MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 717 Thousands of troops

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  The moon is full.

  It is white, big and round.

   Unfortunately, no one appreciates it.

  on a high hillside.

  He Feiyu sits in the middle army.

   It is far away from the Shasheng Temple on the opposite side.

  His eyes are cold, just like today's night.

   Deep and endless.

  The feather fan in his hand shook gently.

  The moonlight seems to have turned into snowflakes, swaying with the fan.

  Sasheng Temple.

  Mr. Mu Duo also stands on the height of Shasheng Mountain.

  The moonlight is like water, sprinkled on thousands of sword pavilions.

  The original red-golden roof was now covered with a layer of snow-white.

  Mr. Muduo enjoys the feeling of bathing in the moonlight.

   As usual, the ruler never leaves his hand.

  He himself is the spirit of Muduo.

   This ruler is actually the core of his body.

  He stroked the ruler lightly, but his eyes looked into the distance.

  Although they were miles apart, they seemed to collide with He Feiyu's eyes.

  Finally, both sides unanimously released their killing intent.

  All the voices turned into silence at this moment.

   Silence, dormancy, stillness...

After that…

break out!

  The feather fan and ruler were raised almost simultaneously.

  Deafening killing sounds suddenly erupted from both sides.

   woo woo woo~


   One side is a horn, the other side is a drum.

   One side is offense and the other side is defense.

   On the Longevity Villa side, He Feiyu used the 'Grass and Trees Are Soldiers Formation'.

  This array is extremely wide in scope, elusive.

  Every plant and tree can help me.

   Mount Shasheng is surrounded by mountains, with luxuriant vegetation, which is the most suitable for "vegetation and trees are soldiers".

   This formation is a siege formation.

  Once it is launched, it will overwhelm the sky and cover the earth, and all arrows will be fired.

  So as soon as He Feiyu's feather fan fell, countless monster races appeared from all directions.

  Stand on a high place and take a look.

  Like a torrent of rivers, layer upon layer, endless.

  Sasheng Temple is like a flat boat in the ocean.

  In the overwhelming waves, it seems insignificant.

  However, when all the huge waves rushed over, Shasheng Temple was as stable as Mount Tai.

   On the contrary, the whole sea is stagnant.

   On the Shasheng Mountain, the Shasheng Temple.

   In front of Shasheng Temple, the way of killing life.

  The road is difficult, the road is difficult, there are many divergent roads, where is it now?

  Sentient beings go to three thousand ways, and when they come back, they still plant and kill fields!

  Lihuangduo Mountains.

  The mountains are so precipitous that everyone in the world calls them 'difficult to travel'.

  The Shasheng Temple is located among the 100,000 mountains. The mountains are so high that the road is even more dangerous.

  In addition, all the checkpoints have erected the "Thousand Machines Sword Pavilion", and at this moment it is like thousands of troops crossing a single-plank bridge.


   This side of Shasheng Temple.

  Mr. Muduo also waved the ruler in his hand.

  In an instant, all the disciples were in place.

  The earth trembled, and the sound of killing shook the sky.

  The Shasheng Temple is in a defensive formation, and all the disciples walk in the Jiange, waiting for work at leisure.

   At the northern foot of Shasheng Temple, this is the main mountaineering peak, and the Jiange here is guarded by Farewell.

   "Is this the Yaozu?"

   All the monks were silent.

  Because it was too shocking.

   all said: the number of people exceeds ten thousand, boundless.

  At this moment, they have truly seen what is truly boundless.

  The Qianji Jiange does not look big from the outside, but inside it is quite a space.

  The disciples are divided into upper and lower parts.

  The lower part is no different from a normal pavilion, except that there are walls on both sides, which seem to be airtight, but in fact there are hidden organs, holes and the like. As long as the organs are turned, different modes will be opened to launch an attack on the outside.

  The upper part is on the top. There are four positions on the top of Qianji Jiange, and each position has a mysterious window.

  The mysterious window is covered with a glazed mirror, which can be used to observe the movements of enemies miles away.

   There is a scale marked in the mirror, so you can know the exact distance of the enemy.

   As for the passage in the middle of Qianji Jiange.

  It seems to be a passage, but if you go up it rashly, you will inevitably suffer from the pain of thousands of arrows piercing your heart.

   You must close the agency before you can pass normally.

  So, the first batch of monster races had already come forward during the conversation.

  Looking from a distance, it looks vicious with long teeth and claws.

   "The distance is one hundred feet!"

  Through the glass mirror, the disciples on the roof are always watching every move of the Yaozu.

  After two breaths, another observing disciple said anxiously: "Eighty feet!"

  At this moment, two words flashed in the hearts of the disciples in Qianji Jiange: So fast!

  The distance of twenty feet is only a few breaths.

   You must know that this is a long-distance raid.

  Although monks can use the technique of teleportation to arrive in an instant, it is difficult to sustain and cannot be used for trekking in the army.

  Different from humans, the Yaozu achieved this simply by relying on their physical strength.

  Such a long distance, such a fast speed, such a short time.

   No wonder thousands of years ago, the monster race almost swept the world, and no one could stop it.

   "Sixty feet!"

  After just a few thoughts, the army of monster races was already approaching.

   is still going crazy.

   "Forty feet!"

  Even the disciple who uploaded the letter from the roof was a little flustered this time.

  They are the ones who can most intuitively feel the oppression of the Yaozu.

   "Thirty feet!"

   Almost instantly, they were one step closer!

   At this time, all the disciples looked at parting.

  As the chief disciple of Yixin Temple, he has killed nine generations of disciples.

   Parting is calmer than others.

  The reason why everyone looked at him was because Thirty Zhang was already within the attack range of Qianji Jiange.

  If you make a move at this moment, you can kill a large number of monsters in an instant.

   But the parting did not give an order. His ears were hung with the "Multi-scientific Gourd" obtained from the Blood Sea World, and he could hear all the small voices in all directions.

  But he didn't hear the signal from Mr. Muduo to fire.

   "Twenty feet!"

  The earthquake was even more severe.

  The shock of destruction makes it difficult to even breathe.

  The disciples have already clenched the Jie Dao in their hands.

   "Ten feet!"

   The momentum of the Yaozu is beyond imagination.

  This feeling is like a big mountain is about to hit you head-on.

  The silence in Qianji Jiange was terrifying, and everyone dared not even breathe loudly.

   Their bodies trembled slightly when they looked closely.

  Humans are inherently weak physically. If they fight hand-to-hand, no one is an opponent.

  For so many years, the rumors of the monster race in the world and the massacre of the human race have long been known.

   They naturally also know the ferocity of the Yaozu.

  Even the tiger and ben army of Da Zhou could not stop the impact of the monster race.

  Is this ordinary-looking Qianji Jiange in front of you all right?

  Their timidity stems from their suspicion of Qianji Jiange.

   Soon it will be time for Qianji Jiange to prove himself.

   "Five feet!"

  The disciples could even see the bloodthirsty expression on Yaozu's face.

   "Three feet!"

   The wind that blows on the face contains the fierce aura of the Yaozu!

   "Two feet!"

  They even felt the edge of the weapon.

   Success or failure is here! !




  The melodious sound of the horn suddenly resounded among the mountains.

   The Yaozu who had rushed to the front stopped when they heard the sound of the horn.

   Some ran so fast that their faces were already attached to the Qianji Jiange.

  But the imaginary impact did not appear.

   On the contrary, the disciple on the roof was stunned: "The demon clan... retreated?"

Read The Duke's Passion