MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 73 , double reinforcement

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"Quack... What do you want to do, Hei?"

"It's impossible for us to beat this big goblin. Let's run back to the cave first, they will retreat soon with food."

The old frogman trembled in An Mubai's hands, like a pair of big lightbulb eyes, full of fear and unwilling to face An Mubai, the big goblin like death in the shallow swamp.

In his heart, his own life is more important. No matter how many frogmen die, the frogmen in the black mud swamp can be reproduced, so why bother.

"You don't want me to kill this big goblin riding a wolf, I will kill you now."

An Mubai's gaze was cold in his eyes, and there was a rage in his heart that pulled the old frogman in front of his eyes, and the old frogman could not care about his clan.

But he can't. This is his capital to survive in this extraordinary world where magic and dragons coexist.

Not to mention that the goblin team led by this wolf riding goblin is not like a goblin team just hunting for food, otherwise there will be so many goblins following.

The goblins that fell into the shallow swamps, now there are no less than a hundred of them at a glance. It is better to say that it is a goblin hunting party than a goblin team in an open area.

"Black... black cockroach!"

The old frogman looked at An Mubai's fangs, who were only a few centimeters away from him, and felt the cruelty and murderous intent radiating towards him in his eyes.

The thin and short body trembled in An Mubai's hands, and he didn't dare to say anything else.

"Cartoe, look after this old frogman. If he dares to run away or attack you, he will kill him immediately."

An Mubai's sturdy lizard tail swayed in the blood-stained shallow swamp water, and handed the old frogman in his hand to the car toe beside him.

Although the old frogman is an extraordinary frogman with awakened blood, he is old and frail, and in the hands of high-level lizardmen like Chetoe and the others, he has no ability to resist and escape.

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Che Zhi nodded to An Mubai with a serious expression, stretched out his hand like An Mubai, and grabbed the old frogman's neck directly. Once he made any changes, he could kill him directly.

"Old frogman, I have already told my people that once you want to escape, he will kill you immediately. Now do as I said and use blood rage on me."

"Then gather your clan to kill this big goblin and the green wind wolf he rides with me."

An Mubai spoke to the old frogman, turned around and looked at the wolf-riding goblin not far in front of him, killing the frogman all the way, venting his anger and gradually approaching.


The old frogman had no choice, he incited the magic in his body to cast the bloodline rage technique on An Mubai, and summoned the frogmen who surrounded the wolf-riding goblin to attack him all at once.


The blood of the awakened lizardman in An Mubai's body was boiling, and the sturdy two-meter tall lizardman's body grew and swelled without using his body.

Various data information The data panel changed rapidly, 23, 24, 25... 27. In less than a moment, An Mubai's physique instantly increased to 27.

At the same time, Agility and Divine Soul have decreased, especially Divine Soul. The Divine Soul Index, which was originally 11 points, has been directly reduced to 8 points, which is similar to the low-level monster Green Wind Wolf.

The sturdy body with two-meter-high black scales transformed directly into a muscular monster with a height of about two-meter-five. The scales on the body were slightly tensed under the expansion of the muscles.

Behind him, there were close-to-body bone scales standing upright, like pitch-black bone spurs, looking at An Mubai as if he instantly turned into a black dragon full of anger and fear.

"The body!"

The side effects of the blood rage technique did not make An Mubai's wisdom completely disappear.

In An Mu's white-gold eyes, although full of violence and madness, there is still a lot of rationality left, which aroused the boiling blood in his body and activated his awakened extraordinary ability.


An Mubai's swollen and mutated body once again experienced growth and mutation, and the volume grew and expanded again. The minions became sharper, and it was filled with dark and flickering colors.

Looking at the figure of the whole person, it has become more like some kind of black-scaled beast like a giant dragon, and there are not many upright human figures.

The various data and information of the body have also been improved in an all-round way. The physique has directly broken through to 30 points, and even the soul, which has been lowered to 8 points, has also improved.

"Sure enough, the overall strengthening of physical fitness is based on the physical fitness before activation."

An Mubai's bulging muscles had a hideous smile on his face, and his body was full of strength, as if it would explode in the next moment.

Just like a balloon that was very inflated and urgently needed to be vented, the golden vertical pupils looked at the wolf-riding goblin who was under the siege of the frogmen, and the figure rushed towards him.

"Haha, kill! Kill, you **** lowly frogmen, how dare you block me."

The big goblin riding the wolf looked violent, waving the half-moon scimitar in his hand, and riding on the green wind wolf, like a thug who had just gained powerful strength, killing the frogmen he saw one after another. I only feel that my strength and majesty are insulted by these inferior frogmen in the shallow swamp.

And he really just got the power to contract with the low-level monster, the Green Wind Wolf, in just a few days.

"Crack Claw!"

An Mubai's swollen and mutated body quickly rushed out from the crowd of frogs that were besieging him and disturbed him. He slapped the head of the green wind wolf with a claws on the wolf-riding goblin.

Although her physique has reached 30 points, An Mubai is still very clear in her heart that she is not the opponent of this 12th-level extraordinary sister eldest goblin.

When it attacked him, it was as rough as killing him first, but it was only a tenth-level green wind wolf.


The Green Wind Wolf with agility of 17 couldn't react at all. An Mubai's attack suddenly rushed out, and the big goblin on it could react to An Mubai's attack.

However, the previous mind was mostly on slaughtering frogmen in anger, until the mind reacted.

An Mubai's right hand, which swelled like a dragon's claw, had already hit the green wind wolf on the head.


A loud noise sounded, and at thirty o'clock, the green wind wolf's head with flying hair exploded directly under An Mubai's right paw.


The uninjured eldest goblin let out a painful muffled sound, with blood flowing from his nose and mouth, and suddenly fell from the corpse of the green wind wolf whose head had just exploded.

When An Mubai saw this situation, the look in his eyes was stunned for a moment, and then without thinking about it, his right foot, which also had claws, kicked straight at the big goblin.


The eldest Goblin's chest burst with flesh and blood, as if he was hit by a high-speed car, and his figure flew out in the shallow swamp.

Read The Duke's Passion