MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 287 'Extraordinary' potential! Mirror space!

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  Chapter 287 'Extraordinary' potential! Mirror space!

   "Three months? Let's take a look at the 'Shadow Space' first."

  Xia Yanyi said.

  According to the man in the mirror, the fourth level must be passed within three months, otherwise he will be sent out of the mirror world, which means that there is no chance to get the great **** seed again.

   "Yes." Su Changkong and Hong Zhenxiang both nodded.

  The three of them stepped forward towards the twisted portal.


   There was a burst of blur in front of the eyes, and there was a feeling that the world was spinning. What appeared in front of the eyes of the three was a closed circular space.

  In this circular space, the walls are all mirrors, reflecting their bodies and faces.

  Every mirror is a portal.

   "So many mirrors? What is the content of this test?"

  Hong Zhenxiang scratched his head, a little confused.


  At this moment, Su Changkong and the others all raised their vigilance. They saw a figure rushing out of a mirror in embarrassment.

  This person is tall and handsome, with one eye between his eyebrows, shining with divine light.

   "He is... Shi Jingtian from the Shi family?"

  Xia Yanyi saw this person, and he immediately recognized the person in front of him.

   "Shi Jingtian... This person is the **** son of the Shi family of the Wuji Empire, the reincarnation of a martial sage, and has the majesty of his ancestor, the martial sage King Shi."

  Xia Yanyi even sent a voice transmission to Su Changkong and Hong Zhenxiang.

   "The son of the Shi family?"

  Hong Zhenxiang nodded slightly, he naturally knew how extraordinary the reincarnation of a martial sage was, and becoming a martial sage was just the starting point for them.

   "The Shi Family's Shi Jingtian?"

  Hearing this name, Su Changkong's heart moved, but he remembered something.

   There is a bit of grievance between the Shi family and Su Changkong. The Shi family used to want to kill the Li family. For the sake of the real beast picture, Su Changkong united with the Li family and killed many disciples of the Shi family.

  Is the shocking stone in front of you the reincarnation of the Shi family's martial saint? It can be said that he is the top figure in the Shi family!

  But it is not easy to do it in the mirror image space.

   What surprised Su Changkong was that Shi Jingtian was in a terrible state of distress, as if he had experienced a big battle, and his aura seemed a little sluggish.

   "I am from the Xia Yan family, what is in this mirror?"

  Xia Yanyi couldn't help asking. With Shi's astonishing power, they rushed out of the mirror in embarrassment. It can be imagined that the test of this fourth level is indeed extraordinary.

  Shi Jingtian glanced at him, but said indifferently: "Wouldn't you know if you go in and have a look?"

   After finishing speaking, Shi Jingtian ignored the three of them. He sat down in a corner of the circular space, cross-legged, recovering consumption and digesting the experience gained from the previous battle.

  Xia Yanyi was shut out, a little embarrassed, but it's normal, they are competitors here, wishing that everyone except themselves would fail, how could they easily tell them the information they knew?

   "Go in and see the situation."

   Hong Zhenxiang said.

  Shi Jingtian was able to withdraw, which means that this level is dangerous, but he can also choose to retreat.


  Su Changkong and Xia Yanyi agreed, and the three of them slowly came to a huge mirror. The mirror was as soft as water, and the three of them got into it.


  Su Changkong was stunned at this moment, a pure white world appeared in front of his eyes, both the sky and the earth were pure white.

   Didn't see Hong Zhenxiang and Xia Yanyi, it seems that this final test can only rely on one's own strength, it is impossible to pass with others!

   And not far in front of Su Changkong, a blurry figure appeared. The figure looked at Su Changkong, his body twisted and changed, and the blurred face gradually became clear.

  This person was dressed in black, with a stern face and a knife on his waist, exactly the same as Su Changkong.

   "So that's how it is... This test of the mirror image space is to defeat yourself?"

  Su Changkong suddenly realized.

   Compared with powerful enemies, you are the most difficult to defeat!

  Whether it is martial arts or combat experience, it is the same, just like facing a mirror, no matter what, it is difficult to defeat an enemy who is exactly the same as yourself!

  The mirror image on the opposite side, Su Changkong, looked straight at Su Changkong, his eyes were cold, and there was a hint of murderous intent in his eyes.

   "An imposter also wants to be my enemy?" Seeing this, Su Changkong snorted coldly.

  In this mirror space, your own mirror image will be projected and defeated. This is the test of this level. It sounds easy, but it is definitely not that simple to do it!


Su Changkong took a step forward, shrinking the ground to an inch, and appeared in front of the mirror man in an instant. The iron knife at his waist broke free from the scabbard, and the soul of the knife resonated with it. This knife seemed to be a silver thread, killing To the mirror man.

  The mirror figure had no expression on his face, the iron-slashing knife at his waist was out of its sheath, a wave of sword spirit spread in the air, his iron-slashing knife tore through the air, and slashed out.


  The two knives collided, and the deafening sound of gold and iron mingled in the air. Accompanied by the fluctuation of the sword soul, the collision and spread spread, causing slight ripples in the space, and the sound of the knives was endless!


The pair of swords collided between the mirror man and Su Changkong, the cold light flashed in the mirror man's eyes, and a cold light bloomed between the eyebrows, a primitive and simple long knife tore through the space, so fast that the naked eye could hardly catch it, and it was the soul of the sword who shot and killed Out of body!


  Su Changkong's mind moved, and the sword soul in the sea of ​​consciousness also shot out. The blades of the two collided, and there was a soul-shaking explosion.

   "The methods of this mirror image are exactly the same as mine, even the fighting methods and actual combat experience are the same..."

  Su Changkong became more and more frightened as he fought.

   This mirror man is completely another Su Changkong, and the skills and martial arts he masters are the same as him. Instead of doing it, Su Changkong feels an unprecedented sense of difficulty and powerlessness!

  Any attacking opponent is aware of it and can deal with it.


Su Changkong slashed out the iron knife again, and the opposite mirror man stretched out a palm, grabbing the blade firmly, making it difficult for the blade to penetrate an inch. His skin turned red and his heart beat like a drum, like a ferocious humanoid beast , it is the giant whale battle body!


  The mirror man who opened the giant whale battle body, the iron knife in his hand looks a bit small, and he slashes down with a single knife. With the blessing of a martial saint-level physique, the power of this knife is enough to cut mountains and seas!


  Su Changkong's bones exploded, his true blood exploded, and he also turned on the giant whale body. He punched the blade angrily. Amid the sound of the collision, the strength of the fist and the energy of the sword turned into destructive waves, which spread out in all directions.

   Boom boom boom!

  The two fought crazily, with fists, palms and knives coming out. Every time they collided, it was like two fierce beasts fighting. The range of the two fighting, if not in the mirror world, would return to chaos.

   "No... It's hard to tell the winner if this fight continues, it's just wasting my true energy for nothing!"

Su Changkong's heart sank, he had scruples after all, unlike the mirror image man, who could strike without any scruples, even if he fought him to the death, under such circumstances, if he continued to fight, he would at most die together. It's just a lose-lose situation.

   "There are other mirror people?"

   What surprised Su Changkong even more was that as he fought the mirror man inextricably, in the pure white space not far away, a second mirror man began to gather faintly!

  In this mirror image space, it is not only necessary to defeat one mirror image person, but two, or even more than three!

  Facing a mirror man who is proficient in all his skills and martial arts is already a close call. Facing two or three of himself, how can there be half a chance of winning?

   "Exit first!"

  Su Changkong knew in his heart that it was impossible to pass the test of the mirror image space in one go. Now that he is invincible, he needs to make a long-term plan. There is a full three months, so there is no need to rush to decide the winner!

  Thinking of this, Su Changkong slammed into the mirror on the edge of the mirror image space.


  Su Changkong felt the surrounding scenery change, and he returned to the circular space surrounded by mirrors, and the mirror figure disappeared without a trace.

  Shi Jingtian, who was sitting cross-legged, had an imperceptible arc on the corner of his mouth, obviously expecting that Su Changkong and others would escape from the mirror image space in embarrassment like him.

   "Elder Dao, this a bit high!"

  Xia Yanyi and Hong Zhenxiang have also come out, Xia Yanyi smiled wryly.

   "Fight against a copy that is exactly the same as myself, how can I fight? There are more than one dozen!"

  Hong Zhenxiang also scratched his head, distressed.

  Su Changkong also felt helpless, this is really difficult, not fighting against warriors who are far beyond his own realm, but fighting against a "mirror image person" with the same ability as his own, this is the most difficult!

  You can reverse the martial arts, are you the strongest under the martial arts? The opponent is also capable of reversing the martial sage, the strongest under the martial sage, or a few beat you one by one!

   "This is too stupid."

   Hong Zhenxiang murmured, in the mirror image space, he mastered black arts and martial arts, and the mirror image man was exactly the same as him, so he knew it all!

   "If... Is there a chance of winning if I break through to the Martial Saint Realm in the mirror image space?"

   Hong Zhenxiang muttered to himself.

   "It can't be so simple. The difficulty of this mirror world is based on the level of cultivation. If you break through and become a martial artist, the difficulty will definitely increase accordingly. Instead, it will be self-defeating."

  Xia Yanyi immediately denied it.

  Indeed, for warriors who have mastered the god-seed and reincarnated martial saints, they can become holy at any time like Wei Shengxin. If they really become holy on the spot, it is impossible to pass the test of the mirror image space.

  The biggest possibility is to become a saint on the spot, and the mirror image man also became a saint on the spot. In fact, there is no change!

   "Damn! Damn! This mirror image space is simply impossible!"

  At this time, people rushed out of the mirror image space one after another in embarrassment. A young man in blue was distorted, his hair was disheveled, and he cursed anxiously.

   "It's Liu Changqing, the divine son of the Liu family."

  Xia Yanyi said to Su Changkong.

  Before the three of Su Changkong arrived, nine people had already arrived here. Those who could reach the last level were undoubtedly the evildoers and geniuses that can be counted among the few in a country, and most of them were the reincarnations of martial saints!

   And as time goes by, more people will definitely arrive here.

  But at this time, Liu Changqing's mentality was obviously a little bit shocked. This was the tenth time he entered the mirror space to challenge, but all failed.

As the reincarnation of a martial sage, he has practiced super fast since he was a child, and he has hardly encountered many setbacks. However, in this mirror image space, no matter whether you are an ordinary warrior or a monster who returned to his ancestors, they are all treated equally. !

   "This is too disgusting! I just broke through, and the second mirror image projected also broke through!"

   There was also a young man in Tsing Yi who had just come out of the mirror image space and yelled at him.

   This is a reincarnated martial saint from the Three Kingdoms, who can refine the god-seed to become a saint on the spot at any time.

But what made the corner of the young man in Tsing Yi twitch was that the mirror image man he projected was exactly like him. He tried to fight with his own mirror image man, but after a long time, a second mirror image appeared in the mirror image space. Run away without hesitation and escape from the mirror image space, otherwise you will be wiped out!

  The advantages of the past have all become disadvantages at this time!

   "How can this pass the test of the mirror space?"

   Hong Zhenxiang scratched his head.

  The fourth test left by the mirror master is indeed extremely abnormal, making all the top evildoers helpless and restless.

  At this moment, a murderous intent appeared in Su Changkong's eyes, and he saw another person coming in this circular space.

  The man was wearing a blood-colored robe, and his bare skin was covered with white cloth.

  Before he was worried that the battle in the Death Mountain would lead to an end, and he couldn't get out of the Death Mountain. The Blood God Son chose to give up, and now he has also arrived in this mirror space.

  The other party is suspected to be a member of the Ancient Demon Sect, which is why he has such murderous intentions towards Su Changkong.

  Xia Yanyi and Hong Zhenxiang also hated Xueshenzi when they saw him, but it was not easy to do anything in this circular space, so they could only suppress their killing intent temporarily.

   "Whoever gets the Great God Seed will never let this **** get it!"

  Hong Zhenxiang said angrily, if the Son of the Blood God gets the Great God Seed, then they must be unwilling and extremely angry.

   Xueshenzi glanced at the three of them, and there was also a faint killing intent in his eyes. He looked at the mirror leading to the mirror image space, observed it for a while, and then stepped into it.

   "Hope this guy sucks!"

   Hong Zhenxiang muttered.

   This last level is not so easy to pass, even if this blood **** child is unfathomable!

Sure enough, it didn't take long for the Blood God Son to also rush out of the mirror image space, with the blood in his eyes gleaming, and he was obviously also forced to retreat in it. Nowhere to use force.

   "Through this mirror space, I feel that a breakthrough must be made in it, so that I can have a chance to beat 'myself'."

  Su Changkong said silently in his heart, he probably understood the way to pass this test, that is to become stronger! Become stronger than 'yourself'! This will naturally defeat the Mirror Man!

   But this is easy to say, but very difficult to do. It may not be impossible to make a breakthrough, but after the breakthrough, can you surpass the original multiple selves? This is very difficult!

   Even if there is a breakthrough in a certain aspect, it is not a transformation from innate to holy, and there is a high probability that it is impossible to defeat multiple original selves with one enemy!

   And once the breakthrough fails to defeat the mirror man, then entering the mirror space again, the projected mirror man may also project the 'self' after the breakthrough.

   Therefore, this breakthrough must have a big breakthrough. After the breakthrough, it can break through the mirror image space at one time, otherwise it will be futile!

   It's hard, it's challenging! But not only did Su Changkong have no intention of giving up, on the contrary, he was full of fighting spirit. He always became more courageous the more frustrated he was, and the more challenges he had, the more motivated he was!

   "First refine this elixir of immortality."

  Su Changkong sat down in a corner of the wide circular space. He calmed down and took out a small bottle from his scholarly bag, with a look of anticipation on his face.

  Even if he can't get other treasures this trip, getting this elixir of immortality is already a worthwhile trip for Su Changkong!

   "I hope this elixir of immortality can help me break through the bottleneck of my lifespan and transform my potential!"

  Su Changkong took a deep breath, raised his head and swallowed the entire vial containing the Elixir of Immortality without wasting any potency!

  Su Changkong sat cross-legged, quietly refining the medicinal power of the elixir of immortality, digesting a little bit of medicinal power, his lifespan has always been fixed at 500 years, which seems to be the limit lifespan that a life under a martial saint can achieve!

   With the digestion of the medicine, Su Changkong clearly saw that his potential value was increasing, from the original 96 points to 97, 98, until it was fixed at 99 points.

But Su Changkong was not discouraged. The medicinal power of the Holy Pill of Immortality is so strong that it would take nearly a month to completely refine it at Su Changkong's refining speed. Now it is still far behind. Create a martial saint's god-like difference!

  Su Changkong would occasionally stop refining the elixir of immortality, and go to the mirror space to challenge himself as a test. After all, opponents of this level are hard to find!

   At the same time, Su Changkong wanted to find out the other characteristics of the mirror man in the mirror space.

   "Mirror Man... doesn't seem to be progressing in combat."

  Su Changkong did discover a shortcoming of the Mirror Man.

   At the moment of being projected, it is the peak strength of the mirror image man, and he will not realize something in the battle to break through!

  If it is true that even the aptitude and savvy of a warrior can be replicated, then this mirror image man is no doubt a real person!

   This further confirmed Su Changkong's thoughts. There is only one way to defeat these mirror figures, and that is to make a breakthrough in the mirror space, and it is a huge breakthrough, so big that he can defeat his original self with one enemy!

If you can really do this, you must have a strong will, as well as extraordinary aptitude and understanding. This will be recognized by the mirror master, and you will feel that the other party has the opportunity to reach the same height as yourself in the future, and even have the opportunity to surpass yourself. Only then can he be qualified to obtain the qualifications of the Great God Seed he left behind.

   As time passed, people reached the level of mirror image space one after another, and there were already more than twenty people. These people were all top evildoers from various countries.

   But without exception, they are stuck in the mirror space, and it is difficult to beat multiple selves!

   Among these people, Su Changkong also saw acquaintances.

   "Old Corpse, Ji Xuexiao?"

   Half a month later, Su Changkong saw a new person arriving in the mirror image space, it was Ji Xuexiao and the old man of the corpse!

   "Brother Dao came before us?"

  The corpse old man laughed.

  Ji Xuexiao also said helplessly: "We wanted to find you to explore this mirror world together, but we went to the Lingdao Sect and didn't see you."

  Su Changkong nodded upon hearing this.

  The old man Tianshi was retreating at the corpse mountain. After he left the customs, he heard about the Jingtiandi, so he immediately wanted to come and join in the fun. There are many people and strength, so the old man Tianshi immediately asked for a capable helper.

  Relying on his extremely powerful tracking ability, the old man Tianshi first found Ji Xuexiao, who was also practicing in seclusion, and then went to Su Changkong, but he was not found. Su Changkong had already entered the mirror world.

   Fortunately, both Ji Xuexiao and the old man Tianshi are extremely strong, and they successfully reached the last hurdle all the way.

  Ji Xuexiao and the old man Tianshi are in a good mood. The first 99 people who pass through the Death Mountain can get a god-level treasure. They all have a huge harvest!

   "Can you project yourself?"

After Ji Xuexiao and the old man Tianshi knew the mystery of this mirror image space, their eyes lit up. They hardly expected to obtain the Great God Seed, but this mirror image space is actually a good place to practice, and they can fight with "self" , Then you can discover your own shortcomings and make progress!

  Everyone is practicing quietly, challenging themselves in the mirror image space, and working hard to pass the test of the mirror image space.

   And half a month later, Su Changkong's body trembled suddenly, and ecstasy appeared in his eyes.

  Life: 501 years

  Potential value: 100 points

When Su Changkong refined and absorbed half of the potency of the Immortal Sacred Pill, his long-lasting lifespan finally broke through the 500-year barrier, reaching 501 years, and his potential officially entered the 100-point category. !

  (end of this chapter)