MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 70 , the wolf-riding goblin

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"How many goblins are there, and how many are the big goblins leading the team?"

When An Mubai heard Che Toe's shouting words, he didn't even bother to think about whether to kill the old frogman. With his golden vertical pupils, he looked at Che Toe running towards him and asked.

"Patriarch, there are many. There are more cubs than Sanscale and the others. Just like the frogman you brought back, there are two big goblins in it."

Che Toe replied with urgent and urgent words. Although the words he said were not clear, how many goblins from Green Wind Plains came to Leewind Ridge.

But it also made An Mubai understand that there must not be too few goblins coming from Lu Fengyuan, and there will be at least two of them, the transcendent rank goblins who have awakened their bloodlines.

"How come there are two big goblins who jointly lead a team of goblins?"

An Mubai had a puzzled look in her heart, her brows furrowed, but now is not the time to think about it.

"Purpaw, gray pupil, go and bring the cubs of all the clans to the Asazawa cave with Iron Fang."

An Mubai looked in front of him, followed the toe of the car, and waited for Pupa and Gray Tong, who were instructed by his words, and gave them instructions.

Then he opened the mouth to the old frogman who was trembling in fear and begging for mercy.

"If you want me not to eat you, quickly gather your clan from the cave, and you go to the Asazawa cave and let San Scales and the others bring out the clan's cubs."

"Yes, Patriarch!"

Che Toe nodded, and hurriedly ran to the Asazawa cave. Now they were carrying three scales inside, fifty-three lizardmen cubs, and the slaughter of the frogmen was not over yet.

After all, no matter what they said, there were also three hundred frogmen. It was Sanscale and the others who took fifty-three lizardmen cubs and practiced thrusting with iron wood spears, and they were able to kill them all at once.

However, after the baptism of blood, the fifty-three lizardmen cubs in the Asazawa cave have indeed changed a lot, and there is no fear of the three hundred frogmen in their eyes. They belong to the blood of the lizardmen. The militant factor was activated.

"Huh... don't kill me, I'll let them out."


The old frogman felt An Mubai's grip, and the right paw on his neck was exerting force. He watched the toe of the car run into the Asazawa cave. He looked scared and panicked, and made a croaking sound to summon the frogmen to the Asazawa cave.


In the Asazawa cave, there was a screeching sound of messy and scared frogmen, but no frogmen rushed out.

Until San Scale and the others, led by Che Toe, led fifty-three lizardmen cubs, and walked out of the Asazawa cave.

Cai Fang had frogmen who seemed to have gone to **** one by one, and ran out of the Asazawa cave in a panic. It seemed that there were only over a hundred frogmen.

Afraid of fear and absent-mindedness, they ran to the old frogman and gathered together, as if the old frogman had some kind of faith, and the fear and absent-mindedness in his eyes immediately settled down a lot.

"Molin, you first take Bai Chi to the depths of the Asazawa cave, San-scale, you bring the lizardman cubs brought by Iron Fang into the Asazawa cave."

"Grey scales, flat horns, bone scales, you also go to the Asazawa hillside and help Tiefang and the others bring all the lizardmen cubs in the clan."

An Mubai didn't want to look at it again at this time. The old frogmen around the old frogmen had changed, and they sent out orders to Sanscale, Flathorn, and Grayscale one after another.

"Yes, Patriarch, Big Brother Heiyu!"

Three Scales, Gray Scales, and the others nodded to An Mubai quickly, then obeying his words, they immediately ran towards Asazawa up the slope.

At this time, the first group of lizardmen cubs led by Iron Fang had actually arrived in front of the Asazawa cave, but only under the pressure of An Mubai and a large number of frogmen.

I was not attracted by the **** smell in the Asazawa cave, so I rushed into the Asazawa cave.


Just as soon as Sanscale's mouth let out a whimper, these lizardmen cubs couldn't hold on any longer, and they all rushed into the Asazawa cave immediately.

Seeing the corpse of the frogman killed by Sanscale and the others, he immediately rushed to eat like a beast without thinking about it.

This kind of eating even caused turmoil in the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who were about to become adults. If they hadn't eaten their food in the thatched hut earlier.

It is estimated that he can't control it now, and he will immediately rush into the Asazawa cave.

"Old frogman, if you don't want to die, hurry up and organize your clan to go to a place with me."

An Mubai looked at the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who were able to control his appetite a little and didn't run around, and tapped with a little satisfaction in his heart.

Then, holding the old frogman in his hand, he made a sound, Sen Han's words were full of threats, and he moved to the back of the jungle in the thatched hut area and ran towards Leeward Ridge.

The information that Che Toe said was too general. He planned to visit the Goblin Clan that attacked the Green Wind Plain in person.

And the reason why he wanted to take the old frogman with him, he even asked him to call the frogmen gathered around him to follow him, because he was afraid that after leaving, the frogmen who stayed behind would rebel.

Before the Green Wind Plains goblins came, they fought with the Lizardmen in the shallow pit.


In the running of An Mubai, the old frogman hurriedly uttered a frog call to summon the more than one hundred inferior and twenty-nine superior frogmen gathered around him. Voice.


It was only An Mubai's figure, but he had just arrived. In the swamp that was half a distance from the thatched cottage area in the shallow cave, the summoned frogmen had not yet gathered behind the old frogmen. .

In the jungle behind the thatched clan area, a chaotic high-pitched whimper suddenly sounded, and then there were creatures with green skins that were somewhat similar to human children, but were extremely ugly.

He rushed out of the jungle cheering and happily, holding broken and rusted knives in his hands, and wearing all kinds of armor on his body.


A wolf howl sounded from behind these green-skinned creatures rushing out, and then a vigorous figure jumped out of it and landed on the open space in front of the thatched hut area.

This is a wolf whose shoulder height is higher than that of ordinary goblins, and there is a two-meter-tall green-skinned creature sitting on it.

"The low-level monster, the green wind wolf, the 12th-level extraordinary goblin!"

An Mubai ran in with the old frogman, the figure in the shallow swamp stopped, and his golden vertical pupils looked at it, which was in the open space in the thatched hut area.

Looking at the "human" and the wolf, the pupils in their eyes could not help tightening, and the muscles of the body under the black scales secretly tightened.

These "people" and one wolf are all creatures he has seen in the Green Pine Forest and Green Wind Plain, the Goblin Clan.

The transcendent eldest Goblin, whose bloodline was awakened, and the Green Wind Wolf, who was a low-level beast, were not mortal enemies when he saw them that night.

But there is no possibility of cooperation and symbiosis. One is the predator and the other is the one who provides food. Why are the two tribes suddenly united now?

Read The Duke's Passion