MTL - Lord of Ashes-Chapter 946 Kress' Endgame

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Lord of Ashes Chapter 946 The End of Kress

"Co-authoring Kress is a genius."

Zhang Yanhang always thought that Kress was just joking, but he did not expect that he was indeed a genuine genius. Although he became smarter after being infected by the virus, since he was able to withstand the infection of the virus, he did not start until ten years later. The collapse itself shows that Kress may have some characteristics that are different from ordinary people in this respect.

Otherwise, what will happen to a normal person infected with the virus? You can refer to the low-level zombies and the ancestor virus infected people who are like a big meat ball. These are the results of virus infection failure. The infection failure rate is about 99.9999%, which is commonly known as There may not be one out of a million people who can become an evolutionary.

"And, no matter how you say it, Kress is much more powerful than Vegapunk, an archaeologist and part-time scientist who ate the Brain Fruit and claims to surpass humans by 500 years, but actually set back archeology by 800 years."

After all, Vegapunk can only do archaeology, and after excavating ancient technology, he said that he invented it himself. That is really outrageous, but Kress is different. nuclear fusion reactor.

Moreover, the power system of the One Piece world is estimated to be only at the fourth level. After all, the highest combat power can only destroy the island with one blow, but Umbrella's side is a proper sixth-level area. After all, the ancestor virus aggregates are all Became a god.

In terms of the rank of the power system alone, Kress has already surpassed Vegapunk by too much, not to mention that from the current point of view, the ranks of this power system are almost all promoted by Kress.

What I have to mention is that Zhang Yanhang has already recognized what kind of virus it is from the time he saw Kress continuously vomiting out a gray-black liquid as viscous as petroleum. .

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang seriously suspects that Kress may have destroyed the world with the help of the Progenitor Virus, and accordingly led to the birth of powerful Progenitor Virus infected people and Progenitor Virus aggregates at the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site.

However, Kress itself probably did not survive, or in other words, there is absolutely no Kress among the progenitor virus-infected people and progenitor virus aggregates in the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site. If Kress mutated, then there should probably be related names behind the monster's name.

That is to say, it becomes a name like [Ancestor Virus Aggregator Kress [Divine Pollution]], but obviously, such a thing does not exist, and the appearance of the Ancestor Virus Aggregator is indeed unrecognizable no matter how you look at it. Not like Kress.

As for the life ring that was issued before, Zhang Yanhang suspects that Kress developed it when he felt that his life was not long and wanted to give himself a wave of life during his vacation. This is also in line with his rest and playing games at that time. The other researchers were all working overtime on the introductory content, but Kress hadn't had a day off before that.

Anyway, this is the first time Zhang Yanhang sees the dead protagonist in the introduction story. Although Zhang Yanhang is only a reader, he still feels a little uncomfortable.

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"But fortunately, in this story belonging to three people, I finally got to know the name of the little assistant—Elsa."

Zhang Yanhang originally thought that the little assistant was destined to have no name, but unexpectedly at the end of the story, Kress still said the name of the little assistant.

Of course, it doesn't rule out that this Elsa is actually Kress's **** name, or Christine's **** name, which is the name of the red-haired old woman on the board.

But judging from the total of only three people on the scene, Zhang Yanhang is still more inclined to feel sorry for the little assistant at the end of Kress. It may be that Kress returned to the light at that time, and his emotional intelligence returned to normal. Therefore, he felt that the little assistant, That is Elsa's feelings for him, so I feel sorry for the little assistant.

Zhang Yanhang is really relieved that "this story should belong to three people, but I don't deserve to have a name" did not happen. Although there was no happy end in the end but a bad end, this is the most important thing in the world view of Resident Evil. He can understand the normal ending.

Of course, if it is possible, Zhang Yanhang definitely does not want to see more bad endings in the future. After all, although bad endings are memorable, good endings are what the people want.

"Although Kress' tragic ending is indeed uncomfortable, I have to say that there are still many foreshadowings ahead."

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang has actually expected this, but he feels that there is more foreshadowing. For example, some stories in the middle should be written on some items that he did not obtain. The story Zhang Yanhang is still very curious, but unfortunately, he will never see those stories.

"But apart from the story, what is also very important is the effect of using this bottle of mutated ancestor virus stock solution.

It can only be said that it is indeed a legendary item with a full score. Just increasing the upper limit of HP alone can increase the upper limit of HP by 1440 points. It is fully the dark gold quality item I opened before [T/G Synthetic Virus Modification Potion] Four times as much, one bottle is stronger than four bottles.

Moreover, in addition, the mutated ancestor virus stock solution can also help me increase the conversion factor of the upper limit of my maximum health by eight points. If I convert it with my current physical attributes of one hundred points, it can at least increase the upper limit of my health by another eight hundred points. .

Therefore, in fact, a bottle of legendary mutated ancestor virus stock solution with full score is equal to more than six bottles [T/G Synthetic Virus Modification Potion], which can only increase the upper limit of HP by 360 points and cannot increase the conversion coefficient of the upper limit of HP. . "

Although Zhang Yanhang had already expected that the increase rate of legendary items would be very high, Zhang Yanhang did not expect it to be so high. After all, no matter how weak the [T/G Synthetic Virus Modification Potion] is, it is still a dark gold quality item. Ah, but now it is directly and ruthlessly reduced to a unit of measurement.

"Moreover, the upper limit of 2240 points of health is still the result of the bonus of devouring the earth and the upper limit of health. From the actual situation, this bottle of mutated ancestor virus stock solution alone may bring me The upper limit of the life value above 10,000 points has increased."

This is considered a huge increase even for Zhang Yanhang, who now has more than 30,000 health points.

However, in view of the fact that he will be promoted to the rank immediately, and after he is promoted to the rank, he will be promoted to devour the earth immediately, Zhang Yanhang still does not plan to use this bottle of mutant ancestor virus stock solution immediately, but prepares to use it temporarily. Let it go, and then use it after upgrading the Sky Devouring Skill.

"But then again, isn't the mutated progenitor virus on Kress mainly strengthening the brain? Why did it increase the upper limit of health in the end? It would be great if there was a mutated virus that increased the upper limit of energy."

If there is such a thing, Zhang Yanhang feels that his upper limit of energy value will definitely be able to catch up hard.

Of course, the reason why this bottle of mutated progenitor virus does not increase the upper limit of energy value may also be because this is another new variant, not the mutated progenitor virus on Kress who specializes in the brain. Too weak to survive the war of other virus variants that specialize in the flesh of the host.

After counting talents, soul points, weapons, equipment, and props one after another, and even upgrading skills, Zhang Yanhang felt that he should have nothing else to solve, so Zhang Yanhang couldn't help but open his The data panel began to check.

[Name: Zhang Yanhang (fourth order)]

[Race: Human]

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 20】

[Occupation: Destiny Master]

[Level: LV.40 (Legendary Essence [0/4], Source of Ashes [0/10])]

[Soul Point: 108862907]

[Shield value: 176609/176609 (maximum life value x 470%, recovery speed: 20% per second.)]

[Health value: 37576/37576 (Physique × 82, the current body has been formally digitized, and the recovery speed of health value is 71 points per hour.)】

[Energy value: 17351/17351 (intelligence × 61, the current body has been officially digitized, and the energy value recovery speed is 222 points per hour.)]

【Strength: 100 (+5[-9])】

[Agility: 100 (+5[-6])]

【Physique: 100 (+5[-18])】

【Intelligence: 100 (+5[-10])】

[Charm: 100 (+27)]

【Lucky:? ? ? [+4] (This attribute is a hidden attribute)]

[Talent: 1. Multiple choice (???). 2. Immeasurable longevity (XXX level). 3. The power of Long Bo (XX level). 4. Volume Dragon of the Mature [Bloodline Purification] (SS grade). 5. Ocean rhythm (SS level). 】

[Skills: 1. Qiankun Wuji Gong [Level 4] LV. MAX (Passive/Active). 2. Alchemy Origin (active skill). 3. Gun Master · Original Code LV.6 (passive skill). 4. Fighting Master·Original Code LV.6 (passive skill). 5. Seek good luck and avoid bad luck · Origin LV.6 (passive/active). 6. Inviolability of Laws·Origin LV.6 (passive skill). 7. Death Wave Origin LV.6 (passive/active). 8. Supreme will LV.MAX (passive skill). 9. Indestructible Golden Body·Origin LV.6 (Passive/Active). 10. Law, Heaven and Earth · Original Code LV.6 (active skill). 11. Three heads and six arms LV.MAX (active skill). 12. Swallowing Heaven and Earth·Original Code LV.6 (Passive/Active). 13. No taboo LV.MAX (passive skill). 】

"Although a lot of things have been improved this time, the data panel has not changed much. Of course, the most important thing is that I finally got the promotion requirements by relying on the lord's treasure box this time. Promotion to the fifth level only requires four points of legendary essence and ten points. One point of Source of Ashes is enough, and now I have fifteen points of Legendary Essence and thirteen points of Source of Ashes to use.

It can be said that my next promotion path has been completely paved, there are no prerequisites that have not been met, and I can directly advance to the rank with just one click. "

However, it is definitely impossible for Zhang Yanhang to be promoted in the gray world. According to tradition, Zhang Yanhang is still planning to wait until he returns to the main world before being promoted. After all, it is just an extra hour of waiting anyway.

"Compared to the most important promotion rank, the improvement of strength after promotion is also very important. When it comes to improving strength, soul points are naturally indispensable. This time, my soul points have increased by several hundred again. 10,000, it has already begun to move towards 110 million."

At present, Zhang Yanhang's soul point is only a little over one million and can reach 110 million. He is still quite confident about this.

After all, although Raccoon City, Goblin Plains, and the Enchanted Swamp may not be able to collect many soul points even if they are all cleaned up, the third prize pool of the lucky slot machine at the Umbrella Biochemical Testing Ground should still be able to collect a lot of souls ordered.

Especially the dropped treasure chests of the Ancestral Virus-infected, one dropped treasure box can get hundreds of thousands of soul points. Therefore, as long as the Ancestor Virus-infected can have about twenty of them according to the normal situation, it may be just People infected with the Ancestral Virus can directly collect more than one million soul points.

In addition to soul points, my upper limit of health and upper limit of energy have also changed. There is still a gap of more than 20,000 points between them.

Previously, the gap between the upper limit of health and the upper limit of energy was as high as 21292 points, but now it has only barely dropped to 20225 points, which only narrowed the gap by about a thousand points. UU reading

But the magnification between the two has indeed become much closer. Before, the upper limit of life value was 2.51 times the upper limit of energy value, but now it has been reduced to 2.17 times, that is, it has been shortened by 0.34 times, which is still quite impressive of.

However, the premise of all this is that Zhang Yanhang has not yet used a lot of things that can increase the upper limit of the life value. If he drinks all of them, the upper limit of the energy value has already been thrown away by the upper limit of the health value. It's gone, and even disappeared directly.

"Although the main attributes and secondary attributes on the attribute list have not changed this time, some changes have taken place in the lucky value. It used to be followed by a [+3], but now it is because of the twelve pieces of pale golden quality tarot cards. The reason for the set has increased a little luck value bonus, so it becomes [+4]."

The same is true for the talent list except that the attribute list has not changed much. Only the skill list has changed because Zhang Yanhang has just upgraded alchemy. Currently, alchemy has finally been promoted from the classic stage to the origin.

Moreover, if there is no accident, after he is promoted to the fifth level, alchemy will unlock new promotion options. Zhang Yanhang is really curious about what stage will be above the origin, after all, the highest stage he has seen so far It is just the origin, or the origin is just unlocked by Tier 4.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang is naturally very concerned about whether there will be any other changes after the origin.

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