MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-~ The number of sections is wrong and cannot be changed

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, Update the lord as soon as possible, I am the latest chapter of the Lizardman!

"Bai Chi, let No. 637 and the others send a medium-sized lizardman to guard this old goblin."

An Mubai looked at the old goblin in the cave, with a frightened expression in his eyes, a small smile on his face with black thin scales, and sent Bai Chi a mentally fluctuating words that an old goblin could understand.


In the pink eyes of Bai Chi, he nodded lightly with doubts, and in the body in Mo Lin's embrace, he looked at the old goblin who was afraid and seemed to be unguarded, and did not dare to walk out of the cave. Together with Mo Lin, he turned to leave. An Mubai walked away.

"Bai Chi, I plan to go to the reed maple swamp that the old goblin said, and look for the lizardmen he mentioned. Now our shallow pit lizardmen need more lizardmen to join in, so that they can develop faster."

By the green stream pool, An Mubai ate the flesh and blood cut from the forsaken flesh, soaked his feet in the cold stream pool, and spoke to Bai Chi beside him.

The figure of the nine-headed worm in the stream pool dived into the water from time to time, and the six heads held a small fish that was the size of a palm every day. Don't look at the size of the six-headed heavy lizard, which seemed to be slow and stupid, only eating grass in the grass.

But in fact, it is a vigorous diving swimmer, and can even migrate long distances in the water.

"Well, at that time, I called No. 637 and the others, and then went together."

Bai Chi nodded lightly, and the young snow-white body stood lightly in front of An Mubai, which formed a sharp contrast with An Mubai's two-meter-high body with black scales.

"No, No. 637, they and you still have to stay here, otherwise the old goblin will probably run away as soon as you leave, so I'm just going to have a look first."

"If it doesn't meet our requirements, I will come back directly."

An Mubai smiled and did not plan to take Bai Chi with him. The encounter of similar races in the Wanye Mountains is cruel and cruel, but it is simple and simple. Whoever is stronger will listen to whoever is stronger, and it will not be like other races. The danger of exterminating the clan is so easy to touch.

"Hei, it's too dangerous for you to go alone. If there is a lizardman priest in that lizardman tribe, then no matter how powerful you are, you will be killed."

A worried look appeared in Bai Chi's pink eyes. Now An Mubai's strength is strong, but his spirit is too low.

If you encounter an extraordinary creature with a mental attack, you will have no resistance and will be attacked.

Just like the previous goblin, that is, there are no super-level hobgoblins around the old goblin, and there is no high-level lizardmen like the lizardmen who can also pose a threat to super-level creatures.

Otherwise, An Mubai would never be able to escape, and only those injured by some acid missiles would be able to escape.

"I just went to see, and Bai Chi is not as lucky as me to have yours."

An Mubai's slender lizardman with black scales grew softly and softly with a smile on his face. He reached out and touched Bai Chi's head.

Bai Chi's pink eyes were stunned for a moment. For the first time, uncontrollable chaotic emotions emerged in her mind, which had always been clear and wise.

Under An Mubai's right hand, he lowered his head, and after a long period of confusion in his heart, he calmed down a little, and then the expression in his pink eyes was a little flustered, and he spoke to An Mubai quickly.

"Heiyu, I have already spawned the Rong Rong grass that you gave me birth, the big one is the size of my hands, and I have given birth to it three times."

Saying that, Bai Chi set off and walked to the land next to the stream and pond where the pine grass was planted. The young Snow White's lovely body was still a little flustered.

In the eyes of An Mu's white-gold vertical child, upon hearing Bai Chi's words, an expression of surprise arose, and he hurriedly walked towards Bai Chi's figure.

Following her, she came to the land where the grass and green were planted beside the stream and pond.

The stalks of the pine grass that survive in the land are already very different from the original pine grass, and I don't know if it is the magic power that Bai Chi has always spawned that caused the mutation.

Each plant has the thickness of An Mubai's fingers. You must know that An Mubai is now a sturdy lizardman with a height of two meters and three meters. The stems and leaves of the growing plants even reach An Mubai's thighs.

If Moscale were to do it, she would definitely not recognize that this was the strawberry that she and An Mubai had dug together.

"Heihui, I asked No. 637 and the others to dig it out and eat it separately. There is a lot of sticky juice in it. No.637 said it was very sweet and delicious."

"I don't know if it's the kind you want. It can be used as food for our lizard people."

Bai Chi spoke to An Mubai, and the snow-white young claws dug some soil under the stalk of a stalk grass at will, and dug out a khaki-yellow stalk fruit the size of an orange.

Then he picked up his hands and handed them to An Mubai with a smile on his face, seeing that they were indeed much bigger than Bai Chi's hands.

"A lot of sticky juice?"

An Mubai had a suspicious look in his eyes, and then he couldn't grasp Bai Chi's two hands, but he could easily hold the strawberry stalk fruit in one hand, put it in his hand and put it in front of him.

The stems and fruits are a little soft, and there is a fragrant sweetness emanating from them, like a conspiracy fruit.

An Mubai felt it carefully in his hand, and smelled the sweet and fragrant sweetness of this raspberry stalk fruit. A little bad feeling arose in his heart, and he used sharp claws to separate the raspberry stalk fruit in his hand. Come.


A more attractive fragrance and sweetness arises from the separated stalks and fruits, and there is a viscous liquid like rice porridge, which flows out from the stalks and fruits, and there are white grains inside. Rice seeds.

An Mu's white-gold vertical child's eyes looked at the strawberry stalk fruit with thick juice flowing out of his hand, and the expression in his eyes was a little dumbfounded.

He chose succulent grass as the preferred plant for spawning, because its fruit was very similar to the little potato in his previous life, so he let Bai Chi be the first to spawn.

I want to cultivate the crops and food of the Lizardmen in shallow depressions, like potatoes in the previous life.

But now the thick juice flows out from the hand, and there is only a soft and empty shell of the strawberry stalk fruit. Can it still be grown as a food like a potato?

"How about Hei, have we succeeded?"

Bai Chi's pink eyes looked at An Mubai with a look of anticipation, and made a question.

An Mubai looked at the Rongrong grass stem fruit in his hand, and then looked at Bai Chi's expectant eyes, and then his eyes stopped at the Rong Rong grass stem fruit. As the thick juice flowed out, there was a soft shell about half a centimeter thick. superior.

With a smile on his face, Bai Chi nodded and said.

"Successful white chi, this can be brought back to be planted as food for our shallow pit lizardmen. In the future, our shallow pit lizardmen will have this kind of strawberry, grass, stem and fruit to eat."

"We should re-name this kind of pineapple fruit, so that our people can know that this kind of pineapple fruit is edible."

"Bai Chi, how about you come and get it?"

With a smile, An Mubai stretched out his hand and squeezed the husk of the Rong Rong Cao Stalk Fruit, which was not too thin. In fact, this husk could also be eaten as food.

Therefore, the growth of the stalks and fruits as food, if you look at it, it can be considered a success. Anyway, the lizard people have a strong stomach, and the roots and stems of any plant cannot be eaten.


Bai Chi's pink eyes were thoughtful, and she looked at the succulent grass in front of her. After a while, she turned her head and said to An Mubai.

"Fen Muguo, how about the black cockroach called Fen Muguo?"

An Mubai's expression was slightly stunned, and some of them couldn't think of the relationship between the succulent strawberry and the succulent strawberry in her hands.

But looking at Bai Chi's lovely pink eyes, he still nodded and said.

"Okay, let's call it Fan Muguo!"


Bai Chi's cute face with snow-white scales also nodded with a smile, and then looked at the pink mugwort plant growing in front of him, and said to An Mubai.

"Then Hei, shall we continue to optimize the spawning fan Muguo?"

"I feel that as the optimizations continue, they need to consume more of my magic power and need more time to grow."

An Mubai looked at the powdered fruit in his hand, which could already be classified as some kind of berry, shook his head lightly, and said after thinking for a while in his mind.

"Thick-leaf grass, we will spawn thick-leaf grass next!"


Bai Chi looked at An Mubai suspiciously. Thick-leaf grass has no place for food. Except for the slightly thicker leaves that contain fine-tuned sap, there is nothing else to eat.

"Yes, thickleaf!"

An Mu's white-gold vertical boy nodded with a firm expression in his eyes. The thick-leafed herb was the one he chose at will as a candidate, and he planned to use it as a sweet-leaf plant if he was really rough.

But now the high hopes of the strawberry stalk fruit have deviated, from the stalk fruit that can be used as food to the fruit that can only be eaten as berries.

An Mubai was also secretly ruthless, to see if the thick-leaf grass could deviate from the sweet leaf and turn it into food.


Bai Chi nodded lightly, then looked at Fan Muguo, who already had flowers in front of him, and said to An Mubai.

"Heihui, then I will no longer optimize these fenugreek fruits. They told me that the seeds contained in their flowers can also grow the fenugreek fruits we need."

As he spoke, Bai Chi stirred up the magic power in his body, and gave birth to the fenugreek fruit plant in front of him again.

Soon it had been in full bloom for a while, and with the help of nature, the fenugreek flowers, which had been powdered with the help of nature, quickly withered and yielded black seeds the size of mung bean.

"Well, then I'll take these seeds back to plant them, and the powdered fruit that they bear, Bai Chi, you can dig out and eat."

"Moscale will stay with you forever and follow you to find thick-leaf grass to spawn. When she comes, I plan to conclude a bloodline contract with a six-headed heavy lizard cub for Moscale."

"Bai Chi, you can choose one for Moscale to make a deal in a while."

An Mubai nodded and said, and then took out a piece of animal skin brought by ink scales from the gravel field on the side, and began to collect the black seeds from the withered flowers in the pink mug fruit field.

"Hei, are you leaving?"

In Bai Chi's pink eyes, he asked with a reluctant expression.

An Mubai looked at the reluctant look in her eyes. Looking at the emerald stream pool where there were only a few lizardmen like No. 637 and the others, and the cave where the old goblin was imprisoned, she nodded slightly to Bai Chi and said.

"I'm going to bring back the seeds of Fanmuguo as soon as possible and let Sanscale and the others plant them in the soil. The person who has been ill-intentioned to us today is also not here."

"You need to go back quickly to see if the human is back and where he went."

"And this old goblin's still alive clan must be caught quickly, otherwise he will run away after a long time."


Bai Chi nodded lightly, suppressing the resentment towards An Mubai in her heart, with a smile in her pink eyes, she walked into the soil of Fan Muguo, and followed An Mubai to collect the Seeds from the withered flowers.

He knew in his heart that An Mubai really didn't have much time to stay with her right now, and she also needed to be busy with a lot of things here, to follow An Mubai to develop the Lizardman Race as soon as possible.

Only when she has the power to resist the shallow pit, the human beings who don't have good intentions towards them, can she and An Mubai be able to develop the shallow pit lizard people together.


"Old frogman!"

An hour later, An Mubai finished arranging all the things for Bai Chi on the side of Bilu Xitan, and also told Mo Lin to let her stay on Bai Chi's side.

Holding the collected powdered fruit seeds in his hand, he shouted to the old frogman who was staring blankly at No. 637 and the others digging for powdered fruit.


Laowa's mouth called frogs, and looked at An Mubai with doubts in his eyes. On No. 637, they were digging powder muggoes and eating them while they were digging. Whether the saliva has drawn a lot.

An Mubai also ate a few, but it was extraordinarily sweet, like milk porridge cooked with coconut milk, and there was even a slight magic power in it. of magic remains.

"come over!"

An Mubai looked at the figure of the old frogman standing in front of the land of Fanmuguo, unwilling to walk, and shouted to him, and then threw a washed pinkmugo in his hand to the old frogman.


In the eyes of the old frogman, which were as bright as a pair of large light bulbs, he took the pink wood fruit thrown by An Mubai with surprise, and then ran to An Mubai with a scream.

He ate the Fen Muguo in his Although he was an extraordinary frogman, even if he stood in front of the Fenmuguo Land the day before, No. 637 and the others would never give the old frogman a chance. A powdery mousse.

Even if No. 637 and the others have dug away, and there are still broken or unwanted powdered nuts in the soil, the old frogmen can't go in and dig food by themselves.

This is a kind of rule that the vassal races in the Wanye Mountains need to abide by. Even if it is an extraordinary creature, after entering the race, it will be inferior to an ordinary race of the race.

"Go and gather your clansmen and catch all the goblins and cubs in the old goblin clan. Remember to catch them."

"I want to live. If one of them dies, I will eat you alive like the fruit you eat."

An Mu's white and black scaly lizardmen smiled lightly, looking at the sweet and happy old frogman eating pink muggo, he gave him a hideous laugh.


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