MTL - Look In the Mirror-v2 Chapter 668 Naughty Huaisheng

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  Chapter 668 Mischievous Huaisheng

  Although Huaisheng is only two years old, he looks like an ordinary child of three or five years old.

   This child grew up with Li Sao.

  So in order for him to directly worship Li Sao as his teacher, Li Chen will naturally be promoted to uncle.

  This child has been extremely naughty since he was a child, and during the time when Li Sao and Li Chen went down the mountain to practice, they tormented Lonely Zen Master enough.

  Li Chen stuffed the candied haws into the little boy's mouth, hurriedly clasped his hands together, and bowed deeply to the lonely Zen master next to him.


   "Li Chen has met Master."

  Lonely Zen Master looked at the disciple he hadn't seen for a long time, and the anger just now disappeared instantly, replaced by a flash of joy on his face.

"came back."

  Although it was only a faint response, the meaning of caring can be heard.

   Li Chen nodded with a smile.

  Lonely Zen Master still hasn't changed at all.

  The two exchanged pleasantries for a while, and regardless of Huai Sheng hanging in the corner of the eaves, they turned and entered the meditation room.

   Li Chen told Lonely Chan Master what happened on this trip.

  Especially when it comes to Li Sao who was almost killed by an assassin, Master Lonely has a solemn expression on his face.

  When he learned that Li Sao was safe and sound, he heaved a sigh of relief.

   "Your junior brother has always been straight-tempered. As a teacher, I was a little worried that he would get into trouble in the future."

   "I didn't expect it to come so soon."

   "It's good to have this experience, I hope he can get rid of his stinking problems."

  Lonely Zen Master is a typical knife-mouthed bean curd heart.

  He has three disciples: Outrageous, Lichen, and Lisao.

  In the eyes of outsiders, he prefers his first disciple Li Ge the most, his second disciple Li Chen the most, and his third disciple Li Sao the most indifferent.

  But in fact, Zen Master Lonely cares most about Li Sao.

  Because this disciple is too impatient and not suitable for walking in the rivers and lakes.

  Deliberately being indifferent to him, the purpose is to sharpen his temper, so that he can be more careful.

   "By the way, take some time and go to the back mountain to meet your senior brother. When you went down the mountain, he looked for you several times."

   Li Chen had already told Lonely Zen Master about the outrageous and blood demon matter.

  Lonely Zen Master also knows his great apprentice, and his soul is two parts.

  The primordial spirit resides on the body of Shi Jingang who guards the forbidden area in the back mountain.

  The flesh body is occupied by the blood demon.

  In fact, Li Chen could have transferred the two of them around long ago.

   But he was stopped by the outrageous brother.

  Compared to the previous child's body, he of course prefers the current Shi Jingang.

   Although Shi Jingang was born with three souls and lacked one, his physical body is one of the treasured bodies of Buddhism, the "Vajra Immovable Body".

   It can be called one of the most powerful physiques in the flesh.

   And outrageously, he was originally a big kid, and such a burly and powerful body was exactly what he dreamed of.

   Exactly, the Gorefiend has been imprisoned in Yuanshi's blood fetus to recuperate since he was seriously injured in the competition.

   Logically speaking, he should have recovered long ago.

  But even Li Chen didn't expect that after he entered Yuanshi's blood fetus, he would directly enter the state of retreat.

   Fortunately, the two exchanged bodies, which can be regarded as complementing each other.

   As for the exchange, it can only be discussed in the long run.

   "Okay, I'm just going to find my brother."

  Lichen experienced a lot of prosperity along the way, and bought a lot of novelties.

   What is prepared for Lonely Zen Master is clothes, tea and so on.

   And for Ji Ge, candied haws and various snacks are prepared.

   I think he must like it.

  Thinking of this, Li Chen presented the things he bought to the master, and the Lonely Zen Master was naturally very happy.

   Hastily brewed a new pot of tea.

  At this time, a deep voice came from behind.



  The two turned their heads to look, but it was Li Sao who drooped his head and smiled wryly.

   "What's the matter?" Li Chen was also puzzled.

  Li Sao shook his head listlessly: "Oh, don't mention it."

   "My master is not as high as my apprentice."

   As he spoke, he picked up the dessert on the table and stuffed two pieces into his mouth.

  Before Li Sao was cut off by the assassins of Linyuan Pavilion, his spiritual roots were cut off, and his true energy scattered all over his body.

  Although Li Chen later helped him recast his spiritual roots, he still had to practice from scratch.

  As for Huai Sheng, he was born of a different species, and he still has the blood of an ancient fierce beast Wu Zhi Qi.

   Since childhood, he was purified by the Lonely Zen Master, just like the outrageous brother, he practiced "Innate Boy Skill".

  At such a young age, he was already full of innate qi.

  In contrast, the Lisao realm fell back to the day after tomorrow.

  The cultivation base of the master is not as high as that of the apprentice.

   "Hahaha, Junior Brother, don't be discouraged."

   "Teacher, preaching and teaching karma to solve doubts."

   "Although your cultivation base has been greatly reduced, you still have the experience of cultivation, and you can teach your disciples with ease if you want to."

  As soon as these words came out, Li Sao had a bitter expression on his face: "Senior brother."

   "You don't know how amazing this hozen kid is."

   Immediately, Li Sao poured out bitter water.

  Huaisheng is born with a monkey nature, jumping up and down all day long, causing trouble everywhere.

  Let's not talk about Li Sao, even Zen Master Lonely has nothing to do with him.

"I see."

  Li Chen nodded, and couldn't help thinking that Huai Sheng was born with a body of water.

  This kind of physique is born with water, and is good at water control spells, and can hold breath in water for a long time.

   Compared with land, an environment with water may be more suitable for cultivation.

   Immediately said: "In this case, it is better to let him go with me to Bukong Mountain to stay for a few days."

   There is Bukong Waterfall on Bukong Mountain, and there are ponds all over the mountain, which seems to be suitable for this water monkey.

  Besides, Lichen himself has the Hebo inheritance, and his water control skills can be said to be extremely ingenious, so it shouldn't be a big problem to teach this kid.

  Hearing these words, Zen Master Lonely and Li Sao jumped three feet high in very tacit understanding.

   "Good good good good!"

   "Just do it!"


  When Lichen came out of the empty nest monastery, the sun had already set in the west.

  When I went there, I was alone, but when I came back, there was a little monkey beside me.

   "Master, do you still have candied haws?"

   Huaisheng's eyes were bare, secretly staring at Lichen's movements.

  How could Li Chen not know what was going on in his mind? It was just that he hid the things in Tanchan's rosary, and even if Huai Sheng saw them, he couldn't steal them.

   He was not polite at the moment, and threw him another bunch, and finally became much quieter.

  After leaving the empty nest monastery, Li Chen didn't go directly to the forbidden area to find his brother, but dropped by the monastery at the foot of the mountain.

  At this time, Xin Yi was feeling drowsy with a big belly.

  The Shasheng Temple is full of men. After all, Xin Yi is a woman, and he has a big belly, so it is very inconvenient to move.

  So Li Sao arranged her in a Buddhist monastery near the empty nest monastery.

   Also specially invited an old woman to take care of her carefully.

   This old woman is none other than the mother who took care of Ji Xuefu last time.

  Seeing Li Chen approaching, the old lady hurried forward to greet him, but she looked at Li Chen in a strange way.

   "Meet the mage."

   Li Chen leaned slightly to see if she misunderstood something by looking at her expression.

  But Xin Yi greeted with joy on his face: "Xin Yi has met the master."

   Calculating with her fingers, she was already pregnant in October, and her stomach should have started to move in the past two days.

  But Li Chen couldn't help feeling worried.

   It is said that Mei Yao will die after giving birth, so doesn't that mean that Xin Yi will die in a few days?

   In these chapters, the rhythm may be slower~~



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion