MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 314 Enter the Holy Trinity Elite! The blood cloud covered the flames!

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  Chapter 314 Become an elite of the Three Heavens! The blood cloud covered the flames!

   Hong Mantian told her acquaintance Wang Zhongqiu about the fact that there was a great **** in the Yellow Sand Sea in the distant Great Yan Dynasty. Wang Zhongqiu, who was practicing in seclusion in the sect, was undoubtedly moved.

  In the ancient demon sect, the weak eat the strong, even Wang Zhongqiu can only get the resources he deserves. If he wants more, he can only rely on himself!

   A great **** seed, even if he can't use it at this time, if he gives it to his master or a senior master, it can be exchanged for a large number of cultivation resources, and it is hoped to become a **** body!

  So Wang Zhongqiu and Hong Mantian came to the Yellow Sand Sea to seek this opportunity.

  Wang Zhongqiu could feel the majesty of the great **** in the mirror world!

   "Hongmantian, you wait outside, I will come back as soon as I go."

  Wang Zhongqiu said impatiently, and said to Hong Mantian.

   "Senior Brother Wang... Be careful, the mirror world left by the mirror owner is a test that is no small matter, especially if you are a saintly powerhouse, the difficulty of the test will probably increase accordingly."

  Hong Mantian gave an order, fearing that Wang Zhongqiu would encounter accidents.


  Wang Zhongqiu just responded lightly, and then stepped into the mirror world.

   "That person is also a warrior of the Ancient Demon Sect? It seems to be an extraordinary character. Could he pass the test of Mirror World and get the Great God Seed?"

   A holy man who saw this scene whispered, full of worry.

  If the Great God Seed fell into the hands of Wang Zhongqiu, they might not be qualified to fight for it!

"It's hard to say... The difficulty of this mirror world test will increase with the entrant's realm. The innately perfect warriors have a lot of advantages, and only some people can reach the fourth level. And this ancient demon sect warrior is just like us. Even the holy realm may not be able to reach the fourth level."

   There are also saint warriors who are not optimistic about Wang Zhongqiu.

   "Does Wang Zhongqiu have a chance to pass the fourth test? He also made some preparations, deliberately stuck in one or two martial arts and did not break through, and prepared to make a breakthrough in the mirror world..."

  Hong Mantian has no idea. She has already told Wang Zhongqiu all the information she knows. Whether Wang Zhongqiu can pass the test of Jingtiandi can only depend on his own ability.

   Time passed, and a month passed in a flash.


  At the entrance of Mirror World, a tall figure stepped out of it. It was Wang Zhongqiu who entered Mirror World!

   It's just that Wang Zhongqiu's face was expressionless at this time, Hong Mantian's heart sank, and he had a faint expectation, and he could guess the result just by looking at Wang Zhongqiu's expression.

  But Hong Mantian still couldn't help asking: "Senior brother is it?"


  Wang Zhongqiu just spit out a word coldly.

   "Yes." Hong Mantian only nodded.

   The two of them flew away from the sky over the Yellow Sand Sea.

   "It looks like a failure?"

  Seeing this scene, several holy warriors guarding the Yellow Sand Sea whispered, seeing Wang Zhongqiu's face, most likely failed!

   "Even the elite of the Ancient Demon Sect failed? Can anyone really pass the test of Mirror Heaven and Earth?"

   There are also holy warriors who secretly sighed helplessly, none of the nine kingdoms of their human race could pass the test of the mirror world.

   And Wang Zhongqiu was obviously an elite from the Ancient Demon Sect, but he also failed? It seems that the great **** species in the mirror world can only be seen from a distance!

In the air, Wang Zhongqiu said in a deep voice: "I failed to pass the last test of the mirror world. I deliberately stuck with the two skills and did not make a breakthrough. It was useless to make a breakthrough at the last moment. This is a small thing. not enough for me to defeat three selves with one enemy."

  Wang Zhongqiu did fail, but he undoubtedly went further than other saintly powerhouses. Other saintly powerhouses had difficulty passing the second level, while Wang Zhongqiu reached the fourth level.

  Before coming here, Wang Zhongqiu also made preparations. He had reached a bottleneck in the two exercises he had practiced, and prepared to make a breakthrough in the mirror image space, so that he could have stronger strength than the mirror image man.

   But his strength has improved after the breakthrough of the two exercises, but it is far from reaching the level of qualitative change, and it is impossible to defeat the original three selves!

   "Unless you can master the fourth perfect technique in the mirror image space..."

  Wang Zhongqiu whispered to himself.

  Mastering multiple supernatural powers, every time one is mastered, the difficulty will increase exponentially. Mastering three supernatural powers by oneself is the limit of Wang Zhongqiu. As for mastering the fourth supernatural power? It's almost impossible!

   As for being stuck with two supernatural powers, making another breakthrough in the mirror image space? With the strength of the Holy Second Heaven, it is difficult to reach the level of the mirror image space!

Hong Mantian forced a smile and said: "This mirror master has a weird temper, and he doesn't want his great **** seed to be easily obtained by outsiders, and the test conditions he set are extremely harsh. It's normal for Senior Brother Wang to fail. I'm afraid it's the entire ancient holy country. There are only a handful of people who pass this test!"

   You must be a super evildoer to have the possibility of passing the Mirror World. As for those of the same level or even stronger who want to forcibly collect the Great God Seed? The arrangement left by the mirror owner will be destroyed, and no one can get it!

  Hong Mantian's consolation didn't make Wang Zhongqiu feel much better. He wasted a lot of time to come to this barren land, but he didn't get what he wanted, so he was a little depressed.

  Wang Zhongqiu looked at Hong Mantian, and he suddenly said: "I heard from you before that you suffered a little loss in this Great Yan Dynasty?"

As soon as these words came out, Hong Mantian's heart moved. She nodded and said with resentment: "That's right... a kid named Dao Wufeng killed several of my disciples. I originally wanted to seek revenge from him, but he It's the elder Ke Qing of the Xia Yan family, they bully the few with more, I can only retreat temporarily..."

   "Xia Yan family? How many holy warriors are there in the family? What is the level of strength?"

  Wang Zhongqiu asked.

  Hong Mantian was happy in her heart, she knew that Wang Zhongqiu's questioning was probably because of his thoughts, and she was naturally happy to see this, she must take revenge on others, and really wanted to see Xia Yan's family suffer.

At that moment, Hong Mantian immediately said: "The Xiayan family is the royal family of the Great Yan Dynasty. There should not be more than ten holy warriors in the family, and nearly half of them are estimated to be holy by refining the gods. Among them, the strongest Yes, it is the Yan Emperor Xia Yanlong of the Great Yan Dynasty, his strength has reached the Second Heavenly Saint level, and with the divine weapon in his hand, he has a little bit of strength, but he is not qualified to be compared with Senior Brother Wang at all!"

"Ten holy warriors? That's a dozen god-seeds!" Wang Zhongqiu licked his lips, and a strange light flashed in his eyes, "Although the ancient holy country has unspoken rules, it is not allowed to meddle in the affairs of other small countries, but The elder of the Xia Yan family killed my sect's disciple and even covered it up, so I can't say that I want to defend the majesty of the sect!

   "Go! Go to Dayan City!"

  Wang Zhongqiu chuckled.


  Hong Mantian was also extremely excited. He had suffered a loss in front of everyone that day, and today he was going to get back on the stage. With Wang Zhongqiu's character, the Xia Yan family would probably suffer catastrophe!

  The two quickly headed towards Dayan City.

  Dayan City is the most prosperous place of the Dayan Dynasty, and the imperial city in the center is the real powerhouse of the Dayan Dynasty!

  In a large hall, Xia Yanlong who was sitting cross-legged suddenly opened his eyes, his heart beating faster, which gave him a bad feeling.

   "On a whim... There is always a feeling of restlessness? Is something big going to happen?"

  Xia Yanlong's expression was extremely dignified, his cultivation had reached his level, and under a whim, he must have sensed something out of instinct.

  But Xia Yanlong had no idea where this threat came from!


  Just as Xia Yanlong was thinking, countless residents in Dayan City looked up at the sky with astonishment on their faces.

  It was clearly noon and the sun was shining brightly, but at this time the air became icy cold, making many people shiver, and the light was dim!

"what is that?"

A man stared blankly at the sky. They saw a very terrifying scene. A blood-colored cloud in the sky grew from small to large, and swelled up crazily. In just a few breaths, the blood-colored cloud covered the entire sky of the imperial city. Envelope, cover the sun.

  The entire Great Yan Imperial City was shrouded in a layer of blood, and accompanied by the icy cold wind, the guards in the Imperial City couldn't help feeling a chill in their hearts.

  One second the sun was shining brightly, but the next second it was shrouded in blood, as if falling into hell.

   "Wu Sheng! It's Wu Sheng!"

  A large number of guards in the imperial city were startled. They saw two people standing proudly in the blood-colored clouds, a man and a woman.

  They immediately understood that the person who came was a martial arts expert! There is such a terrible majesty!

   Those who came were naturally Hong Mantian and Wang Zhongqiu of the Ancient Demon Sect who came from Huangshahai.


   Didn't let the two of them wait for long, from the imperial city, figures rose into the sky, there were as many as ten people!

  The leader is Xia Yanlong, Duanmu Tao, Xia Yanyi and others are also among them.

   Aware of the vision in the sky above the imperial city, all the holy masters sitting in the city of Dayan immediately noticed it and rushed over.

   "It's Hong Man Tian... That Ancient Demon Sect Martial Saint!"

  Xia Yanlong and Xia Yanyi saw the enchanting woman Hong Mantian immediately, and immediately recognized her identity.

   "Who is this man in blood armor? His breath is hidden, but it makes people shudder!"

   But the one who attracted everyone's attention the most was the young man Wang Zhongqiu in blood-colored armor next to him!

  Just because any holy warrior present can feel the fear of the opponent, this is an extremely dangerous person!

   "Are you two distinguished guests from the Ancient Demon Sect? Xia Yanlong, I'm sorry to welcome you!"

  Through his thoughts, Xia Yanlong clasped his hands together, realizing that these two people caused such a big commotion, and they came here in a public manner, and it was definitely because they were not kind.

   "Xia Yanlong, stop pretending, you should know the purpose of our visit."

  Wang Zhongqiu, a youth in blood armor, was expressionless, while Hong Mantian chuckled.

  Turning to Hongmantian's face, a layer of icy chill covered his face: "What about the man with no blade? He killed our disciples of the Ancient Demon Sect. Last time you prevented me from taking revenge, this time you will have to pay for it!"

   "Are you here for Elder Dao?"

  Xia Yanlong, Xia Yanyi and others were shocked.

Su Changkong had beheaded several warriors from the Ancient Demon Sect. After he came out of Jingtiandi that day, he was also attacked by Hongmantian. Xia Yanlong blocked them before forcing them back. The blood **** son she cultivated was even attacked by Su Changkong. Killed on the spot.

  I thought this incident was over, but I didn't expect that Hong Mantian would be so vindictive. A few years later, he came directly to Dayan City to take revenge, and brought a strong man from the Ancient Demon Sect.

  Although Wang Zhongqiu didn't say a word, he could faintly convey an extremely dangerous feeling, which anyone can feel, and it's definitely not easy!

  Hong Mantian is obviously not looking for trouble, thinking that with Wang Zhongqiu around, they can easily handle their Xia Yan family!

Xia Yanlong's thoughts turned, and he said: "Elder Dao is not from our Xia Yan family, but an elder Keqing. He has been enshrined, and his whereabouts are mysterious. We don't know where he is. He has probably already set off for the ancient holy kingdom. "

  Xia Yanlong wanted to send the two of them away on the pretext that he didn't know Su Changkong's whereabouts.

  But Hong Mantian and Wang Zhongqiu were obviously not easy to dismiss. Before Hong Mantian could speak, Wang Zhongqiu was already a little impatient.

  Wang Zhongqiu said with a blank face: "Now your Xia Yan family has only two choices. First, hand over the person who killed my ancient demon sect disciple Dao Wufeng, and pay ten God Seeds as an apology!"

   "Ten God Seeds?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Xia Yanlong and the others suddenly changed. One god-seed can create a holy warrior, and ten god-seeds cannot be obtained with the background of Xia Yan family. The God Seeds were all refined by the disciples of the family, to increase the strength of the Xia Yan family, this is completely killing them!

  Seeing the changes in everyone's faces, Wang Zhongqiu's expression did not change at all. He said calmly: "You can also choose the second option, my will make your Xia Yan family history!"

Wang Zhongqiu will not make this trip in vain. In the ancient holy country, most of the holy warriors are organized and have families, and a single hair can affect the whole body. But in this remote place, these native aborigines are unbearable. Hit, you can knead freely.

  Wang Zhongqiu came from afar, but failed to obtain the Great God Seed. He wanted to gain benefits from this remote indigenous family, so he wasted so much time!

   "Your Excellency is a bit too much... Are the people of the Ancient Holy Kingdom a bunch of barbarians who only know how to plunder?"

  An elder of the Xia Yan family, the old man in gray couldn't help but scolded.

But just as he finished speaking, Wang Zhongqiu's icy eyes suddenly stared at him, causing the gray-clothed old man's heart to tremble violently, because at the same time his eyes looked at him, he himself had disappeared out of thin air and appeared in front of him, a At some point, the palm of his hand was on his shoulder.

   "Ka Ka Ka!"

Wang Zhongqiu didn't seem to use much force, but the palm of that hand was heavy and terrifying. There was a crackling sound from the shoulder bone of the gray-clothed old man when he slapped it, and his whole body fell down uncontrollably. .


The gray-clothed old man was carrying a heavy force, and it seemed like a meteorite fell on a tall building below, and the whole luxurious building exploded immediately, and the impact force turned the surrounding into ruins !

   "Elder Xia Yanxin!"

  Everyone was startled, their pupils constricted.

Wang Zhongqiu made a sudden attack. Although they were all vigilant and prepared, no one could stop Wang Zhongqiu, even the gray-clothed old man himself, who was attacked, could hardly react. In the earth, after being severely injured, the breath became weak.

  The gap is too big! Just like the gap between adults and children!

  Wang Zhongqiu's eyes were full of indifference: "Make a decision now, my patience is not that good, should I hand over the sword without a sharp edge, pay ten god-seeds, or exterminate the whole family!"

"kill him!"

  Another blue-clothed old man roared loudly, his eyes were red. The gray-clothed old man was his elder brother, who was severely injured by Wang Zhongqiu, and he couldn't stand it anymore.


  The blue-clothed old man struck out with his right palm, condensing a golden big handprint, carrying a mighty divine power that crushed the void, blasting towards Wang Zhongqiu angrily.


Wang Zhongqiu remained motionless, letting the palm hit his body, the void shook violently, cracks spread, and the blood-colored battle armor on his body burst into blood-red rays of light, unexpectedly it was this powerful man who had become a saint. The victim's angry palm was easily resolved, and his body didn't even shake.


  Xia Yanlong was startled, the **** armor Wang Zhongqiu was wearing was an artifact-level armor!

  The corner of Wang Zhongqiu's mouth curved into an arc of actual combat, and he laughed wildly: "Junior Sister Hong, stay away, I want to exercise my muscles and bones today!"


  Hong Mantian responded, her face was also full of excitement, and she stepped back far away. She also wanted to see the strength of this elite in the sect. Looking at the god-seeded martial saints in the ancient holy country, Wang Zhongqiu is extremely strong! Far from being comparable to these natives!

"hold head high!"

Xia Yanlong's face was gloomy, knowing that this battle was inevitable, a huge amount of sword energy in his body surged out like a tsunami, condensed into a golden dragon composed of sword gangs, burst out the sky-shattering dragon chant, and crazily rushed towards the king. Zhongqiu strangled, entangled and went away.

  Duanmu Tao, Xia Yanyi and other holy fighters from the Xia Yan family's camp took action one after another to besiege the unfathomable Wang Zhongqiu!

  In the imperial city below, Xia Yanjie looked at the terrifying scene of nearly ten holy warriors besieging Wang Zhongqiu in the sky with some scalp numbness, and he also had a premonition that something was wrong.

   There were also several holy demon warriors attacking before, but it is obvious that Wang Zhongqiu is not at the same level as them. Wang Zhongqiu's strength surpasses any warrior from the nine kingdoms of the human race!

Even if Zuo Tianshen and Shen Jian Taoist are both in the third heaven of holiness, but they have refined the god-seed to reach the third heaven of holiness, and the number of god-seeded gods is far less than that of Wang Zhongqiu, and there is a qualitative gap in strength. It is a saintly strong man who came from the great sect of the ancient Holy Kingdom!

   "This blood-armored young man from the ancient demon probably even stronger than the demon Qin Miesheng of that day!"

  Following the battle, Xia Yanlong's heart sank more and more, and he felt the fear of Wang Zhongqiu.

The demon Qin Miesheng that day was killed by the joint efforts of more than a dozen of the strongest holy warriors from the nine kingdoms, but this Wang Zhongqiu was stronger than Qin Miesheng back then. Terrible enemy, there will be a catastrophe of extermination!

   "Hurry up... tell Elder Dao..."

   Xia Yanjie gritted his teeth and quickly took out his identity token, feeling that it was necessary to inform Su Changkong that the two people from the Ancient Demon Sect came here on the grounds of seeking revenge from Su Changkong.


  Lingdaozong, in the Celestial Silkworm Cave, Su Changkong sat cross-legged quietly, the demon soul seal in his body continuously absorbed his vitality, and the operation of the Celestial Silkworm Kung Fu replenished his damaged vitality!

  But between the two, it is obvious that the demon soul seal absorbs vitality faster than the silkworm kungfu replenishes vitality. Destruction is always easier than repair, and there is no balance between the two, and it will last for two or three years at most.

   "You must practice the Celestial Silkworm Kung Fu to level 11..."

  Su Changkong said silently in his heart, studying the Celestial Silkworm Art assiduously, this is his reliance on dealing with this terrible demon soul mark!

  Although he is exhausted by the demon soul mark every day, which makes him feel exhausted both physically and mentally, he turns the pressure into motivation and improves himself.


  But suddenly, Su Changkong seemed to have sensed something, stopped, frowned, and took out the identity token of the elder of the Xia Yan family from the scholar bag, someone used it to send a message.

"Dao...Elder Dao, the situation is not good. Hong Mantian from the Ancient Demon Sect has come to the Imperial City to seek revenge on you, and he brought a master from the Ancient Demon Sect with him. The opponent is so powerful that even His Majesty Yanhuang and others can't win together. …very scary…”

  In the identity token, Xia Yanjie's voice came out. Xia Yanjie, who was calm in the past, obviously had a trace of anxiety and fear in his tone. One can imagine the astonishing scene he saw.

  Xia Yan family's nearly ten saintly powerhouses are enemies that would be difficult to defeat together. This is beyond the scope of ordinary people's imagination!

   "Hong Mantian came to seek revenge on me? He also brought an elite strongman with him?"

  Su Changkong frowned. This Hong Mantian hadn't shown himself since Jingtiandi left that day. Did he return to the Ancient Holy Kingdom? Now that you have returned with a helping hand, do you still want to seek revenge from him?

   During this period of time, he faced the threat brought by the Demon Soul Seal, and he was under a lot of pressure. He didn't waste a second of studying hard and practicing the Celestial Silkworm Kung Fu, but there are still people who insist on coming to trouble him? Wasting his precious time?

   "If you want to die...then I will fulfill you!"

   Su Changkong's eyes flashed with hostility.

   Enemies? Then kill them all! Not one left!

Recently, I participated in the free event of the Filling the Pit Festival. The latest chapters are free for a limited time. During this period of time, there should be about 5,000 words of updates per day. It will last for a week until the 18th. The author will try his best to save as many manuscripts as possible, and update them after the event o(╥﹏╥)o



  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion