MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 64

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A dark cloud suddenly came from nowhere, covering the bright moonlight with a tight seam. On a sunny day, thunder exploded without any warning, leaving the sky half pale.

Lightning was falling on the Suzaku Tower, and the bronze bell trembling at the same time, the rushing ringtone was the same.

Then, I heard a loud noise. The Suzaku Tower, which lasted for thousands of years, was divided into two from the middle, and the old wall was cracked, and the tower suddenly exploded.

The content that countless people in Suzaku Tower finally coveted is now in the public eye--

I saw the empty tower behind the broken tower, like a poor and imprisoned cage. The owner ’s shameless stone sat haunted by it, and a shaky oil lamp hung above his head. Swing.

The stone statue seems to have boundless sorrow between the eyebrows. Under the fire of the oil lamp violently flickering, a turtle fell back from its hands, fell to the ground and turned over, shaking, exposing the engraving on the back. A "messy" word.

Unfortunately, no one could see clearly. The next moment, the turtle's back and the stone statue disappeared without warning.

There seemed to be an old sigh from the hanging oil lamp, and the flames gradually went out.

Suzaku Tower is no longer there, and the towering spirit that has been guarding the tower for hundreds of years must have gone with it.

At this moment, a sharp eye saw another thing, and whispered to the human side, "Look, it's an icicle, what's frozen in it?"

The crowd looked at it, and then they saw a large icicle that was one person tall under the extinguished oil lamp, and there was a person who could not see the eyebrows in the middle. The black gas lingering on that person shuttled back and forth in the translucent ice. Guiyu broke out, dark and fused with the night.

There is a saying, "Life is immortal, heart demon is immortal." This thing cannot be killed or eliminated. Cheng Qian had to make a "seal" and seal it in ice.

Cheng Qian originally thought that in addition to the broken copper and iron in this Suzaku tower, there is a tower spirit that is not human. The demon is sealed in the ice and has no source of power. It will inevitably be weakened over time, even after a decade or two. The icicle was melted by Suzaku Tower, and it was almost "starved" to death.

Who knows that this Suzaku Tower, which can be used for generations, is broken in an instant!

A thick black cloud surged from the south, and the icicle was constantly wrapped around, as if summoned by something.

The monks who were more energetic when they saw this scene were ready to run.

After all, the two monks protecting the puppet in front of the carriage have seen the world after all, and one of the taller old men said, "This magical energy is not easy to get along with."

Another chunky saying: "I often hear people say that there are lame walkers in southern Xinjiang. I don't think it is groundless. Let's go first anyway."

The thin tall man sighed and asked a little helplessly: "What about the young master?"

Before the short old man answered, he heard a monk next to him and said, "Senior, look!"

I saw a gray urn on the waist of the monk who spoke. The gray urn lived upright and moved along with the wind, slowly pointing in the direction of Suzaku Tower.

The monk holding the gray urn hurriedly said, "Senior, this is the 'hunting trance'. When I came, I hit the other end on the young master because I was afraid of an accident. I must have been blocked by the Suzaku tower before the trance. As soon as Suzaku Tower exploded, it immediately felt the position of the young master. "

The tall and thin old man heard it, his face changed immediately, and he was startled: "How could the young master be in the Suzaku Tower? This, how should this be good?"

Nothing could be better-just then, just listening to a screaming roar from the distance, all the black gas swirls gathered around the icicles, and they converged into Jackie Chan from the ground, shook up, and rolled up the icicles .

I don't know who murmured: "Earth to earth Jackie Chan, the world is chaotic ..."

The black dragon led to the neck, and a roar shocked one hundred thousand mountains in the southern Xinjiang. The icicle rang, and a crack appeared suddenly. From top to bottom, it broke apart in an instant, and the shadow enclosed in the icicle merged with the dragon , Lingering straight into the sky.

Jiuxiao was shaking, Xingyue was dark. The invincible fire that filled the mountain was swallowed up.

God and Buddha are scared.

The chunky Yuan Shen monk was shocked: "Go! Go! Go!"

But Rao is his great power. In this situation, the sound is not higher than Qiu Chong. The monk of the gods gritted his teeth and immediately dropped his companion. He crawled on the ground and turned himself into a shooting star. To escape.

The moment the sword rose to the sky at his feet, Suzaku Tower opened a big mouth full of smell, and swallowed everyone in the room in an instant. None of the fairy body and the Yuanshen escaped.

The stupid monk found himself indifferent to this face, and did not dare to turn back, and flew towards the north.

At this time in the edge restaurant, Cheng Qian fell down without warning, frightening Yan Zhengming.

He yelled again and again for a long while, only to find that Qian Qian was actually lying down with this glass of sweet-scented osmanthus sugar water.

Yan Zhengming didn't expect that his seemingly indestructible fellow was actually so easy to be laid down, scratching his hands beside him for a while, finally remembering what he should do, he took a step forward, and didn't know to follow Who explained: "Go to bed."

Naturally no one would answer him, Yan Zhengming said this sentence, as if he had obtained any permission, carefully holding his breath, bending over to hold Cheng Qian, and put it in his clean bed without any hair.

Yan Zhengming watched Cheng Qian for a moment, tentatively stretched out his hand, and patted him twice gently: "Hey, can't you drink a single bite?"

Cheng Qian did not respond.

Yan Zhengming's mind flew up involuntarily--although he didn't know what he was in, if he had a tail, it must have risen to the sky. He poked Cheng Qian's forehead, and said, "Look at you for this. "

Cheng Qian crossed his face slightly with his hand, and there was osmanthus-flavored wine in the shallow breath. After all, it was all wine. With Cheng Qian's constitution, even if people do n’t know, Zhenyuan will run on his own. Exhausting that little wine, even if he was drunk, he could not get drunk for a moment.

Yan Zhengming sat on the bedside for a moment and traced Cheng Qian's features with his eyes. It was as if a small stone had been lost in the lake of the heart that had just settled, and ripples came again.

He was like a poor child guarding sugar. He was anxious to guard himself from stealing, but he had no courage to commit crimes. He had to look at it with an eye and think wildly, although he did not dare to touch Cheng Qian, but Already his thoughts were about to jump out of his throat, and a weird smirk appeared on his face.

Just then, something suddenly happened outside the window.

As if the rat fell into the rice crock, Yan Zhengming blew back from a pile of old and immoral fantasies, and looked at it, and shot the window apart.

I saw the birds in the courtyard as if frightened, fluttering their wings and fled, and there seemed to be a cloud of sky rising from the south, a thick cloud rolling like a tide, and a huge pressure came through the gloomy night sky. Yan Zhengming no longer cares about peeping who's sleeping face, presses his palm on Cheng Qian's back heart, and the real element with sharp spirit suddenly drives straight in, instantly turning Cheng Qian's body tepid. Zhenyuan agitated, and the wine that hadn't had a mouthful suddenly disappeared.

Cheng Qian was filmed by him with a cough and awake, and it was naturally unpleasant to force the foreign real Yuan to wake up forcibly. He blocked his chest in one breath and walked halfway, and the temples on both sides were still jumping. Cheng Qian's His eyebrows were twisted into a ball, struggling to hold himself up a bit, and he said that if Niang Niang dare to tell him that this shot was taken because he did not take off his shoes, he would have to commit the following crime.

Yan Zhengming was standing in front of the window in an instant, facing Cheng Qiandao with his back: "The glass fell down, got up, something happened."

The frost blade that Cheng Qian just threw on the table hummed, and he frowned hard at his eyebrows: "What?"

The voice fell, and Yan Zhengming was opened by Cheng Qian's hard-opened door again. I saw Li Yan carrying a half-height long-legged bird on his shoulder and broke in: "Master ... uh, Xiao , Small dive? "

Cheng Qian is not unusual here, it is strange where he sits.

Li Yan crossed his foot on the threshold, his look was embarrassing and embarrassing, he was neither forward nor backward.

Rao was unfamiliar with the crisis, but Yan Zhengming was still guilty of thief by his eyes, and said angrily, "What are you doing with that? Get in!"

Cheng Qian looked at the stingy big bird and asked, "Is this a little sister?"

"Her monster bones have changed." Li Yan put the puddle on the table. The temperature in the puddle was extremely high. Li Yan's sleeves and hands were burnt out in a row of scorched black. When he touched the table, he heard "sigh". With a sound, a jug of cold wine boiled next to it.

Li Yan waved his hand to move the barrel to the window sill, retracted his hands and blew them together, and said, "So she doesn't blame me for not returning."

The puddle lay half-dead on the table, like a golden roast chicken, saying, "Brother, I'm going to die."

Then the dying head tilted his head, just to see the snack that Yan Zhengming had just opened, and then tossed the dim sum aside, he pecked with a probe, leaving a through hole, eating while saying: "You must also be a dead ghost when you die. "

Cheng Qian: "..."

He found that the big brother was very good at bringing children, and especially taught according to his aptitude, completely retaining the original bird spirit of the little master.

At this time, the sky outside was too dark, and not many residents in the restaurant all wore clothes. People stretched their necks and watched outside. Cheng Qian glanced with a probe and saw a black dragon looming in the dark clouds in the distance. In the meantime-this is not the antique that died for 8,000 years in the True Dragon Banner. The immense coercion screamed along with the magical spirit that made people unstable, covering a half-day of change.

At that moment, a sudden crackling sound was heard from the puddle. The half-human tall bird's wings suddenly stretched out, and a few feet of flame was raised on the body. The wooden table was immediately torched.

Yan Zhengming exhibited in a long-sleeved dress. Senran Jianqi from Jianxiu seemed to be a transparent cover. He shrouded the whole room, Li Li took out a pack of cinnabar from his arms, copied the osmanthus wine on the window sill, and opened it. Humans almost became a ghost, and circles of fiery red spells unfolded like clouds on the ground.

Cheng Qian originally wanted to say "It shouldn't be here for a long time, can I go?" Seeing this situation, he swallowed back the unnecessary words. He grabbed Frostblade, jumped up, lifted the eaves, and stood Protect the law outside.

There were a few tremors at his feet, and the power of the sky demon was constantly trying to break through the bones and was suppressed by Yan Zhengming.

Every time the puddle of the puddle grows, both of them seem to have a life-saving relationship. Even though the realm of these years has been thousands of miles away, the power of the sky demon in the puddle has grown even more crazy. At this time, the long feather behind her was quilted The scattered Qi of the sword was cut in pieces, but the fierce fire of Samadhi was involuntarily spread out, even affecting Cheng Qian, who was outside the circle of Jianyi.

Cheng Qian's back was almost burning, and the fire in the puddle seemed more irritable than the sinking of Suzaku Tower.

Suddenly, a scream of a loud bird came from behind him, and a red glow broke through the roof, straight into the sky, tearing the dense black clouds apart, opening a huge target thousands of miles away.

The black dragon in the distant cloud turned his head and looked up, facing Cheng Qian's gaze, Cheng Qian's hair turned upside down, and he couldn't help clenching his sword involuntarily-he hadn't known this feeling for years.

Suddenly, someone whispered not far away: "Nine young phoenix ... she is Tonghe?"

The voice was very familiar, and Cheng Qian turned his head back, shocked: "Brother Tang? Why are you here?"

The person who came was Tang Yan. I do n’t know if it was under the dark clouds. Tang Yan's face became more and more ugly, like a sick man who died soon.

He followed two young people left and right, carefully supporting him from both sides. One was Nian Mingming, the baby son who likes to talk to himself, and the other was the one who shortly nailed his soul with three ice cones. Rokuro.

Tang Yan did not greet him, but just looked towards the increasingly approaching black dragon and said weakly: "One of the three thousand magic ways is the most rare, which is caused by the spirit demon, using the body as a magic weapon. If it is Dacheng, It can gather the invincible power of the world's demons and converge into a demon dragon. However, it is the first time that the demons hurt and hurt themselves, and I know that someone can take this step to this point-Xiaoyou, you must be careful, Tong The demon bone of the Hetian demon is just right for the back of the demon dragon. "

During the talk, the black dragon had arrived, and mortals and monks had become ants. They had already scattered and fled, shouting around.

Long Yinru fell like a thunder, and the people almost couldn't stand, just listening to a loud noise. Except for Cheng Qian's footsteps, the trees around the house were spared and fell apart instantly.

Cheng Qian: "Get away!"

Frost blades came out of his sheath in his hand, and frost chilled like waves, and the string-like hum was heard all the way away.

Every drop of water seemed to be squeezed out by him in the humid and sultry air. Frost blinked and covered the entire restaurant. Cheng Qian stood on the pointed roof, holding the frost blade, and it did not flash like a tide and a sea. Do not avoid.

The hoar-frost smashed against the approaching black cloud without any buffer.


The extremely bright and the extremely dark met each other. Two welcoming stone lions underneath the restaurant were swept aside and instantly turned into powder, the sound of the golden stone of frost blades screamed, and the black dragon flipped in the air.

Tang Yan threw a multicolored stone in the ground of their short soldiers. The stone was hollowed into a cover, and the three of them were covered inside. After the bright light, a crack was left on the cover clearly.

The so-called stone is shocking-

Nian was so shocked that he stuttered: "Tang ... Tang ... this, but this is the colorful stone left by women and son-in-law in the world ..."

Tang Yan didn't seem to be distressed at all, and only said lightly: "It's just scraps, how can I stop the dragon from attacking? This dragon is ready, and this demon head is already qualified to question the North."

Nian opened his eyes with wide eyes: "He can become the North Mingjun!"

"No." Tang Yan said, "The demon Tao became king and defeated. If you want to question Beiming, you must pave the body of the previous generation of Beimingjun. The last Beimingjun left a soul and was stunned by one ... His Taoist friend was sealed with his own god, so that he was neither alive nor dead, and the 'North Mingjun' was forever sealed and no one else could obtain it. "

Nian was largely unwilling to listen to him and asked nervously, "My uncle Cheng is only a hundred years old. How did he fight the Man of Demon Sect?"

Liu Lang kept silent, after listening to this, he held his hand intently and tightened involuntarily.

Tang Yan didn't speak, just looked up—Cheng Qian on the roof shook himself, and a small half of Frost's sword had been stained with black gas. He didn't look at the sword in his hand, but raised his sleeve. Smeared the blood on the corner of his mouth, staring at the black dragon in the air.

The black dragon has one claw foot as large as three Cheng Qian. He stepped forward and grabbed him, pressing Cheng Qian to meet him, and gathered all the frost that was scattered like tides. "It fits into the extremely precise sword, and plunges into the heart of that black dragon's claw.

Tang Xuan patted Liu Lang's hand and whispered, "Don't worry about the sky, but he will use the sharp blade forged by Tianjie." 2k novel reading network

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