MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 60 , the unchanging law

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"Wow wow..."

After the Thunder Feather Eagle left, the feather-scaled snake swam out of the creek and crawled towards the six-headed heavy lizard corpse, which was only half-fleshed.


An Mubai retreated to the side, quietly and obediently waiting for the figure of Lei Yu Giant Eagle to leave after entering ten, suddenly a huge roar came out of his mouth.

And the figure rushed over directly and stopped in front of the feather-scaled snake. After the body swelled, the body was activated in a circle. The golden eyes were full of icy killing intent, staring at the feather-scaled snake.

Its level is not as high as that of the Thunder Feather Eagle, it is only level 11.


The Feather-Scaled Snake looked ready to go to eat for a while, and then his body circled, as if barbed eyes, a fierce and cold expression emerged, and he spat out a snake letter to An Mubai.


There was a sound in the jungle, the roar of the lizardmen sounded, and then I saw a lizardman with a blood-stained body and an iron wood spear rushing out.

He came to An Mubai and surrounded the feather-scaled snake, leaving it only the way back to Xitan.

These lizardmen are Chatoe, Sanscale and the others. They had already rushed back when the Thunder Feather Eagle was eating, but under An Mubai's instructions, they did not rush out to stop the Thunder Feather Eagle from eating.


The Feather-Scaled Snake's eyes were cold, with an angry expression on his face, but looking at An Mubai's aura of an extraordinary creature, and the car toes that surrounded him, Sanscale and the others.


After all, the feather-scaled snake retreated into the stream pool, but the action of entering the water was not silent, but angrily stirred the icy stream and rushed towards the other beasts in the jungle that had not retreated.


An Mubai breathed a sigh of relief, and released his own body. Although the feathered scale snake is not as strong as the thunder feather giant eagle, it has a huge poisonous attack.

An Mubai also didn't want to fight with him, not to mention that the current shallow pit lizardmen can no longer lose the high-level and middle-level lizardmen.

"Patriarch, Big Brother Heiyu!"

Che Toe and San Scale, watching the departure of the Feather-Scaled Snake, relaxed their guard against attacking, and saluted An Mubai and shouted.

When they went back this time, except Mo Lin who did not follow along, all the others returned.

"Well, three scales, car toe, quickly remove the goblin corpse in the stream, and I will go back with you."

An Mubai nodded to them, then stretched out his sharp claws to cut up the six corpses of the heavy lizards, which were still mostly flesh and blood, and his level had not improved yet.

However, various data have been changed. Among them, the physique has reached 19 points. As long as you continue to eat, it is very likely that you can break through to 20 points.

"Yes, Patriarch, Big Brother Heiyu!"

Car Toe, Three Scales and the others nodded hurriedly, and immediately brought twenty-five inferior lizardmen to work, passing by the arrival of the Thunder Feather Eagle and the Feather-Scaled Serpent.

Surrounded by the stream and pool, there are many less beasts that can be expected to eat, and now after this hunt when the Coatus Scales retreated, there are even fewer beasts.

After a while, Sanscale, Chetoe and the others brought twenty-five inferior lizardmen and carried all the goblin corpses left in the gravel grounds in the stream pool.

Even the six-headed heavy lizard's flesh and blood that An Mubai divided up left Xitan with it.

On the gravel stall of the icy and clear stream, only the minced meat and blood clots are left, but these will soon be destroyed by the wild beasts who have been waiting for a long time in the jungle.

This is the normal state in the Wanye Mountain Range, and it is also the eternal law in the Wanye Mountain Range.


"Fifty goblins' corpses should be enough for the lizardmen to eat for a day, but the flesh of goblins is not as tasty as frogmen."

"I'll still go to the frogmen in the Black Mud Swamp at night."

In the shallow depression, An Mubai was eating the flesh and blood of the six-headed heavy lizard, watching the ink scales, the gray scales, and the others handling the goblin corpses, the car toes, and the iron teeth, and the others entered the shallow depression swamp.

Summoned the lizardmen cubs who ran into the shallow swamp again because of the gray scales, flat angle and the others were absent, and looked at their data information panel while whispering in their hearts about the arrangement of the shallow pit lizardmen.

The ability to digest the food is very fast, but from the stream pool with the toes, Iron Fang and the others brought back the remaining goblin corpses and the blood of the six heavy lizards.

An Mubai's bloated stomach already had a lot of digestion, so after returning to the shallow pit, he immediately began to eat the flesh and blood of six heavy lizards.

See if you can improve your level and strength. After all, magical beasts are different from potions and magic stones. They are a kind of living life, and the magic power contained in them will soon dissipate if there is no special way to preserve them.

If the potion is picked, or dug out of the soil, if it is not maintained with special equipment, the magic will dissipate, but it will not be as fast as the flesh of a beast.

"It's just that the shallow pit has no means of preserving food other than making jerky, and the shallow pit lizardmen don't live in any cold place."

"The production of jerky is a lot of trouble, and it is a huge waste of the manpower of the Lizardmen.

"Three what the lizardmen cubs eat now, the frogman flesh and blood is the frogman jerky that Moscale made four days ago. Before it was completely turned into jerky, it was taken out to eat."

"Need to think of a way to preserve food during breaks!"

An Mubai thought softly in his heart. Pieces of the six-headed heavy lizard's flesh disappeared from his mouth. The three-scale, car-toe and the others gathered the lizardman cubs in the shallow swamp.

It didn't take long for the lizardmen cubs scattered in the shallow swamp to gather again, and then walked towards An Mubai. After all, they had been training for four days and nights.

There were not many lizardmen cubs who ran out of the shallow swamp, and most of them were still on the slopes of the Asazawa Cave, in the tree ring that An Mubai had set for them.


The figures of Che Toe, Tie Ya, and Three Scales walked to An Mubai and bowed their heads to him.

"Cartoe, Iron Fang, you have also seen this goblin's corpse. The goblins we see in the Wanye Mountains are very different."

"This is a group of more than 1,000 people on the green side. The goblins in the goblin group, the big goblins with at least seven extraordinary levels, and the goblin priests."

"Now they have entered the green pine forest, and they are hunting six heavy lizards in Xitan not far from our clan's land."

"I need one of you to stick to the movement of this goblin group. Once you see them approaching our shallow hole, come back and tell me immediately."

An Mubai stopped eating, with a serious expression on his face, he spoke to Che Toe, Tie Ya and the others.

"Patriarch, I'll go!"

Che Toe and Tie Ya looked at each other for a while, Che Toe, who was at the highest level of ninth, clenched his right fist towards An Mubai and placed it in front of his chest and bent down.