MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 298 Shi Family Martial Saint Shi shocked the sky! Huang Tianxuyun!

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  Chapter 298 Shi Family Martial Saint Stone Shocks Heaven! Huang Tianxuyun!

These metals are more precious than gold, a small amount is fine, a large amount is not so easy to get, and it is very difficult to get enough gold energy for Su Changkong's knife soul to transform, it will not be better than his accumulation of black turtle true essence, It's easy to refine the Black Tortoise Golden Pill.

   "Ask Xia Yan's family, you can exchange some elixir and panacea that I have accumulated."

   No way, Su Changkong decided to exchange some with Xia Yan's family, but Su Changkong also knew that it must be far from enough!


Just as Su Changkong was about to go to Dayan City, the identity token in Su Changkong's scholarly bag was shining brightly, and it was someone from Xia Yan's family who was sending a message, which made Su Changkong puzzled. Woolen cloth.

   "Elder Dao, there is someone in Dayan City who claims to know you. He has an urgent matter and wants to meet and talk with you. This person claims to be Li Zhengao."

  Inside the identity token is the message from Xia Yanjie.

   "Li Zhengao? He's from the Li family!"

  Su Changkong felt that the name sounded familiar, and soon he remembered who this person was.

  Su Changkong once went to the Shuxiang Mountain of the Wuji Empire to find people from the Li family in order to collect all the pictures of the five birds and real animals. The Li family is the descendant of the painting saint Bai Xingzhi.

  At that time, the Li family was threatened by the Shi family, a family with a thousand years of history, and with the help of Su Changkong, they got through the difficulty. In the end, in order to prevent retaliation, all the Li family left Shuxiangshan.

  The head of the Li family is named Li Song, and Li Zhengao is Li Song's son!

   Now Li Zhengao did not know the reason, came all the way to the Dayan Dynasty, and knew that Su Changkong was the guest elder of the Xia Yan family, so he found the Xia Yan family and looked for Su Changkong.

   "Go and see."

  Su Changkong thought for a while, then decided to meet Li Zhengao, and told Xia Yanjie that he would come.

First of all, Su Changkong’s breakthrough in Wuqinxi really benefited from Bai Xingzhi and the Li family. Although he also repaid the money to help the Li family overcome difficulties, kindness and love are not transactions. It’s not that you help me once and I help you once Nothing more to do.

  Of course, the most important thing is that Su Changkong is planning to go to Xia Yan’s family to see if he can exchange for some rare metals and refine gold energy to strengthen his sword soul. By the way, meet Li Zhengao and see what he has to say!

  Thinking of this, Su Changkong didn't delay, left Lingdao Sect, flew all the way, and headed in the direction of Dayan City.

  At the entrance of Dayan Imperial City, Su Changkong arrived.

   "Elder Dao."

   Not long after, at the entrance of the imperial city, Xia Yanjie, who had been waiting here in advance, greeted him.

  Xia Yanjie knew that Su Changkong had become a saint not long ago, and his status was completely different from before!

   "Take me to meet Li Zhengao." Su Changkong has always been vigorous and resolute.

   "Yes, Elder Dao, please follow me."

  Xia Yanjie led Su Changkong into the imperial city, and arrived at a reception hall in the imperial city.

  Li Zhengao came to the imperial city to look for Su Changkong. He heard that he knew Su Changkong. Naturally, the Xia Yan family did not neglect him and treated him as a distinguished guest.

  Su Changkong entered the reception hall, and soon saw Li Zhengao. Compared with the boy he met last time, Li Zhengao was much more mature.

   "Mr. Knife!"

  As soon as he saw Su Changkong coming in, Li Zhengao, who was sitting with a sad expression on his face, immediately stood up, and greeted him in a cautious and respectful manner.

  Li Zhengao felt a little uneasy.

  Back then, Su Changkong had rescued him from the Shi family, and in the scholarly cave, he killed the head of the Shi family and the elder of the Destruction Society, showing the invincible posture of a great master!

   Even the Li family who lived far away in other countries had heard of Su Changkong's invincible prestige, and was hailed as the number one person under the Martial Saint!

   Now that so many years have passed, Li Zhengao is also worried that Su Changkong's identity and status are different from the past, and he will not take them seriously.

   But fortunately, he was overthinking. Su Changkong himself also came out of the humble beginnings, and he would not look down on some old people because of some achievements.

   "Mr. Li, sit down, you come from a long way to find Dao, what's the matter?"

  Su Changkong asked Li Zhengao not to be restrained. After they both sat down, Su Changkong asked straight to the point.

   Li Zhengao came from a long way, and asked Xia Yan's family to help send a letter, saying that there is something urgent, and this matter is probably not easy!

  Li Zhengao recounted the whole story: "After we separated from Mr. Dao, our Li family was worried about the revenge of the Shi family, so we moved the whole family and left the Wuji Empire... and went to Huangtian Kingdom."

  Huang Tianguo, Su Changkong remembers that this is one of the Three Kingdoms. In terms of strength, it is comparable to the Heavenly God Dynasty, and even stronger than the Great Yan Dynasty!

   "In Huang Tianguo, our Li family's fortunes turned around. My father felt something. In a barren mountain and historic site, he found the lost **** seed left by the ancestor Bai Xingzhi!"

   Li Zhengao said, revealing some secrets.

   "Bai Xingzhi's divine seed?"

Su Changkong couldn't help being a little surprised. Bai Xingzhi, the saint of painting, mastered the supernatural power of painting fakes and turning them into real ones. After he sat down, the god-seed was also passed on to the Bai family, but the Bai family declined with the passage of time, and even the gods All species were lost, and their names were changed to avoid trouble.

  But the head of the Li family, Li Song, took the Li family disciples to Huang Tianguo, but found the **** seed left by Bai Xingzhi!

"My father was overjoyed. He felt that this was the blessing of his ancestors. He brought the Li family to settle down in the Huangtian Prefecture of Huangtian Kingdom. He also learned the mysteries of the God Seed. He wanted to refine it. He didn't want the Li family to return to its former glory. I just want to live a better life.”

Li Zhengao gritted his teeth. Their Li family has been too down and out these days. Facing the Shi family, they are almost in danger of extinction. To be able to find the **** seed left by Bai Xingzhi is undoubtedly a great happy event for the whole Li family. .

"But not long ago, people from the Shi family discovered the whereabouts of our Li family and attacked them in a big way. My father mastered the **** seed and defeated the warriors who attacked the Shi family. Come, that is a man who looks like a young man, who can fly without any means, and is a saintly powerhouse!"

   Li Zhengao had a trace of fear in his eyes.

"He's too strong... My father has mastered the god-seed of our ancestors, and he's extremely vulnerable in front of him. The members of our Li family fled in all directions, but most of them were captured by that man. Only a few members of the clan escaped under the cover of my father. "

  Li Zhengao described the troubles the Li family encountered.

   "A member of the Shi family, a holy man who can fly, is it Shi Jingtian?"

   Su Changkong's heart skipped a beat, he already knew the identity of the holy man after hearing Li Zhengao's description.

  Shi Jingtian, the divine son of the Shi family, is the reincarnation of a martial sage, just like the ancestor Shi Wang of the Shi family's martial sage, with unfathomable strength. Su Changkong had seen Shi Jingtian in the mirror world more than a year ago.

  At that time, Shi Jingtian reached the fourth level one step ahead of Su Changkong, but in the end he couldn't pass the test of Jingtiandi, so he could only choose to leave.

  Now it seems that Shi Jingtian has also become a saint, and most of them are not like Wei Shengxin, Duan Mutao and others who refined their gods to become a saint, but rely on practice to become a saint!

The Shi family didn't give up on chasing the Li family, even Shi Jingtian himself rushed to Huang Tianguo to take action himself, even if Li Song, the patriarch of the Li family, mastered the **** seed, he would naturally not be the opponent of Shi Jingtian after he became a saint. All were taken down.

   "Senior Dao, please help our Li family, I... really couldn't think of any other way, so I came to you with the audacity."

  Li Zhengao said with a hint of prayer.

  The Li family was down and out, and the only person who had some relationship with the Li family was Su Changkong. Li Zhengao could only rush here as if he had grasped a life-saving straw.

Seeing Su Changkong groaning silently, Li Zhengao gritted his teeth, his knees softened, and was about to kneel down. He knew that this matter would make Su Changkong very difficult, but he had no other choice. If Su Changkong was unwilling to help, according to the cruelty of the Shi family, Everyone in the Li family, including his father, will be drained of their blood, and those who are useless will be wiped out.

  Li Zhengao has heard that in the past few years, the Shi family has wiped out more than one down-and-out family, and all of them have been exterminated!


  Su Changkong waved his hand, and an invisible force supported Li Zhengao, making him unable to kneel down.

  Su Changkong sighed and said: "This Shi family is very reluctant to forgive your Li family, and it has something to do with me, so I will go with you."

The reason why the Shi family is unwilling to give up dealing with the Li family is not only because the Shi family has always acted domineeringly, but the most important reason is that Shi Bupo and other dozens of Shi family's innate warriors were all killed by Su Changkong in the Shuxiang Cave. Naturally, the Shi family blamed the Li family on the pen vendetta.

  Although it was Su Changkong who helped the Li family solve the problem of coming to the house, no one is to blame for their death.

  Su Changkong decided to take a trip, and all the members of the Li family fell into the hands of the Shi family. After a little questioning, they would know that the person who killed dozens of Shi family children was none other than Su Changkong.

  Given the character of the Shi family, they might regard Su Changkong as a mortal enemy. Instead of waiting for the other party to come to him at some point, it is better to take the initiative to meet the members of the Shi family and see this Shi Jingtian!

   "Thank you, Senior Dao! Thank you, Senior Dao!"

  Li Zhengao was overjoyed. Their Li family couldn't offer any reward to move Su Changkong. It was reasonable for Su Changkong to refuse to help the Li family.

  Of course, Li Zhengao didn't know that Su Changkong was doing it for himself.

   "Let's go now."

  Su Changkong got up, ready to settle the matters of the Li family and the Shi family first, he has always acted swiftly and resolutely.

  Li Zhengao hesitated: "Senior Dao...won't you tell Xia Yan's family?"

  Li Zhengao knew that Shi Jingtian from the Shi family might have become a saint. Could Su Changkong solve it in the past?

  According to Li Zhengao's opinion, it is safest for Su Changkong to ask Xia Yan's family's martial sages to come forward. Shi Jingtian might let Xia Yan's family face the Li family.

Su Changkong was a little funny when he heard the words. Su Changkong became a saint not long ago, and his only battle after becoming a saint was a battle with a group of demon warriors more than a month ago. The battle took place thousands of miles away from Dayan City. However, outsiders didn't even know that Su Changkong also participated in that battle, and easily killed most of the holy demon warriors.

  Li Zhengao only knew that Su Changkong was the number one martial sage, but he didn't know that he was also a sage.

  Su Changkong said lightly: "Don't worry, a Shi family... I won't pretend to be someone else."

  Hearing this, Li Zhengao was also slightly relieved, people like Su Changkong would not do things without confidence.

  Out of the living room, Su Changkong used the white crane to escape the sky, carrying him and Li Zhengao up into the sky, and headed out of Dayan City.

   "Where are the members of the Shi family?"

  On the way, Su Changkong asked Li Zhengao.

   "It should still be in Huangtian Kingdom... This happened four or five days ago. Our Li family settled in Xuyun Mountain in Huangtian Kingdom."

   Li Zhengao replied.

   "Then go to Xuyun Mountain first to have a look. The Shi family has captured Patriarch Li and the others, and maybe they haven't left yet."

  Su Changkong rode White Crane Xuying all the way towards Xuyun Mountain in Huang Tianguo.

   And Li Zhengao asked hesitantly: "Senior Dao, how are you going to deal with this matter?"

  Su Changkong glanced at it, and said calmly: "Of course it's a peaceful negotiation, turning hostility into friendship."

The corner of Li Zhengao's mouth twitched slightly. He had personally seen Su Changkong kill the elders of the Miesheng Society and dozens of innate warriors one after another in the scholarly cave. He didn't believe that Su Changkong was such a gentle man. people.

  In fact, Su Changkong was really planning to negotiate peacefully, and told Shi Jingtian not to embarrass the Li family. Enemies should be settled rather than tied.

  Of course, if Shi Jingtian insisted on not giving him face and making him an enemy, then Su Changkong could only do it, to see how far the so-called reincarnated martial saint can go!

  Huang Tianguo, one of the Three Kingdoms, Xuyun Mountain, this place is located in Huangtian, the mountains are high and the roads are dangerous, ordinary people can't reach it at all. Li Jiayuan came to Huangtian Kingdom and settled in Xuyun Mountain.

  With Su Changkong's speed, he arrived at Xuyun Mountain a day later without rushing too fast.

  The top of Xuyun Mountain was surrounded by clouds and mist. Su Changkong and Li Zhengao landed on the top of the mountain.

  Li Zhengao said nervously and nervously, "I'll open the entrance to the Scholar Cave right away..."

  Li Zhengao was very afraid of seeing corpses strewn all over the fields and rivers of blood in Shuxiangdongtian, and he was afraid that his clansmen had been slaughtered completely.


  Su Changkong nodded slightly.

  Scholarly Cave, used to be in the style of an ink painting, but now it looks a bit messy, the river is broken, the trees are broken, and even the ink mountains are broken, as if they have experienced devastation.

  The manor where the Li family lives has long been occupied by dozens of outsiders. These people are all powerful and elite from the Shi family.

  In the manor, there are stone sculptures one by one. These stone sculptures are lifelike, like real people, motionless, with expressions of fear remaining on their faces.

A warrior from the Shi family gnawed a piece of animal meat, wiped it off, and then wiped the body of a stone sculpture next to him with his palm. He smiled and said, "Didn't your Li family be very capable before? You would rather die than surrender!" , what's the use? The strength is weak, the only thing you can do is to be obedient!"

  The stone carving naturally wouldn't have a half-point answer.

  Most Shi family warriors sat cross-legged, or waited quietly.

  At this time, all the warriors of the Shi Family opened their eyes together, and felt that the entrance to the Scholar Cave was opened!

   "Could it be that King Shi has returned?" All the warriors of the Shi family got up together, thinking that Shi Jingtian, who had gone out, might have returned.

  But soon, the faces of the warriors of the Shi family changed.

   "Is Shi Jingtian here?"

  A strange voice was transmitted, echoing in the scholarly cave!

   Tomorrow there will be an update of 15,000 words () recommend a book by my friend, you can read it if you like it

   Yexuan's eldest son Yexuan's life soul goes back to before the ages. After eternity, Ye Xuan's soul returned to his body.

   This year, Ye Xuan was the son-in-law of Huangji Xianzong. The story begins here.

   The soul of the eternal emperor returned overnight.

   Since then, the invincible myth that has been pushed across the ages has been opened!



  (end of this chapter)

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