MTL - Lord of Ashes-Chapter 1006 Konjac with Human Face and Corpse Fragrance

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Chapter 1006

To a certain extent, Zhang Yanhang even felt that he was more ghostly than the other party because Zhang Yanhang was floating outside the window and the other party could only use a hanging rope to play on swings in the house.

Of course, there is a huge difference in essence between a low-level life form like a ghost and an awakened person like his current immortal level, and there is no comparison at all.

This is also the reason why he thinks that there are probably no fifth-level ghosts in the main world. After all, the fifth-level ghosts are probably ghosts and immortals. It is impossible for ghosts to enter the gray world like the awakened ones. How can they be promoted so quickly? Woolen cloth? Unless it's some ultimate old ghost who forcibly passed through the Dharma-ending era and was handed down from ancient times.

At this time, Zhang Yanhang was admiring the other party's swing while thinking about how to capture the other party as softly as possible. After all, now that there is a ghost container, he has not thought about the arresting method for the time being.

After all, to be honest, considering his current level, let alone attacking, it is estimated that just casually revealing his arrogance, that is, simply revealing the high-quality aura in his body can forcibly kill this kind of kid who only has a second level, but Shocking to death is definitely not his goal, he just wants to catch the opponent.

"Speaking of which, I've been promoted to the fifth level. I don't seem to have kept my hands in battle. Every time I run to beat the enemy to death..."

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang's experience in catching monsters can be said to be quite scarce.

"I remember that there seems to be a six-ring immobilization spell in my spell list? I don't know if it can be used in this area..."

Zhang Yanhang looked through the list of spells, and found that his hold technique was a creature hold technique, including humans and monsters, but it did not include undead creatures, and undead creatures could only use the hold necromancy technique.

"His grandma, she used to think that this immobilization technique is very useful, but now she just feels a little stretched."

Zhang Yanhang remembered that he had only used this biological fixation technique on Zhao Yalan.

Just as Zhang Yanhang continued to rummage through the list of spells to find a more useful spell, there was a "ber~" sound between the neck and head of the hanged ghost who was swinging on the opposite side, as if the cap of a beer bottle was opened, and then his body and The neck was forcibly separated, and after stepping over the window, it moved straight towards Zhang Yanhang.

Zhang Yanhang quickly used the lowest-level zero-ring magician's hand to gently catch the opponent's body, and stuffed it into the demon refining pot, "Fuck, what is this throwing yourself into your arms? Is it so considerate?"

Zhang Yanhang did all this subconsciously before he had time to complain.

Although I don't know how the middle-aged male ghost on the opposite side managed to separate his head and body, but this does not prevent Zhang Yanhang from using the hands of a magician to forcibly squeeze his head, which is still tightly strung on the hanging rope, and then Put them into the demon refining pot together.

By the way, before the head part of the middle-aged male ghost was put into the demon refining pot, he kept a shocked expression with his eyes puffed up. Zhang Yanhang felt that this guy might not know that he had this special ability.

After forcibly picking off the head of the middle-aged hanged ghost, Zhang Yanhang unexpectedly discovered that the mage's hand seems to be a very good means for catching ghosts. After all, this thing is low-level enough, and it is an energy attack that can touch ghosts Body.

Moreover, the mage's hand is said to be low-level, so it depends on who uses it. His level is already a saint in the DND worldview, and it belongs to the same level as the incarnation of gods walking in the world. Naturally, it is not at the same level as ordinary mages.

After being promoted to so many ranks with Zhang Yanhang, although the zero-ring trick of the mage's hand, which was originally only responsible for picking up debris and helping to move things, is still not good at attacking, it is indeed accurate to catch these low-level ghosts. of.

Therefore, after finding out the method, Zhang Yanhang immediately went to the hiding place of the third ghost, which was a two-story building that had been burned by the fire, and it also looked deserted for a long time.

In the basement of this abandoned two-story building, Zhang Yanhang found a pitch-black ghost whose whole body was burned like charcoal. For this charcoal-colored ghost whose gender cannot be distinguished but is most likely to be male, Zhang Yanhang would like to call it a black ghost for short. .

Zhang Yanhang found that the door to the basement was blocked by some debris and a broken wooden shelf. He suspected that it was because the shelf collapsed during the fire that the black ghost was trapped in the basement and burned to death.

I don't know if it's because the black ghosts are more manic, but this fish ghost, which is obviously just a first-order ghost, actually showed a stronger aggressiveness than the previous two second-order ghosts. Just as Zhang Yanhang flew to the side, this guy He started banging on the door, trying to get out.

But it's a pity that things that couldn't be done in life are destined to be impossible to do after death. Although this first-order **** is really trying to knock on the door, if he can't break it, he can't break it.

In the end, it was Zhang Yanhang who showed kindness and used the hands of a magician to remove the debris from the basement door, and then let it out.

But just after it was released, the coke ghost tried to attack Zhang Yanhang again, but unfortunately this guy can't fly, he can only jump around like a mentally handicapped monkey trying to reach Zhang Yanhang, who is flying at a height of more than ten meters , but that is obviously not possible.

Therefore, Zhang Yanhang immediately restrained him instantly with the hand of a mage invented by the old white man (Fa) and stuffed it into the demon refining pot.

After winning the first battle, Zhang Yanhang followed suit and caught dozens of ghosts in Juyang County. After all, it is a county with a population of one million, and dozens of ghosts are only one in ten thousand. The density is only, in fact, it is relatively rare.

Zhang Yanhang feels that there are only so many ghosts in a city with a population of one million under the state of spiritual recovery. The only explanation is that the relevant departments usually clean up more frequently. Therefore, there are only so many ghosts left for him, and most of them are located in remote places. , belongs to the kind of ghost that doesn't matter if you don't care about it.

It's like a typical coke ghost, if you don't open the door for him, he won't be able to get out for a lifetime. Another example is the middle-aged hanged ghost, a ground-bound spirit, as long as he doesn't go on a deadly adventure, the other party will also be unable to get out for a lifetime.

It can only be said that people can indeed live forever if they don't die, but if they want to die and have to go to the haunted house to explore, no one can save them.

But although dozens of ghosts have been caught, because they are all low-level ghosts of the first and second ranks, Zhang Yanhang feels that this point of ghost designation cannot gather much soul power, so he should make persistent efforts, at least to catch a few hundred ghosts. Only ghosts can try to refine the Philosopher's Stone for the first time.

If it is said that the Philosopher's Stone is easier to refine, then he feels that he might be able to get a 10,000-year lifespan to unlock a new luck value bonus this time by taking advantage of the idle time of the teleportation channel cooling down.

It's just that, after all, it's still difficult to increase lifespan. If you want to directly increase your lifespan for thousands of years with the Philosopher's Stone, it will definitely not be an easy task.

After all, it is very difficult, time-consuming and labor-intensive to gather a huge number of ghosts to provide soul power.

After solving the matter in Juyang County, Zhang Yanhang immediately flew directly to Guangyang City.

The area of ​​Guangyang City is much larger than that of Juyang County, about several thousand square kilometers. Zhang Yanhang scanned the whole area several times before completing the scan. As expected, Zhang Yanhang found it here. There are more ghosts than in Juyang County, at least three digits or more.

Of course, I will talk about these low-level ghosts later. What Zhang Yanhang is most concerned about now is Tiancaidibao and the evil ghosts guarding it. Since they are all described as evil ghosts, Zhang Yanhang believes that the strength of these ghosts must not be weak. .

After quickly finding the abandoned cellar in the suburbs and scanning the environment inside, Zhang Yanhang found that as expected, the ghosts surrounded by heaven, material and earth treasures were the weakest and second-level ghosts, and there were even a few third-level ghosts inside. Mixed, the total number is about twenty or thirty.

Moreover, more importantly, Zhang Yanhang also found a third-order fusion ghost near the Tiancaidibao. He reckoned that the other party could be promoted to fourth order.

As for what fusion ghost is, it is because Zhang Yanhang discovered that this third-order peak ghost seemed to be pieced together by a family of three, with a pair of middle-aged men and women on their shoulders, that is, the two heads of father and mother, and the two heads of father and mother on their stomachs. It has the head of a child about seven or eight years old.

It's just that this child's mouth is a bit big, and it looks like it's almost cut in half after grinning, which is somewhat curious.

At this time, the child's head in the abdomen was opening its mouth wide and sticking out its long tongue like a toad. In an instant, it rolled up a second-level starved ghost at the edge, stuffed it into its mouth, and began to chew.

And the other second-level and third-level evil spirits next to them stared at the Tiancaidibao plant with a human face pattern all the time as if they were in a daze, motionless and unresponsive.

When Zhang Yanhang saw that the other party dared to steal ghost food from him, he became anxious on the spot, and immediately stretched out his mage's hand to grab the other party, "Don't eat it! Spit it out!"

How could the evil spirit he pre-ordered be eaten by such an inexplicable little ghost hunting for novelty!

As a fifth-level awakener, Zhang Yanhang had quick eyesight and quick hands after all, and finally succeeded in snatching the second-level starving ghost from the mouth of the three-in-one fusion ghost.

However, after the child in the abdomen was attacked, the middle-aged man and woman whose head also looked like a dementia suddenly woke up and started attacking Zhang Yanhang.

The mother on the left shot out a red laser from her head and eyes, instantly piercing through the cellar wall and shooting at Zhang Yanhang who was in the air.

On the other hand, the father on the right suddenly took in a big breath like a toad, rounded his cheeks, and then released a sonic cannon that completely turned the cellar upside down.

"How dare you attack me? Are you so ignorant?"

Although this level of attack is completely indifferent to Zhang Yanhang now, Zhang Yanhang is indeed still somewhat angry.

A layer of dazzling golden light suddenly appeared on the mage's hand that was pinching the abdomen of this fused ghost, and it was slightly squeezed inward. The child's head on the ghost's swollen abdomen was immediately clutched into a lake of flesh and blood. While the facial features could not be distinguished, it was deeply sunken inward.

And when the child's head was held so that it was not human, the heads of the middle-aged men and women on the shoulders also protruded a large mouthful of blood as if they had been severely injured.

Zhang Yanhang felt that this should not be wasted. Immediately in front of the three-in-one ghost, a cube formed by a dazzling golden light appeared out of thin air. After briefly compressing it, Zhang Yanhang also sent it into the demon refining pot.

After some experiments, Zhang Yanhang discovered that the not bad golden body might actually be quite useful in the face of these low-level ghosts, or in other words, in fact, such a method that mainly plays a supporting role is quite useful.

And after solving the only three-in-one family that can resist, the ghosts are neatly organized, and the remaining second-level and third-level evil spirits that are as unresponsive as dementia are caught by the hands of the mage. Quite right, all of UU Reading has been sent to the Demon Refining Pot.

After counting these ghosts, the number of ghosts in Zhang Yanhang's demon refining pot is close to three digits, there are more than ninety, but obviously, this is still far from meeting Zhang Yanhang's current soul power refining needs , he still needs to continue to capture the remaining ghosts in Guangyang City.

"By the way, the reason why those second- and third-tier evil spirits behaved like a dementia is related to this treasure of heaven, material and earth?"

Looking at the Tiancaidibao with a human face on the leaves in front of him, Zhang Yanhang made an option out of curiosity and inquired about multiple choices, only to find that this thing seems to be called human-faced corpse-scented konjac, which can smell the fragrance of corpses Ghosts and human beings have hallucinations, and eating them can greatly enhance the strength of ghosts and practitioners who practice the same type of skills.

"It seems that the little ghost in the previous three-in-one ghost somehow has the ability to be immune to the hallucination of corpse-flavored konjac, which caused the parents to be tempted, but it itself ate other ghosts by a blessing in disguise. "

Zhang Yanhang even suspected that the reason why this three-in-one ghost could grow to the peak strength of Tier 3 might be that the little ghost ate too much of other ghosts, so his strength passively improved quickly.

But obviously, once attacked, these hallucinated ghosts have a high probability of waking up.

This is also the reason why the little ghost's parents returned to normal after being beaten, and it is also the reason why the little ghost only eats the second-level ghosts on the edge and not the other third-level ghosts around it. After all, the second-level ghosts have no resistance in front of it. Ability, but third-order ghosts may not be able to defeat them. Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter