MTL - Lord of Ashes-Chapter 977 Skill alienation! 8 arms and 8 toes!

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"Choose! Skill level up!"

After looking at the two newly acquired fifth-level professional skills, Zhang Yanhang immediately started to trigger the relevant upgrade options. The time pause came in an instant, and the text option that became longer again appeared together with the time pause. frame.

[Whether to strengthen the skill level? 】

[Option 1: Upgrade from 'Grandmaster of Firearms·Original lv.6' to 'Grandmaster of Guns·Original lv.7' (consumes 26214400 soul points.)】

[Option 5: Upgrade 'The Promise of the Universe [Level 4] x' to 'The Promise of the Universe [Level 5] lv.1' (Consume 11,700,000 soul points.)]

[Option 8: 'Supreme Will x' is upgraded to '? ? ? ’ (cannot be strengthened)]

[Option 10: "Fa Tian Xiang Di · Original Code lv.6" is upgraded to "Fa Tian Xiang Di · Original Code lv.7" (consumes 26214400 soul points.)】

[Option 11: 'Three heads and six arms x' is upgraded to 'Three heads and six arms [Alienation·Eight arms and eight toes] lv.5' (Consume 1 point of source of ashes, 1 point of legendary essence, 6553600 soul points.)】

[Option 12: "Swallowing Heaven and Earth · Original Code lv.6" is upgraded to "Swallowing Heaven and Earth · Original Code lv.7" (consuming 26214400 soul points.)】

[Option 13: Upgrade 'No taboo x' to '? ? ? ’ (cannot be strengthened)]

[Option Fourteen: Upgrade 'Tiangang Body Lv.1' to 'Tiangang Body Lv.2' (Consume 819200 soul points.)]

[Option 15: Upgrade 'Eternal Demon Body lv.1' to 'Eternal Demon Body lv.2' (consumes 819200 soul points.)]

"Although I had already foreseen that the upgrade demand of Qiankun Wuji Gong should be very high, I didn't expect that 11.7 million soul points would be needed just to upgrade from the fourth level to the fifth level lv.1. I thought maybe 10 million or so should be enough at the beginning, I really underestimated the upgrade needs of Qiankun Wuji Kungfu."

Zhang Yanhang remembers that 9.7 million soul points were consumed when the Qiankun Promise Kung Fu was upgraded to the fourth-order x, so the current demand for 11.7 million soul points is actually equivalent to an increase of 2 million more upgrades on the basis of the previous upgrade. need.

If there is no accident, according to Zhang Yanhang's past experience, the two million should be a new upgrade base for Tier 5, and it is estimated that each upgrade in the future will increase the upgrade requirements by at least several million soul points.

"In this way, since it takes nearly 12 million just to be promoted to level 5 lv.1, it will cost at least 2,000 to upgrade to lv.2 after including the consumption of lv.1. 10,000 soul points, or even close to 30 million soul points, as expected, the upgrade needs are not something I can afford."

Zhang Yanhang estimates that with his current soul point balance of less than 100 million, it is estimated that even one-third of the upgrade needs of Qiankun Wuji Kungfu cannot be met. The level is the same as the other side. At most, it will only be upgraded by two levels to test the waters.

"But compared to Qiankun Wuji Kungfu, the three-headed and six-armed skill is more important. After all, the emperor pays off. Under my tireless hints, multiple choices finally unlocked a new stage of promotion for the three-headed and six-armed."

Of course, in addition to hints, Zhang Yanhang felt that the increase in the intensity of the multiple choices brought about by the promotion should also account for a large proportion of it.

"It's just that, although it is true that it can be improved, why does the three-headed and six-armed seem to be a little abnormal? Could it be because of my hint that I forcibly unlocked the new stage of promotion of the three-headed and six-armed, causing something to go wrong?"

All Zhang Yanhang's current skills are all four words, and he has never seen [Three heads and six arms [Alienation·Eight arms and eight toes] lv.5] This kind of skill name is followed by brackets and notes, and the notes are still shining brightly An alienation is marked.

"Since an alienation is marked, there must be some special changes in the three-headed six-armed skill after promotion, but the change is the change, as long as it can be promoted."

Zhang Yanhang really wants to grow more heads and more arms, so even if he is alienated into a tentacle monster, he is actually not unacceptable. After all, he is already a normalized transfiguration now, nothing more than shrinking his body size and then changing his shape. It's just a matter of modifying the appearance, but it's not too much trouble.

Well, in fact, there may still be some bad effects, but in order to improve his strength, if the effect is not big, he can actually bear it. A strange white viscous liquid suddenly spews out during a fight.

As for why Zhang Yanhang firmly believes that his suggestion must have taken effect, it is naturally because his suggestion is really effective, such as the eternal demon body, which is obviously a multiple choice under his constant hints. Selected skills.

Since Zhang Yanhang got the ring of life, it can be said that he has been hinting at multiple options all the time, and quickly give himself something that can use the speed of life recovery like the skill of devouring the earth, and now he really got it after being promoted to the rank An eternal demon body that can deal damage and blood-sucking by relying on the recovery speed of health.

"It's really not in vain for me to complain that the life ring is useless day after day, even dozens of times a day, and my good intentions of whipping the life ring every time I upgrade my life value."

Zhang Yanhang feels that in the future, such hints (explicit indications) really need to be strengthened. After all, multiple choices occasionally fail to read his mind, so it is necessary to follow the multiple choices in detail, thoroughly, and transparently. To express his true will.

It is also based on various past and present experiences that Zhang Yanhang is very sure that his hint is really useful. After all, the multiple choice is still his awakening talent in the final analysis, and naturally he should follow his wishes more.

Of course, if the wishes are too outrageous, multiple options cannot be satisfied. For example, he has been thinking of retiring quickly since the first level, but the multiple options have never provided him with the ability to make him instantly invincible. And outrageous options to start living a wonderful retirement life.

Therefore, starting from this theoretical basis, Zhang Yanhang feels that the original superhuman ability is probably really a special skill that can only be upgraded but cannot be promoted like the Supreme Will.

After all, when he was upgraded to x, he had indeed grown extra three heads and six arms, which perfectly fit the name of the skill, so it might be normal that he couldn't continue to improve.

But now, under his strong will, Multiple Choices has come up with an alienated version of a three-headed and six-armed version for him to upgrade. It can only be said that Multiple Choices is really good for him.

"The eight arms and eight toes behind this alienation look familiar."

Because it is indeed familiar, Zhang Yanhang has already recalled it with a simple thought. Like three heads and six arms, eight arms and eight toes are actually an idiom derived from Chi You, but it is very unpopular.

And to ask the meaning of eight humerus and eight toes, it literally means eight humerus and eight phalanges, and the humerus is naturally the humerus of the humerus, which is commonly known as the left arm and right arm. In a biological sense, the humerus connects the shoulders The bone between the forearm and the forearm is commonly known as the forearm.

The phalanx is also literally meaning, that is, a bone near the sole of the foot, which was generally used as a synonym for 'foot' in ancient times.

Therefore, from a literal point of view, the eight arms and eight toes actually mean eight hands and eight feet, or eight arms and eight legs. After all, hands and feet cannot exist alone, and there must be connecting parts on the body. Otherwise, if all the hands and feet are floating around, wouldn't it directly become a floating cannon with light wings?

In addition, Zhang Yanhang remembered that the eight arms and eight toes were actually followed by a "shushou", that is, "eight arms and eight toes sparse head" read together.

As for the meaning of Shushou, it also has a literal meaning. Specifically, the word "Shu" in Shushou means alienation, but it can also be said to stretch. Simply put, it means that Chi You's heads are separated from each other. Spread out everywhere like a leaf.

And if there is only one head normally, then unless Chi You's head is also split into eight petals like the biochemical monsters in the area of ​​the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site, it is absolutely impossible to be alienated from each other.

Therefore, there is only one normal explanation, that is, Chi You has a head corresponding to the extra arms and legs, and only in this way can the extra head spread everywhere like a blade.

"So, from this point of view, this eight-armed and eight-toed is completely an evolutionary version of three heads and six arms. It has eight arms and eight hands, and even has a high probability of four heads.

Is it possible that after the three heads and six arms are alienated into eight arms and eight toes, how many more legs can I grow? This is indeed more useful than simply being promoted. "

Zhang Yanhang had always felt that his lower body was a little weak. Now, he can finally make up for the weak point of his lower body. Moreover, once he can really grow eight legs, there will definitely be countless more equipment slots that can be used. up.

After all, the equipment for the lower body is actually very rich. It’s just that the multi-choice thought that he didn’t have much demand for it before, so he didn’t have much related equipment. It is estimated that the fields can be filled directly soon.

"Also, in addition to the eight legs, the eight-armed and eight-toed looks like it can also increase the number of arms and heads."

Once it can be improved, there will definitely be a lot of more equipment slots, and Zhang Yanhang can also rely on these new equipment slots to increase his strength again, such as various hand equipment and head equipment. equipment and such.

"If this three-headed and six-armed man wants to alienate into an eight-armed and eight-toed body, he needs to consume a little legendary essence and a little source of ashes, and then he needs more than six million soul points. Although this promotion is special, the upgrade requirements are nothing. Change is a normal requirement for skill promotion.”

Zhang Yanhang has already been promoted by double digits in the previous fourth rank, so he is very familiar with this level of promotion needs.

"Besides, if it was the previous ranks, I might have worried about the problem of not being able to advance immediately because the number of legendary essences and sources of ashes was not enough when I was just promoted, but now it is There is absolutely no such problem.”

Because of the fact that a large wave of legendary essences and sources of ashes were collected from the ashen treasure chest and the lord's treasure chest by relying on dual options at the fourth level, even if you have just consumed four points of legendary essence and 10 points of ashes. Yu was promoted, but he still still has eleven points of legendary essence and eighteen points of source of ashes to use.

It can be said that such a rich legendary essence and the source of ashes are not just promotion skills. If he can raise his professional level to lv. Due to the shortage of sources of exhaustion, this ambition must be completely unrealizable.

And if it is not used for promotion, the eleven points of legendary essence and eighteen points of source of ashes can be said to be enough to promote almost all the skills in his hand.

Therefore, for him now, the legendary essence and ashes that were short in the past are very rich, but the soul points that were rich in the past are now in short supply, and the relationship between the two is completely reversed.

"If it only takes more than 6 million soul points to be promoted from three heads and six arms to eight arms and eight toes lv.5, this three heads and six arms skill should be normal in terms of skill improvement requirements.

According to my experience, it is normal, which means that I should only need to spend up to 20 million soul points later to upgrade it to lv. 6 and unlock related additional attributes. "

Although X Zhang Yanhang definitely can't afford to be promoted now, UU Reading, but he thinks that lv. 6 should also be able to enjoy part of the eight-handed and eight-toed skill effect, that is, let him grow a few more legs and the like.

In addition to the most important eight arms and eight toes, Zhang Yanhang also noticed that the supreme will still failed to unlock new promotion options after being promoted to the fifth level this time, and could only remain in the original x state.

As for the initial state, which is the most special no taboo skill of x, it is also completely unable to continue to improve at present.

Zhang Yanhang was expecting a little before that he might be able to unlock some kind of promotion after being promoted to the fifth level just like the overbearing, but now it seems that he was thinking too much. The initial state of this special skill is probably x The Supreme Will is even more difficult to advance.

Of course, it is also possible that his multi-choice talent cannot be improved simply because his current talent strength is not enough. Therefore, if you think about it, maybe it can be unlocked by advancing to the sixth level?

Zhang Yanhang felt that as long as he persisted in hinting multiple choices like a superhuman skill, maybe one day the multiple choices would be merciful and unlock the promotion option without taboos?

Read The Duke's Passion