MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 68 , the baptism of blood

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An Mubai walked in the shallow water of the shallow swamp, paused a little, and looked at Molin.

Seeing Bai Chi screaming crisply in her arms and opening her hands to herself.

An Mubai's face with black scaly growths had a slight smile on his face, and he stretched out his left hand to embrace Bai Chi in his arms, but just when he moved, he felt something was wrong.

Looking down, I saw that the old frogman's head was like a pair of big light bulb eyes, staring at Bai Chi.

Seeing this, An Mubai immediately stopped the left hand that he stretched out to Bai Chi, started and then walked towards the Asazawa cave, pulling the distance between himself and the ink scales a little further.

Although the old frogman is in his hands, he is an extraordinary frogman who has awakened his bloodline. An Mubai's hands cannot stop him from using magic power. Instantly kill the old frogman with force.

"Let your clan go in!"

In front of the Asazawa cave, An Mubai handed the old frogman and spoke to him. Now is not the breeding season for the lizardmen, and all the lizardmen eggs in the Asazawa cave have already hatched.

It can be very suitable for admission. The old frogman summoned the three hundred inferior frogmen who brought the frogman's corpse.


The old frogman made a croaking sound, his eyes returned to Bai Chi, and then he looked at the Asazawa cave in front of him, where the sun shone into the entrance of the cave. Without much hesitation, he called up, and three hundred and one carried the frogman's corpse over. The frogman entered the Asazawa cave.

This kind of thing was already very familiar to him, and he even hurriedly urged the three hundred frogmen to enter quickly.

As long as the three hundred frogmen all entered the Asazawa cave, then according to the past experience, the old frogmen knew in his heart that An Mubai would immediately let him go.

"Patriarch, Big Brother Heiyu!"

Grayscale, Bonescale, and Flathorn were summoned by Three Scales and Iron Fang, and they drove down the Asazawa hillside with iron wood spears in their hands, their pupils shrunk, and they held the iron wood spear tightly in their hands.

Watching a group of inferior frogmen carrying frogmen corpses into the Asazawa cave step by step during the call of the old frogmen, the two old frogmen summoned the accompanying frogmen under the threat of An Mubai. Enter Asazawa Cave.

Bone Scales, Lie Teeth, Pu Claw, and the others, they already knew very well what An Mubai called them to do.


An Mubai held the old frogman and nodded lightly, his golden vertical pupils looked at Tie Ya, Mo Lian, San Lian and the others who were less than ten people in front of him.

The brows on his face lightly wrinkled, he looked up at the open space in the thatched hut area, facing the attack of the Goblin clan in the green pine forest and the green wind plain, although the Asazawa cave was only used to defend the entrance of the cave.

But the range of the hole that needs to be defended is not the three scales, Tie Ya and the others can defend it.

"Three scales, go and gather the cubs in the thatched cottage and let them take the iron wood spears."

An Mubai spoke to Sanscale. At this time, the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who were about to grow up in the open space in the thatched hut had almost finished eating.

However, the figure did not run around, but with a dazed look in his eyes, he gathered and stood together again. During this period of time, he only had four hours of rest every day for training.

They have already formed a kind of inertia, which is very different from when they were scattered in the shallow swamps in the past, that is, the lizardmen cubs on the slopes of Lian Asazawa.

At this time, there were obviously no more guards beside them, Iron Fang, Grayscale, and Bonescale, but they were still standing in place without moving.

"Yes, Big Brother Heiyu!"

San-Scale nodded and turned to the open space of the thatched cottage. Fifty-three lizardmen cubs had already assembled on their own and ran away.

"Bao Jianfeng has been honed. Although the fifty-three lizard cubs are still underage, now they are the only lizardmen cubs who can form combat power."

"The goblins of the Green Pine Forest and the Green Wind Plain may attack at any time today. After experiencing the baptism of blood, they can form a team more or less in the face of the attacking goblins, defending the Asazawa Cave. combat power."


An Mubai looked at the figure of Sanscale running away, and softly called out his system task panel, leading the old frogman and the frogman carrying the frogman's corpse along the way.

After returning from the inspection of the black mud swamp, An Mubai has not called up the system task panel to see if the "inspection" task on it has been completed. Defending the Green Wind Plains Goblin Clan, the attacking force has grown.

"Mission: Inspection, completed, reward a Lizardman."

"Mission: Coming enemies, slaughter and war between races are the eternal themes in the Wanye Mountains."

"Young lord, an enemy has come to your territory. Please lead the people in your territory to resist the invasion of this incoming enemy."

"Reward: An extraordinary lizardman!"

"Enemies! Transcendent Lizardmen!"

An Mu's white-gold eyes and pupils shrank as he looked at the system task panel, which displayed the completed "Patrol" task and the refreshed "Incoming Enemy" task.

Behind him, the thick lizard tail swayed on the wet, swampy mud.

"The enemy should have been notified by Che Toe, two goblin teams led by big goblins, but I don't know if it's a big goblin or two big goblin teams coming together. "

"Extraordinary rank lizardmen, are they the lizardmen from the lizardmen clan that the system rewarded after completing the "inspection" task? If so."

"That's not a reward for the Shallow Pit Lizardmen, who are now facing the attack of the Green Wind Plains Goblin Clan."

An Mubai's face with black scaly growths, his brows furrowed tightly, only to feel that the attack of the Green Wind Plains Goblin Clan today came at an exceptionally untimely time, completely disrupting his plans.

If he can come a day later, then he can completely conquer the system and the rewarded goblin tribe first, and then bring the old frogmen to resist the attack of the green pine forest and green wind plains goblin tribe.

"Quack, all my clansmen have entered the cave, you can let me go."

The old frogman twisted his body and spoke to him in An Mubai's hands.

"Big Brother Heiyu!"

At this time, Sanscale also ran over with the fifty-three lizardmen cubs who were about to become adults, all with iron wood spears in their hands.

"Three scales, gray scales, flat horns, bone scales, and fiery teeth, each of you bring a pair of cubs into the Asazawa cave, and then practice like spear thrusting."

"Lead them into a team, and kill all the frogmen in one team. The shape of the thorn should not be messed up. You can only use an iron-wood spear to stab the frogmen inside."

An Mubai didn't care, the old frogman who twisted the words in his hands, turned towards the three scales in front of him, gray scales and the others, and sent out cold and serious words.

Although there are a large number of 300 inferior frogmen, if there is no middle and superior frogmen to lead them, they will not be able to form any combat power at all, and they will only flee in panic and fear.
