MTL - Logging Into The Desolated World 10000 Years Earlier-Chapter 280 276: Dragon and Phoenix Battle

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  Chapter 280 276: Dragon and Phoenix Battle


  The former Phoenix Lord muttered, with a disdainful sneer on his face.

   "Let him in, I want to see what he can say!"

   With a cold shout, the former Phoenix Lord did not move his buttocks, and sat on the spot, looking towards the entrance of the hall, with a sneer on his face.

   Not long after, the figure of Huang Long appeared.

  Holding his head high, his chest straight, his eyes looking straight ahead, and a powerful breath emanating from him...

  After entering the main hall, Huang Long was the first to see the former Phoenix Lord sitting motionless on a high seat.

  Beside her, the current Phoenix Lord stood aside like a servant, bowing his head and lowering his eyebrows.

   "Heh! You don't even cover up!"

  Huang Long murmured in his heart, and then bowed his hands to the current Phoenix Lord who was like a servant: "I have seen the Phoenix Lord."

   "I am under the order of the Dragon Lord to reconcile the misunderstanding between our two races."

   While speaking, Huang Long kept staring at the current Phoenix Lord who bowed his head.

   Didn't go to see the former Phoenix Lord sitting on the high seat.

  This gesture made the former Phoenix Master coldly hum in his heart: "Arrogant Dragon Clan!"

  As Huang Long finished speaking, Qingqing, the current Phoenix Lord, raised her head and looked at the former Phoenix Lord beside her.

   did not respond rashly to Huang Long.

  And her posture, she did not conceal that she was not the real master of the Phoenix clan.

  It seems that the Phoenix Lord, in her heart, is not as important as a word from the previous Phoenix Lord beside her.

  The former Phoenix Lord saw the current Phoenix Lord looking at her, and slowly stood up.

   "Dragon Lord called you, what did you want to say?"

   "Are you going to make you die to apologize?!"

  The former Phoenix Lord had a cold voice, and his words were merciless.

  So Huang Long, who was standing in the hall, instantly lost his hypocritical smirk.

   With a straight face, he sneered: "Apologize with death?"

   "This creature of the Feng clan really likes to joke. Your Feng clan killed nearly a thousand people from my clan. Who will thank you for this crime?"

  After the voice fell, Huanglong's own power was fully displayed in an instant.

   Unscrupulously releasing the meaning he wanted to express.

   and represent Huanglong's thoughts that he doesn't take the Phoenix family seriously.

   That is, Heidan doesn't know that Huanglong is so violent. If he knew, he would never let Huanglong come.

  I would rather choose Qinglong!

  There are two reasons why Huanglong has such a posture.

  One is the current strength of the Feng family, he really doesn't pay attention to it.

   The second is the battle between the dragon and the phoenix, and Huanglong is going through it.

  In the report, there are just some cold numbers.

  After experiencing it personally, I realized that it is one life after another!

  So, when Huang Long saw the attitude of the former Phoenix Lord, he didn't even have a second.

   Like a powder keg, it was instantly ignited...

   Facing Huang Long's sudden furious attitude, the former Phoenix Lord could no longer suppress it!

   Pushing his power with all his strength, he floated in the air, looking directly at Huanglong's figure!

   shouted in his mouth: "This is the attitude of the Dragon Clan?!"

   In one sentence, it seemed to wake up Huanglong.

   It reminded him of his mission to come here.

   It's just that it has come to this point, and it is impossible to retreat.

  He snorted coldly: "A public apology to our Dragon Clan will save you from capital punishment!"

   "If you don't apologize, my Dragon Clan army will flatten Beiju Luzhou!"


  Hearing Huang Long's arrogant words, the former Phoenix Lord was furious in vain.

  She was at full strength, fighting against Huanglong, without falling behind.


   "I would rather die!"

  In an instant, in the main hall of the Phoenix Clan, because of the confrontation between Huang Long and the former Phoenix Lord, the space seemed to be frozen.

  The two refused to give in to each other, and they were both trying to force each other to admit defeat with their own tough attitude.

   After a few breaths.

  Huang Long took a deep breath, but calmed down.

   Coldly shouted: "Is this the attitude of the Feng Clan?"

   "The Phoenix Clan should not be humiliated!" The former Phoenix Lord confronted each other, refusing to give in.

  Hearing this answer, Huang Long turned his head and left without the slightest thought.

  He has already understood the plan of the Phoenix Clan from the attitude of the former Phoenix Lord.

   It can be seen that the so-called making Phoenix Lord apologize is already an impossible thing.

  Since this is the case, Huang Long is unwilling to continue wasting time here.

he's gone.

  When he left, he had a sneer on his face.

  After leaving Beiju Luzhou, Huanglong was still thinking about what made the Feng clan become like this.

   Besides, isn't he here for peace?

  How did it end up being a conflict between the two clans?

   Walking into the air, thoughts suddenly appeared in Huanglong's mind, and then disappeared.

  Thoughts are the same, just for a moment, thoughts disappear.

  Huang Long didn't understand what he had experienced.

  He didn't know why he encountered all this.

   Thoughts were fleeting, how would Huang Long know.

  There is Su Mu's manipulation behind this, and the reason why Huanglong suddenly became irritable is because of Su Mu.

   It was Su Mu, who had been controlling Huanglong's mood behind his back, making him think of his fellow clan who died before when he faced the Feng clan.

  Including the attitude towards the Feng Clan, it was also because of Su Mu's control that Huanglong became so bad unknowingly.

  If not.

  With Huang Long's temperament and status, how could he do what he did in the Phoenix Clan Hall before.

  That's too outrageous.

  Looking at Huang Long's leaving back, Su Mu in the air was very satisfied.

   He is quite satisfied with each of the actors he has selected.

   They can complete the filming according to their own wishes without showing up to speak.

  And the right attitude is also very dream-fulfilling.

  If there are some film kings and queens in Su Mu's previous life, when they see these creatures selected by Su Mu express the scene Su Mu wants for various reasons,

   I wonder if I will be ashamed.

   Or ask a teacher for advice.

  It's a pity that for this perfect scene, only Su Mu is the director, and Su Mu is also the producer.

  Including the screenwriter responsible for the direction of the plot, who is also Su Mu, and the audience for the plot of this part is only Su Mu.

  If it is seen by others, that's fine.

"Not bad…"

  In the air, Su Mu savored carefully the conflict between the former Phoenix Lord of the Huanglongyu Phoenix Clan just now in the main hall, and kept whispering...


  Feng Clan Hall.

   After Huanglong left.

  The former phoenix master immediately ordered the preparations for war, and may restart the war with the dragon clan at any time.

  Countless Feng clan creatures shouted and responded, making the originally peaceful Luzhou in Beiju more lively.

   It also makes those Phoenix clan creatures whose ambitions cannot be fulfilled feel happy.

   Think this is their way to rise!

  Of course, more of the Feng family couldn't bear it.

  War kills people.

   This is indisputable.

  Whether it is the Phoenix clan or the Dragon clan, the two clans are fighting, no matter what the final result is.

   Their strength will all be impacted.

   I don’t know how many creatures will die in this conflict.

  For a while, a second voice appeared from the Feng clan.

   In this state, until the former master of the Phoenix clan made his public appearance.

  She assured all the Phoenix Clan that she would stand first in the war.

  If she dies, she is the first to die.

   And this war, the reason why it had to be released.

  According to her exaggerated statement, if there is no war, the Dragon Clan will ride on their heads and poop...

  And some of the actions of the current dragon clan are no better than riding on the head to pull poop.

  The former phoenix lord of the Feng clan launched the war this time in order to change this scene.

  As well as the Feng clan, in the ancient barbarian era, they won the second largest racial privilege belonging to their status.

   Some words are well-founded.

   There are more and more creatures supporting the former Phoenix Lord.

   Among the Feng clan, there are fewer and fewer voices of opposition.

  The same is true for voices of doubt.

  The thoughts of the Feng family are highly unified and getting closer.

  Countless Feng Clan are ready for the big battle.

   As long as the former Phoenix Lord gives an order, they will rush to the Dragon Clan without hesitation.

   This battle is called the battle of dignity by them.

  The second station, must win.



  Dragon family.

  In the main hall.

  Heidan looked at Huanglong who had returned, and listened to the experience he told.

  For some reason, Heidan felt that he used the wrong person.

  If he remembers correctly, he asked Huang Long to go to the Feng clan to reconcile.

The results of it?

   This guy is telling himself now, the Feng Clan is going to fight the Dragon Clan?

   This made Heidan doubt himself. Could it be that he arranged for Huanglong to declare war on the Phoenix Clan?

  Thanks to his good memory, he confirmed his previous instructions through recollection.

  Looking at Huanglong in the hall, with his head down, but with a hint of expectation in his eyes, Heidan doesn't know where to start.

  Including Wukong who didn't say a word, he also lowered his head, with a fiery look in his eyes.

   It is not difficult to see that the two of them are ready to fight.

   But the two of them, never thought about it.

  War kills people.

   In addition, the black egg has not asked Su Mu about this matter, and he will not start a war rashly.

  Su Mu's instructions are still echoing in his ears like yesterday's words.

  As a solid supporter of Su Mu.

  Heidan clearly knows what his mission is.

   That is to promote the evolution of the era, so as not to block Su Mu.

   There is no doubt that the battle between the dragon and the phoenix is ​​an act of embarrassing Su Mu.

   Maybe, he will be transferred from the Dragon Clan and returned to Heaven.

   Be a very laid-back lazy person.

  So, Hei Dan will not easily give orders for a big battle.

  Although in his heart, he was already impatient with the repeated provocations of the Feng Clan.

  But after years of self-cultivation, the first thing Heidan considered was the relationship with Su Mu.

  Looking at the bowed Qinglong and Huanglong, Heidan was about to comfort them.

  At least let them not have the thought of going to war with the Feng Clan.

   is at this time.

  Suddenly a powerful dragon race ran over in embarrassment.

  Before the dragon arrived, a nervous shout had already entered the hall.


   "The Phoenix army is attacking!"


  In the Dragon Clan Hall, three auras soared into the sky.

  At this moment, all the forbearing thoughts in Heidan's mind disappeared.

  He remembers clearly.

  Su Mu once told him.

  If the Phoenix Clan takes the initiative to provoke, the Dragon Clan can fight back.

  At this moment, Feng Clan's actions are no longer provocative.

   If it is provocative, the former Phoenix Lord of the previous Phoenix clan is considered a provocation.

  The current behavior of the Feng Clan is complete oppression!

  It is several times more serious than provocation.

   Is this still using forbearance?

  In the main hall, Heidan shouted loudly: "Kill!"

   "The provocative Feng clan barbarians will kill them until they dare not go out!"

   "Protect the dignity of my Dragon Clan!"

   "Huanglong, Qinglong!"

  Dianjiang shouted like a general, so that in the main hall, Qinglong and Huanglong suddenly raised their heads, held their heads high, and shouted back with full confidence: "Yes!"

  Heidan's expression didn't change much.

  He looked indifferent, and shouted: "I order you to protect the dignity of the Dragon Clan!"


  Suddenly, Huang Long and Qing Long left the hall with excited steps.

  When the two dragons walked away, they grinned grinningly in their hearts, and muttered secretly: "Feng family? How dare you take the initiative to attack?"

   "It's time to kill!"


  God's coming calendar is 18008.

  The dragon and phoenix clans, which have been silent for a long time, are under the control of Su Mu.

   The second dragon and phoenix war started again.

  In this battle, the dragon and phoenix masters of both sides did not show up.

   All are in charge of Da Neng sitting down.

   Among them, Huanglong and Qinglong are the most fierce.

  Leading the Dragon Clan not only suppressed the invading Phoenix Clan.

   Also anti-invasion into Beiju Luzhou.

  In an instant, the peaceful ancient era was in chaos.

  But Su Mu, whom Heidan had been looking for all along, did not show up for a long time on the grounds of refining the world.

  The forced war between the two clans is getting more and more out of hand.

  It is already impossible to stop.

   The dragon and phoenix clans have already played their heads like dogs.

   In Beiju Luzhou, a tug-of-war started.

   Dead or Alive?

   has become the most mentioned topic here.

   No matter who it is, this topic cannot be avoided.


  If you think carefully about it.

   will find out.

  Dragon and phoenix battle, the number of deaths is regular...

   All of this was written by Su Mu.

  Why did the crushing Dragon Clan form a tug-of-war with the Phoenix Clan after entering Beiju Luzhou?

   This is all his handwriting.

  He has a criterion for judging where every war is, who dies and who lives.

   And this is also the reason why the Dragon and Phoenix races will never understand.

   Also, with the passage of time between the two clans, the war has become more intense, and the cancers in the dragon and phoenix clans are being quickly cleaned up by Su Mu.

  These tumors would not have thought of it either.

  This kind of large-scale war, there are still people who can manage it.

   It just so happens that they are the targets of the manipulators.

   It seems that the war has brought death to both races.

   But they won't find out until this war is over.

  A war not only did not make their strength retreat.

   On the contrary, because of the removal of the cancer, their strength has been improved.

  This kind of scene is beyond the imagination of the dragon and phoenix.

  Including the former phoenix master of the phoenix family who had always held the mortal heart, she would never have thought of what she wanted to do.

  The lord of heaven has already completed these through his handwriting...

  God's coming calendar is 18,100 years old.

  The war between the dragon and phoenix clans is gradually coming to an end.

  The tumors in the two races have almost been eliminated.

   Somewhat unexpectedly, during the war between the dragon and the phoenix.

   There is a sudden rise of a force.

   Influence rapidly expands.

  The most important thing is that this force has not made any changes at all.

  He is still the same.

  The reason why it has suddenly emerged.

   It was also because of the battle between the dragon and the phoenix that caused panic among the creatures in the ancient barbaric era.

  They are not Su Mu, and they don't know that this time is a war that has been arranged long ago.

  So in order to avoid the spread.

  Many creatures chose to leave their homes and went to the Three Thousand Worlds that they looked down upon.

  With their joining, the Yan Dynasty, after inexplicably comparing with the dragon and phoenix, suddenly emerged...

  (end of this chapter)