MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 289 Break through the mirror world! A real monster!

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  Chapter 289 Break through the mirror world! A real monster!

   Guidance (11 Realm Earthquake, Ancient Light, 1% Today)

  Su Changkong deliberately practiced Daoyin to the 10th level, in order to complete the breakthrough in the mirror image space, and he needs to break through after all the mirror images are projected, otherwise the projected mirror images will also be him after the breakthrough!

  The difficulty is actually very high. It needs to be persisted under the joint attack of multiple opponents of the same strength, and a breakthrough must be completed in the battle. If the breakthrough is not successful, the consequences will undoubtedly be very serious.

   Only Su Changkong is confident that with his extraordinary potential, as long as he is given a little breathing room, he will be able to break through 100% successfully!

   "The channeling technique of level that's how it is..."

  When the Daoyin technique broke through to level 11, feeling the changes in the Daoyin technique, Su Changkong felt a sense of enlightenment.

  At this moment, the Evil Emperor Beast was completely blown apart by the three mirror men, revealing Su Changkong covered in blood.

"Then... come again!" Su Changkong was seriously injured, but his eyes were full of coldness, and he looked coldly at the three mirror figures in front of him who were exactly like him. The only difference was that Su Changkong had already Beyond the original self, compared with these three mirror figures, there is an 11-level difference in channeling skills!


Without any extra movement, a mirror figure on the far right is already bowed to the full moon, the majestic true essence gathers into an arrow, drawing a large amount of heaven and earth aura, and the extremely lethal wind and thunder archery locks on Su Changkong's breath, and shoots come.

  The wind and thunder archery propelled by 10 drops of mysterious tortoise essence, its lethality is no less than most magical powers, if you dare to challenge it hard, you will only end up in pieces!

  But at this moment, Su Changkong's mind was concentrated, and the Daoyin technique of the 11th level was activated. In his eyes, the aura of the sun and the moon and the flow of true energy were clearly visible, and they could even be controlled and interfered with.

With a thought of Su Changkong, a massive amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy surged, and the bursting arrows of the sun and the moon caused disorder in the true energy and spiritual energy flowing inside. The fiery sun arrow and the cold moon arrow suddenly became Dim, both speed and strength are rapidly weakened.


  This caused Su Changkong's pair of true blood to stir, his big red-skinned hands stretched out, and with a strong grab, he grabbed the two arrows in his hands.


  The arrows exploded, and the sun and the moon swept all directions. The momentum was astonishing, but after Su Changkong's weakening, it was already difficult to cause much damage to Su Changkong, who had a martial saint-level physique under the burst of true blood.

"bring it on!"

Rihui and Yuemang wrapped Su Changkong around Su Changkong, and with a low growl, Su Changkong decomposed part of the damage he had suffered and returned it to the purest spiritual energy, absorbed it into his body, and quickly refined it into the true essence of the black turtle to replenish his own consumption True Yuan!

  The mirror man on the opposite side was obviously stunned, with a look of astonishment on his face.

   It's hard to imagine that this full-strength arrow of my own is comparable to supernatural powers, but Su Changkong took it easily and unscathed with a pair of fleshy palms?

"This is the Daoyin technique of the 11th level... the control and use of aura has reached an extreme level, and it can even control the aura of heaven and earth, disrupt the opponent's attack, and re-decompose the aftermath of the attack and overflow into aura for absorption. , Supplement your own consumption!"

  Su Changkong's face is calm, this is his confidence to defeat himself with one against three!

  11-level Daoyin has entered the level of pseudo-supernatural powers and has no direct attack power, but it is very exaggerated for the traction and perception of aura, and can even affect the enemy's ultimate move!

Just now, when the mirror man made an extreme arrow, Su Changkong manipulated the aura of heaven and earth to interfere in the middle, destroying its stable structure and greatly weakening its lethality. Break it down into aura, so that Su Changkong's continuous combat ability can also be greatly improved!

  Of course, there is a limit to this kind of weakening. If you are facing real supernatural powers, even if you manipulate the aura of heaven and earth to interfere and destroy it, the effect it can play is very limited.

But in the final analysis, Su Changkong is actually just an innate warrior. He doesn't have any supernatural powers, and with the cooperation of many pseudo-supernatural powers, he can explode with power comparable to many supernatural powers. Supernatural level.

  Facing false supernatural powers of the same level, Daoyin attracts the aura of heaven and earth to interfere, which can weaken most of its power! And with Su Changkong's Giant Whale Fighting Body and a Martial Saint-level physique, he can easily follow through!


A mirror figure in the distance also burst out with an ultimate ultimate move. A phantom of a hundred-foot-long white tiger condensed into a solid body, opened its **** mouth, and let out a sky-shattering roar. Come, wherever you pass, the void will explode, and there is no way to avoid it.


  Su Changkong didn't need to dodge either, he concentrated his mind and drew the aura of heaven and earth, destroying the stability of this ultimate move from the inside, and weakening its power exponentially.

   "Crack! Crack!"

  The weakened howling sound wave bombarded Su Changkong's powerful body, but it could only bring him a slight pain, and it was difficult to cause substantial damage to him!

There was also a mirror man who saw that this kind of attack with false magical powers, true energy, and true energy seemed useless to Su Changkong. His true blood was boiling, and he rushed towards Su Changkong like a real beast, wanting to attack Su Changkong. Melee.

  This strategy is completely correct. Su Changkong's Daoyin technique has reached an extreme in manipulating the aura of heaven and earth. It can even interfere with the opponent's skills and pseudo-supernatural powers, but it has little effect against pure physical strength.

  But Su Changkong is naturally aware of this. If he wants to win, he must attack them with strengths and rely on the advantages of the 11-level channeling technique to defeat them!

   "Give me... get lost!"

  A cold look flashed in Su Changkong's eyes, and ten drops of black tortoise essence exploded in his dantian, and behind him a hundred-foot-tall brown-haired giant bear condensed out, raised a pair of huge bear paws, and slapped down angrily, the violent bear shook the ground!


  The entire pure white mirror space trembled violently, and the shock wave spread out in all directions indiscriminately, and the mirror image man who was about to rush to kill was also shaken backwards.

   "Injury ten fingers of the enemy is worse than cutting off one finger, and kill the weakest one first!"

  A large bow appeared in Su Changkong's hand, and a massive amount of aura from heaven and earth was gathered and gathered into an arrow. The mysterious tortoise essence was crazily poured into it, and he aimed the arrow at the last projected one among the three mirror figures.

   This mirror man was projected after Su Changkong was injured, so he was also injured, Su Changkong wanted to kill it first!


  Arrows shot out in bursts, and they were transformed into two arrows of the sun and the moon. Between the sun and the moon, the pure white space reflected was like daytime, and the universe was reversed.

  The channeling technique reached level 11, almost all the aura of heaven and earth flowing in the mirror image space was forcibly drawn by Su Changkong, making Su Changkong's ultimate move more powerful than before!

  The injured mirror man can only condense the black tortoise's true essence into the black tortoise's armor to resist!


  The double arrows of the sun and the moon hit the mirror man, and the explosion's lethality spread for several miles, and the black turtle Yuan Jia on the surface of the mirror man's body was exploded, his whole body rolled and flew backwards, and blood spurted wildly from his mouth.

If it weren't for the giant whale battle body that was also activated, with a martial saint-level physical body, this arrow could tear it into pieces while breaking through the Xuangui Yuanjia. Even so, this arrow also caused serious damage to it. There are more cracks, and real blood is gushing out.

  In the aftermath of the overflow, Su Changkong used the Daoyin technique to draw back part of the overflowing true essence, submerge it into the body, and make up for his own consumption, achieving a cycle to minimize consumption!

   "Ka Ka Ka!"

A mirror man in the distance used the magic ape to capture the sky, trying to imprison Su Changkong, but when the aura of heaven and earth fluctuated, Su Changkong noticed what kind of move the other party was using. Stepping out, they all spanned a distance of hundreds of feet, like a spirit deer stepping on the sky, where Su Changkong originally stood, the entire void was sunken and distorted, like crumpled paper, but he couldn't touch Su Changkong.


  Su Changkong's eyes were full of yin and yang, and his black hair danced wildly. He bent his bow and set his arrows again, and used wind and thunder archery to shoot from a long distance. He didn't give these mirror figures a chance to fight him in close quarters.


  The arrow pierces the sky, the sun and the moon shine together!

The 11-level Daoyin technique gave Su Changkong a huge advantage. It can weaken the enemy's false magical attack, absorb back the overflowing true energy generated by the attack, and greatly improve the battery life. own!


Su Changkong targeted the wounded and weakest mirror man to attack. When the third arrow was shot, Su Changkong had already been hit by two arrows. The blood-stained mirror man with broken bones finally endured. Can't stop, the black turtle's true essence flowed slowly, and before it had time to condense the black turtle's yuanjia, he was shot head-on by an arrow.

Even with a physical body of the Martial Saint level, under Su Changkong's ultra-extreme wind and thunder archery that erupts the black turtle's true essence and condenses a huge amount of heaven and earth spiritual energy, the physical body is still pierced, and the sun and the moon are blooming, causing its body to burst Come on!

   For a moment, the blood flooded into the sky, and every drop of true blood was a small pond, rendering a large piece of pure white ground blood red.


  Su Changkong's eyes were cold. In front of him and behind him, two arrows of the sun and the moon shot towards him. Seeing that it was difficult to get close to Su Changkong, the two mirror figures used wind and thunder archery to attack from a distance.

   Not only that, the two also activated the power of the god-seeded in their hearts, summoned the evil emperor beast, hid in the evil emperor beast's body, and relied on the evil emperor beast's rough skin to resist Su Changkong's attack.

   But it didn't work at all!

After Su Changkong's Daoyin technique drew spiritual energy to interfere and weaken it, the power of the two wind and thunder archery techniques was weakened to the point that they were only stronger than fake supernatural powers, but not as powerful as supernatural powers. With such power, Su Changkong didn't even need to dodge , directly resist with the giant whale combat body!

  The exploding double arrows of the sun and the moon could not effectively inflict fatal damage on Su Changkong. Instead, Su Changkong absorbed the spilled true energy to replenish himself.

   "Kill kill kill!"

Su Changkong's eyes turned red. Facing the huge evil emperor beast and the two mirror figures hiding in it, he opened the distance and kept shooting with long-distance wind and thunder archery. He also shot at himself. It is very clear that apart from the wind and thunder archery, other attacks cannot reach such a long distance.

  Su Changkong completely vented all the anger of being bullied and beaten before!

  The Evil Emperor Beast has a strong body, but it couldn't withstand Su Changkong's continuous shooting, and its body collapsed, revealing two mirror figures who looked a bit embarrassed.

  The two mirror figures were unwilling to give up, one used wind and thunder archery to restrain Su Changkong from a distance, and the other used body skills to take the opportunity to approach Su Changkong.

But Su Changkong didn't give them a chance at all. He also stretched out his movements to pull back the distance, ignoring the other mirror man's wind and thunder archery shooting. Even the pseudo-supernatural powers could not cause fatal damage to him. At the same time, he aimed at the rushing mirror man, and shot it with an arrow, and it rolled and flew out!


  Amidst the unwilling roar of the second mirror figure, the mysterious turtle Yuanjia, which was shot by Su Changkong several times, exploded, and his body exploded to pieces.

  There is only the last mirror man left. Although it resists with all its strength, Su Changkong's three-on-one is not the opponent of Su Changkong today. Now there is only one left, so it is naturally difficult to support him.

  After fending off Su Changkong's arrows, its body, which was also shot by an arrow, was broken from its chest, blood gushed out into the sky, and the two parts of its body fell heavily to the ground.

   Even so, the mirror image man is still struggling to activate the Celestial Silkworm Kung Fu, trying to stitch up his broken body with the true energy of the Celestial Silkworm!

  But this is not too much to linger for a few breaths.

  Su Changkong's figure flashed and appeared in front of the mirror man. The sword soul left his body and chopped his head to pieces!

  The bodies of the three dead mirror figures gradually became transparent, turning into a stream of mysterious energy, and returned to the mirror world.


  Su Changkong was gasping for breath, feeling dizzy and fatigued for a while, but he was very excited in his heart. He finally won and passed the perverted test of the mirror image space!

   "Fortunately... the projected projection is not me after all. Otherwise, if I can break through, they should also be able to break through. I won't be able to win."

  Su Changkong also lamented at the same time that the projected mirror figures are only transformed by the power of the great gods, not real life. They will not make any progress if they are projected out. Only then can Su Changkong defeat them through breakthroughs.

   Otherwise, this test is simply unsolvable, and no one can pass it!

   "Congratulations... you have passed the test of the mirror image space."

  At this time, a mechanical voice sounded, it was the man in the mirror who is the manager of this mirror world!

   Sure enough, Su Changkong followed the voice, and he saw a vague figure appearing in the void. It was the man in the mirror that he had seen twice before.

  Compared to the previous indifference, the eyes of the person in the mirror showed a trace of surprise and complicated emotions. He never expected that not long after the mirror world was opened, someone could pass the test of the mirror space.

  According to the estimates of the people in the mirror, unless the evildoers of the ancient holy country get the news, it is impossible for the other nine countries alone to find a person who can pass through the mirror space, even in the past few years!

  But the young man in front of him successfully defeated several projections of himself in a short period of time, and passed the test of the mirror image space!

  Su Changkong's performance is seen by the people in the mirror. His rapid progress and strong will all prove that he is extraordinary and refined. Even in the ancient holy country, he is still an extraordinary monster!


  Su Changkong also showed a smile. He is obviously the first person to pass the test of the mirror image space, and according to what the mirror image person said before, he will have a chance to get the Great God Seed.

   "You have passed the challenge of the mirror image space, and according to the order left by the mirror owner, you are qualified and have the opportunity to obtain the Great God Seed, but you must complete the will left by the mirror owner."

  The man in the mirror said bluntly.

   "Mirror Lord's will? Seniors can be blunt, but juniors will never refuse if they can do it."

  Su Changkong nodded slightly. The person in the mirror had said earlier that the mirror owner had left a will, and he had to pass the test of the mirror image space to be qualified to know what it was.

  The man in the mirror said in a deep voice: "The first request is to kill a demon."

   "Kill a demon?"

  Su Changkong frowned darkly.

  According to Su Changkong's understanding, those demon fighters are not real monsters. Real monsters are similar to real beasts, and they can rival martial saints!

   And the will left by the mirror owner is that the latecomer needs to kill a demon? It seems that there is a huge hatred between the mirror master and the demon, and even the mirror master's death is not because of the end of life, but related to the demon!

  Humanity in the mirror: "Demons, they are very mysterious... Some people even speculate that they are not the race of this world. They were born to destroy, to speed up the destruction of this world!"

Su Changkong listened carefully, demons are very mysterious, even the Xia Yan family has very little information about them, and the man in the mirror is a puppet-like creature left behind by the mirror owner, who controls the mirror world and helps him deal with it. He knew many messages left by the mirror owner, among which were about demons.

According to the man in the mirror, monsters were born in this world to destroy this world. More power!

   "Mirror Master was born in a small country. He has extraordinary talent, he overwhelms his peers, left his hometown, and gained a great reputation in the ancient holy country where the strong are like clouds!"

  The man in the mirror has some reverence.

The mirror master is a great supernatural power warrior, and he has cultivated great supernatural powers. In theory, he is at the same level as the ancient sages. The ancient saints belong to the great supernatural power warriors, but they are all top-notch among the great supernatural power warriors, ancient and powerful !

  Mirror Lord has neither good nor bad background. He is not a descendant of a martial saint, but he is extremely talented and has made great strides all the way!

"The mirror master who has cultivated great supernatural powers is still very young. He is determined to become a strong man comparable to the ancient sages, but not long after he has cultivated great supernatural powers, he received news that his hometown was in crisis, and when he returned to his hometown , the entire country has turned into a dead world, and everyone has become a living corpse..."

  The man in the mirror is talking about the will of the mirror owner.

   "Could it be...the kingdom of dead bodies 'Yeshen Kingdom' is the hometown of the mirror master? Was it killed by demons?" Su Changkong was not an idiot, he immediately thought of the test he had passed before, which was a country full of rotting corpses and undead.

  Mirror Lord was once a warrior of the Ye Shen Kingdom, and it is very likely that the Ye Shen Kingdom was harmed by demons, so the whole country became a kingdom of the dead, dissipated in the dust of history!

  (end of this chapter)

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