MTL - Longevity is Different, Caishikou Was Beheaded at the Beginning-Chapter 5 ancient blind box

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The black-faced old official sighed with bad luck, so that Tao Qian couldn't hold his face at the moment.

With a cold snort, he left the sentence "unreasonable" and walked away with his sleeves thrown, acting like a pedantic scholar who has lost face.

It's just that no one noticed, Tao Qian's eyes showed complicated colors, helplessness, happiness and anger.

He wanted to redeem the heads of the wise men for burial. Naturally, it was not an impulse, nor was it because he had obtained the memory and remnants of the wise man, at least that was not the main reason.

What drives Tao Qian to do that is ideological approval.

Unfortunately, the timing was not right.

The information that the old official "unintentionally" leaked was already a life-saving reminder.

"Oh, fishing?"

"Either people escaped when the stronghold was removed, and the dog officer in Xunxian County wanted to set a trap and wait for the rabbit. ."

"The latter is more likely, but no matter which one it is, I can't come forward for the time being in my current identity."

"Wait a second, the soul-calling rod is always going to be updated, and there must be a chance, at most, it will break the bank."

With his thoughts surging, Tao Qian temporarily suppressed his unwilling thoughts.

Thinking of "breaking money", Tao Qian quickly realized that he is now a real poor man.

With all the family property in his arms, it is only more than nine silver dollars.

According to my memory, a strong and diligent porter on the Xunxian Wharf also has a monthly salary of about 6 yuan, and the monthly salary of the silk shop, pawnshop, and drugstore shopkeeper in the city is also 8 yuan and 9 yuan. On a kind owner, there is also a ten yuan.

Thinking of this, Tao Qian's straight back bent a little again, and he couldn't help sighing.

Mixed in the crowd, while Tao Qian went to his destination, he was thinking about making money.

To be honest, the money-making tips that the two profiteers, Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang, gave away at noon were not very rare, and they were not very domineering and exclusive skills.

But if Tao Qian thinks as "the owner of Chengyou Bookstore", he must admit that the methods are all effective.

According to what the two of them said, making some money for food and clothing is by no means difficult.

Tao Qian was not as pedantic as the original, and he didn't intend to reject something as cute as "silver dollar", so he didn't even struggle or hesitate, and went straight to the bookstore by the pier.

Whatever the first plan or the second plan, he intends to do the same.

There is a new wave of fairy tales and fairy tales, and a whole set of gaudy and banned books is sneakily collected. The pictorial girls also collect what they have, and the translation books of Western ghosts and animals are all compiled... Today, this whole family is not complete without spending money. , at most save a few copper plates to buy steamed buns to eat.

As for the promise to invite the two elder brothers to Tai'an for the mutton hot pot tomorrow... I am such a poor scholar, it is reasonable to take credit.

Tao Qian thought so, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

However, Tao Qian soon remembered his identity as a transmigrator, and his thoughts suddenly diverged.

"Yes, I am a transmigrator. I have only heard of the transmigrators who are happy and dead, but have never heard of those who died of poverty."

"Let me think, what are the best ways to make money in a world with this background?"

"Selling stockings? No, no, at least I have to become a warlord to have room to operate, not to mention who knows that foreigners in this world have climbed the technology tree to climb there, in case they have already casually put lace lace, black silk and white silk. It's all set up."

"Master Wen Duo? It seems to be possible. Although the historical pattern is completely different, books such as "Rise of Great Powers" that can gain fame are hard to copy, but Xianxia Xuanhuan and the like still have great hope."

After some lustful thoughts were over, Tao Qianren had already left Caishi Street, passed a small half of the city, and soon arrived at his destination.

Find Fairy Pier!

Although Tao Qian had read the appearance of the pier in advance in his original memory, but when he saw it at the moment, he still couldn't help showing the exclusive expression of the bun.

Because of the execution grounds in Caishi Street and the living conditions of civilians in the county, Tao Qian acquiesced that this world was too backward compared to his previous life.

But what he saw in front of him made Tao Qian feel that he was wrong.

At the front port, the rivers meet, hundreds of boats and thousands of sails, and the crowd is surging.

In addition to the large and small wooden sailboats, in the deep water area in the distance, there were also steam iron boats with black gas.

The liveliness on the wharf is far from comparable to the food market street. There are porters wearing bunts or topless, all kinds of vendors, all kinds of rich businessmen, people from all corners of the country, officials and soldiers, and even a lot of blond and red hair. Western barbarians.

"Xunxian County is like this, what about the provincial capital, and the magic capital and imperial capital that the original body has never been to?"

Tao Qian's blood suddenly boiled.

This world may be more magnificent and vast than he imagined.

Since it's been here for a while, it's not easy to explore and experience it, isn't it a big loss.

This thought fell, Tao Qian smiled, and did not continue to observe the grand scene in front of him.

Following the memory in his mind, he walked to the side of the pier.

Xunxian County is not a small port town, and the main area of ​​the wharf belongs to big businesses such as salt, iron and coal.

Book boats and flower boats can only be found in small corners.

Yes, the two are together.

When Tao Qian arrived at the place, before he got close to the big book boats, he saw about seven or eight beautifully decorated "flower boats" parked in the river bay.

After getting closer, it was even more satisfying.

On one of the boats, a woman in cool clothes was waiting for her to wash her hair.

The woman was at most ten years old, wearing a purple tulle coat, with a brocade apron faintly visible inside. When she bent her back to the shore, the curvature of her waist and abdomen was extremely amazing.

Hissing... In Tao Qian's ears, the sound of gasping for air rang out one after another.

Looking around, he saw that the men beside him, whether rich or poor, old and strong, all bowed down in pain and helplessness.

Even so, they all looked up stubbornly, like a turtle with its head outstretched.

Tao dived deeper into the play, and finally glanced at the ship hastily, and wrote down the name "Huanxi".

Turning his head, he swept the group of old-fashioned critics with contemptuous eyes, and immediately dropped a sentence:

"Insulting Sven!"

The voice fell, and without looking back, he went to the few large ships with shallow drafts in the river bay on the left.

The people who ate his backstab and complained were not annoyed. After reluctantly taking a few more glances, many people followed.

None of them are poor.

In terms of clothing, each of them is much richer than Tao Qian, and unlike ordinary merchants such as Li Sanyu and Jia Qiang, the people who come here have a little bookish scent, dress elegantly, and behave gracefully.

The rules of the book boat: To go up, you must have a "book certificate".

This item is not exclusive to bookstore owners like Tao Qian. In fact, many people are eligible to obtain it.

Such as officials, students, and so on.

There are also children of local clans, folk Confucians, calligraphers and so on.

In addition to bookstores and bookstore owners, the rest can be collectively referred to as "book collectors", and they are actually the most popular high rollers by book boat owners.

On the other hand, the owners of small bookstores like Tao Qian, although they have a reputation as a wholesaler, are all stingy and have no purchasing power, so they are at the bottom of the book ship's contempt chain.

Common sense, Tao Qian should be cowering and hiding at the end.

But the original is not such a person.

Tao Qian had no choice but to go to school. He swaggered over and chose the largest book boat called "Zhuang Yuan". After showing a certificate issued by the government, he stepped on the ladder and went up a few steps.

As soon as he stood firm, he saw a teenage book boy approaching him.

This book boy looked young, but his eyesight was extremely vicious, and he could tell Tao Qian's identity and financial resources at a glance.

The bright smile that just bloomed on his face, turned his head and gave it to the seven or eight big clan children who came up behind Tao Qian, led by a long-bearded old man who looked like a great Confucian scholar.

There were other bookboys on the deck who welcomed guests. Although they were hula-hooping around, they all responded the same way. They all went to greet those big shop owners, bold bibliophiles, and great Confucian scholars.

Poor scholar?

Please help yourself.

Fortunately, Tao Qian is not a polite person.

He grabbed a book boy directly, took a stack of book lists from his hand, and walked to the main cabin where he was serving guests without looking back.

As I walked, I looked down at the catalog.

The bibliography list is classified according to the collection of classics and histories, collections of various Taoist books, novels and dramas, and miscellaneous notes on writing and talking.

If it is the original body, in fact, there is no need to go deeper.

As long as you stand on the deck, pay for the order directly, and you can get off the ship with a large package on your back in a short time. If you buy more, the boss will specially ask a coolie to help.

But this time, it was Tao Qian himself.

"A book ship is equivalent to a small library."

"And these book ships will not only sell normal books, but also send people to buy books from all over the port, especially the solitary secret books kept by the ancestors of poor families, so these book ships often have some valuable and rare books. A very good book."

"You can buy ghosts and ghosts, vulgar banned books, and pictorial girls at any time. Now that you're here, let's see if you can find them, and verify some things by the way."

"Those immortals that are weird, extraordinary practices, etc., if they will leave traces on the pages... Here, there should be a lot of opportunities to come into contact with them, right?"

Tao Qian's eyes flickered with an unidentified color, and his eyes were still subconsciously roaming the book list.

Suddenly, he stopped.

Eyes fell on the end of the bibliography, where there was a line of red font that was obviously added later.

Letter: Wenqu Fu Box!

Tao Qian frowned slightly, and grabbed another book boy who was eloquently introducing the new edition of the Mongolian Learning Series to the owner of a bookstore. UU reading

He pointed those four words very directly and asked:

"I know Wenqu, what does this blessing box mean?"

Although the book boy who was pulled was very dissatisfied, it seemed that he also had a mission in mind.

Seeing that a customer finally asked about the new sales project, his eyebrows immediately rose, and he simply introduced to the surrounding guests, including Tao Qian, excitedly:

"Your honor, you found something good all at once."

"This is the latest project launched by our owner, Jue Shi Barnyard Officer, and you all know that our champion will go to various places along the port to purchase the unique secret book."

"When it comes to the number of books in the collection, in this province and even in the surrounding provinces, except for the official library, our family is the second, and I am afraid that no one dares to say it is the first."

"Our owner feels your love for books and specially designed a novel gameplay."

"We have prepared a total of 1,000 Wenqu Fu boxes for this trip. Each box contains ten unknown books, including regular books, precious orphan secret books, or pictorial propaganda pages."

"The price of the lucky box is divided into three types: one silver dollar, two silver dollars, and five silver dollars."

"Everyone, our owner promises that even if we fail to issue a single secret book worth 100 yuan or 1,000 yuan, the price of the rest of the books in the box will never be lower than the price of the lucky box itself."


After the book boy's blood-warming sales pitch, Tao Qian immediately saw that the eyes of many people around him lit up, and their breathing was quicker.

And Tao Qian himself, at this moment, couldn't suppress the idea of ​​complaining at all.

"Then what is the barnyard officer of the world, he is really a talent."

"God's motherfucker's Wenqu blessing box, isn't this the ancient version of the blind box?"

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