MTL - Lord of Ashes-Chapter 1014 Mage Academy and Werewolf Sacrifice

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Chapter 1014 Mage Academy and Werewolf Sacrificial Field

Because the current cleaning speed is much higher than before, Zhang Yanhang only took one minute to clean up more than half of the desert monsters that were originally distributed within thousands of kilometers around.

During this period, the lord monsters in this area also tried to fight back, but unfortunately, the speed was too slow, and the attack was hit, but they couldn't hit anyone at all.

Accompanied by giant worms that were more than ten meters long and covered with hard fluff, they fell to death under the wave of death, and Zhang Yanhang soon arrived at the location of the lord monster.

These ten extremely giant desert worms with a body length of tens of meters reminded Zhang Yanhang of the electromagnetic rail train gun he had killed at the Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site before.

But it's a pity that this thing looks much weaker than the electromagnetic rail train gun. After all, the electromagnetic rail train gun is a fourth-order two-star monster, and it has mastered the nuclear explosion attack, plus it can fit together to attack. It is not such a third-order lord at all. Monsters can touch porcelain.

But I don't know if it's because of the prediction or because of the ignorance. Zhang Yanhang's energy shield, who was going straight all the way without any curve changes, was really hit by them. Compared with the previous second-order desert worms, these The third-tier lord monster was more like a moving high-pressure water cannon, continuously spewing acid and toxins at him.

Zhang Yanhang is also very helpless about the fact that he just took off most of the red iron equipment and immediately encountered acid monsters, but fortunately, he is now a fifth-level awakener, even if it is only basic defense, it is definitely not these third-level What the lord monster can break, not to mention that he has increased his defense power by more than ten times by relying on his longevity.

Zhang Yanhang reckoned that only the fifth-tier peak monsters or the fifth-tier lord monsters had a chance of breaking through his defense.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang chose to ignore this kind of yellow-green acid that resembled both snot and old thick phlegm, and flew directly above these lord monsters, and then the death wave continued, and the whole world was immediately clean .

Successfully killed the third-tier one-star monster 'Desert Spike Locust' x1, soul point +350.

Successfully killed the third-tier two-star monster 'Desert Giant Wasp' x1, soul point +700.

Successfully killed the third-tier four-star monster 'Desert Devourer·Rotting Insect' x1, soul point +.


After successfully clearing out the lord monsters, Zhang Yanhang re-scanned the surrounding environment, and after confirming that no monsters were still alive, he began to recover the corpses. After all, the corpses this time are much more valuable than the last one, at least among the 200,000 corpses. There are more than 20,000 corpses of Tier 3 monsters, presumably many secondary sage stones can be refined.

Compared with the previous cleanup, Zhang Yanhang spent more time on the recovery. The cleanup only took him more than a minute, while the recovery of the corpse took two minutes. Well, it didn’t take much time. That's it.

And after solving the monster corpse, Zhang Yanhang naturally began to check his soul point balance immediately, wanting to know how many soul points the 200,000 monsters he killed this time can provide him. No matter how low, he felt that there must be no problem with more than eight figures.

soul points:

"As expected, the killing benefit brought by the third-order permanent transmission channel with 200,000 monsters is much higher than I expected.

Originally, I only had a total of 14,960,146 soul points, but now it has grown to 47,903,686 soul points, which is equivalent to gaining 32,943,540 soul points again, which is almost back to 50 million. "

This number is indeed much higher than what Zhang Yanhang estimated before, because he used the soul point value of ordinary monsters to estimate, but it seems that the soul point value of monsters in the desert area is higher than normal monsters. Maybe it can fly, and it can use long-range attacks.

But it's a pity that Zhang Yanhang couldn't check their attribute list, otherwise he would be able to know the reason for their high soul points more clearly. After all, soul points are mostly related to the strength of monsters. High, it can only be said that its own strength is too high.

Although he didn't feel any difference in strength between these desert monsters and other monsters in this aspect, he felt that these desert monsters might have some hidden attack methods, but it was a pity that he killed them all the way, making it too late for these desert monsters After using the concealment method, he had already hit gg on the spot, which made him unable to correctly judge the strength of the monster.

"But in any case, the income of soul points is indeed quite satisfactory. Just swiping a third-order permanent transmission channel has already brought the balance of soul points back to 50 million. If you swip a few more, how can you Wouldn't it be possible to regain the nine-figure 100 million soul point balance directly?"

Of course, Zhang Yanhang also knows that the number of such third-order permanent transmission channels must be relatively small, and the eleven first-level and second-level low-level transmission channels that he cleared before are the mainstream, so, definitely Not so easy to find.

But you have to try everything before you know it. Zhang Yanhang is still ready to go to the surrounding area and continue to search to see if he can find any useful permanent transmission channels and then brush it by the way. After all, it only takes 3 minutes to harvest 30 million soul points. An average of 10 million soul points per minute is such a good thing that he really wants to experience it more.

"Now I have finally truly experienced what is called fifth-order speed. Compared with the previous fourth-order speed, the efficiency of obtaining soul points is indeed a world apart, which is completely different."

Although Zhang Yanhang feels that every time he is promoted to a rank, the improvement in the efficiency of obtaining soul points should have a certain psychological expectation, but he can't stand the increase in the efficiency of soul points.

It can be said that if there are enough third-order permanent transmission channels, he might be able to collect 100 million soul points in just ten minutes, while at the peak of the previous fourth-order peak, it would take him several hours at least , He didn't finally save 100 million soul points until he cleaned up the entire Umbrella Biochemical Experimental Site.

But now, because of the efficiency of obtaining soul points from the ultimate evolution, Zhang Yanhang only feels that 100 million soul points seems to be the case, and he should be able to collect them by just swiping casually.

"Before when I only had 14.96 million soul points, I couldn't even increase my professional level. After all, if I want to upgrade to lv.44 from my current lv.43, I need to consume 15 million soul points.

But it's different now, now I have 47.9 million soul points, which is definitely more than enough to upgrade my career level. "

But to be honest, Zhang Yanhang is not in a hurry to upgrade his professional level or his Qiankun Wuji Kungfu. Compared with the improvement in this area, he actually wants to quickly upgrade his skills of devouring the earth and death wave, after all, the fixed damage of death wave It's just needed, if the damage is not enough, you can't kill the monster, not to mention swallowing the sky and devouring the earth, enjoy it early and enjoy it early.

"But here comes the problem again. Just upgrading from lv. 6 to lv. 7 already requires more than 20 million soul points. If you calculate it by doubling each time you upgrade If it is lv.8, it will cost more than 50 million soul points..."

Therefore, if the whole set of skills is upgraded, Zhang Yanhang estimates that at least hundreds of millions of soul points will be spent. His current soul point balance is really not enough at all.

"Since the soul points are not enough to upgrade the Heaven Devouring Earth now, let's save some first, and then we can upgrade together later."

For the fifth-level upgrade plan, Zhang Yanhang plans to upgrade the Devouring Heaven and Earth and Death Wave first, while the others can only be upgraded a little bit later.

Of course, if you have extra soul points, you can also increase the professional level of the master of destiny and the skill level of the infinite power of the universe. After all, his current main attribute has not been raised to the limit of the rank, at least his All the main attributes must be raised to the limit of the rank, which is also a high priority.

After briefly checking the balance of soul points, Zhang Yanhang passed through the third-order permanent teleportation to the Huijin world to take a look, only to find that the opposite side was still a sleeping place, but finally surrounded by the third-order area Not just the first-order region, but also a part of the second-order region.

But it's a pity that Zhang Yanhang has no interest in cleaning up the sleeping place for the time being. He only wants to collect more soul points now, so it's better not to explore those low-level areas on the opposite side.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang went back the same way very skillfully, and started scanning the permanent teleportation channel in Niger again. Of course, he still turned on the time to pause, after all, saving time is a good virtue.

This time, because he wanted to find more third-order permanent transmission channels, Zhang Yanhang deliberately walked far away, and then came across an area called the province, which is actually a large gathering place.

But in any case, there are quite a lot of cities in this province, and cities are prone to permanent transmission channels, so Zhang Yanhang found more than 20 transmission channels in the cities under this province alone.

However, it is a pity that although the number is very large, there is only one third-order permanent transmission channel among these permanent transmission channels, and this permanent transmission channel is still a permanent transmission channel that he does not know. It is neither a desert nor anything. Nano armored soldiers are instead an area of ​​cultists similar to voodoo.

Zhang Yanhang thinks that this may be related to some primitive religions in Niger, so he connected here. However, in Niger, the Peace Sect is actually more prosperous. The belief in Peace Sect occupies more than 90% here, and it may even be It has reached ninety-nine percent.

But it's a pity that there is no stability maintenance government that can distribute big cakes for free. After all, this kind of peace religion's ancestral method needs enough food to move forward.

And Niger is basically in the Sahara Desert. The overall food self-sufficiency rate is very bad. It belongs to the outside world. Once the food is cut off, more than half of the people will starve to death. After all, there is really nothing to grow in the desert. Food that can hold you down.

And the rest of the twenty or so transmission channels are low-level transmission channels such as the first-order permanent transmission channel and the second-order permanent transmission channel. However, no matter how small the legs of a mosquito are, they are still meat. Zhang Yanhang doesn't think he dislikes them. How much can brush points.

As for the composition of monsters, desert monsters, nano-armored soldiers, and some low-level transmission channels from Voodoo basically accounted for more than two-thirds of the low-level transmission channels.

And the remaining one-third are all kinds of fragmentary and other permanent transmission channels. The themes are quite complicated, including the ancient natives who drank blood and the intelligent AI commanding unmanned aerial vehicles.

And there are some weird things like Mage Academy, Werewolf Sacrificial Ground, etc. After all, the transmission channel is really very random, and anything random is possible.

Successfully killed the first-order two-star monster 'Blood-eyed Werewolf' x1, soul point +10.

Successfully killed the second-order one-star monster 'Silver Moon Werewolf' x1, soul point +60.

Successfully killed the second-order two-star monster 'Butcher Werewolf' x1, soul point +120.


After spending ten minutes successively clearing all the monsters in these permanent transmission channels and recovering the corpses, UU read www.uukanshu. 1.3 million corpses appeared again in Zhang Yanhang's Stomach Nang Space.

Counting the 200,000 corpses from the permanent teleportation channel in the third-order desert, and the 800,000 corpses obtained before, Zhang Yanhang has already obtained 2.3 million corpses this time just by using the permanent teleportation channel casually. The corpse of the monster.

In other words, he has killed 2.3 million monsters in Niger, which is already comparable to one-tenth of Niger's total population.

"Just because I killed so many monsters in Niger, the African Union really should award me a medal or something."

Although some living people may have been accidentally killed in the middle, Zhang Yanhang felt that his clean-up this time was still a successful humanitarian rescue, but it was a little bit late, and he came to rescue only after everyone died.

But there is a saying that justice will never be absent but just a little late. Therefore, as a late justice, Zhang Yanhang feels that it is very good to help them clear the permanent transmission channel.

If Niger had to have any complaints, Zhang Yanhang didn't mind killing their remaining 10% of the population and destroying Niger by the way.

After all, to be honest, it is really much faster to collect soul points for destroying the country with one blow. He just didn't want to destroy the earth so he didn't do that.

Moreover, Zhang Yanhang also had some doubts that if he really hit this punch, the crust of the planet where Niger is located might disintegrate directly and fly into outer space like the previous Vesta fragments, and then become a "wandering" Niger' too. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark back page

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