MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 53

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When Cheng Qianqian was looking for Fuyao Mountain like a flies, the puddle followed, and she was holding her head out of her head, looking at the rash green hills and plains, and she didn't know where to find the needle. Suddenly I felt that there was something in the cuff Itchy wrist.

Looking down at the puddle, I saw that a leaf was caught on the cuff, and then that leaf turned into a green and yellow caterpillar under her eyelids.

The part of the puddle that belongs to the girl has a goose bump, and the part that belongs to the bird wants to eat it again. Contradicting that I don't know what to do, I see that the caterpillar lifts its upper body and speaks in Li's voice. "Where did you go?"

... The second elder brother is really getting more and more heartbroken.

The puddle was crying and rushing all the way. There was a paste in my head. Without thinking about it, I blurted out, "I am near Fuyao Mountain."

As soon as she finished speaking, she almost bit her tongue off-oh, why did she tell the truth, how can you explain this?

Sure enough, the caterpillar heard it, and suddenly his temperament changed suddenly, and he saw that his soft body "stands up", even though he twisted and turned, he stood quite imposing.

The speaker changed to her elder brother, Yan Zhengming asked, "What are you doing back to Fuyao Mountain? The mountain is still sealed."

The story is a long story. In the past 100 years, they have sneaked back a few times, but except to see some suspicious people of unknown origin in the nearby villages and towns, they could not find the support that should have been here anyway. mountain.

It wasn't until Yan Zhengming first cultivated the Yuanshen that he knew that only the Yuanshen could enter the head seal, and that head seal turned out to be a key.

The caves of Fuyao Mountain are connected to the Valley of the Demon Valley. It was not accidental. The whole mountain is a natural secret. If the head of the contemporary took away the seal of the mountain, no one can enter and exit at will. No wonder they are dilapidated. A small martial artist, without a guard along the way, could be settled for so long in the storm.

Hearing, the puddle was speechless for a moment, and she stuttered stiffly: "I ... my ... I just missed home suddenly, come back and see."

Unfortunately, their head brother was not so easily confused, Yan Zhengming said: "Homesick? Don't talk about it. You left Fuyaoshan still diapers in my car, can you figure it out? Tell me the truth. "

Puddle: "..."

She has never lied since she was a child, because there is no need—brothers are much older than her, and usually pamper her. Except for the homework that must be completed, everything else she wants to get everything she can, even occasionally You will not be punished excessively for mistakes.

But she only chased with a hint of immortality. If she told the truth, what good would it do except to provoke her brothers to stay with her and to accept disappointment together?

The puddle gritted her teeth, and decided to make up a set of nonsense. She searched her intestines and scraped her belly, and made up a white hair on her back, and said, "I ... I'll wait for you, He flew to heaven and saw blood in the distant village. He suspected that it was the demon we were looking for this time, and chased after him—the second brother was also nearby, but I was in a hurry at the time and did n’t have time to tell him— well As a result, after chasing all the way, I chased to the vicinity of Fuyao Mountain, brother, do you say this time will it really be ... four brothers? "

As she lied, her heart leaped wildly.

The caterpillar was silent for a long time. After a while, Yan Zhengming said leisurely, "Your second brother said that he was too far apart, he didn't feel blood."

It's already miserable to make up, and there's a demolisher over there!

Finally, the puddle broke into a jar and said, "Okay, let me tell you the truth, you're sick of it! I saw a good-looking little brother in the eyes of Jin Sichan, the second elder brother, following him all the way Chase it. "

Yan Zhengming: "Well?"

Suddenly the puddle had a brainstorm and added: "Really, more handsome than you!"

This sentence poked her brother's dead point. Sure enough, Yan Zhengming refused to talk to her again, and the caterpillar slumped down again. Li Yan hurriedly said to her: "Don't make a mess Come back soon. "

Then the caterpillar seemed to run out of breath, turned back into leaves, rolled into a ball, and fell off her.

The puddle felt that she had finally passed away, and was greatly relieved. She turned around and turned into a bird with a big slap, flew into the bush, and concentrated on finding someone.

However, at this time in Shu, Yan Zhengming said to Li Wei: "When I came here, I saw that there was blood in the place. Now the blood is broken. It may be solved by the people in the valley. The girl in the puddle is not too bad. I believe she can become more euphemistic about what little brother she looks at. There must be something going on like this, so let's go there and save her trouble. "

Li Ye was almost convinced by his justified words, and he heard Yan Zhengming say indignantly: "What else is more handsome than me?" —Hum, I'll take a look. "

Li Yan sighed deeply, feeling that this little clever girl was really stealing chicken and not eclipsing the rice. In a word, he provoked the master.

Cheng Xiangqian couldn't find Fuyao Mountain, so he had to hide his sword and converge into a frosty real element, posing as a mortal and mingling into the nearby villages and towns.

In these years, it seems that the situation has really deteriorated. Cheng Qian still remembers that Master took them down the mountain to the East China Sea for the first time. The villages and towns passing by at that time were much busier than they are now.

He went into an inn at random, called a pot of tea, but set the steaming tea aside, and only asked the Paotang to ask, "Little brother, I'll ask you somewhere."

Seeing others look like a chrysanthemum, wearing a clean and decent dress, naturally willing to knot, he stepped forward and nodded and said, "You son."

Cheng Qiandao said: "I heard people say that there is a fairy mountain less than thirty miles east from here. I came here to look for it, but I couldn't find it. I want to ask your locals to find out."

Xiaopaotang listened, his face became a little solemn, he dived up and down and asked carefully: "Why, wouldn't you also be those immortals?"

"What immortal is not immortal," Cheng Qian laughed, "I have practiced two sets of exercises at home, and yet the door hasn't entered yet. How dare you to be a monk?-I hear what you mean, is there a lot of people asking about that Mountain? "

Xiao Pao Tang put a rag on his shoulder and said with a smile: "No, the guests have asked me for the first two days. I can't tell you that the villain is a native of China. I have heard it from my grandparents. The legend of Xianshan over there has never been seen before. Where can we see it with naked eyes? "

Cheng Qian said, "According to what you mean, there are also many fairies coming and going, can they not find them?"

Paotang smiled: "How else is it legend, but the scenery over there is good, if the son is willing, it is good to turn around and relax."

After leaving the running hall, Cheng Qian busted him and said, "Wait, brother, you said that someone had inquired for the first two days. Where did that person go? I will catch up soon, and maybe I can end it. Where is your companion. "

"I see them going to the official road-but my son, those people are not good at looking at them, as if it is not easy to provoke, my son still don't want to provoke them," he replied rashly.

Cheng Qian heard a sudden movement in his heart, a large group of people ... What was the idea of ​​helping Fu Shan?

He got up and left without waiting for the tea to cool. This pipeline, Cheng Qian only walked once, when he went down the mountain.

Because the big cars of his marry-like brother could not walk the path, they could only swagger through the official road. At that time, he did not talk about the Royal Sword, and even the horses did not ride well. He always wanted to be attentive. He practiced on the second land, so that Master had to take care of him along the way ...

Cheng Qian was transformed into a frost, and he passed silently across the official road, only to feel that everything here was a memory.

He chased out for about twenty years. His footsteps suddenly stopped, and he stopped almost without a buffer. Cheng Qian dangerously and dangerously retracted the step that was almost taken out. I saw two opposing stands in the lane. The layout of the stones is very deliberate, as if they were artificial, with imperceptible charms carved on them.

The two opposite spells formed a net and cut off the avenue from it-as long as someone passed, it would inevitably alarm the person who laid the spell.

Cheng Qian frowned slightly, gathered the real yuan into his eyes, and glanced at it. I saw that this place had been cast by a mantra of a magical spell—the roadside stones, the ground, and even hung in the shade of green trees. Wooden signs of varying lengths are almost a trap.

He glanced around, and suddenly an unknown fire rose in his heart—who is actually sneaking at the foot of Fuyao Mountain?

However, the fire returned, Cheng Qian still did not rashly release his consciousness. He took two steps and stepped back to bypass every spell, and continued to move forward, the more he was shocked. Although he did not release his consciousness, he was vaguely capable. I feel that the person who carved the spell is not weak, and there is occasionally a leak of blood in the turn of the spell. It can be seen that the cultivation may not be the right way.

Ordinary monks can't help but kill, but usually they do n’t kill for the sake of killing. They have no intention of killing, even if they carry several lives, they will not leave blood. The magic repair is different. When Qian Qian first started, he had never seen the three thousand magic roads in the nine-story Jinglou, and thought that they were no different from the right way. He even asked the master about these words, until now he understands It seems that the two are similar, but the essence is very different.

Zhengdao starts with the communication of heaven and earth, and pays attention to the essence of tuna heaven and earth and condenses the true element. Qi, even if it has never been stained with blood, the spells left behind will naturally carry blood.

Once the Taoist monk sees blood, his life will be out of control, and no one will be able to pull him back again-so it is rare for the Taoist monks to become a avenue.

Those who enter this path must have the willingness to desperately and never look back.

Even Cheng Qian had to spend a lot of time trying to cross this step-by-step amulet net, but he did not see "a group of people" in Xiaopaotang's mouth. When Cheng Qian carefully let the trap and sneak in During the battle, he saw a clearing, with a tall man facing his back.

The man radiated a circle of arrogant consciousness around him. He was quite arrogant with the "eight wastes *, the only thing he had." He smoked this place with blood. Cheng Qian for a moment did not know the depth of the person, and then he hid in a large tree. Behind the tree, once again converged his anger, as if the whole person had become a dead body.

The man with his back to his back seemed to be doing something, and halfway through, he suddenly got something wrong.

I saw this person tense, like an enemy, whispering to himself for a while, and then he suddenly launched his temper into the void with nothing, smashing the ground into a bang. The man looked crazy and shouted, "Dare you!"

After roaring, the man seemed to be suddenly lifted up by a puppet, and after a moment of stiffness, he suddenly stopped struggling, and issued a series of night-like grinning smiles in his mouth, and asked himself, "I have nothing to dare, waste."

Cheng Qian frowned—Nianda would also ask and answer on his own, but it just looked funny, and it was really creepy to put it on this magic body.

The next moment, the man roared angrily, and actually mutilated in situ-only to see him slap his palm to his chest, the sound of thunder and thunder in his palm, but he did not keep his hand, then he returned from his chest. A blast of black gas swelled and hit him with his palms, hitting his chest together. I wonder if it hurt his chest with the palm of his hand, or the black gas on his chest hurt his palm. Loss of ten thousand, and eight thousand.

The man took two steps and exhaled a spit of blood.

Cheng Qianxin said, "What's wrong with this?"

At this moment, an exclamation suddenly came from not far away, and I saw that the magic spell on the edge of the cloth was touched, and a burst of fireworks burst in place. In a moment, countless blood-stained bone claws emerged from the ground. , Turned into a sensible chain, tied the man violently thrown over the air, hit the ground severely.

This bad luck is exactly a puddle.

She did not expect that Cheng Qian would be mixed with mortals. She had been searching in the nearby mountains and forests in the form of a bird for a long time. The longer the time, the more disappointed she was. She was already physically and mentally exhausted. .

The moment she was caught, she suddenly turned into a humanoid figure in an attempt to resist, but found that her cultivation was made by the magic pressure.

The puddle dropped a lot, and almost cursed, but in the end she did not irritate the other person. She knew that she must have something to keep her life from her brothers, and her face was white and she didn't say anything, she curled up on the ground and pretended to be dead. , While fully resisting the invading magic.

The puddle was right, the moment she was **** by a chain, a hairband behind her head was broken, and there was a rune placed in it by Yan Zhengming, which was also the rune. She was struck directly by the chains.

The amulet of the Yuanshen monk was completely incomparable with the semi-finished product that was sent to Xue Qing by that year. Yan Zhengming and Li Xun had already found a nearby place. Once the Fu Xun was broken, Yan Zhengming immediately locked her position. Come over.

Cheng Qian, who was hiding aside, had no way of recognizing the puddle. The female grandmother changed, and a small baby girl grew into a big girl. Sometimes the original mold would turn upside down, not to mention her wings converged.

Cheng Qian was completely confused about her approach, so she didn't show up, and watched the change beside her.

Just then, the puddle suddenly felt a little restraint on her body, and she heard the big devil scream in a panic, "Girl, you go away!"

The puddle was stunned and had not had time to be happy. The chain suddenly tightened again. The big devil changed his tone and said insincerely: "It's just a century-old demon ... junk!"

I saw that the big devil's left hand suddenly extended forward, his fingers became claws, to grab the chain, but his right hand held the left wrist firmly, as if preventing himself from doing so, the first voice came out and roared again: "Don't pretend to be dead! Hurry up, I can't last long!"

For the first time in his life, the puddle encountered such a demon-like demon, and finally he couldn't help but raise his head and wanted to gain a long life.

This look up, she even forgot to run.

Just listened to her dullly, "Four Brothers?"

The big demon's eyes are red, his complexion is complex, and the five senses have been distorted and deformed, but she still recognizes it at a glance, and that person is Han Yuan-they have traveled all over Kyushu and Han Yuan cannot find it!

This throat yelled, and Han Yuan seemed to be holding his breath. He looked a little slower, his eyes fell on the puddle's face, like an incredible, flustered, and dodging, for a long while, his lips trembled slightly, Softly: "You, are you ... Little Master ... Ah!"

He didn't finish talking, the magic of his body suddenly skyrocketed, and the whole person almost turned into a black mist.

A cold voice started again: "It turns out that you are Hantan, so you have to come without any effort!"

As soon as the word "Hantan" exited, Cheng Qian's pupils shrank, and he couldn't take care of the rest-before others arrived, the sword-like shadow of the frost had arrived. At the same time, a long whistle came, and the whole ground shook. The charms of Han Yuanbu's surroundings were broken by a sword of extreme domination.

Then a figure rushed to the front like a wind, and the sword qi cut to Han Yuan like Mount Tai.

The puddle screamed, "Don't! Four brothers ..."

Cheng Guangqian couldn't allow Cheng Qian to think about the rules of the division. He instinctively guarded Han Yuan in chaos and raised his hand to take the sword.

The "full and declining full moon" confronted "the blue clouds of Pengcheng Wanli straight up."

There was a gap in the sword in the comer's hand, which just stuck two swords from the same origin.

For a moment, everyone froze. 2k novel reading network

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