MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-Chapter 568 The charm of troubled times, spitting out all the secrets

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On Lingbei Island, on a lonely ancient cloud pattern tree, some beautiful scenery is happening.

Tao Dazhen Jun was inadvertently rolled around by Fairy Baiyin's jade-like snake tail, held in front of him, and placed on the tree. The distance between the two was not even a vertical palm. Tao Qianqian felt that Aunt Baiyin was like a musk deer. The breath of his face fell on his face, and the long blue silk fell down, just catching the two bodies.

This picture is exactly the same as when I first saw it.

Even to say hello, it's still the same.

Seeing Aunt Bai Yin spit out her wet tongue, she licked Tao Qian intimately.

And it seemed that one shot was not enough. After the aunt let out a light snort, she licked it a few more times.

Tao Qian knew that this was not only Aunt Baiyin's habit of being a "snake species", but also her innate supernatural powers of sensing and detection.

It is usually not used, but once it is used, it will definitely work.

It was the same last time. Auntie licked him a few times, and she could directly see Tao Qian's hobbies and feelings for Aunt Baiyin. Like a palm print.

Sure enough, before Tao Qian opened his mouth, Aunt Baiyin had an insight into his intentions and thoughts.

The reaction was actually a smirk, and there was a hint of smugness in his tone, and he teased:

"Tao Dazhen, whose cultivation is above me, has come to ask me for help again this time."

"What does Yunrong's little raccoon say, isn't she afraid that I will take the opportunity to eat her husband?"

"You know, this is a good excuse."

Fairy Bai Yin has a peaceful temperament and is independent from the world. Only when facing Tao Qian can she talk so much.

Her remarks sounded completely in line with Yun Rong, worthy of being a pair of enemies.

Hearing what my aunt said, Tao Qian couldn't respond well, so he bluntly changed his words and said:

"Aunt's supernatural powers are indeed amazing, Tao Qian is here to ask for something."

"I have a good friend whose real appearance is an ancient and exotic treasure [Shanhe Society Jitu]. The old owner of this treasure is the extraterrestrial innate **** Mowa Emperor."

"A few days ago, I was a direct disciple of the Emperor Wa, and also the patriarch of the Yaofen Fox clan, 'Da'." He brought the Yaofen Fox, the Jade Pipa, and the Nine-headed Pheasant to the world of immortality. Ancestral Spirit Daoist friend submits to her. Although this woman is high in Taoism, it seems that she has a bad heart. Friends have also predicted that if she really submits, she will end up bad. "

"I heard that my aunt is the princess of the Wa Snake clan, and she can speak well in front of Emperor Wa. I wonder if my aunt can lend a helping hand and save my friend."

Bai Yin knew that Tao Qian had something to ask for, but he was not so meticulous.

After listening, a look of Si Yi appeared on his face.

Obviously, Emperor Wa, Princess Wa Snake Clan, Demon Grave Fox Clan, Da...

Waiting for the name taboo, she hadn't heard it for a long time.

"So that's the case, Aunt, I also said that if you are rooted in your identity, the things that Taoism and supernatural powers can't solve, how can Auntie be able to do it? It's actually related to the line of Emperor Wa."

"My status as a princess of the Wa Snake clan is actually nothing. Wa snakes are extremely capable of giving birth. Princesses are not one thousand but eight hundred. Ordinary princesses do not have that position. Although he is not favored in the palace, he is also a real direct disciple.”

"But Auntie, if I speak up, I can make things happen. From childhood to adulthood, Sister Da has never rejected me."

"The Emperor Wa's decree is not very rare, I have it too." While speaking, Aunt Bai Yin repeated the old trick.

Under that smooth and attractive rib, a meat bun suddenly bulged, and while the flesh was shattered, a snow-white arm was sticking out, and the sticky white palm was holding a whole body of oily green, not stone or jade, and exuding terrifying A token of divine breath.

It's rare for Bai Yin to brag, but Tao Qian can tell at a glance.

There are indeed many princesses of the Wa Snake clan, but her own aunt Baiyin is probably the most special one, and it sounds like she has an excellent relationship with the head of the Demon Grave Fox clan, "Da".

Tao Qian was about to speak, and begged for one or two more.

Bai Yin saw what he was thinking, smiled lazily, pressed his mouth with his fingers, and said straight:

"It's rare for you to come to Lingbei Island. If you call me auntie, how can you be disappointed."

"Be patient, let me have a word or two with Sister Da first."

After all, I don't know what kind of secret technique Bai Yin used.

The "Emperor Wa's decree" suddenly entered a dim light, outlining a door of round light.

After the portal, a strange and primitive beauty suddenly appeared.

Speaking of beauty, it is because of her face, with apricot face and peach cheeks, eyebrows as light as spring mountains, and eyes like autumn waves. When it comes to charming the world, I am afraid that no one can compare with this woman, not even Yun Rong and Yuan Mingzhen.

Generally speaking, to match such a face, this woman should also have breast augmentation and slim waist, beautiful buttocks and long legs.

But Tao Qian looked down, but what he saw was a huge and furry fox body, nine fox tails stretched and swayed behind him, yellow clouds floated along with it, and blue smoke rose up. Playing and having some more in its belly, sucking something. 2

From the picture, it is both magical and sacred.

"This is the biography of the Emperor Wa, the head of the Demon Grave Fox Clan." Da', what I want to cultivate should be the way of bewitching the common people and confusing the world. "

"Being able to have such a realm of magic power, she must have obtained the Dao once."

Because Bai Yin cast a spell to cover it up, Tao Qianqian could see the other party, but the other party couldn't see him.

Just when he sighed, the two were old people who came out of the Wa Palace, and they had begun to reminisce.

It was Nada who spoke first.

She looked like a fox god, and when she opened her mouth, her voice was indeed ethereal and sacred, making people unable to help but bow down to her.

"Sister Hakuin?"

"But it's a rare guest. Sister, I only returned to this long-lived ancestral land a few days ago. I thought it was those enemies who came to trouble me in previous years, but I didn't expect it to be Sister Bai Yin."

"You and I must have not seen each other for thousands of years. Sister, I was going to Penglaihai to find you after I entered the world, but I was delayed by some trivial matters. I hope my sister is not to blame."

Although simple words.

But for some reason, every word Tao Qian heard felt like a spring breeze.

I wish that the portal of the void was real, so that people could walk directly over it and accompany this woman, or like those little foxes, it could **** the juice produced by the belly and grow.

This thought is really disgusting and weird. It came for no reason, but it came from birth.

When Tao Qian frowned, a chronicle came into his mind:

Being eroded by the "Charm of the Troubled World"... exempt. 】

[This charismatic sound belongs to "Da", a direct disciple of the Emperor Wa. This fox demon has attained this magical sound because of his enlightenment, and does not need to consume any mana source. It has been completely solidified on its lips and tongue. It can charm the mortal world. If the practitioner's mental state is not enough, even if he has a Taoist state, he will be charmed by it and cannot be himself. 】

[This magic sound is the best way to restrain the emperor. If you don't practice enough, you will be baked by human destiny for a long time. If you listen to this magic sound again, your heart and soul will sink at any time. 】

After reading Zhishu, Tao Qian sighed again:

"Sure enough, none of the cultivators who can realize the realm of Tao, whether they are human beings, demons or demons, are good friends.

"She doesn't even need to cast spells to activate this kind of supernatural power, it has been solidified on her lips and tongue... Tsk spray, this woman entered the world, did she come for Yu Yanshi and others?"

When his thoughts were complicated, the fox-like Da spoke again. "Good sister, my sister knows your temperament, if there is nothing wrong, I will just wait for my sister to come to find you, and will never call me.

"Sister, let's talk, but what kind of trouble did you encounter? "Could it be that the people from Lingbao Sect dare to insult my sister?"

Speaking of this, the nine piercing fox tails behind the woman suddenly danced wildly.

The yellow clouds swelled, covering the sky and the sun. The blue smoke burst and shattered the void.

Its soft and fluffy fox body suddenly split flesh and blood, accompanied by a tearing sound, one by one incomparably enchanting and ferocious fox eyes opened.

Her anger immediately showed the terror of the Taoist realm.

Even if it wasn't the body that entered the realm, even Tao Qian knew that she couldn't see him, so he couldn't help but shudder.


Just fighting with her avatar in the longevity world, I should be able to win. "

"If it is the main body, I will definitely lose, and I may become a minister under his skirt."

When Tao Qian made a judgment, Hakuin, who was rather slow to respond, finally answered.

Compared with Da, this good aunt is not good at words, and she doesn't want to be more polite.

He just lay down lazily, and then replied directly:

"Sister Da, please don't lie, my teacher is the master of Lingbao, who dares to deceive me in Penglai Sea?

"The reason I'm looking for you is because I know that you have returned to your ancestral land and use this token to talk to you, and secondly, my sister, I have something to ask her for help."

Hear the second sentence.

Da Mo was like being touched by the hair, the nine tails fell, and the terrifying fox eyes closed one after another.

Only the remaining pair, wide open, eyes full of surprise, said again and again: "Sister, tell me quickly, with your sisterhood and mine, don't say it's one thing, even if it is a hundred or a thousand, my sister will agree. .

This promise is too full.

Tao Qian also woke up, Aunt Bai Yin was waiting for this sentence.

Without waiting for Da to say more, he immediately said again: "Very good, Big Sister Da is still Big Sister Da."

"It's not too much trouble. I just heard that when my sister turned around, she held the token of the Emperor Wa, and asked the [Shanhe Society Jitu] to listen to your call."

"Although that treasure is only a painting, its artifact spirit is also a human spirit. It has great achievements in the realm of immortality, has old relationships with many people in the Wa Palace, and also has some friendship with the ancient Three Sage Emperors and other adults. Too reckless.

"Why don't you listen to your sister, take back the order, and stop embarrassing that treasure.


After Bai Yin finished speaking, Tao Qian immediately saw Sister Fox God on the other side of the portal, her expression froze.

There was no anger in her eyes, just a sense of puzzlement.

Obviously can't think of a reason, why would Bai Yin intervene in this matter?

Yes, ask directly:

"When did my sister have an old relationship with that painting, and she opened her mouth to it.

"Impossible, I heard that my sister joined the Lingbao Sect many years ago, and has always practiced in the [Lingbei Tian Secret Realm], and has never even been out of the door a few times.

As the conversation continued, Tao Qian became more and more certain that Aunt Bai Yin was extraordinary.

Gein's "sister" in the transmutation realm subconsciously spit out two sentences, but still not annoyed, but patiently, simply gave a detailed explanation.

"My sister lives in the spirit monument all the year round. I don't know the changes in the world, so let's listen to my sister."

"To be honest, elder sister, I returned to my ancestral land, firstly to cultivate the Tao, and secondly to seek refuge."

"The Great Yuanyuan Sea today is extremely dangerous." "The source sea is boiling, and all gods are awakening."

"The heavens and all walks of life are not at peace, and the gods and demons who may be awakened at any time, together with the world and the living beings in them, will devour them all."

"Only a few great worlds, such as the world of longevity, the world of mountains and seas, and the world of earth and immortals, are safe for the time being, and this also makes the countless Dao veins and family members scattered in the heavens all set on their way home and return to their ancestral land. ......"

Hearing this, Bai Yin couldn't help frowning. Immediately interjected:

"As far as I know, my elder sister entered the Taoist realm before she was dry, but her cultivation is much stronger than mine."

"With your supernatural powers, since you have returned to the realm of immortality, who can endanger your life? Why bother to embarrass that treasure?"

It's okay if Bai Yin didn't say it, but when he said it, it seemed to directly lead to the sadness in Da's heart.

His blue eyebrows immediately wrinkled, and he said bitterly, "Don't my sister know the truth of the changing world?"

"Today's longevity world, the Taoist realm is a threshold, and even my body cannot squeeze in."

"But the Dao veins, family members, gods, demons, and demons of all the heavens and all walks of life.

Since the migration came in, and the gods of the human race have all promoted the establishment of the [Longevity Immortal Dynasty], it will not take long for the Taoist realm to enter the realm, and it will not be too tyrannical. "

"Younger sister should also have heard that in order to realize the Way of Enlightenment,

Together with the enemies of the Secret Demon Sect, I have harmed many gods and demons. Although the old grudges have disappeared, there are still a few enemies who are still staring at my sister. "

"Furthermore, my elder sister and I cultivate a different way from my younger sister. I need to enter the world and entangle with those 'human emperors'. With the help of their power, I can achieve something."

"If this trip is going to go smoothly, although it doesn't have to be the [Shanhe Shejitu], if this baby is willing to help me, my sister can save her effort."

"That old guy does have a lot to rely on, and he has made great contributions over the years, but he always came out of the Wa Imperial Palace, and he cannot disobey the Emperor Wa's order. It is also his duty to help my sister.


Da spit out a lot of secret words in these words. Tao Qian and Bai Yin couldn't help but fall into silence. The latter is thinking about how to refute this sister.

And Tao Qian, once again felt what is "out of control"?

Before he entered the world and experienced calamities, he wandered in various provinces, worked hard, and regardless of hardships, solved a series of human disasters, and finally achieved great achievements, defeated alchemists, beheaded a group of alienated emperors, and recast the forbidden law of the ancestors, making The Changsheng Heavenly Dynasty regained its tranquility once again.

Billions of people can live and work in peace and contentment without worrying about the intrusion of demons.

But how could he have expected that in just three years, all this has changed.

Great Immigrants! The Immortal Dynasty of Longevity is brewing! The ban will expire!

The Taoist realm can enter the realm!

At this moment, Tao Qian's mind was very complicated.

He has realized that although his cultivation is tyrannical, if he re-enters the world, I am afraid that he will not be able to control any situation at all.

Even, he can't even predict how good or bad the future will be. Just as I saw the ancestral spirit friend before, because of the great change in humanity, he also changed endlessly, and he was poisoned without knowing it.

Just when the two were silent, suddenly on the other side of the Yuanguang portal, the fox godda spoke again.

But this time, she was speaking to Tao Qian.

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