang Yanhang easily thinks of something like a magnetic field rotating a million horses.

Of course, more importantly, the benefits brought to him by the deepening of the energy level of the body are still not over.

However, although Zhang Yanhang felt that the more benefits of this rank, the better, but the next one was indeed the last rank benefit.

After the energyization of his body deepened, Zhang Yanhang felt that some unknown change had occurred in his body, as if a heavy burden had been suddenly lifted off, and he felt that his whole body became much lighter all of a sudden.

Well, it's a lot lighter on a psychological level.

As for his weight, it will only continue to climb without limit along with the growth of his body forever, but this is also a good thing, after all, his weight is also part of his source of strength.

Especially when he was in the Fatianxiangdi state, his weight at that time was the absolute main source of his strength. It can be said that his bodyweight contributed at least 90% of the reason why his Fatianxiangdi state was so strong.

It's just that Zhang Yanhang doesn't know what special effects this unknown change will have other than feeling light, because this part of knowledge is not mentioned in Qiankun Wujigong.

Therefore, he felt that he might be able to find multiple options to ask in the future, but now is definitely not the time, because after upgrading the Qiankun Wuji Kungfu, Zhang Yanhang is going to start improving his attribute value next. After all, since he has a full five Fourteen free attribute points, that must be used to transform into strength.

"Choose! Attribute value increases!"

After making up his mind, Zhang Yanhang immediately started to trigger the option to increase the attribute value, and the time pause followed in an instant, accompanied by the small row that had been seen hundreds of times so far. The once-familiar ones cannot be familiarized again, and there is no change in the text option box throughout the process.

[Do you want to strengthen attribute points? 】

[Option 1: Strength +1 point. 】

[Option 2: Dexterity +1 point. 】

[Option 3: Constitution +1 point. 】

[Option 4: Intelligence +1 point. 】

[Option 5: Charm +1 point. 】

"If I put all the fifty-four free attribute points into the four main attributes, it will be easy to raise all the main attributes to the level limit of 125 points, or even 100 points in the naked state. The rank limit of twenty-five points is not impossible.

However, this time because of the lack of charisma, I have to set aside some free attribute points to increase the value of charisma. "

Moreover, he is different from the last time this time. He has not upgraded his Qiankun Wuji Gong this time, and he is still at lv.2. Therefore, there are still a lot of attribute value bonuses that can be obtained. Raise all attribute values ​​to 125 points.

Therefore, he felt that as long as his four main attributes could be raised to more than 120 points this time, it would be fine.

"So, I choose option one, strength +1 point."

After quickly thinking about the specific attribute value improvement plan, Zhang Yanhang immediately made a choice directly, and after Zhang Yanhang made the choice, the time pause disappeared instantly.


November 2, Monday, the first day after Halloween, and also the first day Zhang Yanhang left the world of ashes, at 6:56 in the morning, Qindao City, Xingfuli Community, Room 505, bedroom.

After raising the attribute value, Zhang Yanhang immediately reopened his attribute list and began to check it.

[Strength: 119 (+3)]

[Agility: 123 (+3)]

[Physique: 123 (+3)]

[Intelligence: 118 (+3)]

[Charm: 102 (+16)]

"I used to have a total of 109 points of strength, but now it has been increased to 119 points, which is equivalent to another increase of 10 points of strength. However, after removing the three-point equipment bonus, it is actually 116 points in the naked state. It is still four points away from 120 points.

The agility attribute has been directly increased from the original 107 points to 123 points, which is equivalent to directly increasing the agility by 16 points. Even if the three-point equipment bonus is removed, there are still 120 points. "

Since Zhang Yanhang said that he wanted to increase the attribute value to more than 120 points, it must be completed. As for why the strength was lower by four points, it was naturally because he still had two bottles of T-virus in his hand. No, drinking those two t-viruses can increase a lot of strength and intelligence.

"And my physique attribute has also been directly increased to 123 points just like agility. However, the physique attribute actually only consumed my five free attribute points. After all, it originally had 118 points. It was just because of the main attribute drop. It’s just not lifted, and now it’s back to normal after it’s lifted.”

Also because of the t-virus, Zhang Yanhang's intelligence increased relatively little this time, only from the original 111 points to 118 points, that is, only 7 free attribute points were used.

And if you want to ask why the intelligence attribute is a little lower than the strength, it is naturally because if there is no accident at the fifth level, the intelligence attribute will definitely overflow by a large amount, and it is not impossible to overflow more than 25 points.

After all, he is going to upgrade the scroll dragon bloodline next, and the scroll dragon bloodline is an intelligence talent, so here, he can save a free attribute point and give it to Charm.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that the biggest difference between the main attributes is five points, he has designated this time to deduct more free attribute points from his intelligence mouth to improve his charm. In fact, the intelligence attribute overflows every time because of the Qiankun Wuji Gong.

Therefore, in fact, it can be said that compared to the agility attribute that always ranks at the bottom every time, his intelligence attribute actually needs to never be worried because of his Qiankun Wuji Gong.

"I used to have a total of fifty-four free attribute points, but now it takes ten free attribute points to increase the strength attribute, sixteen free attribute points to increase the agility attribute, and five free attribute points to increase the physical attribute. If the attribute consumes seven free attribute points, then a total of 38 free attribute points will be consumed."

Therefore, after deducting the free attribute points from the intelligence attribute, Zhang Yanhang now has a total of sixteen free attribute points that can be transferred to the charm attribute. It can be said that the incomplete part of the charm attribute is given to Mostly filled.

Not to mention that he can get more free attribute points to improve his charm by leveling up in the future. It doesn't take much. Just one upgrade, six free attribute points are enough for him. After all, 16+6 That is equal to twenty-two, which is definitely enough for any attribute.

After using thirty-eight free attribute points to quickly increase the main attribute, Zhang Yanhang then took out the two bottles of [t-virus strengthening potion] from his pocket, which he obtained by refreshing the Raccoon City prize pool. second prize.

He didn't use it immediately when he was at the fourth level because the attribute value had overflowed, so he kept it until now. Of course, he didn't stay for long, that is, he stayed for half a day longer.

Before using these two bottles of t-virus strengthening potion, Zhang Yanhang briefly checked its attribute list as usual.

【T virus enhancement potion】

[Quality: Purple]

[Type: Props]

[Origin: Ash World, Raccoon City, Outer Area, Lucky Slot Machine. 】

[Use effect: strength +1, intelligence +1. 】

[Usage requirements: strength less than 25 points, intelligence less than 25 points. 】

[Score: 110 (Purple items are rated from 71 to 150.)]

[Introduction: The 't virus strengthening agent' developed and manufactured by the umbrella company can be used to strengthen the human body and brain, but they later discovered that human power has limits, and it is far from being able to achieve the same level as b·o·w( Biological Combat Weapons), so they gradually abandoned this direction and shifted more funds towards the manufacture of perfect 'Ultimate Biological Weapons'. 】

"Sure enough, it is the familiar t-virus strengthening potion, which can increase a little strength and a little intelligence respectively, which is really good.

But the only pity is that it can only be used when the strength and intelligence attributes are lower than 25 points. UU Reading”

It can be said that if he hadn't won No Taboo, the second prize would be of no use to him even if he refreshed it, at most he would use it at the first level.

Even the use of the first-order is relatively limited. After all, even if it is the first-order, his attribute value actually overflowed when he was finally promoted. Fortunately, he emptied the prize pool in the early stage and used the rewards along the way.

Zhang Yanhang felt that the reason why the score of the t-virus enhanced potion was so low, only 110 points, and even in the purple quality, it could only be regarded as a medium score must have something to do with this usage requirement.

He felt that if the requirements for the use of t-virus strengthening potions could be relaxed a little bit, for example, to 30 points and 35 points of attribute value, the score would definitely be much higher, at least reaching the high score of purple quality should be no problem. Big, but not stuck at the current level.

After checking the attribute list of the t-virus strengthening potion and finding that there was nothing wrong with it, Zhang Yanhang quickly ate the two bottles of t-virus strengthening potion.

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