MTL - Lord, I’m A Lizardman-Chapter 110 , Goblin Priest

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Xingyue, the night of Lufengyuan is far less beautiful than it looks from the outside.

The hyena screamed and dragged the corpse of a human adventurer into the hole, and the figures of demon beasts and many human-like races shuttled through the grass in the night, playing the music of blood and life.

"No. 317, I'll rush into the goblin group in front of me in a while. If a new wolf-riding goblin appears, you will quickly **** Bai Chi to meet me."

"If only an ordinary big goblin or a goblin priest appears, then follow Bai Chi's order and **** her and the old frogman into this goblin group."

An Mu's sturdy lizardman body with white and dark scales, hidden in the weeds under the dark night sky, whispered to the female transcendent lizardman No. 317 beside him.

The sight of ordinary goblins is not good at night, so An Mubai chose to take the opportunity to attack the goblins of the green pine forest and green wind at noon today, because he had already set the time at night in his heart. of.

This period of time not only allowed Bai Chi and Lao Frogmen to recover somewhat, but also allowed An Mubai to rely on the worms to eat the flesh and blood of three big goblins and six heavy lizards.

To restore his own strength, and even further enhance his own strength, and more importantly, it can greatly reduce the blocking force of the Gob High Priest who attacked the Green Pine Forest Green Wind Plain.

Otherwise, even if the goblin clan of Green Pine Forest and Green Wind Plain really has only one Goblin Priest of the extraordinary rank, but with the large number of goblins, it is not that An Mubai and the others can easily break through. .


No. 317 nodded lightly. Behind her and An Mubai, besides the old frogman and Bai Chi, there were also the twelve lizardmen sword and shield squads she brought, as well as the giant teeth and bone scales. .


An Mubai looked at No. 317 and nodded, his figure lit up in front of the fire, the number of clans did not seem to have decreased, and the goblin clan leaned in.

Under the dark night, his figure in the lush weeds was difficult to find, and the system data panel that shouted out immediately displayed his data.

"An Mubai"

"Race: Lizardmen"

"Level: 11 Extraordinary"

"Physique: 28"

"Agility: 24"

"Soul: 12"


The flesh and blood of three big goblins, and the flesh and blood of a low-level demon beast and six-headed lizards, although they shared the food of No. 317 and Bai Chi, their food and digestion abilities were far less than that of An Mubai.

It can be said that when the sky was dark and before he set off from the side of the stream, An Mubai brought her from noon to the evening, and all he did was eat.

He ate the flesh and blood of three big goblins that contained magic power, and ate the flesh and blood of the six-headed heavy lizards of low-level monsters. During this period of eating, he kept recovering his own strength and enhancing his bloodline ability, and he did not stop for a moment.

Even if you eat very full, it will activate the body to speed up the digestion, and then start eating again, straight to Bai Chi, the female superhuman lizardman number 317.

Only after they had eaten all the flesh and blood of the three extraordinary goblins and the six heavy lizards that they could no longer eat, did An Mubai stop.

"Two levels of goblin servants!"

An Mubai approached the Green Pine Forest in the dark, the figure of the Green Wind Plains goblin group, and the system data information panel in his eyes, with the data information of each goblin appearing.

These are the Goblins of the Green Pine Forest and the Green Wind. They are thin and thin goblins who are arranged in the grass near their own clan, and they have no right to distribute food among the clan.

Driven by all the strong goblins in the clan, and can even be eaten and killed by strong goblins, the right to survive is not as good as the cubs.

It is similar to the inferior lizardmen of the lizard people and the inferior frogmen of the frogmen.

"It seems that I can't continue to approach silently any longer."

An Mubai whispered in his heart, lurking in the lush grass and climbing into the wind and stood up, and then ordered to the fire, rushing to the position of the seven animal skin tents in the center of the green pine forest and the green wind original goblin group.


The screams of goblins who were frightened and frightened rang out one after another in the dark night.

In the bushes where An Mubai's figure ran, each and every slender and short goblins crawled up from the bushes in a panic, and they didn't even have the right to enter the clan to survive and rest.

In fact, it is the Goblin Clan of Green Pine Forest Green Wind Plain. On the first day of the guard line, when they are attacked by night beasts and beasts to eat, they can immediately let those strong Goblins in the clan, or It was the Big Goblin who discovered the situation in the clan.


One after another, the goblins whined, and the goblins patrolling in the fire, or some resting strong goblins, found An Mubai who was rushing towards them in the evening.

However, An Mubai didn't pay attention to them. The eyes of these strong goblins with weapons or armor, and the eyes of the golden vertical boy, were all placed on the seven animal skin tents.

It looked like a body that ran in quickly, but in fact, at any time, he was ready to turn around and run away once a wolf-riding goblin came out.


A roar that belonged to the super-order big goblin came from one of the seven animal skin tents, and then a big goblin with a height of two meters came out.

This is a super-level tenth goblin, there is no green wind wolf under him, and there are no other big goblins coming out of the other six tents.


An Mubai looked at with joy in his heart, and a roar came out of his mouth, which was a roar to inform Bai Chi that they were attacking on the 317th.


The eldest goblin of the tenth level of the transcendent rank heard An Mubai's roar, his ugly face like an ogre, his eyes quickly locked on An Mubai's figure.

Calling the strong goblins in the clan, the figure rushed towards An Mubai. There were no other big goblins in the seven animal skin tents along the way.

Only the largest tent, an old goblin priest about 1.8 meters tall, slowly walked out of the tent.

Green and old, but with wise eyes, looking at An Mubai's sturdy lizard body with a height of two meters, he called back the big goblin who rushed towards An Mubai with a whimper.

Afterwards, the magic power in his body revolved, and a crimson fireball the size of a human head appeared in front of the aged Goblin Priest, and shot towards An Mubai with a roar.

The speed is very fast, with a sharp wind whistling all the way.

An Mu's white-gold vertical child's eyes shrank in the child's hole, and when he looked at the fireball that was rapidly enlarging in his line of sight, he quickly ducked to the side.


The fireball flew past An Mubai's side, and a fiery, painful high temperature rose from An Mubai's right arm, which was densely covered with black scales. It was seen that the scales on it had been slightly scorched yellow.

"It's so hot!"

An Mubai's figure swayed, feeling the fiery pain in his right arm, and dodging the figure that moved away, the one that swelled slightly, was about to face the goblin priest and the tenth-level extraordinary goblin Lin rushed to go.

But at this time Bai Chi's voice suddenly sounded in An Mubai's mind, full of anxiety and panic.

"Be careful behind the black cockroach, dodge quickly!"

Read The Duke's Passion