MTL - Live Beautification System-Chapter 2 alien software

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  Chapter 2 Alien Software

   "The loading is complete, do you want to open it?" A wave of consciousness came from Ding Mu's drowsy brain, waking him up from his coma.

  Ding Mu was vague, vaguely remembering that he was downloading the Meitu Xiuxiu software, and subconsciously said: "Open it."

  Ding Mu's eyes went dark, and a three-dimensional figure unfolded in his mind, still naked. Ding Mu took a closer look, isn't this him? The mouth between the legs is still moving. There is also a tool bar and tool buttons around the 3D human body, only the first button is bright, and the rest are dark.

How is this going? Could it be that after the electric shock, he fell into a coma and dreamed? Ding Mu saw the help icon in a trance, thinking about help in his mind, and then the version function information popped up.

  Meitu Xiuxiu (V6 version of real-life beautification system), all rights reserved, Named Star Perfect Company.

   What kind of Named star is this? Could it be that I won the alien prize and downloaded the alien software of the same name.

   Ding Mu thought in his mind, quit.

   After swiping, Ding Mu returned to his room, the computer was still there, and this line of prompts was displayed on the screen. The interstellar networking function of this device has been cancelled, and so-and-so's device certification has been cancelled. So-and-so is an alien character that can't be pronounced at all, it should be a name. I'll go, there is also an automatic translation function.

As a modern person, Ding Mu's ability to accept is still very strong. One hour later, after drinking the 2L iced cola in the refrigerator, Ding Mu confirmed that he was hit by a pie falling from the sky and got a foreign Star Software: Meitu Xiuxiu live version - real beautification system.

  This software is currently in the primary mode, with only one primary function, self-beautification.

  Such as skin beautification, hair beautification, and eye beautification are all upgrade functions, and they need to be exchanged with Perfect Coin. The direct way to obtain Perfect Coin is in-app purchase, but because the interstellar networking function has been lost, the in-app purchase function is no longer available. Other methods of obtaining Perfect Coin require online help, but they cannot be connected to the Internet.

  However, Ding Mu studied it a little bit, and the only self-beautification function is already against the sky. After modification in the 3D portrait inside the software, as long as the modification is saved, the real body will gradually change to the portrait. It's just that it's not very smart to modify. It needs to use various beauty tools, stretch and shrink, just like sculpture, which requires a certain amount of artistic skills.

  As a new generation, Ding Mu has a strong ability to accept incredible new things. Ding Mu didn't hesitate to start attacking himself. Afraid of disfigurement, he didn't dare to move his face, so he went straight to the next three roads—try to change his toes first.

  Ding Mu's right foot was slightly injured, and the joint of the thumb on the right foot is slightly more protruding than the left foot.

  Ding Mu chose the corresponding shrink tool in his mind, controlled the strength and size, and then carefully pressed the raised part of the right foot a few times until it was exactly the same as the left foot. Save and exit.

  The small bump on Ding Mu's right foot disappeared visibly, no matter it looked or felt, it was completely the same as his uninjured left foot.

   "It's amazing!" Ding Mu exclaimed excitedly.

   If so amazing. Hey hey, let you call me little Ding Ding, I make a super large Nordic size. Ding Mu was secretly happy, and opened the software again.

  Ding Mu thought it was easy, but when he actually got it working, he realized that it was super difficult to modify such an "appendage". Because the proportion of each part is particularly difficult to adjust. The direction of each blood vessel and the adjustment of each layer of skin need to be considered, which is actually much more detailed than sculpture.

  After two hours of painstaking "beautification", Ding Mu saw his own thing in the portrait, which was big or big, but the big one was deformed and crooked, so he didn't dare to keep it and quit directly.

   It's not that easy. Ding Mu was quite disappointed.

At this moment, Lu Tingting called again, and said angrily: "Hey, Xiao Dingding, what's the matter with you, it's been 4 hours, why haven't you sent your photo yet, other people's photos I've found everything, and I'm missing you!"

   "Oh, yes, the photo, okay, okay, I was delayed by something just now, so I will post it immediately." Ding Mu hung up the phone, and randomly found a life photo from his mobile phone and sent it to Lu Tingting.

  Suddenly, there was a flash of inspiration. Yes, there are photo materials, it is not easy to fabricate out of thin air, it is not easy to take pictures of cats and tigers.

   "Hey." Ding Mu took out his old notebook, and found a few treasured European and American classic blockbusters from an inconspicuous corner of the computer. Ding Mu checked the academic materials from the **** toys website and the physiological knowledge website for a long time, and vowed to make a satisfactory big guy for himself.

  After some research, Ding Mu felt that there was a person whose genital shape could be used for reference. That person is the legendary figure in the late Tsarist Russia, the demon monk Grigory Yefimovich Ras PJ. During his lifetime, he was ruined by tyranny and licentiousness. After his death, his majestic **** with a length of 28.5cm were cut off and are now on display in the Sex Museum in St. Petersburg, Russia.

   "After a person dies, it should be normal, but if it becomes hard, then I can't even think about it." Ding Mu grinned and muttered after reading the materials.

  With a reference object, it will be easy to handle. Ding Mu once again entered the real person Meitu, and started to attack himself.

Like a divine help, through some unspeakable fine-tuning, and according to the streamline and radian of the assault boat, the angle, camber, and expansion ratio were set when hardened. Ding Mu, who was already somewhat narcissistic, basically Intoxicated.

Save changes.

  Before I exited this time, a golden light flashed in the software, and an achievement badge popped up—a perfect YJ out of proportion. Get 1000 points of Perfect Coin.

  The achievement system is enabled, and you can get perfect coins rewards by obtaining perfect achievements.

There are also notes below, perfect YJ: 100% bonus to sexual ability, 100% bonus to **** appeal, "disproportionate" title: out of proportion to other parts of the body, others will be surprised when they first see it, extra **** appeal into 50%.

  What is the concept of a 100% increase in sexual ability? Ding Mu couldn't help but be surprised to see that the "work" he created through real-life pictures can have such an additional effect. If I get perfect legs, perfect hands, and perfect arms, I have a chance to become a superman through this software, with unlimited potential. You can also get Perfect Coin, that is to say, you still have the opportunity to use other functions of this software.

   There are 1,000 perfect coins, and the hair beautification tool is just 1,000, buy, buy, buy! At this time, Ding Mu didn't know how small the chance of achieving the perfect achievement was, so he spent the perfect coin he just got and added a hair beautification function.

   Hair actually affects a person's appearance very much. Especially for boys, hair is sometimes more important than face. The hair beautification tools provided by Real Meitu are quite powerful, from pores to hair texture, from hair color to distribution, and even the sparseness of each part can be adjusted.

  Ding Mu originally belonged to a group of people with more vigorous hair. It's so hairy and hot in summer, so let's cool it down. Ding Mu controlled the software casually and removed all the body hair. Of course, the hair and eyebrows were too conspicuous, so I didn't dare to move them for a while.

   This will be convenient in the future, and when you become proficient in using the software, you can save money on haircuts yourself.

  The old group is abolished, the new book friend group: 627626734, the full subscription VIP book friend group: 387015006

  (end of this chapter)

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