MTL - Live Beautification System-Chapter 542 Medical duel

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  Chapter 542 Medical Showdown

   Seeing the white-haired old man say that he was very angry in person, Ding Mu smiled slightly, and said with a sigh of relief: "Haha."

  The old man said: "Young man, you say that your level is a little higher than ours, so why don't you compare us?"

  He speaks standard Mandarin.

   "Old man. You are so old, you have such a hot temper, and your cultivation is not like a famous doctor." Ding Mu said with a smile, "Besides, it is not good to eavesdrop on others."

  The old man's temper was very weird. He rolled his eyes, blew his beard and stared and said: "You little **** and this little **** are insulting the reputation of my Luo's clinic with your mouth open and shut. If you say it, don't let me listen!"

"Hehe. Please listen, please listen. Old guy, since you are still so aggressive at a very old age, I am afraid that you have just reached menopause and your hormones are out of balance. I am not as knowledgeable as you. If you want to compare, I can Let me accompany you." Ding Mu listened to each other's cubs, so the address was not very polite.

  The old man sized Ding Mu up, and when he saw Ding Mu's hands, his eyes lit up, and he said, "Luo Haichuan, the attacking evil sect, learns from Hejian Liu Wanzheng."

  Ding Mu heard that Luo Haichuan directly opened up the mountain gate, so he had no choice but to say: "Ding Mu of Wuhuamen, brother Yunliu personally passed on medical skills."

  Hearing this, Luo Haichuan smiled triumphantly and said, "I knew you were a member of the Wuhuamen. The ring on your **** is not a flowerless gold needle."

Ding Mu raised his hand, and on his **** was a ring wrapped with gold thread. If the gold thread ring was straightened, it would be a hollow gold needle one foot long. Very delicate. This is a relic given to him by Yunliu, and it is also a symbol of Wuhuamen.

  Hearing what Luo Haichuan said, Ding Mu knew that this old guy must not be simple, he actually knew the lily needle without flowers.

  Ding Mu was about to speak, when Luo Haichuan said: "So, you are Yunliu's younger brother. Little Luobo is quite old. How is Brother Yunliu?"

  Ding Mu was a little sad, and said: "Brother passed away five years ago."

   "Ah!" Luo Haichuan said with a complex expression on his face, "It's a pity, the genius of the sky, but he didn't have a benevolent life. Xiao Ding, how many skills have you learned from him?"

  Ding Mu shrugged and said, "What aspect do you need to look at? In terms of medical skills, I have little experience. However, the comprehensive ability must be better than the best. We have no family, and we cannot be inferior to each other."

   Said, Ding Mu also took a special look at Ding Yan, and put his hand on his shoulder lightly.

  Ding Yan raised his head, looked at Ding Mu, unconditionally supported him and said, "Dad is the best."

  Luo Haichuan said: "Since you are the head of the Wuhua sect, then I am not bullying the younger. Come, come, let's see the patients in the surgery room in front."

  Ding Mu Xinran followed behind Luo Haichuan. He knew that this matter could not be solved today, so Ding Mu also wanted to see what level he and Meimei combined in terms of medical skills.

  Before entering the room, Ding Mu heard a familiar voice, "Mr. William, don't worry, the specialist from our clinic will be here soon." A soft voice said politely.

   "Well, I'm not in a hurry, I'm here for Expert Luo." A rough voice said.

Luo Haichuan, Ding Mu, and Ding Yan just walked to the door. As soon as Luo Haichuan pushed the door open, the three of them entered the surgery room together. A middle-aged man with a hat on his head, rough skin, a bit rustic, with His clothes were more elegant, but there was an unpleasant smell coming from him.

  Luo Haichuan had a weird temper, and he didn't say hello to the patient, but directly said to Ding Mu in Chinese: "Tell me, what's wrong with this person?"

  Ding Mu saw it at a glance, and replied in Chinese: "This man has a malignant sore on his head, and the condition is very bad."

   "Hiss." Luo Haichuan immediately gave Ding Mu a high look, "Yes, I have some skills."

   After finishing speaking, Luo Haichuan said in broken English: "Take off your hat."

  Mr. William was hesitant when he saw that Ding Mu and Ding Yan were still there, but seeing Luo Haichuan's aura, he didn't dare to say anything, and obediently took off his hat. He was still wondering who these two people were. Why are you with Luo Haichuan? It's his relatives, or his patients.

  William took off his hat here, and the beautiful doctor over there couldn't move his eyes when he looked at Ding Mu. He rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and said incredulously, "Ding...Ding Mu?"

  Ding Mu nodded with a smile, gestured to her, and said, "See the patient first, and talk later."

   This beauty is none other than the purest Gongsun Xiao in Ding Mu's class.

  Ding Yan walked over and said, "Hello, beautiful sister."

  Gongsun Xiao smiled sweetly and said, "Hello, lovely brother."

  Here, Luo Haichuan was diagnosing William, and Ding Mu listened indifferently.

  Luo Haichuan cut his pulse and said nothing.

Ding Mu said in Chinese: "Old Luotou, I can tell you how to do this without cutting the pulse. This is not a spontaneous sore, but caused by external factors. And it is an old sore, more than eight years old. "

   "Don't talk about it." Luo Haichuan rolled his eyes and asked William, "How did you do this? How long has it been?"

  William said: "Eight years ago, a **** full of dirt broke the head, and it has been repeated since then. It has been festering badly. I have used many antibiotics, and now they don't work."

   "Dad is great." Ding Yan said in time, "Dad's inspection is amazing!"

  At this time, Luo Haichuan also looked at Ding Mu with surprised eyes, his face full of shock. He even stammered a little, and said, "You, you, how do you know."

   "High level." Ding Mu said boldly.

  In fact, Ding Mu did not rely on inspection at all, but on face recognition, and then matched the information of this person, and then called out all the information of this person based on the information of this person. This is some of the high-tech technologies realized by Ding Mu's development of artificial intelligence in the past few years.

  Luo Haichuan breathed out between his teeth: "What a Wuhuamen. What a Dingmu. I admit that you are good at inspection, I am not as good as you, and the next step is treatment. I am going to use this prescription. What do you think?"

   These words are even a bit low profile. After finishing speaking, he began to write vigorously.

   Tragacanth one or two, ginseng and angelica two or two each; The top ten flavors, selected medicines and precious essences, are all cleaned, sun-dried, roasted, and extremely dry square scales, except for the osmanthus heart, pounded together, and collected into fine powder, put into the osmanthus to make a uniform. "

Ding Mu looked at this house and argued: "This prescription is to eliminate toxins and expel pus, and Nebu Shi Xuan San. It can cure all carbuncles, sores, and boils. According to the book, this medicine cures sores. If it is not successful, it will disperse quickly, and if it is successful, it will collapse quickly." , the festering pus will come out, there is no need to squeeze it with your hands, the evil flesh will go away by itself, and the pain will be relieved after taking the medicine.

   "Not bad." Luo Haichuan was triumphant, how about this medicine.

   "Sufficient." Ding Mu said, "This medicine is mild in nature, and can be taken by the elderly, children, women, and virgins. It can't cure ten-year-old sores at all."

   "Huh?!" The expression on Luo Haichuan's face suddenly froze, and he said angrily, "Then tell me, how to cure it?"

  Ding Mu stretched out a finger and said, "If it were me, I would just use one medicine."

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion