MTL - Live Beautification System-Chapter 528 Dongying Tavern

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  Chapter 528 Dongying Tavern

   It was a Saturday night, and it was drizzling.

  The air in Dongying is very clean, so the cars on the road look much cleaner. The leaves of the trees on the side of the road have become green and shiny, as if they are about to drip water.

  In Kabukicho, Tokyo, the unique narrow sidewalks are full of women wearing miniskirts and stretching out their seductive legs.

  The exquisite and small bars are submerged in darkness, only the neon lights on the signboards, passing through layers of rain and fog, tempting the Japanese men who have been tired all day.

   One figure after another hurried past, and without paying attention, they were pulled into a dark place.

   Plum Tavern.

  It is a dark place, but there are many people hiding.

  The soft laughter of the woman turned into cheerful music. The man's fingers were filled with smoke, and the whiskey glasses in his hands occasionally touched each other. The ice cubes in the glasses collided with each other, and the crisp sound of the glasses colliding made people sink into this kind of nightlife at once.

  Every day, there are many familiar faces in the tavern, and there are also many strangers. They sway in the shadows, bring their stories, and talk about their bitter experiences or gossip.

"Have you heard? Australia also left the Commonwealth of Nations and joined the South Pacific Alliance. In three or four years, the South Pacific Alliance has become an economy that keeps pace with the European Union." A male guest mumbled Flying about the latest news.

"Dahua is also developing rapidly. It took Dahua Aerospace Science and Industry three years to fully realize the five clouds and one car. Our Great Eastern Empire is simply too far behind! These days, the boss is always forcing us to come up with It’s famous, but I can’t figure it out, I can’t figure it out.”

   "Ono-kun, what can't you figure out?"

"How could they achieve it so quickly. Using the fast-launching aerostat as a platform to build a near-space local area network, quickly boost launch to the stratosphere, and realize boat-borne local area information enhancement, this is the fast cloud platform. This principle says It's simple, but it's really difficult. There are too many branches and details in it." The man called Ono-kun said with a sad face. He is a top student at Dongying Imperial University, "Let's not talk about clouds, it's even more terrifying. Dahuaguo uses 48 low-orbit access satellites and 9 low-orbit relay satellites to form a network. The real-time coverage of the region has directly realized the satellite-to-ground microwave communication + inter-satellite laser communication solution, and realized the seamless acquisition, transmission and sharing of spatial narrowband information. This can already be used in the Internet of Things."

   "Horrible? How did you use that word?"

"Not to mention anything else, so many satellites have been launched in such a short period of time, and the success rate is 100%. This efficiency is many times stronger than our empire, and we are far behind!" Ono-kun drank a glass of whiskey, quite A little decadent, today he has seen that the company's development is not good, and he may lose his job.

   "It sounds like the satellite launch technology is ahead. It's okay? We can also make satellite calls and watch satellite TV. Besides, I don't watch TV very much, and I go online."

"You are a layman." Ono-kun said disdainfully, "It's not a little bit ahead of me. What I just said was just two of their projects. Dahua Aerospace Science and Industry has realized the use of multiple low-orbit satellites to form a constellation, providing Broadband Internet access service with global coverage. Do you know how many satellites are needed? Now 156 satellites have been deployed. This is broadband for civilian use. Now Dahua people in Dongying can use their own country’s satellite network. The cost is not Very expensive!"

   "What company is the Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation you are talking about?" asked a drinker next to him.

"It is Dahua's state-owned enterprise, a large group with headquarters, five research institutes, six scientific research and production bases, eleven joint-stock enterprises directly under it, holding nine listed companies, and more than 1,000 subsidiaries." Ono-kun said in despair, "There are twelve academicians from Everbright Huaguo, and more than 500 world-class top talents. There are more than 200,000 employees, and more than 10,000 people with doctorates."

   "We are convinced by this power." The alcoholic who asked the question just now had a dignified face.

"You don't understand." Ono-kun seemed to be drinking a little too much, "In the past, the doctors in Dahuaguo were all idiots, but I don't know why, since they changed a chairman, they have become very efficient. The ability has been fully utilized. They said at the press conference that the development and construction of the five major projects will span more than ten years, involving thousands of sub-projects and subsystems, with an estimated investment of over 100 billion yuan. In the past, Dahuaguo was bragging I am used to talking big, but this time the time span of the talk spanned ten years, and it was completed in three years. Our days are too sad."

   After finishing speaking, this Ono-kun's eyes turned red. He still has a family to support, he has a good income, bought a beautiful big house, married a beautiful and virtuous full-time wife, and keeps the house in order. He doesn't want to lose his job and let his wife come out to work. It's hard to find a job now, her wife is so delicate and beautiful, and she can't do any particularly lucrative jobs, unless she goes to the sea to do some filming work, so that people all over the world can see her well-organized appearance.

   "What's the name of their chairman?" a drinker said in a rough voice.

"It seems to be called Ding, Ding Guoxuan. The name of a Dahua man. I can't pronounce it well. I hate him very much, but I also admire him." Ono-kun drank a little too much, he stood up staggeringly, and wanted to go home .

"Ono-kun, sit down again and have a drink. What does South Pacific and Dahua have to do with us? I am still concerned about the big incidents of the Uesugi family and the Yagyu family. I heard that a particularly inconspicuous man went directly to the Yagyu family. Zudi, Shui Ji and Yue Ji were kidnapped, tsk tsk tsk, those two girls are so beautiful, I think the mother here, if she was twenty years younger, she would still look a bit like that Yue Ji. Hahahaha. "

  After hearing these words, the tavern returned to the usual decadent atmosphere. These rude men like to talk about women in taverns, especially beautiful women. A little more legendary color would be even better.

   "Why don't I know about this, Mr. Tomita, please tell me what's going on." A drinker who seemed to be familiar with the rude Mr. Tomita asked.

   This Tomita-kun cleared his throat, and the drinker next to him said, Serve Tomita-kun a glass of whiskey, it's mine.

  The bartender quickly poured a glass into the ice glass.

  The person known as Tomita-kun took a sip in satisfaction, and began to say: "You all know the Yagyu family, right?"

"I know that the Yagyu family created the Yagyu Xinyin school of swordsmen. The Yagyu family is a powerful family in Yamato. Starting from Tokugawa Ieyasu, the Yagyu family who has served as the swordsmanship guide of the Tokugawa shogun's family for generations is the number one in Dongying swordsmanship. family."

Another person said: "Yagyu Zongyan, Liusheng Zongji and Liusheng Shibingwei are three members of the Liusheng family. They are called Liusheng Three Dogs. The Liusheng family's military books include "Murder Sword", "Living Sword" and "No Sword Volume". , and the "Moon no Sho" written by Juhei later. The essence of Yagyu Xinyinliu lies in taking without swords, and it has achieved high achievements and is very respected."

"Yeah. You are all right. It is such a famous family that makes a person who looks very inconspicuous..." Mr. Tomita glanced at the people present, and pointed to a person sitting in a corner. At most, he was a little handsome, but the thin white-faced otaku said, "That man looks just like him, but he directly picked the entire Liusheng family, kidnapped the Liusheng family's Yue Ji, and lived in his house." The young lady of the Uesugi family."

  (end of this chapter)