MTL - Longevity Martial Arts: Start with Five Animals Health Boxing-Chapter 259 The soul of the sword is unsheathed and the head falls! Invincible!

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  Chapter 259 The soul of the sword is unsheathed and the head falls! Invincible!

   "This sword has no front... Really strong! One person against five fake masters of supernatural powers? Among them are Mo Junlin and Gu Lie with outstanding combat power!"

  Yan Zhong saw the center of the battlefield, Su Changkong, who was one against five, couldn't help but said with a slightly changed expression.

  If Yan Zhong faced the siege of so many strong men, he would have to deal with one with caution, let alone the siege of five strong men, and he would die within one or two encounters.

   "Dao Wufeng was recognized by Tianlong Martial Sage, thinking that he is qualified to become the master of Hualongmen, it is indeed not that Dao Wufeng is lucky... but that he really has this qualification, and he will never be worse than Gu Lie!"

  Yan Ruo was also staring at the chaotic battlefield, admiring him as well.

  Nie Wu frowned slightly. This saber Wufeng is strong, and it can be used against many enemies. It is impossible to have a chance of winning. It has reached the level of Mo Junlin, Gu Lie and others. There is a gap between them, and it will not be too big to be crushed.

  With the cooperation of many people, Dao Wufeng didn't even have a chance to escape!

  Before ten people besieged Tianlong Zhanpuppet, in fact, everyone held their hands back, but now five strong men besieged Dao Wufeng, but with the killing intent to obliterate him, they all made a real move.

  So in fact, Dao Wufeng faces greater pressure than the previous Tianlong War Puppet, and there is no chance of winning.

   And Nie Wu was also worried that 'Dao Wufeng' would rather die than ask their Yan family for help, and die in the hands of others, and things would become more troublesome.

"Be careful!"

   At this time, on the sky boat, the thirteen princes and a group of accompanying warriors were watching the battle, but someone suddenly exclaimed.

  A gray cloud of mist emerged on the deck of the Tianzhou boat, heading straight for the thirteenth prince.


  The thirteenth prince was furious, and the golden long sword was drawn out of its sheath. The sword aroused the cold sword energy, cut the air, and beheaded the attacker!


That person slapped the blade with a gray palm, and there was a sound of gold and iron clanging. The air was shaking, and several warriors of the Heavenly God Dynasty wearing silver armor on the deck were blown upside down by the shock. out.

  The shooter was the old man of the corpse!

The old man of the corpse struggled in his heart, hesitating whether to participate in the siege of Su Changkong, if he did not take action, when Gu Lie, Mo Junlin and others captured Su Changkong, it would be impossible for him to win the battle puppet of Tianlong, if he participated in the siege, he could still Take this to share the spoils.

  But the old man Tianshi himself had a big grudge with Mo Junlin, and the other party wiped out his old lair, and joining forces with him, even the old man Tianshi felt that it was not appropriate.

  As for joining the battle circle and helping Su Changkong face the's too dangerous! He waited outside for two months, faintly aware that the enemies coming were not only Mo Junlin and others on the surface, but also unknown strong men were watching, so he helped Su Changkong meet the enemy, maybe even himself would be involved !

   And thinking of the scene where Su Changkong beheaded Master Xuanming and defeated the Demon Lord, maybe Su Changkong could really create a miracle. The old man Tianshi finally made a decision to help Su Changkong, but not directly joining the battle circle, but encircling Wei and saving Zhao!

These thirteen princes are the princes of the Heavenly God Dynasty. If he can win the thirteen princes, he can use them to threaten Gu Lie. Gu Lie is powerful, so it can be regarded as solving a strong enemy for Su Changkong without directly intervening. into chaos.

  If the situation is not good, he can get out in time.

   "Brother Dao, this old man will help you, you have to hold on!"

  The gray eyes of the old man of the corpse shone like a beast, and a pair of claws and nails protruded like sharp knives. He roared, and threw himself at the thirteenth prince.

  As long as the thirteen princes are taken down, Gu Lie can be forced to give up besieging Su Changkong, and he will be able to send charcoal in a timely manner, and then ask Su Changkong for the Tianlong puppet. The old man Tianshi has dealt with Su Changkong several times, and he knows that this person has clear grievances and grievances.

  Of course...the premise of everything is that Su Changkong can really defeat all powerful enemies and escape successfully!

   "Old thing! This prince will cut off your head!"

  The thirteen princes were frightened and angry, and swung the golden sword in their hands to meet the old man with the corpse.

   "Take him down!"

  On the Tianzhou, nearly a hundred other guards are all elites of the Heavenly God Dynasty.

   "Clang clang clang!"

  The corpse of the old man with a zombie body made of steel and iron, hard to resist sword slashing, bursting out bursts of metal and iron clanging sounds, only attacking but not defending, keeping a close eye on the thirteenth prince, and trying to take him down in a short time!

  Gu Lie also noticed the situation on the side of the thirteenth prince, but he didn't care about other things at the moment. With the strength of the thirteenth prince, it shouldn't be a problem for a while, until he solved the problem on Su Changkong's side.

   And Gu Lie didn't think that the old man Tianshi really had the guts to hurt the life of the thirteen princes. He is the son of the Martial Saint, the son of the gods of the Three Kingdoms!

   "Soul Blade must be used..."

Su Changkong's heart was solemn, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. With one enemy being many, they were all great masters who had cultivated false supernatural powers innately. It was indeed a bit reluctant, and the attacks continued one after another. He couldn't even use the wind and thunder archery. And Su Changkong had no choice but to use his hole cards and killer moves to turn the tide of the battle!

   "Dao Wufeng, don't blame me for revenge! I gave you a chance!"

Ba Yi's face was ferocious, and his burly body was like a ferocious beast. A pair of big hands stretched out and grabbed Su Changkong's spine from behind. His fingertips lingered with majestic power. Fa, Ba Yi and Ba Chen's strongest body is their physical body, and they can resist quasi-supernatural attacks directly.

  Although Su Changkong had saved Ba Yi before, they had paid for it, and they were merciless at this moment, wanting a share of the action.

  Su Changkong turned his head abruptly, his indifferent eyes seemed to be looking at a dead person, he wanted to kill Ba Yi and Ba Chen first, they were as strong as beasts, but weak in other aspects, they were the easiest to kill!

   "Huh? Back off!"

Ba Yi's palm was about to touch Su Changkong's back, but at this moment, his hair stood on end. With his intuition, which was sharper than that of a beast, he sensed an extreme danger, and even his heart stopped. His pupils constricted, and although he didn't know where the danger came from, he chose to trust his instincts and drew back quickly.'s too late!


  Su Changkong's eyebrows had a bit of cold light blooming, and the next second, a simple, primitive, and ordinary-looking long knife appeared out of thin air and burst out.

  Where it passed, without a sound, a deep crack appeared in the void, directly attacking the retreating Ba Yi!


  Ba Yi reacted quickly, the veins on his forehead popped up, his body was surging with blood, and his skin was stained a layer of red, as if there was a raging flame burning.


However, the moment his palms touched the blade, Ba Yi was stunned. His proud physical body was able to forcibly shake hands with quasi-supernatural powers. His ten fingers were cut off at the same root, just like tofu cubes. Fly up!

"How... is it possible?" Ba Yi was stunned. He had eaten the legendary real animal meat when he was a child. He practiced body training techniques, and his physical strength was hard to compare with anyone innately. In front of this long knife, he turned out to be a fragile tofu. like?

Ba Yi was stunned, Su Changkong's sword soul did not stop at all, after easily cutting off Ba Yi's ten fingers, it circled, passed by Ba Yi's neck, and then retracted like lightning, returning to Su Changkong's sea of ​​consciousness .


   Ba Yi’s head, which was retreating sharply, was separated from his neck soundlessly, and was thrown away. Blood on the neck was sprayed several feet high like a fountain, and his body retreated with inertia and fell to the ground weakly!

The head that flew up and fell to the ground was still dazed, as if he still couldn't believe that he was the top powerhouse of the wolf barbarian tribe, but he died so unpretentiously. , his head had already fallen to the ground, and his proud body was as fragile as paper.


  At this moment, the actions of Gu Lie, Mo Junlin and others who were besieging Su Changkong were all paused. No matter how you say it, Ba Yi was a well-known strong man, but he died in the blink of an eye?


Su Changkong didn't give them a chance to be stupefied. He threw out both fists, and the tiger roared in the void. Accompanied by the sound of thunder rolling, layers of howls caused the void to vibrate, producing a series of explosions. The momentum was astonishing and shocking. Next, Gu Lie and Mo Junlin were all bombarded and retreated.

   "Second brother!"

But at this moment, Ba Chen looked at Ba Yi whose body was separated on the ground, and let out a mournful cry, like a wounded wild animal. He and Ba Yi are brothers, and they supported each other until today. Seeing Ba Yi's death, It made him a little unacceptable.

   "Blade Wufeng! I'll kill you!"

After a momentary blank mind, Ba Chen let out a frenzied roar full of grief and murderous intent, like an enraged beast, pounced towards Su Changkong, with blood seeping out from the pores, and the violent breath was enough to It's frightening, and I don't dare to beat its edge!

   With every step, the ground trembled, and the billowing energy and blood formed a giant beast.

  Ba Chen just wanted to eat the murderer who killed his brother alive!

   "Don't go!"

   Xuanyin Yaonv hurriedly shouted, she didn't even know the method of killing Ba Yi, Ba Chen lost his mind and rushed forward, which was an act of courting death.

   "I will send you...brothers to reunite!"

   Facing Ba Chen who was rushing towards him, Su Changkong only had icy indifference on his face. He had helped these two people before, and even if he received a reward, it was considered a kindness to them. There was no need for them to go through the muddy water.

  Keep greedy for profit and want to besiege and kill Su Changkong for a share of the action, so what Su Changkong can do is to give them a ride!

  The soul of the sword is out!


  In the sea of ​​consciousness between Su Changkong's eyebrows, the sword soul rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness in an instant through the vibration produced by the five qi of the sea of ​​consciousness, like a stream of cold light, flashing away.

  The knife soul pierced through the eyebrows of Ba Chen, cutting iron like mud, without much hindrance, tore Ba Chen's skull, brain, and sea of ​​consciousness, and passed through!


  The ferocious and crazy expression on Ba Chen's face froze, his forward body fell top-heavy to the ground, his thick and burning blood cooled rapidly, and the breath of life dissipated.

  Under the pull and control of the silk thread formed by the five qi, the sword soul has already disappeared in Su Changkong's sea of ​​consciousness again!

  The soul of the sword is separated from the body, the ultimate move Su Changkong realized, to control and use the soul of the sword, to kill the enemy by itself, there is no movement that disturbs the world, only the ultimate sharpness, invincible!

   It was just a face-to-face meeting. The two brothers, Ba Yi and Ba Chen, the strong men from the wolf court, had no ability to resist, and they were killed on the spot!

   "Is that a...knife?"

  At this moment, Gu Lie and the others saw clearly what it was that killed Ba Yi and Ba Chen successively.

a knife! An indestructible knife!

   "What kind of knife is that? The two brothers Ba Chen and Ba Yi are strong enough to fight against fake supernatural powers, but they were instantly beheaded on the spot?"

Yan Zhong was dumbfounded, he was also good at swordsmanship, he was a rare elite in the Yan family, but it was very difficult for his sword to hurt Ba Chen and Ba Yi, while Su Changkong's sword cut them easily like cutting tofu ?

   "Dao Wufeng killed Ba Chen and Ba Yi?"

  While rushing to attack the old man who was going to take down the thirteenth prince, he also felt the breath of Ba Chen and Ba Yi dissipate, and he was equally astonished.

  Faced with the siege of five pseudo-supernatural masters, but killed two people in a short period of time? This made the old man Tianshi even more excited. His decision to help Su Changkong was right!

  Su Changkong is unfathomable. Although Jin Long said that he is not the reincarnation of a martial sage, he is extremely evil and unfathomable. Most likely, it is exactly what Jin Long said, and he will become a martial sage in the future! It's an otherworldly evildoer!

   "Sacred weapon, that knife is a divine weapon! Does this knife have another divine weapon? Is it obtained from Tianlong Cave?"

  Mo Junlin shuddered a little. Ba Chen and Ba Yi teamed up. If Mo Junlin wanted to defeat them, he had to use all his strength. He would definitely not be able to kill them so easily.

   This immediately reminded Mo Junlin of the divine weapon, only the divine weapon can have such sharp and indestructible power!

  Gu Lie, Mo Junlin, and Xuanyin Demon Girl all felt unprecedented solemnity in their hearts!

   "Soul that Soul Blade?"

As for the right minister of the Silver Moon Empire, Nie Wu, his brows twitched suddenly. He is not only the right minister of the Silver Moon Empire, but also a person that the ancestors of the Yan family valued very much. Taught him a lot.

  Nie Wu recognized at a glance that it was not a magic weapon, nor a real sword, but... the soul of the sword!

   "This Dao Wufeng can actually kill the enemy with the soul of the sword? Can it be so flexible and fast?"

  Nie Wu couldn't believe it.

  It is extremely difficult to transform the soul and reach the soul state, and it is even more difficult than cultivating a quasi-unique art or a unique art to the level of quasi-supernatural powers.

Even if you reach the soul state, it is extremely difficult to let your soul out of the body. Even if the soul is out of the body, jumping into the water with someone who can't swim, or in boiling water, is an act of courting death. If there is a little damage, the consequences will be unpredictable .

  But Su Changkong can separate the soul of the knife, and is also flexible and fast? Somewhat unbelievable!

Nie Wu naturally didn't know that Su Changkong relied on the Celestial Silkworm Kungfu to condense the five qi in the Sea of ​​Consciousness into silkworm silk, which entangled the sword soul. In this way, even if the sword soul left the body, there was still a connection between the body and the sword soul. Soul kills the enemy!

Gu Lie, Mo Junlin, and the Xuanyin demon girl were all shocked by Su Changkong's killing two masters with the soul of the sword, and they didn't dare to make a move for a while, but Su Changkong didn't give them more time to think. Kill them all to avoid future troubles!


  Su Changkong's face was as cold as frost, he took a step forward, shrinking the ground into an inch, approaching the Demon King's Landing, a drop of the true essence of the black tortoise melted, and the white tiger roared to kill!


The phantom of the white giant tiger condenses, and the roar shakes the heavens and the earth, like thousands of giant beasts roaring and galloping, layer after layer of sound waves roaring and tsunami, if there is the power to destroy the world, the heart of the devil will jump .

   "Rakshasa eyes!"

  Mo Junlin didn't dare to be careless, the blood in his body was rushing, urging the power of the blood to the extreme, the third eye on his forehead was wide open, as if bleeding was about to bleed, the blood spurted thinly, and collided with the sound waves in front of him one after another.


  The sound wave collided with the blood light, and the rolling crackling sound was endless. The blood light and the sound wave surged, and the surrounding void was like a ball of kneaded paper, creating chaos, and fine cracks filled the air.


  Among the rolling sound waves, Su Changkong's sword soul had already left his body, mingled with it, shot out, smashed through, sliced ​​through the thick blood, and the sharp knife tip that gleamed with cold light pierced Demon Junlin's head!

  Before he reached his body, Mo Junlin had a terrible illusion that his head was pierced and his sea of ​​consciousness was torn apart.


Fortunately, a layer of purple mist condensed out of thin air, like a soft cloud, the knife soul pierced into it, piercing through it, but the speed was uncontrollably slowed down, which gave Mo Junlin time to dodge , he shifted his head to avoid the piercing of the soul of the sword, but his cheek was slightly painful, and a hole was cut open without a sound!

   It is the Xuanyin demon girl who is helping her, her body is mysterious, she disappears without a trace, and the true energy of Xuanyin is ever-changing!

"My Rakshasa body... can't hold it?" Feeling the blood dripping from his cheeks, Mo Junlin's heart skipped a beat. Although his Rakshasa body doesn't focus on defense, it can still withstand the sharp weapons of magic weapons. Hit, and that strange long knife can be said to be invincible, and flesh and blood can't stop it at all!

   "He must be killed!"

  Gu Lie also had a killing intent in his heart, he faintly realized that what Su Changkong used was not some divine weapon, but his own power! It's some kind of pseudo-supernatural power he cultivated through cultivation!

  Jin Long is right, the person in front of him is really a monster, a monster who is extraordinary and refined, and he is more qualified than him to obtain the Dragon Transformation Gate.

  But at this point, he has become an enemy with the other party, so he must be killed regardless of everything.

   "Golden Armor Shinto Skill!"

Gu Lie clenched his fists tightly, and a terrifyingly thick true energy surged in his body, turning Gu Lie's bones and muscles into gold. The whole person seemed to have transformed from a mortal body into a golden armored god.

  Gu Lie has cultivated two unique skills to the level of great achievement and false supernatural powers. One is Tianshenquan, and the second is this golden armor Shinto skill. When he uses it with all his strength, he looks like a golden armored god.

   "Mysterious Yin Magic Needle!"

As for the Xuanyin demon girl, her figure is illusory, hidden in the void. Between her fair fingers, black and purple thin needles emerged, seemingly inconspicuous, but in fact they were designed to break the body's true energy, and she was stabbed a little. The skin will cause the imbalance of yin and yang in the enemy's body, the yin and yang will devour the body, and the flesh and blood will melt!


Gu Lie, Mo Junlin, and Xuanyin Yaonv, the three major powerhouses, all knew that Su Changkong in front of him was terrifyingly strong. Not only did he master many pseudo-supernatural powers, but he also had an indestructible sword in his sea of ​​consciousness. Together, there is a possibility of killing it!

  The three strong men are all ready to attack with all their might.

   "Ah... stop it."

  At this time, in the void, there was a soft sigh.

  Everyone's eyes were fixed together. In the void, a person stepped out slowly, as if passing through the space of mustard seeds. His body moved from far to near, from small to large, and stepped out of the void out of thin air!

This is a young man not more than twenty years old. He is as rich as jade, dressed in white, and gentle and elegant. From the outside, he looks like a handsome young man, but when he glances at his gentle eyes, it makes people shudder. Souls and evil spirits are being watched.

"Here we come..." When Nie Wu saw this young man appear, he narrowed his eyes, realizing that he had come to Tianlongdongtian this morning, but had been hiding the terrifying powerhouse who hadn't shown up. After leaving Su Changkong, he finally couldn't bear to show up.

   This is the real danger to Su Changkong!

  An artifact, how can it be so easy to keep?

   (Starting point Chinese website update notice, the next chapter will be updated at 22:00 on the 8th)

  (end of this chapter)