MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-Chapter 618 10 kalpas came to the world, reborn as demons

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"First deceive sentient beings to write letters, and then borrow the power of sentient beings' thoughts and wishes to refine the dharma body. I have obtained pure yang essence roots, three thousand trouble threads, and myriad wonderful mysterious beads in the first round of practice. If I continue, I will eventually If all the people in the god-searching world are used for refining, I am afraid that not only can they refine a dharma body that is stronger than the wonderful body of the spirit treasure, but they can set foot in the realm of Taoism and even the realm of robbery."

"I don't know which Tianjiao patriarch created this kind of evil method. It is really exquisite."

"Unfortunately, the price is too high. Such speculation can only be a fool's dream."

"However, this method is also most suitable for cultivation in the world of searching for gods. The custom of this world is 'supremacy of the gods', and it really attracts the gods of Yuanhai. Qi essence, there is no other world in the abyss so convenient, could it be because of the number of days?"

While Tao Qian was admiring, he was also thinking about the disadvantages of this method, and wondering whether he could bear it.

If he can accept it, this method is enough to enable him to attain the Tao.

Thinking of this, Tao Mozi became even more excited.

Although he is a clone of the original [Lingbao Fu Nie Zhenjun], he is still an independent person. If he can find and realize the Dao that belongs to him, how can he refuse?

"This method is easy to learn but difficult to practice. It should be considered in the long run."

"The boundless pain caused by tens of thousands of people coming together to ravage and torture the soul is one of them."

"Afterwards, there will be the fundamental conflict of the essence of the gods, the backlash after being disturbed by the minds of all beings, the possibility of going crazy at any time, and the alienation of the soul... and other costs, none of which are easy to pay."

"Although I am proud, I also have self-knowledge. My talent has never reached the level of crushing a group of patriarchs and other secret demons. Since most of them quit halfway and ended sloppily, there must be a lot of difficulties."

"Let's practice it first, and it's just a trick. Fortunately, this devil also has a lot of tricks."

After thinking about it, Tao Mozi immediately used his tyrannical trump card.

Looking up at the sky above the capital of the Kingdom of Liang, the pale worm, which was so huge that the boundary could no longer be seen, ordered bluntly:

"Good bug, don't be busy eating."

"Let's deduce it for me, your master, can you master the "Supreme Secret Demon Ten Thousand Spiritual Alchemy"?"

"Will the obtained dharma body be able to suppress the spiritual treasure body that I have boasted for many years?"

Tao Mozi's dharma body had just formed, and he immediately relaxed.

But he didn't want to pay some price other than practicing the method from the next day.

Because of his great pursuit, his real goal is to search for the "origin of the Dao of Heaven" in the God Realm.

Therefore, he didn't eat up those ordinary people and common people who helped him practice like other demon cultivators, or simply ignore them, but adopted the strategy of appeasement and reward.

Unexpectedly, such a move is really rare, and ordinary good gods can't do it.

The so-called good people are bullied!

The same is true for gods and demons.

All the human races in God Realm are experienced.

Knowing that when encountering such a powerful and kind **** and demon, the opportunity should not be missed, so he must hurry up and squeeze himself to death.

Ever since, from the next day, Tao Mozi was punished by "Wan Min Nian Nian".

In the territory of Liang State, a large number of believers chanted his nonsense "Peach Blossom Fairy Scripture", and at the same time prayed for various benefits from him, a **** and demon.

If you haven't practiced the Ten Thousand Refining Spiritual Technique, just recite it if you are chanted, anyway, the Peach Blossom God was created by him, even if the main body is harassed because of this, it will not be his turn to the Tao Demon.

But this time is different, he has established a heart-soul connection with these believers after practicing the Fa, and he can hear it naturally.

All day long he had been on this errand.

Such things as appetite, luck, wealth, descendants, etc., are all easy to solve, but the peach blossom temples that can use all the resources of the Liang Kingdom are not decorations.

There was just one thing that made Tao Mozi very helpless.

Seek a partner!

This is really the retribution he deserves.

Who told Tao Mozi not to invent other gods and demons names, insisting on making up some peach blossom gods, no wonder the believers begged their own gods and demons to give them companions.

Most of the requests are normal, and they are nothing more than asking the gods and demons to help them find the one that suits them best.

A small number of believers, on the other hand, are more greedy and put forward all kinds of unimaginable demands, which are clearly exclusive customizations... Almost all the requests of such people are perverted, disgusting, jaw-dropping, and difficult to publicize.

There are even rarer believers who simply set their sights on the "Peach Blossom God" himself, asking to become a Peach Blossom Goddess or a Peach Blossom Fairy, to accompany the gods and demons, and so on.

"Women beg, men also beg."

"Hmph, if I'm really an unscrupulous, male-female **** and demon, that's all. With [Wan Miao Xuanzhu] this supernatural foreign object, with just a few shakes, I can summon millions of clones, and all of them will be transformed. As a wonderful body, all believers will share one, and everyone will have a share, and they can all enjoy bliss, but this devil is not."

"But it's not good if you only respond to female believers. Although I have the ability to guard millions of girls that night, I don't have the hobby and appetite. Besides, the price of doing so is high, which is enough to make the Peach Blossom God degenerate in the eyes of all people. As a genus of evil gods, the gains outweigh the losses.”

"Huh? That's all."

In his thoughts, Tao Mozi made a move.

I saw this guy with great supernatural powers, preaching to all believers:

"Marriage partner, be careful."

"The Peach Blossom Sutra that I have always chanted, has a good match."

"If you want to get a perfect Taoist companion, cultivate the Peach Blossom Sutra diligently, and offer rare sacrifices, when the time comes, you can be promoted to [Spiritual Cultivation of Gods and Demons], and you can teach me the Dharma, and your wish will come true."

"If you want to be with me, you must be promoted to [Peach Blossom Goddess]. This is a chance, don't look at other things, just look at the fate."

After some deception, Tao Mozi successfully resolved the excessive demands of believers.

As for promotion channels such as gods, demons, spiritual cultivation, and Peach Blossom Goddess, he decided it with one word, so it was not troublesome.

After he dealt with it like this, he was about to continue his practice, but he didn't want the two empress dowagers, Jiang Caiyun and Jiang Caiping, to come hand in hand, hold on to their words, and insisted on accompanying them, not to mention Shi Boniang, a heroic woman with a unique flavor. The general also pulled in.

After all, she was a goddess under his command, and Tao Mozi had no choice but to turn into a beautiful boy to appease them one by one.

so and so!

Tao Qian lived in Liang Guo, but he had a peaceful life for a few days.

With the blessing of his "Peach Blossom God", the entire country has peace.

Not only is there no war, but the natural disasters that can be seen everywhere on the continents of the God Realm, such as Jinsha Extinction Wind, Earth Aperture Real Fire, Five Shade Poisonous Miasma, Yinhuo Poisonous Syrup, etc., are also before causing harm. It was eliminated by Tao Mozi's spell.

It is not an exaggeration to call this peaceful country a paradise.

All of a sudden, the attractiveness of Liang Guo increased greatly.

The common people of the human race from the surrounding Tang, Zhou, Ming and other countries migrated here with their families.

After confirming that the rumors were correct, the Peach Blossom God, a **** and demon, became famous on the Ten Thousand Gods Continent.

With the sudden increase in the foreign population, the growth of Yantian Chong is also accelerating, and more secrets and information have been glimpsed to let Tao Qian know.

"Soul God Realm, Wanshen Continent, there are 18 countries, large and small, on the vast territory."

"Like Liang Guo and his ilk, it is a medium-sized country."

"The smaller ones include Han, Zheng and others. The territory is only as large as Langya County in Liang State, and it was ruled by some powerful gods and demons early on."

"But such as Zhou, Tang, Song, Yuan... about six or seven real big countries are still being contested by a large number of gods and demons. Many Dao lineages have been passed down to the world, and there are many traces of secret demons. There are even a few people who are acquainted with each other. is already present."

"Wait for a while and consider expansion."

Tao Mozi has refined into a **** of ten thousand refining spirits. He has a fish basket Bodhisattva under his command, and he has obtained treasures such as the plague **** umbrella and heart-binding rope.

A hundred years!

It sounds like it is extremely long.

But if you don't have a good plan, you may not be able to win other secret devils.

If the election fails, his past boasting will be ruined.

There are no mistakes or omissions in Tao Qian's thoughts, especially with the help of Yantian Chong, he has great confidence.

Unfortunately, he is currently searching the God Realm.

This world can attract many gods and demons in the great abyss, and can also make many gods and demons return home. Naturally, it is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

After he entered the world, he experienced many things, but only a few scales and half claws. Soon he will understand why this world will completely collapse within a hundred years, and all living beings will perish.

On this day, the Imperial Palace of the Kingdom of Liang, the Empress Dowager's bedroom.

Tao Qian's beautiful young man is lying on a soft silk bed without a strand of hair, his head is resting on a yin and yang, hugging a queen mother on the left and right, and a heroic female general can be seen below, of course it is also a naked version.

Such a beautiful scene was suddenly shattered by a thunderbolt from heaven and earth.

Liang Guo?

No, it was the entire God Search Realm.

Only a strange loud noise was heard, the sky and the earth trembled, and all living beings in the world were startled awake.

Tao Qian also woke up, and then he felt an indescribable horror omen, his brows were furrowed, and he was about to do something.

In my mind, the crazy warning from Yantian Chong turned into scarlet blood characters, and they came over with a bang:

"The origin of the God Search Realm is alienated again, the world is damaged, and all living beings will suffer backlash."

"When the ten calamities come to this world, it will crush...half of the living beings in the God Realm."

What is a bolt from the blue, this is it.

Even Tao Qian was horrified at this moment.

He had experienced the "human catastrophe" specifically aimed at the human race in the Longevity Realm, but he didn't say that at least half of the human race would be wiped out when he came up with such a large calamity.

What made Tao Qian even a little panicked was the scene of broken scenes that Yantian Chong passed on after him:

It seems that it is quite far away from Liang Guo, a land called "Wu Guo".

This is a small country, about dozens of counties, with a population of more than one million.

In the past, wild gods were worshiped all over the place. Recently, they were subdued by an extraterritorial **** called "Dragon Mother". Millions of people believed in Dragon Mother, and they chanted "Spiritual Desire and Dragon Mother Sutra" all day long, very pious.

This demon sounds good, but in fact it is a kind of demon, a demon who obtains Tao by practicing evil methods.

If you recite the evil scriptures handed down by her, you will be transformed into a scroll clan.

When the time comes, they will ascend collectively and integrate into the evil body of the dragon mother.

But before that, she will pretend to be a "good god" and bestow many benefits to strengthen her faith.

Looking at it, it is close to the time for the Dragon Mother to harvest.

Natural disasters came suddenly, and a scarlet storm filled with the smell of meat descended on the country of Wu without warning.

Wherever this fleshy wind passes, no matter if it is human race or other monsters, beasts, birds, etc., as long as it is of flesh and blood, it will be swallowed up and merged into the storm.

How do you discipline your cultivation?


Even the leader of the indigenous Juan clan specially transformed by the mother of the dragon, and even the clone descended by the mother of the dragon: a real female dragon with a head comparable to a mountain, with a thousand heads, strong and fat.

When he encountered the storm, he only struggled for a few breaths before being wiped out, not even a corpse remained.

Before dying, he wailed unwillingly:

"Searching for the God Realm, you actually hurt me like this."

"It's only one day away. I could have taken this opportunity to make further progress, but I didn't want to lose everything."

"Hate, I hate."

Tao Qian was horrified when he saw it, and he was also horrified when he saw it.

After all, he also entered the world for the purpose of looting, and seeing other colleagues lost their money, it is inevitable that things will hurt them.

Playing Tian Chong'er didn't care about these things, and passed on the secrets he had seen and the follow-up deduction one by one:

"The storm of scarlet flesh, named [Selling Bone Fenglu], is one of the ten calamities."

"It is not acquired, but conceived by heaven and earth."

"This catastrophe is specifically aimed at flesh and blood creatures. No matter how powerful they are, as long as they are conceived by flesh and blood, as long as they cannot resist the power of the world, they cannot be exempted."

"Even if the body of the innate gods and demons falls into the God Sou Realm and is shrouded by this wind, they will perish."


Tao Qian was completely shocked, and fear inevitably appeared in his eyes.

In my mind, there is still the scene of the entire Wu Kingdom being wiped out.

The real one is not left behind, not only a million people, men, women and children, even a dog, a bird, a worm... all died in the territory.

Looking at the description of Tian Chong, it is obvious that even if Tao Mozi showed the newly refined "Wan Lian Ling Shen Dharma Body", he would not be able to survive this kind of calamity called Fenglu.

Although in his mind, Tao Qian can still see pictures of other countries:

All kinds of incredible disasters!

All kinds of miserable scenes that are unbearable to look at, heart-soul-destroying!


The huge God-searching world was suffering unimaginable changes, withered and mutilated in an instant, and howled everywhere.

But at this time, Tao Mozi didn't even have time to watch.

He just frantically urged to act as a worm, and UU Reading will pass on the follow-up deduction about himself and Liang Guo.

After a while, he got his wish.

Then, his complexion became extremely ugly.

"The ten kalpas have come to the world separately, and they are killing all living beings in the God Realm."

"After about three breaths, Liang Guo will be robbed."

"It should be a kind of catastrophe called [Devil of Rebirth]."

"This catastrophe is extremely fierce, and it is aimed at the human race, or the creatures who have already attained enlightenment."

"It's a strange natural disaster born from the heart. Once it comes, those who fall into it will immediately cut off their vitality and die on the spot. They will use their own vitality to repair the vitality of the heavens."

"Even if you have profound Taoism and tyrannical cultivation, as long as your strength is not comparable to that of the whole world of God Search Realm, you will not be able to resist this calamity."

"With a population of tens of millions in the Liang Kingdom, at least five million people will be "reborn demons", and they will all die within half an hour."