MTL - Live Streaming: Azeroth-Chapter 6 Elite template

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Someone who was evaluated by Salorian as only knowing how to advance like a pig, now lived up to his teacher's expectations and became popular on the battlefield.


The heavy sword's vertical strike destroyed the wooden shield of a troll shield guard.

Sharlayan's two-handed sword is not a well-known weapon, but it is also a gift from the mentor.

The sword body of the great sword is made of fine iron, and the surface is engraved with wonderful lines, which is the imprint of enchantment.

Under the blessing of the "sharpness" enchantment, the still solid troll wooden shield was easily split, and the troll guard who was caught off guard was cut off half of his body by the aftermath of the sword.

If the barrage had doubts about Sharlayan's words before, after witnessing this brutal battle with their own eyes, they finally believed that they were observing the real Azeroth.

Killing an enemy first, Sharlayan didn't care to wipe the blood that was spattered on his face.

The big sword was slightly retracted, and the anger broke out under his feet, and he pushed the angular shoulder armor in front to launch the charge skill.


The huge impact of kinetic energy and weight pushed the other shield-wielding troll guard back two steps. The original perfect defensive posture was deformed, and the shield was pushed out of position.


Taking advantage of the collapse of the enemy's posture, Sharlayan took advantage of the opportunity and slashed out the big sword stored at his side, smashing the large wooden shield with scattered strength.

A fresh human head rolled to the ground along with the spurting blood.

"Where is the violent headhunter who attacked me! Get out!"

Glancing across the battlefield with killing intent, the barrage was frightened by Sharlayan's bloodthirsty and sharp eyes.

Living in a peaceful age, they have never seen such a strong murderous intent, such a real and **** battlefield.


"Is it exaggerating? It's just across the screen, it's like watching a movie, isn't it just a human head with flesh and blood... vomit~"

"Aren't you stupid? How can the real battlefield scenes be simulated by movies? The virtual ones are only virtual after all, and they are completely incomparable with the vivid live scenes."

"It's so weak! I suggest you go over the wall and go to the Internet to watch the video of OO Khan's torture of prisoners recorded by the lighthouse soldiers. That guarantee is strong enough."

"The one above, the public knows that the penny will arrive at the battlefield in three minutes, the dog's head will save your life, and be careful of being violently attacked by the Internet."

Halduron's frown did not loosen as he easily repelled the troll's night attack.

Sharlayan withdrew from the battlefield annoyedly holding the blood-dripping sword. In the end, he still failed to find the thief who had sneaked up on him earlier.

After moving his shoulder a bit, Sharlayan was a little surprised at the speed of the fracture's healing.

‘Is the talent skill called High Speed ​​Healing at work? The recovery from the injury was much faster than expected. '

This small-scale battle made Sharlayan more familiar with the function of the system.

When he slashed the first troll, the system made a query in his mind.

"Will the gained experience be assigned to the default main combat class (warrior) when killing a troll guard with a shield?"

Salayan, who was so hot-blooded at the time, ignored the system's inquiry, and only took time to check it after the battle.

Above the column for fighter level 11, there is a subcategory called experience bars.

The specific value of the experience bar is not displayed, only an intuitive and easy-to-understand percentage is marked.

There were a total of 8 trolls who died under the great sword of Sharlayan. He roughly calculated that the experience provided by each troll fluctuated around 8%-12%.

Together with the remaining experience points, the 8 trolls allowed Sharlayan's warrior level to rise to 12 smoothly.

The moment he upgraded, he could clearly feel that his various physical qualities had improved slightly, and the most improved was strength, which was the main attribute of a fighter.

Barrage speculates that depending on the strength of killing the enemy, the experience gained will also be somewhat different.

If he could leapfrog the level and defeat the enemies of the elite template, it would not be impossible for Sarlayan to go up one level at a time with Sarlayan's current low level of just over 10.

But enemies with elite templates are not so easy to encounter, and even if they do, Sharlayan may not be able to win with his current strength.

When using Hawkeye before, Sharlayan accidentally discovered a detail.

After officially activating the system, his eagle eye has some more functions than before, and he can observe some templated information given by the system.

Character: Amani Shield Guard

Status: Seriously Injured (Regenerating), Depressed

Combat job: level 8 fighter (defense specialization), level 3 headhunter

talent:? ? ?

Skill:? ? ?

This is the panel of one of the troll minions captured by the high elves.

The information of the other captives was similar to his. At most, their levels and status were different, and they also couldn't see their talents and skills.

Under the barrage's suggestion, Sharlayan opened his eagle eyes to look at Halduron who was frowning and thinking.


Halduron suddenly felt a chilling stare, and immediately turned his head to respond with sharp eyes.

After seeing the source of the gaze, Halduron was visibly taken aback.

"Sharlayan? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Sharlayan's eyeballs moved slightly, and he adopted the words provided by one of the barrages.

"I have an important piece of information to tell you."

"Halduron, I suspect the trolls have changed their tactics, and their main force is no longer here."


Halduron raised his brows slightly, forgetting the previous sense of disobedience.

"Tell me in detail, is the source reliable?"

Knowing from Sharlayan that the Amani trolls may have gone north along the road opened by the orcs, Halduron fell into a long thought.

Sharlayan slipped aside just in time to examine the panel he had seen on Halduron.

Character: Halduron Brightwing

Race: High Elf

Status: dignified, hesitant

Battle class: level 47 ranger (elite template), level 21 thief, level 5 arcanist

Talents: Arcane Affinity, Swift as the Wind, No Arrow, Son of the Forest (pseudo)

Skills: Arcane Shot, Aimed Shot, Ranger Trap (click to expand the sub-section), Camouflage, Raptor Strike, Double-Edge Parry, Hunter's Mark, Ranger Guardian (omitted below)


"As expected of a veteran ranger, this panel is gorgeous enough."

"I can't see it, Halduron, a ranger lord with thick eyebrows and big eyes, has also studied Arcanist, although he is only level 5."

"Level 5 can be regarded as an introduction at best, and there is no in-depth study at all."

"The ranger has the skill of arcane shooting, and the high elves are born with the talent of arcane affinity. It is normal to have a little understanding of arcane."

Halduron's skill panel was so long that Sharlayan didn't bother to read it one by one. UU reading

In short, there are many, including traps and ranger guards, many skills have subordinate sub-columns.

According to the common sense given by the system, the main battle class needs to be above level 30 to be rated as an elite template, and above level 50 will get a rarer legendary template.

"Observation-friendly units can see more information, which means that the content of the panel that Hawkeye can view is related to favorability?"

"Is this to play with the cultivation of love... just look at the panel and get good impressions?"

"Who told everyone to watch it? Didn't you notice Halduron's attitude before? You obviously noticed Sharlayan's peeping."

"If it's not necessary, it's better not to look at it indiscriminately. It's easy to cause displeasure to others, and it may even reveal your position during an ambush."

"Thinking too much, do you think Isalayan's character of being ready to explode is suitable for participating in an ambush?"


Regarding the barrage of ridicule, Sharlayan was very flat.

Across the dimensional barrier between different worlds, he and Danmaku can only communicate remotely through the system.

What else can you do if you are not calm, travel across the world to catch the person who sent the barrage of ridicule and beat him up?

If you think about it, you will know that it is unrealistic.

When Sharlayan and Danmaku were discussing the multiple functions endowed by the system, Halduron, who had hesitated for a long time, finally made up his mind.

"Sharlayan, I have an important task for you."

Halduron's expression was extremely serious, and he clapped his hands heavily on Sharlayan's shoulders.

"I will send you the fastest chocobo. You should go to Corona Village as soon as possible to get in touch with Vereesa."

"With further reliable information, I can safely make the next plan."