MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 709 Praying Mantis Cicada

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  Chapter 709 Praying Mantis Catch Cicada

   One hundred thousand mountains in southern Xinjiang.

  The mountains are undulating, how complicated.

  Huang Daxian and Mi Junzi searched for three days and three nights at the place where they met the fox, but they couldn't find even a single fox fur.

  But the battle on the front line is tight, and they cannot afford to waste time here.

   But unexpectedly, at this time, Mi Junzi's mouse found an acquaintance.

"It's him!"

   This person is none other than Chen Dong who escaped in Qiaojiazhuang before.

  At that time, Mi Junzi launched a group of rats to search, but he didn't expect that Chen Dong had disappeared, as if the world had evaporated.

  Later, the two of them thought that he had the 'heart-eating poison' in his body, and he must die soon.

   I didn't pay any attention to it.

  So this time Huang Daxian was taken aback when he saw him again.

   Didn't expect him to be alive!

  Actually, during the conflict between the two sides, Li Genghan and Chen Dong held Huang Daxian back, although Huang Daxian sent out the hidden weapon Gu poison afterwards.

  But he was blocked by Chen Dong's mechanism.

  The blood stains left on the ground at that time were not left by hidden weapons, but were caused by Chen Dong being injured by the residual force of the impact.

  So when they saw Chen Dong again, they were shocked.

   Just when Mi Junzi was about to step forward to grab him, he was stopped by Huang Daxian.

  Because he found that at this time, Chen Dong was wearing a bamboo hat and a coir raincoat. He was hiding his body tightly, and his behavior seemed to have other plans.

  So Huang Daxian has a long mind, wanting to see what he wants to do.

  At this moment, Chen Dong still doesn't know that he has been discovered.

  Li Ge, Li Yuan, Yun Gu, and Bi Qi, after being ordered to leave the Shasheng Temple, they searched all the way and finally found Chen Dong who was hiding in the mountain stream.

  After learning the ins and outs of the incident, the five of them searched for clues in Shiwanda Mountain.

  With the help of the bizarre Canary, several people finally found the wild fox demon back then.

   And learned from it that there is someone else behind the whole thing.

  Especially the man in black who connected with it once said something like 'the leader'.

  So Li Ge guessed that this matter might have something to do with Ghost Cult.

  So he followed his plan and gave the man in black a joint signal to lure him into the bait.

  See who the other party is.

  Among the five, the one who most resembles the wild fox demon is Chen Dong.

  So let him put on the coir raincoat and bamboo hat, dress up as a wild fox, and come to this agreed place to meet.

   This place is located in the middle of Shiwanda Mountain, surrounded by luxuriant pine forests and jagged rocks.

  Because the mountain is shaped like a big bull's head, it is called Niutou Mountain.

  According to the wild fox demon, just draw a crescent mark on the boulder at the foot of Niutou Mountain.

   Within three days, the man in black will meet it at the top of the mountain.

   And at this moment, it was the third day.

  If the wild fox demon hadn't lied, the other party would definitely come here for the appointment.

  The top of Niutou Mountain is quite open, with only one Podocarpus pine cut in half by lightning in the middle.

  Chen Dong has been waiting under the tree for two hours.

  Seeing that the sun was getting higher and higher, Chen Dong was wearing a coir raincoat, and his body was already too hot.

   Just when he was about to leave, there were soft footsteps down the mountain.

  Chen Dong's heart tightened, knowing that the man in black would appear soon.

   Immediately pressed the bamboo hat on his head, and forced himself to gather his mind.

  After only half a cup of tea, with a gust of breeze blowing, there was already an extra man in black under Luo Hansong.

   "Did you find anything this time?"

  The man in black didn't doubt the identity of the wild fox in front of him.

  Because this wild fox is very cunning, it is impossible for anyone to find his whereabouts in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

   "I did find something." Under the hat, Chen Dong deliberately lowered his voice, making it look hoarse.

  The wild fox is a half-demon.

  Because there is no complete method of transforming a demon, after the transformation, only a human body can be obtained, but the animal form has not been shed.

   After the Yaozu has removed the transverse bone in the throat, it can speak aloud.

  But the wild fox's demon form is not complete, so the sound it makes is hoarse and extremely unpleasant.

  The man in black saw that the wild fox demon had only spoken half of what he had said, so he stopped talking, secretly thinking that the other party was waiting for his own benefit.

  Thinking of this, he reached into his arms, took out a bottle of elixir, and threw it over.

   "This is the Transformation Pill you want, it can suppress the animal nature in you."

  Chen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and then he realized that he caught the elixir, knowing in his heart that it was a benefit given to him by the other party.

  Then continued: "That person is not dead."

  The man in black was taken aback when he heard this.

   "Which person?" He also hid deeply, his whole body hidden in a pitch-black cloak.

   "That lay disciple of Shasheng Temple."

   "Huh? That person is not dead?!"

  The man in black seemed a little surprised when he heard this.

  Because he witnessed the battle of Qiaojiazhuang at that time.

  Huang Daxian and Mi Junzi, both of them are long-established figures in the Yaozu.

  The realm is much higher than the two disciples of Shasheng Temple.

  Especially at this time, the disciple of the layman mentioned by the "wild fox demon" has not even broken through the innate realm.

   I didn't expect that he could survive, it was really unexpected.

  It's just that since he is alive, he will definitely be able to intensify the conflict between Longevity Villa and Shasheng Temple.

  Thinking of this, the man in black's eyes flashed: "Where is he now?"

  Chen Dong stretched out his hand across the distance, motioning for the man in black to come closer and listen.

  The man in black was a little cautious at first, but he thought that the wild fox demon in front of him seemed to have no reason to harm him, so he boldly approached him.

   "Where is that man?"

"At this!"

   Before he finished speaking, the man in black suddenly felt that there was something extra on his neck.

  His heart tightened, and he hurriedly backed away.

  But then there was a sound of 'Ka Ka Ka Ka' from the amplifier.

   When he reacted, his upper body was already unable to move.

   This thing is nothing else, it is the shackle mechanism of Wulu Chanyuan.

  Specially used to control opponents at close range.

   "You are not a wild fox!"

  Although the man in black couldn't move his upper body, his feet were still flexible.

   One move and flee to the distance.

  He was about to jump off the cliff, but suddenly heard a Buddha's name in front of him.


   It turned out to be the Liyuan monk who had been ambushed a long time ago.

  The five of them followed their plan and used the wild fox demon to lure out the man in black.

  Chen Dong pretended to be a wild fox demon, while the other four were hiding at various exits of Niutoushan.

   No matter which direction the other party wants to leave, they will be caught.

   Sure enough, at this moment, they are following the plan of several people.

  Monk Li Yuan had extraordinary fists and feet, and the man in black was bound by shackles on his upper body. It only took two moves before he was successfully captured by Li Yuan.

   "Hey~ I caught you!"

  Seeing that the man in black was arrested, several other people also leaned out from the shadows.

   "It's easy for Buddhas to find~" Wei Qi hammered his old waist.

   It took a long time to ambush just now, so I have a little back pain.

   "Hmph!" The man in black snorted coldly, as if he didn't expect that he would capsize in the gutter.

   "Catch him back first."

  Several people escorted the man in black down Niutoushan.

   Huang Daxian, who was staring at this place not far away, his eyes lit up, and he followed.

  (end of this chapter)

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