MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 323 Ghost tiger! The treasure of the real beast!

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  Chapter 323 Wraith Tiger! The treasure of the real beast!

   "Those who have first condensed the god-seed can increase ten or twenty **** lines by taking it?"

Su Changkong clicked his tongue, this 'Three-patterned Divine Primordial Pill' is indeed at the level of a holy pill, one can make a god-seeded martial saint grow one to twenty divine lines, which is worth nearly a hundred years of suffering for ordinary saint warriors. repaired!

Of course, it is only limited to those who have first condensed the god-seed, and there are not many holy warriors with many gods. The more the number of gods, the more difficult it is to improve. For example, Su Changkong's mysterious turtle **** has 18 gods. Shenyuan Pill will definitely not be able to add ten or twenty divine lines.

   "The base price of this Sanwen Shenyuan Pill is 50 taels, and each price increase must not be less than 5 taels!"

  Then Bai Ling, the woman in palace attire, announced the auction price of the three-patterned divine essence pill.

   "55 two-component liquid."

  In the circular venue, an old voice sounded, someone raised the price.

  50 Two-Yuan Liquid and one Three-pattern Shen Yuan Pill, the base price is quite reasonable, compared to refining Yuan Ye, taking a Holy Pill is much more cost-effective.

   As for the alchemists who can refine the elixir of the holy level, there are very few alchemists who can be called "the sage of alchemy". They are usually the alchemists who can only cultivate the alchemy skills of the extraordinary and holy level in the big clans.

   "The VIP at No. 131 bid 55 taels of liquid." Bai Ling laughed.

   "60 two yuan liquid!"

   Immediately someone starts bidding.

   "65 two-component liquid!"


   "75 two-component liquid!"

  In the end, someone bid up to 75 yuan, and when the price reached 75 yuan, the venue fell silent, and no one bid more.

   "Congratulations to VIP No. 312, who successfully won this Sanwen Shenyuan Pill!"

  Bai Ling congratulated with a smile, announcing the ownership of this three-patterned divine essence pill.

   "A holy pill is indeed worth a **** seed."

  Seeing this scene, Su Changkong thought to himself.

  Generally, depending on its quality, the price of a **** seed is between 10 and 100 yuan liquid, and the same is true for the holy pill. The immortal pill that Su Changkong took before is very rare among the holy pills.

  Su Changkong was in the VIP room, watching Bai Ling take out rare treasures one after another, while the incoming holy warriors bid one after another.

  Su Changkong also had to lament that the Tiansheng Society of Tiansheng Mountain had indeed gathered a large number of holy warriors, among them were some martial saints who were born in big sects and clans, and were rich and powerful!

  Of course, most of them are here to join in the fun. They have learned a lot and have never paid a price.

  For example, Su Changkong, his purpose of coming here is to see if there are any treasures related to the five birds and real animals. Even if he wants other things, he will not fight for them.

   Treasures were auctioned off one by one. Even if Su Changkong didn't buy them, he still looked at them with great interest and saw things that he had never seen before.

   "The Xuanhai Pearl is only the size of a baby's fist, and it contains a lake-like heavy water? With one hit, a martial sage would be smashed to pieces!"

   "That set of spirit-gathering array flags can gather auras from thousands of miles around, and can turn ordinary places into holy places for practicing with ample auras!"

  Su Changkong, like many holy warriors, marveled at the rarity of the treasures auctioned at the holy meeting that day.

  Tianshenghui is held every three years. During the period, Tianshenghui will purchase a large number of treasures and sell them at one-time auction. It is a rare event!

   It's just that the price of these treasures is also extremely high, often costing tens of hundreds of taels. Ordinary holy warriors are shy in their pockets, and even if they are tempted, they have no ability to fight for it.

  Like the previous Wang Zhongqiu, who belonged to the elite in the Ancient Demon Sect, but apart from a set of divine weapon armor and a hundred liang yuan liquid, he didn't have many other treasures, because all the resources were used to improve his own strength!

  Warriors with a lot of spare money are in the minority after all.

  One day passed, and more than 90 treasures have been auctioned, and two or three treasures were also sold during the auction.

   "The next thing to sell is a strange treasure, this treasure is called 'Wraith Bell'."

At this time, Bai Ling in the field continued to auction the treasures of the Tianshenghui. Even though it had been a day since presided over the Tianshenghui, Bai Ling was still not tired and maintained an elegant posture. At this time, she took out the treasures from the storage bracelet. a treasure.

  It was a black metal bell, engraved with mysterious patterns on the surface, it looked low-key and inconspicuous from the outside, but in fact, just looking at it, it made people feel intimidated by it!

   And Bai Ling immediately proved its strangeness!

   "Ding Ding Ding!"

  Bai Ling grasped the black bell with his white jade-like palm, and shook it lightly, and the clear and crisp sound of the bell immediately resounded throughout the venue.

   The voice was not loud, but the faces of everyone present changed.

   "Buzz buzz!"

  In a VIP box, a man's eyes turned black for a while, he felt the sea of ​​consciousness was shaking, and his soul was about to leave his body, it was extremely uncomfortable!

   "Huh? This treasure has the ability to attack the sea of ​​consciousness and soul?"

  Su Changkong was also slightly surprised. Hearing the ringtone, he felt an invisible wave attacking his sea of ​​consciousness. Although he couldn't shake the sea of ​​consciousness that had transformed after Su Changkong reached the primordial spirit state, it still surprised him.

   "The strange treasure in Miss Bai Ling's hand shook lightly, and I didn't push it with all my strength, so I felt a sense of shock in the sea of ​​consciousness?"

   "This a big killer!"

  Many martial saints in the venue looked solemn, aware of the horror of this treasure.

  Once you push it with all your strength, attack the sea of ​​consciousness directly. If you can't hold it, you will be disabled if you don't die!

Bai Ling smiled and said: "This treasure is called 'Wraith Bell', and it contains the remnant soul of a real beast, the Wraith Tiger. When it shakes, it can confuse people's minds, and it can shatter the enemy's soul. , Few people can resist, extremely powerful!"

   "The remnant soul of the real beast ghost tiger?"

  Su Changkong, who had been listening quietly, couldn't help being moved.

  The remnant soul of the real beast ghost tiger!

  The purpose of Su Changkong coming here is to see if there are any treasures related to the five animals!

The mirror of all things is transformed by part of the power of the great **** species "Mirror Heaven and Earth God Seed". It can project the people or things you see. As long as you have the remnant soul and obsession of a real beast and absorb it, you can project a real beast. .

  The Wraith Bell in front of me fully meets this condition!

  Su Changkong was excited, this time he came to the Heavenly Holy Meeting, and he really gained something!

  But Su Changkong suppressed his excitement, he knew that the price of the Wraith Bell was definitely not low.

   "The remnant soul of a real beast? It is rumored that a real beast is full of treasures, blood, bones, and souls, all of which have great uses!"

   "The ghost tiger... This seems to be a real beast that existed in ancient times, and now there are still remnant souls. It's really not bad to make it into a rare treasure!"

Many martial sages in the venue were also amazed. This Wraith Bell is indeed a rare treasure. In this era, all real beasts are extinct, and there are not many real beasts to be found in the entire ancient holy country. Treasures related to real beasts are precious.

Bai Ling in the field saw that everyone's interest was aroused, and she said while the iron was hot: "Holding this strange treasure, the Wraith Bell, is a great weapon among the martial saints of the gods. Few people can resist its power. The starting price for Soul Bell is 500 taels, and each increase should not be less than 10 taels."

  The price of the Wraith Bell also made the scene a little silent, 500 yuan liquid, which is indeed a sky-high price for ordinary holy warriors!

   Except for those martial saints with good backgrounds, most martial saints use it to improve themselves as soon as they earn Yuan Ye. How can they save so much Yuan Ye?

  Before, Liu Yueping, the elder of Tianhe Sect, only took out 50 taels of liquid in order to repay Su Changkong for saving his son.

  Su Changkong said to the girl in white who had been standing by, "I have some treasures here, can you help me estimate the value?"

  Su Changkong currently only has 59 taels of fluid on his body, rounded up to 60 taels, and he is not eligible to participate in the auction at all, but he is not willing to give up just because of this, and wants to see if the treasure on his body can help him get the Wraith Bell.

   Treasures related to real beasts are rare, and treasures related to five birds and real beasts are undoubtedly extremely rare. If you miss it, you don’t know when you will encounter it next time!

   "Yes, my lord, please wait a moment."

  The girl nodded immediately, and took out a summons token to notify the personnel of the Tiansheng Society who were in charge of appraising the value of the treasure to come.

   Within 10 breaths, an old man in gray appeared in the VIP room.

   "Old man Sun Ming is the appraiser of the Heavenly Holy Association. You can take out all the treasures and let the old man evaluate them."

The gray-clothed old man didn't talk nonsense, he knew that Su Changkong wanted to participate in the auction of treasures, but he didn't have enough primordial liquid on his body, so he was going to sell some treasures and replace them with primal liquid to participate in the auction. There are many such people or things in every Tianshenghui .

  Su Changkong didn't talk nonsense, he took out a lot of items from the storage of treasures, including nine god-seeds and a divine weapon armor.

   This is naturally the result of Su Changkong beheading Wang Zhongqiu, Hong Mantian, and the previous three casual cultivators. Su Changkong took them all out, and was going to see how much he could exchange for them.

  The gray-clothed old man was not too surprised. As an appraiser of the Tiansheng Society, he has seen countless rare treasures, and all he needs to do is to appraise and give an estimate.

The gray-clothed old man’s eyes glowed with a hint of light. In his field of vision, treasures such as god-seeds all exuded precious light, and based on the strength of the precious light and his own experience, the gray-clothed old man was able to judge It is some kind of auxiliary supernatural power to give the approximate price of each treasure.

   "This divine seed has grown very well. It has a large number of divine lines and supernatural powers of high quality. It should be a pre-supernatural power of some kind of divine physique level. The estimated price is... 85 yuan liquid."

  The gray-clothed old man is holding a god-seed and appraising it. This god-seed comes from Wang Zhongqiu.

  Wang Zhongqiu is a disciple of the Ancient Demon Sect, and a disciple of the Divine Body Martial Saint. The exercises he practiced are top-notch skills, and the quality of the gods he cultivated is also very high. His gods are much more valuable than ordinary gods.

"The quality of this god-seed is very average. It should have been refined by many people. It has multiple generations of masters. In fact, it is affected by each generation of masters. The magical powers contained in it have become different from the original appearance... The value is very low. Only It can be estimated to be 15 binary fluids."

  The gray-clothed old man carried out the identification in turn.

   And Su Changkong also admires it quite a bit, it is indeed a professional doing a professional job, and Su Changkong also understands that the quality of the gods is so particular.

  The first thing that determines the value of a **** seed is the quality of the supernatural power contained in it.

  The second is how far this god-seed has reached. If it has had multiple gods, even if it is refined by the new owner and the gods are cleared, it will still be easier to upgrade.

  The last point is whether the god-seed has been refined by many people. If it is a brand-new god-seed that has not been refined by others, the value will be higher.

  The god-seeds of the three like Qiao Mingyan are of low value. The fundamental reason is that they have been refined by many people, and the internal supernatural powers have been weakened, so the quality is very low.

   "The total value of these nine divine seeds and one divine weapon armor is estimated to be 500 taels of liquid. If you need the essence urgently, Tianshenghui can purchase it."

Soon, the gray-clothed old man appraised all the treasures that Su Changkong took out, and gave the total price. Tiansheng will buy them, of course at a price that is lower than the standard. If Su Changkong sells them himself, it should be more expensive. Some of them can be sold for between 550 and 600 yuan.

  500 two yuan liquid! This is indeed a huge sum of money for ordinary holy warriors!

  Su Changkong didn't answer, but looked at the venue. The auction of the ghost bell had already started, and the bidding price was soaring!

   "600 two yuan liquid."

  In the VIP room of No. 410, an old and hoarse voice sounded, the price of the Wraith Bell has been raised to 600 yuan.

   "650 two yuan liquid!"

  In another VIP room, someone raised the price **** for tat. It was a young voice.

   "This ghost bell is quite rare. It contains the remnant soul of a real beast, which has the power to attack the soul. I estimate that the transaction price will be around 1,000 yuan."

  Many warriors who participated in the Heavenly Sacred Association were talking.

  The means of attacking the soul, plus the soul of the real beast, the two are superimposed, and the value is so high that it is difficult for ordinary holy warriors to match!

   "700 two yuan liquid!"

  The old man in VIP Room 410 seemed determined to win the Wraith Bell. After several rounds of price increases, the price rose directly to 700 yuan.

  Indoor, Su Changkong witnessed the whole scene, he secretly smiled wryly and shook his head, knowing that he didn't need to bid.

  Selling nine divine seeds, one divine weapon armor, and his remaining primordial liquid, it was only about 560 taels of liquid, and he couldn't compete with others at all!

   No way, Su Changkong just came to the ancient holy country for the first time, so many treasures are already beyond the imagination of ordinary people, and it is normal to not be able to compete with some big clans and big sects of martial arts.

  Indoor, the old man in gray and the girl in white didn't speak, knowing that Su Changkong probably gave up participating in the competition.

  Su Changkong glanced at the situation in the field, then turned his head to look at the gray-clothed old man, he pondered and said, "Have you heard of the demon crystal nucleus?"

Su Changkong didn't know the specific price of the demon crystal nucleus obtained by killing the Demon Nest. The gray-clothed old man is an expert in appraising treasures from the Heavenly Sacred Society. He must have seen many rare and exotic objects, so Su Changkong asked Let's talk about the gray-clothed old man's matter about the demon crystal nucleus, and want to see how much it is worth.

  If possible, it is also a good choice to exchange Yuan Ye, then he will have enough Yuan Ye to strengthen himself and buy the Wraith Bell in front of him.

  The old man in gray couldn't help being shocked when he heard the words, his face fluctuated for the first time, and he looked up at Su Changkong: "Could it be... Your Excellency has a demon crystal core?"

Before Su Changkong took out nearly ten god-seeds, the gray-clothed old man didn't have much mood swings, but now the gray-clothed old man looked a little shocked, which made Su Changkong's heart move. I'm afraid the value of the demon crystal core is higher than he imagined. Still high!

  Su Changkong thought about it, but said calmly with a blank expression on his face: "No... just curious, I have read about monsters in books, and the crystal nuclei produced in their bodies seem to be very precious."

  Su Changkong denied having a demon crystal nucleus.

The gray-clothed old man also shook his head and smiled: "Indeed... demons are very mysterious, and all of them have extraordinary means. They are extremely difficult to hunt and kill. Most of the demons are just incarnations. Their real bodies are generally hidden very secretively. Easy to take risks."

  Su Changkong didn't answer, he naturally knew the horror of real monsters in his heart!

  The devil's nest is a real demon. It walks in the world, and what it uses are the split souls and the bred demon body, similar to its incarnation, which itself hides in the chaotic void.

  If Su Changkong hadn't cultivated into a primordial spirit, it would be impossible to kill it!

   It is very difficult to hunt a real monster!

  The gray-clothed old man immediately said solemnly: "The demon crystal core, also known as the soul crystal, the real newborn demon... is in a state similar to a soul body, and can roam in the chaotic void."

   "Essence Soul Crystal?" Su Changkong was secretly surprised, the gray-clothed old man of the Heavenly Saint Assembly was indeed well-informed and knew a lot about demons.

   "This monster crystal core is extremely precious, and it contains the original power of the monster. In addition to refining the elixir that increases cultivation and lifespan, it can also strengthen a person's soul!"

  The old man in gray said.

   "Strengthen a person's soul?"

  Su Changkong's heart moved suddenly, he vaguely guessed the biggest function of this demon crystal core!

   "In other words... the demon crystal nucleus can help people cultivate into a primordial spirit!"

  The old man in gray narrated.

The beautiful girl standing beside couldn't help interjecting, exclaiming: "It's hard to grow the soul, and it's extremely difficult to make progress after reaching the soul state, but this demon crystal nucleus can help people grow the soul. Countless martial saints will be crazy about it!"

  There are so many benefits of cultivating the primordial spirit. The primordial spirit is out of the body, and it can move freely with a distance of thousands of miles from the physical body. It has all kinds of mysteries!

  The biggest benefit is that you can have the opportunity to entrust the soul to the world and reincarnate!

  Even if the chance of success in reincarnation is very low, as long as there is a 1% chance, I believe that most of the Martial Saints who are about to die are willing to take a gamble, expecting to live a new life!

  The demon crystal nucleus is produced by demons, and demons themselves are similar to soul bodies without bodies.

"Of course, a soul crystal is probably not enough for an ordinary martial saint to cultivate into a soul, and the demon crystal core can't be used too much, otherwise it will be assimilated by the power of the demon. Generally, the kind of soul is strong enough to have a chance to become a soul. Transformed warriors nourish their souls with soul crystals, so they have a certain probability of completing transformation and becoming primordial spirits."

  The old man in gray said.

The demon crystal nucleus cannot be used in many ways. It is impossible for a martial saint who has just reached the soul state to use it to cultivate into a primordial spirit. Have the opportunity to complete the transformation.

  Even so, this use alone can make many martial saints and even great supernatural martial saints be moved!

  (end of this chapter)