MTL - Lord of Ashes-Chapter 967 The coverage of death fluctuations has been greatly improved!

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Lord of Ashes Chapter 967 The coverage of death fluctuations has been greatly improved!

After testing the improvement in strength, Zhang Yanhang then paid attention to the growth of energy defense and physical defense.

Originally, Zhang Yanhang obtained a total of 60% energy defense and physical defense by relying on the light gold quality divination tarot cards, but now it has increased by 30% again, bringing the total bonus to 90%. It has grown a lot again.

Correspondingly, because of the 30% increase in energy defense and physical defense, his current defense ability has been significantly improved again.

Still using the nuclear fusion fist as an example, under normal circumstances, a nuclear fusion fist hits Zhang Yanhang, and about 100 points of shield value will be knocked out. When he originally had 60% energy defense and physical defense, he could let Zhang Yanhang The one hundred points of damage were reduced to sixty points.

But now, with 90% energy defense and physical defense, the damage of 100 points has been reduced to about 50 points.

As for why the damage was only reduced by an additional ten points even though it was increased by one-half, it was mainly because this defense bonus was not a percentage damage reduction, but on the basis of his own original defense power. It provides bonuses above, so naturally it is more difficult to improve as you go further.

But in general, the 90% energy defense and physical defense bonus is indeed very useful, although it is definitely not as good as the full 696% defense bonus of the xxx-level talent Shouyuan Wuliang, But the two belong to a complementary relationship, and there is no need to compare them.

It's just like Zhang Yanhang never compares the attack power bonus to the crit multiplier, it's meaningless.

After paying attention to the increase of energy defense and physical defense, Zhang Yanhang immediately began to pay attention to the increase of attack speed. This time, he obtained a 30% attack speed bonus by upgrading the divination tarot cards, which is quite good Yes, it should be able to help him increase his attack speed a lot.

And when it comes to attack speed, he has to mention the six clean soul spears. With the 30% attack speed bonus, the shooting speed of his six clean soul spears has naturally increased again.

Zhang Yanhang's six soul-cleaning guns could only shoot 7580 rounds of machine gun bullets per second, but now the shooting speed has been increased to 7880 rounds of machine gun bullets per second, which is equivalent to another increase in the shooting speed per second 300 rounds of cannon ammunition.

"But it's a pity that although the 30% attack speed bonus did increase the firing speed of part of the cannon bullets, it failed to increase the speed at which I emptied the cannon magazine. I used to empty a cannon magazine in 1.3 seconds, but now It still takes 1.3 seconds to empty a cannon magazine."

In this regard, Zhang Yanhang expressed his understanding. After all, it is more difficult to increase the speed of emptying the cannon magazine. Therefore, his mid-term project of increasing the speed of emptying the cannon magazine to within one second is indeed not completed at the fourth level. I have no hope, and can only wait until the fifth level to complete it.

Presumably after being promoted to the fifth level, this mid-term goal should not be too difficult to complete.

With the improvement of the shooting speed of the machine gun bullets of the six pure soul-crossing guns, the flying speed of the machine gun bullets has also increased. The original flying speed of the machine gun bullets was only Mach 182, but the current flying speed of the machine gun bullets It has been raised to Mach 189, which means that the flight speed of Mach 7 has been increased again.

If Mach is converted into meters for calculation, Zhang Yanhang's current cannon bullets can already cover a distance of 64,260 meters per second, which also allows Zhang Yanhang to destroy the Devil Command with a single shot at a distance of 800 miles. one step closer.

Originally, Zhang Yanhang could only complete one-seventh of this small goal, but now he has been able to complete one-sixth of this small goal. The progress is still relatively obvious, but the revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still need to work hard.

If the damage is calculated from the kinetic energy formula, the kinetic energy of the machine gun bullet has increased from 57.5 times the original Mach 24 to 62 times, and the damage has increased by 4.5 times compared to before.

As for Zhang Yanhang's punching speed, it has also improved, but Zhang Yanhang didn't bother to test that thing, he thought it was troublesome, and compared to testing punching speed, Zhang Yanhang still cares more about the cooldown time of skills.

"In the past, I only obtained a 30% skill cooling time reduction with the divination tarot card suit, but now it has been reduced by 15% again, and it has been increased to a 45% skill cooling time reduction."

With the reduction of the cooldown time of the skill, the cooldown time of Zhang Yanhang's All Four Skills was finally reduced to less than 20 seconds.

Although Zhang Yanhang has been upgrading the Four Great Jiekong Jingshi Quan, the cooling time of the Four Great Jiekong's skills has always been fixed at 30 seconds. Before that, the maximum cooling time of the Four Great Jiekong Jingshiquan was reduced to 21 seconds, but now it is even higher. It was further directly reduced to 16.5 seconds, that is, the cooling time was reduced again by 4.5 seconds.

"I used to think that the improvement of the skill cooling time was very slow, but now it seems that it is not as slow as I thought, and even on the contrary, it actually improves very quickly."

Zhang Yanhang made a simple estimate, and found that maybe as long as the sixth level, the reduction of the cooling time can be directly increased to more than 100%, so as to achieve a complete release without cooling.

"But here comes the problem again. At present, it seems that the divination tarot set can only be upgraded three more times. What if it has been upgraded to the top before the upgrade to 100%?"

In this regard, Zhang Yanhang commented that there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, and there is no need to worry about the sixth-order matter for the time being.

But it is said that there is no need to worry, but it is indeed difficult not to worry, so Zhang Yanhang feels that if things cannot be done at that time, he may need to find other things that can reduce the cooling time of skills, such as related equipment, and Or something like an achievement to give him a boost.

Of course, because he still has confidence in the divination tarot cards, Zhang Yanhang feels that there is a high probability that the improvement in the divination tarot cards can directly help him get 100% reduction in skill cooling time.

"Anyway, now that it has been reduced to 16.5 seconds, it has indeed become more useful to me. At least the probability of triggering an additional attack with the four elements is indeed greatly increased with the reduction in cooldown time."

Although Zhang Yanhang has not yet triggered an additional attack with All Four, but Zhang Yanhang is undoubtedly looking forward to it.

After solving the problem of skill cooling time, Zhang Yanhang continued to pay attention to the increase in skill coverage.

Compared with the only 15% improvement in the skill cooling time, the improvement in the skill coverage of the divination tarot suit is undoubtedly much higher.

It has already provided a 30% skill coverage bonus at one time, and the total skill coverage bonus on Zhang Yanhang has been directly increased from the original 60% to 90%. If there is no accident, it will definitely make Zhang Yanhang's skill coverage Get a massive boost.

Speaking of skill coverage, the first and most important thing is the coverage of death fluctuations. After all, the coverage of death fluctuations is closely related to his hunting efficiency and directly related to his speed of becoming stronger. Don't even care.

"After upgrading to Origin lv.6, the basic coverage of my death wave skill is 1920 meters. Before, because I enjoyed the 60% skill coverage bonus provided by the divination tarot card, the actual coverage is 1920 meters. Death wave coverage is 3072 meters."

And now because of the 30% more skill coverage bonus, Zhang Yanhang's current skill coverage bonus has increased from the original 3072 meters to 3648 meters, which is another increase of 576 meters compared to the original coverage The range, that is, almost increased the coverage by about one-fifth again.

Zhang Yanhang remembered that the last time he upgraded his Death Wave skill to Origin lv.6, the coverage area was only increased by 720 meters due to the huge increase in additional attributes, but this time he only upgraded the quality of the divination tarot suit It has already obtained a skill coverage increase of 576 meters. I have to say that this is really outrageous.

It can only be said that there is a specialization in the art industry, and the skill coverage bonus is indeed miraculous for improving the strength of the death wave, a range attack skill.

Although the increase in the pure coverage area is considered to be a lot, but if the coverage area of ​​the death fluctuation is calculated, there is no doubt that more improvements have been obtained.

Originally, Zhang Yanhang's full-power version of Death Wave could only cover an area of ​​7.4 square kilometers, but now it can cover an area of ​​10.5 square kilometers, which is a direct increase of 3.1 square kilometers compared to the original one. , rounded up, this is almost a half of the increase.

Well, one-half is still a bit exaggerated, but three-sevenths is just right, so it is indeed very close to one-half.

Although he already had a premonition that the area covered by him would increase rapidly this time, but when it really increased so rapidly, Zhang Yanhang couldn't help but began to pay attention to what he could do with his current physical strength. No matter how large the area is covered, he feels that the growth here will definitely be even more outrageous.

Because the upper limit of physical strength has not been raised after upgrading the **** talent, the limitless life, so the upper limit of the number of times Zhang Yanhang releases the death wave is still maintained at about 7,400 times. Originally, with the cooperation of life absorption In total, he can cover an area of ​​71188 square kilometers.

But now the total coverage area in this area has undoubtedly gained a huge increase, even if the life absorption ability is not counted, he can already cover a total area of ​​77,700 square kilometers.

And after counting about 30% of the life-absorbing ability, he can already cover a total area of ​​101,010 square kilometers, which is a direct increase of 29,822 square kilometers compared to before, which is almost the same. Directly increased the coverage area of ​​30,000 square kilometers at one time.

In other words, Zhang Yanhang's coverage area of ​​this additional increase is almost comparable to that of the previous Hainan.

Zhang Yanhang's original comparison object was Ningxia. Ningxia has an area of ​​66,000 square kilometers, while Hainan has an area of ​​34,000 square kilometers. It can be said that Zhang Yanhang's current coverage is already larger than that of Ningxia and Hainan combined. .

Qindao City, where Zhang Yanhang is currently located, covers an area of ​​12,000 square kilometers. With his current Death Wave skill, if he loses one tube of stamina, he can already cover eight and a half Qindao City.

Zhang Yanhang was originally closer to Chongqing, which has an area of ​​about 82,000 square kilometers, but now Chongqing has undoubtedly been easily surpassed.

However, it is a little pity that although he easily surpassed Chongqing, which is ranked 26th, he is still a little behind Zhejiang, which is ranked 25th. Well, it is really only a little bit behind.

The total area of ​​Zhejiang is about 102,000 square kilometers, and the total area covered by his death is 101,000 square kilometers. It can be said that the last thousand square kilometers is short.

And Zhang Yanhang is undoubtedly very close to covering the whole of South Korea at one time. After all, the total area of ​​South Korea is only 103,000 square kilometers, and he is currently only 2,000 square kilometers away. UU reading

It can be said that if Zhang Yanhang can increase the coverage area a little bit, or increase the upper limit of physical strength a little bit, he can definitely easily complete the small goal of surpassing Zhejiang now.

Zhang Yanhang originally felt that there was no hope for the small goal of surpassing Zhejiang, but the later increase in skill coverage made him hopeful again, but he didn't expect that he was about to complete it, but he fell on the last step. I tried my best to increase the total coverage area of ​​30,000 square kilometers, but it was still missing.

Zhang Yanhang is indeed a bit regretful that he failed to complete this small goal at the fourth level. After all, it is just a little bit short, but fortunately, after he is promoted to the rank, he should be able to easily complete this part of the coverage area by relying on the increase in attribute value And successfully completed the small goals.

Of course, Zhang Yanhang has also thought about whether it is possible to urgently increase the upper limit of physical strength. To be honest, this is of course possible. You can find related natural materials and earth treasures that can increase the upper limit of physical strength.

However, it was still for that reason that Zhang Yanhang found it a bit troublesome, or in other words, he really didn't want to do other less important things before being promoted.

He felt that it would be the same to do things like adventures after being promoted, and it would be more efficient by then.

To tell you the truth, I have been using reading books to catch up and update, change sources, read aloud with many timbres, and both Android and Apple can be used. 】

After all, the strength of the multiple choices will definitely increase with the promotion of the rank after the rank is promoted, and after the strength of the multiple choices is increased, he will naturally be able to obtain stronger natural treasures. Why do you need to go to work on Bala's whole adventure now.

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