MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 83 , contract, thinking

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The old frogman tweeted again and agreed to An Mubai's request.

Although the frogmen clan in the black mud swamp might be wiped out because of this offering, he cherishes his own life even more, not to mention An Mubai's offering.

It's not necessarily a requirement for the frogmen in the Black Mud Marsh to exterminate the clan.

"Megatooth, you sent this old frogman back to the Black Mud Swamp."

"I want to see you deliver the food tonight, or I'll go to the black mud swamp and kill you."

An Mu's white-gold vertical pupils looked at Giant Tooth, gave him an order, and then looked at the old frogman who was glad he escaped from the dead.

The words in his mouth whispered to him coldly, he turned around and walked out of the Asazawa cave with Bai Chi in his arms.

I'm not worried about the old frogman in my heart. I won't bring food tonight. The races living in the Wanye Mountains can be said to be dull and stupid, or they can be said to be savage and ignorant.

However, when it comes to food, offerings, and surrender, it is rare to betray and regret in a short period of time.

"Black beetle!"

Outside the Asazawa cave, the dormant drizzle continued to fall into the shallow swamp.

The figure of the ink scales, holding the chaos of two six-headed heavy lizards, walked past the destroyed thatched hut area, and spoke.

"Six heavy lizards were scattered in the corner of the thatched hut. I looked at them and they were not damaged. Do you want to put them in the Asazawa cave to hatch?"

"Bai Chi, are you feeling better? Do you want to eat something?"

An Mubai's expression in his eyes showed a little surprise. He lowered his head and looked at Bai Chi, who was still weak in his arms. He thought that these three six-headed heavy lizard eggs,

It has been destroyed in yesterday's war, or it has been eaten.


Bai Chi shook her head lightly. In her tired and sad pink eyes, she looked with interest at the six heavy lizard eggs in Molin's arms, which had accompanied her to live in the thatched cottage for a while.

"Let's put it in the Asazawa cave first, but be careful not to let the cubs or inferior clan eat it."

An Mubai whispered to Moscale, and suddenly remembered the first batch of big goblins who arrived yesterday, the low-level monster Green Wind Wolf that he was riding.

This made his mind a little confused, and his eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. These two races were obviously food and predators, but they were combined together.

The combat power is also exceptionally strong, with five extraordinary abilities. If it wasn't in the shallow swamp, if it wasn't for the frogmen to attract its attention first, An Mubai really didn't know how he would be able to beat him.

"Is it a contract?"

An Mubai whispered in his heart, and stared at the two six-headed heavy lizard eggs in Molin's arms.

The six-headed heavy lizard, which is also a low-level monster, is much stronger than the green wind wolf, except that the speed is not as fast as the green wind wolf, and its huge size and powerful vitality.

It can be said that as long as the two heads of Wei Zhong can be protected, few extraordinary creatures can kill them.

"It seems that there is one more reason for the Goblin tribe to destroy the Green Pine Forest and Green Wind."

An Mubai nodded lightly, looked away from Mo Lin who had already entered the shallow cave, and looked back at the shallow swamp.

Iron Fang, Scale Feather and the others brought low-level lizardmen to collect food and goblin weapons.

"Although the Green Pine Forest Green Wind Plain and the Goblin Clan's invasion and attack were blocked this time, it does not mean that the crisis is over. Instead, the Goblin Clan has a contract with the Green Wind Wolf."

"The crisis to the Lizardmen in the shallow pit has become even bigger. I wonder how long it will take for Simon to come back?"

An Mubai pondered in his mind, looked at Bai Chi in his arms, and asked.

"Bai Chi, if we find Lizardmen like Scale Feather, Giant Tooth, and the others who came here today, do you think we can conquer them?"

"Scale Feather, the giant teeth? They are wandering lizardmen. If they can find them, I think they will be very happy and join our shallow pit lizardmen."

"However, if there are lizardmen who have awakened bloodlines, the black cockroach is likely to start a war with them, but I will help the black cockroach."

Bai Chi's pink eyes were full of closeness to and love for An Mubai, and soft and tender words came out in his mind.

The body with white scales like jade leaned against An Mubai's arms.


An Mu nodded thoughtfully in his white-gold eyes. In fact, his heart was not without the idea of ​​accommodating other Lizardmen or traffic Lizardmen.

It's just that, because An Mubai's rule over the Qianwa Leng Lizardmen is very unstable, just like outside the Asazawa cave.

Scale Feather, Giant Fang and the others would not listen to An Mubai's words.

Secondly, as Bai Chi said, if there is a supernatural lizard human race, then An Mubai is likely to face a war to seize the throne.

Third, and the most important point, the Lizardmen in the shallow pit have no food. Although they can "borrow food" from the old frogmen, this is actually not enough. It is more than enough to feed the Lizardmen in the shallow pit for a long time. Merged into other lizard people.

It was only yesterday's battle that the lizardmen cubs over two years old in the shallow pit lizardmen were nearly wiped The bigger green pine forest and the green wind plain goblin, the danger that may attack at any time is just around the corner. .

An Mubai's heart couldn't help but think again, whether to find integration quickly, other lizardmen have entered the shallow pit lizardmen.

"Now my strength has entered the eleventh level, and I have Bai Chi, who is a priest of the lizardmen, by my side, so as long as I don't integrate into the lizardmen clan led by the supernatural lizardmen, I enter the shallow pit lizardmen clan."

"Then you and Bai Chi's dominance will always be at the top, and what is unstable is the **** of the superior lizardmen and the middle lizardmen."

An Mubai pondered in his heart, and looked at Tie Ya in the shallow swamp.

He originally named An Mubai first, and brought the inferior lizardmen in the clan to collect weapons, armor, and food, but now he is ruling the inferior lizardmen in the shallow swamp.

Looking closely, it can be seen that scale feathers are the main ones, and scale feathers are actually the same level as Iron Fang, and they are only eighth-level superior lizardmen.

The three newly arrived high-class lizardmen are all eighth-level. If the toe is not dead, they can press them hard, but now that the toe is dead, the three of them can press the iron tooth. The Shallow Hollow Lizardmen were originally high-ranking Lizardmen.

This is what An Mubai doesn't want to see.

"Bai Chi, after building the collapsed houses in the clan, we will go to see if there are any stray lizardmen who can join the Shallow Pit Lizardmen."

An Mubai lowered his head and whispered to Bai Chi in his arms. The task of building a "new home" became more urgent in his heart.

Menglin Lizardman's bloodline activation potion, An Mubai didn't know what kind of potion it was, but only the bloodline of the Lizardmen was activated, and that was the superior lizardmen who could hold the right to speak in the clan.