MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-~ Happy New Year to everyone.

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I have been afraid to post a single chapter, because the update is shameless.

But it's the new year, and I still want to wish all book lovers a happy new year, no disasters, no pain, and happiness.

Regarding longevity, there were twists and turns due to personal physical and mental reasons, but it is necessary to finish writing according to the outline. In this regard, everyone can rest assured, after all, Fat Yu has never been a eunuch.

This year is not bad, and the new year will definitely be better. I wish myself a safe and long life, and the new book will reach a new height.

By the way, brothers who have not joined the group, you can join the group to chat, and Fat Fish will answer all the questions online, and send some small red envelopes by the way.

All in all, happy new year.

Once again I wish you all a happy new year.

Read The Duke's Passion