MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 81 , black cockroach, white chi

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"Yes, Patriarch!"

Three Scales, Tie Ya and the others nodded to An Mubai, and then walked towards the lizardmen cubs they had gathered.

Their understanding of An Mubai's discourse to count the number of lizardmen is the same as the number of lizardmen cubs gathered in the past, and An Mubai taught them while standing in a military posture.

How to count and report the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who are about to become adults.

It's just a collection of this pair of lizardmen cubs, but they have been trained for more than ten days, and they will become adults in more than two months. They have turned into the first batch of shallow pit lizardmen, and the military training has produced a force value of fifty. There were only thirteen of the three lizardmen cubs who were about to become adults.

And there are only twenty-five of the sixty lizardmen cubs who are two years old and will be adults next year.

This means that from this year to April next year, there will be less than fifty adult lizardmen in the shallow pit lizardmen in total.


On An Mubai's face with black scaly growths, sharp fangs could not help protruding from his mouth, his hands clenched tightly to suppress the anger and killing intent in his heart.

They moved away from Sanscale and the others, and looked at Molin. Molin was holding Bai Chi in her arms, while Bai Chi was surrounded by lizardmen who followed her. These lizardmen did not listen to her. What action does Mu Bai's words have?

"Bai Chi, the Shallow Pit Lizardmen now only needs one chief, and only one voice."

An Mubai uttered the words, the two-meter-high lizardmen body full of wounds, with a cold and murderous power, pressed down on the group of lizardmen.


The thirteen lizardmen beside Bai Chi became weak, and immediately knelt down to An Mubai, and let out a wailing and begging cry. Even the five medium-sized lizardmen had fear in their eyes. Shaking his body, he lowered his head to An Mubai.

Only the three superior lizardmen were still standing beside Bai Chi, but their bodies were also full of fear and fear for An Mubai, and they did not dare to visit An Mubai.

Having experienced so many slaughter, his own bloodline has also been promoted to become an extraordinary lizardman of the eleventh level. An Mubai now exudes killing intent and power.

But it is not much weaker than the blood candle that has ruled the shallow pit lizardmen for a long time.

"Hei Yan, you are the patriarch of the Shallow Pit Lizardmen, and will always be the chief of the Shallow Pit Lizardmen. I will obey your orders and be by your side forever."

In Bai Chi's pink eyes, there is love for An Mubai, and the admirer spoke to him, and opened his hands to An Mubai, asking for yesterday because the old frogman was in his hands, An Mubai did not hug him. her hug.

In Bai Chi's still young heart, she really does not disagree with An Mubai's idea of ​​fighting for power. All she wants is to obey An Mubai's words and stay by An Mubai and Molin's side.

"I will always be by your side!"

An Mubai revealed a smile on his savagely wounded face as he took Bai Chi from Molin's embrace.

"Scale Feather, Huge Fang, and Horntail meet the patriarch!"

The three high-class lizardmen around Mo Lin watched Bai Chi embrace An Mubai's arms, the expressions in their eyes were stunned, and they finally bowed down to An Mubai's body.

"Four high-level lizardmen, thirteen middle-level lizardmen, and twenty-seven low-level lizardmen, the shallow pit lizardmen can't bear this battle with the invading goblins after all!"

Ten minutes later, in the shallow swamp in front of the Asazawa Cave.

An Mubai looked at the lizardmen who were standing together according to their own clan rank under his own guidance, and sighed in his heart and uttered a whisper.

Then, in the golden vertical pupil eyes, the expression cloth became firm with murderous intent, the green pine forest and the green winds were originally from the goblin clan, this invasion almost wiped out the shallow pit lizardmen clan.

An Mubai couldn't see through this hatred in his heart, even if the invasion and annihilation of the tribe was the normal state of survival for all races in the Wanye Mountains, even if he himself often ran into the frogmen clan in the black mud swamp, wantonly killing the living frogmen, But Ze still couldn't stand the hatred.

"The revenge of the Green Pine Forest, Green Wind Plains, and the Goblin Clan's invasion must be rewarded in blood, but what the Shallow Pit Lizardmen need now is to take a rest and increase the strength of the clan."

"Otherwise, I would have the heart of revenge, and I would just let the shallow pit lizardmen die."

An Mubai whispered in his heart, looking at Sanscale, Tie Ya and the others who were waiting for his order with a firm look in his eyes, and called out the system task panel in his heart.

"Mission: The enemy has come, the city has been completed, and a super rank lizardman will be rewarded."

"Mission: New home, the incoming enemy destroyed your home, the new lizardmen have decided to follow you."

"Young lord, although the hatred of the destruction of your homeland is engraved in your heart, please don't forget that your clan's talents are the foundation. Please lead your clan to build their new home."

"Reward: Five bottles of Menglin Lizardman Bloodline Activation Potion."

"New home!"

An Mubai's gaze turned to the thatched hut area, all the destroyed thatched huts. In his heart, he actually planned to rebuild the thatched huts of the Lizardmen tribe in shallow But the Lizards in shallow depressions The lizardmen of the human race have always been understaffed, and have various things to be busy with, and there is no task of building a thatched hut refreshed in the task system panel.

So An Mubai didn't take it to heart, and always planned to wait for this period of time to complete the construction before proceeding.

"Shallow pit lizardmen do need to cultivate for a while now, but there is no point in building the original triangular thatched cottage."

An Mu pondered in his eyes, and looked at the wooden house that Simon built in the jungle by the shallow swamp. He wanted to build this kind of wooden house, but Simon was not there.

"Iron Fang, Scale Feather, you brought the inferior lizardmen from your clan and went to measure the weapons and armor used by the group of goblins in the shallow swamp."

"And see if there are frogmen corpses that can be used as food, and goblin corpses."

An Mubai pointed at Tie Ya and Lin Yu said, there is no race in the Wanye Mountains that can make potions, and the potions rewarded by the system "New Home" quest, An Mubai probably brought back after Simon came back.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Iron Fang, and Scale Feather, one of the three high-ranking lizardmen who had newly entered the Shallow Pit Lizardmen, bowed their heads to An Mubai, and then summoned the remaining twenty-seven low-ranking lizardmen in the clan.

He walked towards the shallow swamp scoured by the rain.

"Three scales, giant teeth, and horn tails, gather the average lizardmen from the clan and enter the Asazawa cave with me to count the clan's food."

An Mubai turned to look at the Asazawa cave. The most important thing that the Lizardmen in the shallow pit needs to do now is to quickly count the food that is still in the clan.

However, when An Mubai entered the Asazawa cave, what he wanted more was to find the figure of a frogman, old frogman!

Read The Duke's Passion