MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 701 Li Geng steals pigs

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   "There is a black flower on the tip of the rear hip!"

  The night is deep, and the insects are silent.

  In an unnamed valley not far from Shasheng Temple.

  Huang Daxian held his left hand empty, and a black worm lay on it.

  The bug squirmed slowly, and spit out a faint mist from its mouth.

  A faint phantom appeared in the mist, vaguely resembling a pig.

   "There is a black flower on the tip of the rear hip!"

   "It must be my eldest niece!"

   Huang Daxian stared at the phantom in front of him overjoyed, and suddenly felt the urge to cry.

  The worm in his hand is the Gu mother of the Heart-biting Gu.

  This Gu mother can emit phantom energy, which can reflect the memory of the heart-biting Gu host.

  Although it was not very clear, Huang Daxian recognized his eldest niece at a glance.

  This child has a black flower on the tip of his buttocks since he was a child.

  The hedgehog physiognomist at the villa at that time also said that it was a sign of many disasters.

   Now it seems true.

  Speaking of which, my eldest niece is really troubled.

  Before she came to southern Xinjiang with the advance team of Longevity Villa.

  But he was accidentally caught by the monk of Shasheng Temple and became a mount.

   It was not until the time of the killing meeting that Chi Yao was rescued.

  But I didn't expect that the last time Wanshou Villa attacked the Shasheng Temple, Chi Yao was trapped in the Shasheng Forest.

   Fortunately, before being trapped, she entrusted her daughter Chixiaodou to Huang Daxian.

  Who would have thought that after a chance encounter in Shangyang City, the eldest niece would fall into the hands of that evil monk again.

  God is sorry, this is a bad relationship!

   "Brother, that evil monk is really nothing."

   "You actually kept your eldest niece in a pigsty, locked up with those pigs!"

   Mi Junzi gritted his teeth in anger.

  The daughter of the dignified leader of Longevity Villa was imprisoned in a pigsty.

  Hmph, when Brother Chiyao comes out, he has to bring a hundred thousand monsters to destroy the Shasheng Temple!

  Huang Daxian let out a long sigh: "As long as the person is still there."

   "Let's talk about revenge later, now we must focus on the overall situation."

   "Where are the second and third owners?"

   Junzi Mi sniffled and grinned: "The two villa owners have arrived in Feiluzhou now."

   "You can reach southern Xinjiang in less than five days!"

  When Huang Daxian heard the words, a flash of relief flashed across his face: "It's not in vain that the two of us have done so much underground work behind the enemy lines."

   "Brother is right, you have worked hard~"

   "Ahem, hard work together, hard work together."

  Huang Daxian looked at the Gu mother in front of him slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Five days, we must rescue the eldest niece within five days!"

   After finishing speaking, the right hand released a layer of light yellow stellar energy, and the stellar energy gathered together and covered the Gu mother in the left hand at once.

   And that Gu mother closed her mouth directly, and then began to roll violently.

   Not long after, the pale yellow qi entered its body, and the worm foamed at the mouth.

   Next to him, Mi Junzi held his nose, his eyes full of sympathy.


  Sasheng Temple, Sanbao Temple.

   Li sat up from the bed even more abruptly.

  He had a very strange dream just now.

  In the dream, I seemed to hear a voice.

   "Save the pig?"

   Li Geng muttered softly.

   Could this be my true voice?

  The pig?

  A pig with a black flower on the tip of its rump?

  Li even thought of the pig that disciple Li Sao led him to see during the day.

   "Is that the pig?"

   Li even wondered why he had such a strange dream.

  I still vaguely remember that dream had a very strange smell.

  He got up and opened the window, shook his head, trying to get that stinky dream out of his mind quickly.

  At this time, the bright moon hangs high and the night is silent.

   Li Geng frowned, his mind was full of images of that pig.

  Why is this happening?

   Is there something different about that pig?

  The doubts in his heart became more and more serious, and Li Geng didn't even have the mood to continue sleeping.

   That you want to go and see it?

  He couldn't get rid of the thoughts in his mind, so he simply took a look, maybe there was something he didn't notice during the day.

  Li changed her clothes, opened the door, and left the Sanbao Temple quietly.

  The pigsty is just south of Shasheng Temple, not far from Xiangji Kitchen.

  Although I have only been there once, I am already familiar with it.

   At this time, in the huge pigsty, both the people and the pigs have already fallen asleep.

   Li Geng tiptoed, and carefully slipped outside the pigsty that he had visited during the day.

   Sure enough, I saw the pig during the day as I wished.

  It was lying on the corner of the pigsty, with its broad back leaning against the dirt wall, revealing the two rows of buttons on its stomach.

  Different from the sleeping appearance of other pigs, this pig sleeps peacefully.

   What a maverick pig.

   Li Geng suddenly felt that this pig was particularly pleasing to the eye.

   Could it be because of special fate?

  He somewhat understood the dream he had just now.

   "I gotta save it!"

  Suddenly an extra thought came to Li Geng's mind.

  He wants to save this maverick pig!

   At this time, the swineherd in the pigsty had already fallen asleep.

  Who is free at night and came to steal pigs from the backyard of Shasheng Temple?

   Li Geng jumped into the pigsty, his footsteps were very light, and he barely made any sound.

  The pig on the ground was still sleeping soundly, but when Li Geng fell to the ground, his ears twitched slightly.

   Li Geng leaned forward and took a special look at the pig's butt.

  There is indeed a black flower on the tip of the buttocks.

  As the chief disciple of the former Sanbao Chanyuan, it goes without saying that he has practiced physical training.

  A pig weighs only a few hundred catties, and to him, it is like light weight.

  The only thing to worry about is, how to carry it without waking it up?

   Li Geng took out a small black medicine bottle from his arms.

   This bottle of medicine is called 'Confused Smoke', but it is actually a kind of drug.

   This bottle of medicine goes down, even an elephant has to lie down obediently.


   It seemed to be choked by the sudden stench, and the pig on the ground sniffed.

  Li is even more heart-pounding~

   Picking up the pig, he ran towards the outside of the Shasheng Temple.

   It was not until an inaccessible ravine that the maverick pig was put down.


  The next day, early in the morning.

  A scream sounded in the originally quiet Shasheng Temple.

   "Who moved my old sow!"

  Because of the loud shouting, even the disciples of Shasheng Temple in the front yard were alarmed.

  For a while, the entire Shasheng Temple heard about a strange thing.

  An old sow who was about to give birth was lost in the pigsty out of thin air.

  No trace was left in the pigsty.

  The disciples on duty did not hear the slightest movement.

   In this regard, Shasheng Temple attaches great importance to it.

   Also specially sent disciples from Shuangcheng Temple to solve the case.

  In the end they came to a consistent conclusion: this is a master~


  In the distance, Huang Daxian and Mi Junzi stood at a high place and watched.

  Suddenly, a figure floated towards the pig carrying a pig.

  The man put down the pig, stood under the moonlight, and patted his head in confusion.

  He suddenly didn't understand why he stole a pig out of the temple inexplicably.

   Li Geng rubbed his eyes and sighed: My recent amnesia is really getting worse.

  Looking at the pig, who was still sleeping peacefully at his feet, Li Geng looked around and walked away.

   Just opened a new book, but it does not affect the update of old books, please rest assured~

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