MTL - Live Beautification System-Chapter 524 ten girls return to heart

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  Chapter 524 Ten Girls Returning to Heart

  When a man fights with a woman, a man will always lose, but a man can still win a fight with ten women, unless he is Ding Mu.

   As for how they fought, I can't tell here, it was a scuffle anyway. Although this battle of fighting against ten players was very tragic, Ding Mu, who won in the end, gained a lot.

  Real person beautification system's smart assistant Meimei tips:

  Twenty-one cuts of beauty: Isil Morris, obtained 21,000 perfect coins, increased sexual ability by 21%, and increased charisma by 21%. Gain computer proficiency.

  Twenty-two beauties, Giselle Scott: Get 22,000 perfect coins, increase sexual ability by 22%, and increase charisma by 22%. Obtain master-level algorithm optimization capabilities.

  Beauty Twenty-Three Cuts, Kalifa Aguiram: Obtained 23,000 perfect coins, increased sexual ability by 23%, and increased charisma by 23%. Gain master-level full-stack capabilities.

  Beauty Twenty-Four Cuts, Nancy Farris: Get 24,000 perfect coins, increase sexual ability by 24%, and increase charisma by 24%. Obtain software and hardware interaction capabilities.

  Beauty Twenty-five Cuts, Lindsay Rubik: Get 25,000 perfect coins, increase sexual ability by 25%, and increase charisma by 25%. Gain hacking abilities.

  Beauty Twenty Six, Marisa Hamilton: Get 26,000 perfect coins, increase sexual ability by 26%, and increase charisma by 26%. Gain assembly language proficiency.

  Beauty Twenty Seven, Shakira Gadot: Get 27,000 perfect coins, increase sexual ability by 27%, and increase charisma by 27%. Computer knowledge has been greatly improved.

  Beauty Twenty Eight, Margaret Meyer: Obtained 28,000 perfect coins, increased sexual ability by 28%, and increased charisma by 28%. Gain assembly language proficiency boosts.

  Beauty Twenty-nine Cuts, Zhuge Ying: Get 29,000 perfect coins, increase sexual ability by 29%, and increase charm by 29%. Gain a substantial increase in Hacking ability.

  Beauty Thirty Cuts, Karlie Kloss: Get 30,000 perfect coins, increase sexual ability by 30%, and increase charm by 30%. Computer capabilities have been greatly improved.

   The total amount of perfect coins obtained above is 255,000, and the balance of perfect coins is 343,000.

   After achieving the achievement of "Ten Cuts in a Row of Beauties", in Ding Mu's mind, the real person beautification system flashed continuously.

Please note!

Please note!

  In Ding Mu's mind, Meimei sounded the alarm.

   "What's wrong?" Ding Mu talked to Meimei.

"The system benefits are here." Meimei said, "Now I have achieved a very important hidden achievement. After twenty slashes and ten consecutive slashes, you can implement the preferential optimization mode, consume all perfect coins, reach the MAX of sexual performance bonus, and the charm bonus MAX, the development of the brain reaches 40%. The whole body is automatically perfected inside and outside."

   "Isn't this consuming too little Perfect Coin? Doesn't it cost 1 million Perfect Coins for every percentage point of 30%-40%? Plus the perfection of the whole body." Ding Mu said, "What are the disadvantages of this?"

Meimei said: "This is also my greatest ability, and the ability of the system itself has reached its limit. From then on, only the 'God' series can be mined in the real-life beautification system. Perfect Coin is no longer meaningful to you .As for the disadvantages you mentioned, you will know right away that you must learn to hide your charm, otherwise you should not meet people casually, you will let others lose control. Unless, you want to kill thousands of people, and kill hundreds of millions of people."

  Ding Mu understood this truth and said, "Okay, I agree."

   "Then it begins."

  Ding Mu felt a habitual pain coming into his mind, and the biggest beautification of the system began.

   Wave after wave of pain invaded Ding Mu's nerves like waves, but Ding Mu's willpower was already invincible. No amount of pain could shake his soul. Whenever the pain strikes, the severe pain seems to swallow Ding Mu's soul, but there is always a trace of cold breath coming from his body, and there is always a little spiritual light that is not extinguished.

  The realm of three flowers, the realm of hundreds of flowers, the realm of thousands of flowers.

  Ding Mu's force made continuous breakthroughs, and all the unique skills Yun Liu taught before his death were fully mastered, and all his own learning was integrated into one furnace, and he reached an unprecedented new level all at once. Ding Mu's Master Wuhua's magic skill of Wanhua has reached the peak of Wanhua Realm.

  The knowledge that Meimei, a product similar to artificial intelligence, can acquire is beyond the imagination of human beings. Ding Mu is almost invincible.

   However, Ding Mu also realized for a while. Only by breaking through the Ten Thousand Flowers Divine Art and reaching the realm of returning to nature without flowers can one become a normal person. But now, he is not suitable to be a person, he can only become the **** of Shengding Kingdom.

   Lioness Island.

  The night is as cool as water.

  A naked body got into Ding Mu's bed, and a lip stuck to Ding Mu's ear.

  The cold skin and hot lips made Ding Mu shudder.

  The real-life beautification system is completing the final steps, and now Ding Mu is in a state of stiffness, almost without any resistance. However, there are no outsiders on this island. The person who got under the dingmu blanket was Carly. Karlie Kloss.

  The voice from Ding Mu's ear woke him up suddenly.

  What she said was: "Ding Mu, is it possible that you have alien support behind you, just like Aaron Muller."

  As soon as he said this, Ding Mu felt as if in a classroom during the dog days, the teacher was teaching a boring political class, and when he was falling asleep, a bucket of ice water was directly poured on his head.

  Because what she said was not an interrogative sentence, but a judgment sentence. Also, she wasn't talking about whether you got alien technology, but whether you had alien support behind you. More importantly, she also used a word, also! In this way, she is very sure that there are already people in this world who are backed by aliens!

  The Aaron Muller that Carly mentioned is one of the world's most dazzling technology stars, entrepreneurs, engineers and philanthropists. His achievement direction almost completely coincides with that of Ding Mu. New energy vehicles, solar technology and aerospace technology. Moreover, he also invests in movies.

  Aaron's reputation is not less than that of Ding Muzhi. Five years before he became famous, he was named the most influential CEO in the world for two consecutive years. Although Ding Mu's recent achievements are greater than his, he is a Dahua, and when the company's achievements are the most dazzling, he immediately retired. In the eyes of many people, Ding Mu is more like an entertainment star than an entrepreneur, and the Western world is even less familiar with Ding Mu.

  Hearing what Carly said, Ding Mu stiffened his body, barely opened his mouth, and asked, "Carly, what do you mean by this, Aaron Muller is backed by aliens?"

"As far as I know, yes." Carly directly explained the truth to Ding Mu, "You know, my family is also considered an upper class in the Western world. This news is an open secret in a small circle. Many new technologies in the United States are promoted by aliens. Some aliens have already contacted the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and then gradually imported technology. Moreover, many companies have reached deals with aliens. Haven’t you noticed , The earth's technology has ushered in a huge leap in a short period of time. Oh, it seems that your Dahua country likes to call it the third industrial revolution."

  Ding Mu's brain development rate has reached 40%. He strung together the information he obtained and discovered a shocking fact. Aliens are actually around, but the general public didn't notice it at all, and they didn't take it seriously. In fact, Ding Mu should have guessed this news a long time ago.

  Ding Mu didn't answer Carly's question directly, but he didn't completely conceal the fact that he also had contact with aliens. He said: "Currently, I don't have any extraterrestrial support behind me. However, I am curious about alien technology. I have always believed in the existence of aliens. Can you tell me more about everything you know. "

  (end of this chapter)

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