MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-Chapter 577 The sister-in-law returns home, and Tao Qian adds more ingredients

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The secret demon led the way, and Tao Qian still looked calm and supported Princess Daluo.

It seems that he doesn't think much of that so-called "evil sword".

It's just that in his heart and soul, there is the same voice roaring repeatedly.

"Grab it, get that sword, you must get it..."

This voice is really hard to resist.

The more talented and proficient in swordsmanship, the more irresistible he is.

Especially accompanied by these voices, there is also an incomparably real, no, the feeling of real existence, which is a gift, a gift that is given before it is touched.

This moment!

In his mind, a large number of swordsmanship and swordsmanship that he had never practiced or even seen before emerged automatically, including Taoism, Buddhism, Demon Sect, side sects... and even swords created by various gods and demons in the source sea. The tactic can be said to be all-encompassing and omnipresent.

"Just after seeing me at first glance and realizing that I am a sword cultivator, why did you give me such a big gift first?"

"If a fellow Taoist like Shi Yingqiong was here, seeing this weird evil sword with a few saber teeth remaining, I'm afraid I couldn't bear the temptation."

These two thoughts just flashed through.

When Tao Qian was still struggling to resist the overlapping roars, the "Nie Jian" seemed to feel that Tao Qian hadn't taken the bait yet, and unexpectedly put down the bait again.

The swordsmanship of the heavens began to gather and became the heavenly level of swordsmanship. Each level is Tao Qian's familiar swordsmanship. Starting from the Wuwu style, it is followed by killing immortals, demons, demons, aliens, Buddhas, and gods. , Zhu Xie, Jue Sui... After the ninth level, the last level is the broken sword.

That is to say, as long as you get this evil sword, you can reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship and be invincible in all heavens and myriad realms.

This kind of temptation is real and unstoppable, especially for sword cultivators who have practiced "Secret Demon Sacrificial Sword Art", it can be called fatal.

Even if Yuan Gong is here, I'm afraid he will lose his composure.

Only Tao Qian was an exception.

When the body trembled slightly to avoid pollution, there was also a statement in the mind:

[Is being eroded by the sword intent of the big heavenly secret demon fan...can be exempted! 】

[This sword intent originated from the saber Slaying Evil Sword of the second-generation patriarch of the Secret Demon Sect "Sacrifice Sword Demon". Fascinated by the heavens and all spirits, the gods and demons of the great abyss, he is his sword slave and is driven by them. 】

[All the sword tactics and sword skills taught by this sword intent are real, but the price of cultivation will increase by more than ten times. 】

[If you succumb to the sword intent, you will no longer be able to become the master of the evil sword. 】

[If you can obtain the body of the evil sword, you will receive a lifetime inheritance from the ancestor of the sword demon. 】

[Can be exempted from sword intent pollution! 】

[Can be exempted from pollution of the evil sword body part! 】

When these immunity information surfaced, Tao Qian suddenly became excited, and shouted in his heart:

"What a patriarch's relic!"

"Could it be that the fortune and destiny of the main body also engraved a copy for me."

"Such as the human race bag, the Nine Toad Beads, the Toad God Wadang, the Miaoshu Treasure Boat, and the Wanxia Divine Clothes on the main body... there are a lot of treasures, but I don't have any of them. If I can get this magic sword now, it will be just It fills the gap."

"It's right, it's right for me."

Cang Si naturally didn't know the changes in Tao Qian's body. He saw that the ancestral devil who had clearly practiced the Sword of Sacrificial Life remained calm after seeing the "Zhan Nie Sword". The reason is still there.

At this time, he didn't dare to lift the seal by himself to release more pollution, that would be suicide.

The Nie Zhanjian was obtained by him when he practiced outside, and it is extremely dangerous. If it hadn't been for his teacher [Wuji Demon Lord] to seal it that day.

The current Cangxi Zhenjun has long been turned into a puppet controlled by the evil sword, killing everywhere.

"The Nie Zhanjian, after all, was left by that patriarch. Even if there is only a hilt and a few teeth left, the power is not something I can resist."

"Those who don't practice swordsmanship will suffer disaster if they get this sword."

"If one who has mastered swordsmanship gets a sword, the disaster will be even worse."

"This is also the price of Debao. If he can bear it, I will never use any means to get the treasure back."

Cang Si thought to herself that these thoughts were considered upright.

So he didn't hesitate anymore, raised his hand and threw it, and the evil sword turned into a little dark magic light again, and flew towards Tao Qian.

Touch the moment!

Tao Qian felt his hands were cold, heavy and rough, like a piece of rusty iron ingot.

Almost at the same time, a black talisman suddenly appeared on the hilt of the sword.

Spontaneous combustion without fire!

Turn into fly ash and disperse.

Tao Qian saw this scene, and all the secret devils also saw it, and they immediately guessed that it was the plan of Zhenjun Cangxi.

Sure enough, when the black talisman turned into fly ash, Cang Si's reminder came long after.

"So that the younger brother will know."

"This evil sword is also considered a treasure in the Secret Demon Sect, especially for sword cultivators, it can be called a supreme treasure."

"There are benefits, but there are also costs. The sword is attached to the resentment of the ancestors, and the evil gods who were beheaded by the ancestors hate and taint the blood... If you can't bear it, it will be a little hindered. It was previously blocked by my master's [Wuji Fengmo It is sealed by the talisman, so it cannot be revealed."

"Since the sword belongs to the younger brother, the magic talisman should naturally be taken back, so the younger brother can do it for himself."

These words spit out.

All the secret demons also complained about True Monarch Cangxi in their hearts or on the bright side.

"This old cow didn't expect to be a thick-faced and dark-hearted person, and he would use such dirty tricks?"

"Junior Brother Cang Si has always been sincere. After all, he has learned the tricks of insidious people. Although it is a bit obvious, it is already considered effective."

"Ancestral devil, you are about to suffer."

"Too greedy, to catch the treasures thrown by others empty-handed, it deserves to be tricked."

True Monarch Cangxi, who threw the evil sword, completely ignored being ridiculed.

After deliberately babbling, he pinched his feet and drove the golden-eyed beast to run wildly forward.

At this time, the mind is like this: "While this son is dealing with pollution, and his mind and soul are in confusion, **** back Daluo. After that, whether he lives or dies has nothing to do with me."

It has to be said that Master Cangsi had a good plan.

Unfortunately, he miscalculated.

When Tao Qian received the sword, his heart and soul were completely immersed in it, and he began to avoid pollution.

As for the initial outburst of filth, he simply ignored it.

Due to the resentment on the sword and the extremely strong thoughts of brutal gods and demons surged up together, he controlled his body, swung the broken sword extremely ferociously, and slashed straight at Cangxi Zhenjun who happened to be running towards him.


"Smash the devil!"

Even in alienation, Tao Mozi still remembered to use the most suitable sword move against the enemy.

All the demons could only see the main starry sky tremble, and a ring of demon-swinging swords that was even more terrifying than splitting hundreds of thousands of gods and demons broke out in an instant.

Accompanied by the shrill roar of the beast, True Lord Cangsi and his golden-eyed beast were sent flying away for an unknown distance.

Cang Si was a tough guy, and he didn't say a word after being severely injured. As for the fierce beast with ten heads and nine tails, it was instantly wiped out by this sword.

What's unlucky is that group of mysterious devils, although they were only affected, they tried every means to block the sword ring, but they were still smashed and flew at least a hundred miles away.

What makes them helpless and fortunate is that if there is no such a hundred miles, I am afraid that it will be even worse in the future.


Tao Qian, who got the evil sword, transformed.

All the demons could see clearly that as the black talisman disappeared, the Niejian, which was still like a piece of rusted iron, burst into magic light, revealing its true colors.

No, the truth did appear, but no one could see it.

Gein's sword hilt was full of filth.

Various colors of filthy blood, rotting meat, fine bone fragments, and yellow teeth, as if someone deliberately fattened the sword hilt with the corpses of many monsters, and dug it out after the staining was complete.

Both fresh!

Disgusting again!

Tao Qian felt the real touch, and felt uncomfortable.

It's too late to see more, the beam of light is already

Reaching heaven and earth, it seems that there are thousands of "living creatures" gushing out of it.

They are all filthy, ominous, unclean, cruel...things, and they burrow into Tao Qian's body like crazy.

Tao Qian's body trembled every time he entered, and at the same time, the demon's body changed, such as swollen flesh, rotting tentacles, dense blood mist, fine granulation, mutant bone tumors... and other distorted limbs that could not be seen directly, crazily breeding and spreading.

In the blink of an eye!

In that realm, there are no more ancestral demons, only a terrifying monster exists.

Huge expansion, infinite expansion and devouring.

It is obviously the main path of the secret demon, but now it seems to have come to the [God and Demon Cemetery], and many gods and demons are howling and roaring.

A group of mystic demons scattered around one after another, all of them looked at this scene with shocked expressions.

"How many gods and demons did the sword demon patriarch kill? Counting those who look weak, I'm afraid it's over a hundred."

"It is rumored that the patriarch was already insane and alienated when he realized [Taohuajing], and later he obviously had a robbery immortal cultivation base, but he never stopped, still wandering around in the abyss, taking pleasure in killing gods and demons, and in the later stage, Ordinary benevolent gods or evil gods are all looked down upon, and they will not be killed unless they are evil gods."

"That's right. Most of the evil gods fell into a deep sleep. They were dug up and beheaded by him, until one day the patriarch accidentally dug up a big one, and finally died."

"Nie Shenkong has the power of gods and demons, but he has no heart, soul and reason. He only hates everything and destroys everything... I am afraid that Junior Brother Tao from the ancestral land will be gone."

"He was tricked by Cang Si, and the filthy flesh and blood of at least a hundred evil gods penetrated into his body. Even if the ancestors came, I'm afraid they would not be able to save him."

Mysterious devils, what you say to each other seems to have sealed Tao Qian's end.

It sounds very reasonable.

But he didn't know that Tao Qian was full of joy at this time.

He didn't care about how his handsome face had changed, he just looked at the detailed descriptions that burst out in his mind:

【Name: Slashing Nie Sword (Remnant). 】

[Records: Magic Treasure. 】

[Remarks: This sword has no name and taboo, but it was a weapon made of ordinary iron by the second generation patriarch of the Secret Demon Sect, "Sword Demon", before he entered the Tao. Gradually it turned into a supreme demonic sword, and the number of creatures perishing on its edge is estimated to be in the hundreds of millions... After the sword demon entered the abyss, this sword was even more stained with the blood of gods and demons. This sword has been used countless times. The birth of the sword spirit was all killed by the evil sword itself... Before the sword demon died, he realized the tenth form of "cutting evil", and the evil sword was named after his sword move. The day it was named was also the time when the evil sword shattered. 】

[Note 1: Although the evil sword does not give birth to sword spirits, it contains endless secrets. The life memories of the creatures killed by it will be swallowed by it, but there is a difference between strength and weakness, and the inheritance of the weak will be gradually wiped out... Now only the sword demon himself and a group of evil gods are left in the sword. 】

[Note 2: When using any sword technique with this sword, the power will increase several times, even more than ten times, and the loss will be reduced by half. 】

[Note 3: Those who get this sword will be eroded day and night by many evil gods, blood and resentment in the sword. They will almost die in the blissful state, and will also be hindered in the Taoist state. Jiexian will feel that the sword is unclean. 】

[Note 4: Although this sword does not have a sword spirit, it has a sword intent. The sword intent has no intelligence, but it has instincts. It is always trying to call back the "sword demon". The swordsman is transformed into the sword demon himself, in order to achieve a certain degree of "rebirth". 】

[Note 5: Because the sword demon has killed too many evil gods, it has been marked by all evil gods. If you hold this sword, if you encounter evil gods, you will be hunted down endlessly. 】

[Watch 6: The fragments of the evil sword have been scattered all over the world, all over the source sea, because the evil sword has the ability to gather, it will continue to breed troubles, attract disasters, and promote the unity of the evil sword... On the day of recasting, if you hold the sword Those who cannot conquer the sword intent, the evil sword will fly away by itself, looking for the evil **** to kill by itself. 】

[Note 7: Therefore, the sword is incomplete, and there is no one in ten. 】

"Huh? What do you mean at all?"

When Tao Qian finished reading this extremely detailed annals.

his demon body

, I did not know how many times I shuddered.

Then, a miraculous scene appeared in the main path of the secret demon.

The filthy and rotten scene, like a cemetery of gods and demons, disappeared in the blink of an eye.

The demon-swinging sword intent dissipated.

Tao Qian and Princess Daluo reappeared, as if the previous scenes were all hallucinations.

The change was so fast that no matter whether it was the secret devils or Cangxi Zhenjun, they couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

what happened

How is this possible?

This son has been polluted by the evil sword?

Even the Eternal Demon Lord would use a magic talisman to seal the evil sword, how can a mere ancestral demon hold it in his hand without defense at this moment?

Just when everyone couldn't believe it, Tao Qian smiled loudly and put away the evil sword in his hand very satisfied.

He raised his hand again, pried open the mouth of the tormented Princess Daluo, and very roughly stuffed the [Treasure Fan of Taiyin] back.

Immediately, the probe pushed and said:

"Senior brother Cang Si is so honest and open, Tao will not fall behind."

"Money and goods are settled, and my sister-in-law will return the biscuit."

"The grievances and grievances between you and my senior brother are settled here."

Slightly dazed, the embarrassed Master Cangsi reached out and caught his beloved wife.

Hearing Tao Qian's ridicule again, he couldn't help being angry again.

Holding that devil's halberd, he was about to rush over and compete with the despicable devil from this ancestral land.

At this time, Princess Daluo, who had finally escaped from the devil's hand, stretched out her hand again, and grabbed her husband, her voice was weak, and her words were frightened, shaking her head again and again to warn:

"Good husband, don't go."

"This son... this son is terrifying."

When Da Luo persuaded her husband, the scene of her being wrapped in the filthy flesh and blood pouring out of Tao Qian's body kept echoing in her mind.

Even though she is the princess of the Demon Kingdom, UU Reading www. is also extremely afraid of those evil gods and flesh and blood.

What frightened her even more was that weird ancestral devil.

He has been devoured by endless filth and flesh, but as he waged "cold wars" one by one, he forcibly digested those filth and evil forces?

What kind of monster is this child?

Now that you have practiced the evil sword, you really have such good intentions to release me?

While persuading her husband incoherently, Princess Daluo pondered in surprise and felt herself.

It's a pity, where can I get something?

It was her guess, which was half right.

Tao Qian really did not have such kindness to release her to freedom together with the Taiyin Treasure Fan.

The reason for letting her go is simple.

He added more.

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