MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 40

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Han Yuan's own cultivation was sparse, but he was very confident in his brothers. He heard that the voice of Zhang Dasen was quite high, and he had recognized that the master must be his own brother. He had a heart of fear of chaos in the world, and thought, "I'd better go and explore the inner disciples first, that's when the brothers can be targeted."

The disciples of the inner door following the island owner are also white robes, but unlike the elders and protectors, the clothes of the disciples are very plain. Such a group of people come together, and they look like a bunch of people wearing filth and filial piety. Han Yuan followed without much effort and followed the tracks of the inner disciples.

The disciples who gathered around the host of Qinglong Island silently walked. I do n’t know whether the inner door is very strict or not. I saw that none of them were in contact with each other, and their faces were red and indifferent, even with a little joy. Bong, they quietly left the crowd and turned away from the hustle and bustle, showing some sort of solitude.

Han Yuan knew that the owner of the island was powerful and did not dare to be too close. He only climbed to a large tree from a distance, and set up a pergola to look at those people.

When the inner gate disciples came to the half-hill slope, they stopped together, and a few disciples carried a small shoulder, and respectfully invited the island owner to sit up.

In this situation, how familiar and familiar he was, Han Yuan suddenly remembered the old master who could sit or not stand, can lie down or sit on Fuyao Mountain, and every time he came to the mission hall, he was lifted again. Kind and funny, he said, "This island owner is an old man. How did he behave with my head brother when he was a kid?"

At this moment, the Qinglong Island Lord seemed to feel something, suddenly turned around, and glanced at Han Yuan's hiding place, facing his sneaking eyes, Han Yuan almost fell from the tree, a guilty conscience .

The island owner seemed to know who he was, and a grin appeared on his sad face. Even if he smiled, the folds between his eyebrows would not spread. It looked like he was smiling and smiling. The island owner rushed to Han Yuan from afar. He waved, as if to signal him not to follow, and hurried back.

Several insider disciples stood indifferently on both sides. After the island owner sat up, he raised his shoulders in unison. The group turned into a white shadow and disappeared from Han Yuan's eyes.

Han Yuan stunned in the tree for a while, calmed by this hand, and suddenly a kind of awe came into his heart, and he murmured quite consciously: "Cangtian, I'm afraid I can't practice this for a lifetime, How many years will it take to retreat? "

Han Yuan's voice faded. He heard a slight laugh in his ear. He was shocked. He held a few small pine nuts in his hand, looked up and asked, "Who laughs at your grandpa?"

The leaves slammed behind him, and Han Yuan suddenly turned back, and the pine nuts in his hands suddenly fell into the thick bushes without sound.

Han Yuan took a careful look at the probe. Who knew that the next moment, his eyes would be dark and planted straight from the tree.

When Han Yuanyou woke up, the lively crowd on Qinglong Island had dispersed. He felt the temple tightening for a while and looked around blankly for a while, but he couldn't remember how he fell asleep under a big tree.

Han Yuan stretched his back, yawned as hard as he could, and half of his head was almost widened by his open mouth, but the man was still groggy. He had to get up and walk back lightly, always feeling I seem to have forgotten something.

When Han Yuan returned to his small courtyard, he was seeing a puddle sitting on the wall, and his second elder brother Li Xuan was leaning against the door. The two were watching the courtyard with potential enthusiasm and violent tactics.

"What did you do?" Li Min beckoned to Han Yuan. "Come on, you almost missed the good-looking."

It is naturally impossible to practice swords with the same door. Cheng Qian and Yan Zhengming each took an old wooden sword with a blunt edge. The wooden sword was potholey. I do n’t know whether it was a worm or a puddle when it was a puddle. See It seemed as if he was holding a shabby fire stick. The sword tricks of his men were not shabby at all. You came to me so quickly that it was almost unclear.

At first, the two of them did not have any strength, nor did they use other swordsmanship. The sword moves they used were Fuyao Wooden Swords. Han Yuan made a mistake and they had already met for more than a dozen meetings.

The deeper Yu Jiandao goes, the more I can feel that this set of wooden swords is truly unique.

The simple part can be introduced to the disciples, and at the deep part, no one dares to say that he understands thoroughly throughout his life.

Puddle enviously said, "Second Brother, when can I learn sword?"

Li Yan watched the move intently, perfunctoryly, "When you are taller than the sword, let your master teach you."

The puddle jumped up from the wall, with both hands raised, struggling to stretch himself. I wish I could grow a room high at once, and asked, "Why learn from the master? Why not learn from the third brother?"

Li Yan laughed: "Your brother is trained in serious swords. He entered the Tao with swords. The swords of your three brothers were honed and fought. It is not right enough, and the anger is too heavy. If you learn from him, you must grow up. It's impossible to be a rampage dominatrix. "

His voice faded, and a cold sword spirit struck out of the field, shaved at his face, Li Yan jumped up, followed by jumping up the wall, and "chucked" a voice: " I still do n’t let anyone say it. Seeing that there is no little girl, his sword trick is the way of the sea tide sword that I helped to shake, but the sword is going. This kind of cool method is not good for your little girl ’s family. In the future, It's easy to have a stomachache. "

The puddles were confused, and for a while I didn't understand the necessary connection between "sword training" and "stomach pain."

This brother is really too insignificant. Even the sultry Yan's head can hardly listen, and he can't bear to warn him: "Li Li!"

Li Yan laughed thirstyly on the wall and patted the puddle's head.

Li Ye and Yan Zhengming's exchanges, Cheng Qian did not understand, as usual, he was not in a state better than the puddle, but when he heard of Li Chao referring to the sea tide sword, he came to spirit and whimped: "Little Shimei, let me show you what Haichao Sword is--brother, be careful! "

During the conversation, Cheng Qian suddenly changed his moves. The previous move, "Peng Cheng Wan Li" and the next move, "Big Wave and Sand Washing" were seamless. The coolness brought by the sword wind immediately came. The courtyard seemed to be swept by the raging waves and leaves. Falling off the ground, where the sword was stirred, and even the dense water droplets on the wall, Li Yan had to hold up his hand and fell into a transparent barrier in the air, blocking them from the crowds In front, in case you get caught in the pond fish.

Yan Zhengming's hair bun was rushed by Hai Zhong in the sword, and it immediately dissipated, but he did not panic. The peace on the wooden sword and the air of Zhongzheng overflowed, but it was not as aggressive as Cheng Qian, but was steady and local. Wrapped in the perimeter and the sword body, one sword is almost motionless.

Cheng Qian's eyes lit up: "Brother, is this" Ning Shen "?"

The so-called "condensation" is to scatter Zhenyuan outside the body and attach it to the sword with divine consciousness. Only when Zhenyuan is retracted and released to the point where he can "consolidate the god" can he become one with the sword and even the sword.

At this level, Yan Zhengming may have reached the point where he can guard the sword.

The next moment, two wooden swords slammed into the air together. The broken wooden sword couldn't withstand such strength, and it broke immediately. Cheng Qiansen Ranyi immediately dissipated. He took a half of the wooden sword in his hand and drew one at random. Radian, smiled, "It seems that I add one more hour every day to practice swords, or I will be one step behind you."

Cheng Qian laughed a lot. As he grew older, the crying and laughing disappeared on his face, and he became a gentleman with a good mood and anger. At this moment, his eyebrows suddenly fell. After turning around without a haze, it brought out a little rare youthfulness.

Cheng Qian was very clear-eyed since he was a child. He grew up even when he was a boy. If he hadn't already been on the cold path of spiritual practice, he must have been a man who made people throw fruit and watch the streets.

Yan Zhengming paused, and if there was any movement in his heart, he instinctively drawn a half arc of a wooden sword in the air, letting the wooden sword guide his body to clear his breath, and then a sword overflowed, almost warm. quietly.

The puddle on the wall exclaimed, and saw that Jian Qi passed by her skirt without hurting the soft satin skirt. The sword fell on a half-dead weed on the wall. The weed was under the eyes of everyone, and the yellowed leaf edge was green again, and the waist was tremblingly raised, and a delicate yellow flower bloomed.

Han Yuan and the puddle looked at the little yellow flower in shock together. Han Yuan asked, "Brother, what is this trick? The first time I saw the sword trick, I can still bloom!"

Although Yan Zhengming has been much more stable, closing the door to face his family still cannot change the nature of Ai Xianbao. Hearing, his eyes turned, and a hand came out like a crazy man. At a speed visible to the naked eye, a cluster of wild roses rose, climbing into a frame, covered with large and small flowers, corresponding to pink, hanging from the wall, as if lingering.

Yan Zhengming sat up with his sleeves contented and smiled unpredictably: "This is a trick in the fifth form of" Return to True ", called" Withered Spring "."

Seeing that he was about to open the screen again, Li Xun had no choice but to help him. The two young people in Shuikeng and Han Yuan were very aware of it. They quickly held up their stinky feet and applauded.

Only Cheng Qian did not give face to the head, and after a glance he commented politely: "Oh, this is the trick, no wonder it has been attacking and defending. I have been wondering what this chicken rib can do. It ’s used for a long time, and it ’s used to put flowers after playing! ”

"There's a lot of nonsense," Yan Zhengming was still immersed in the consciousness of the genius, and his tone was much gentler than usual. He pointed at Cheng Qiandao, "comb my hair."

Li Min grabbed the vest in the puddle, took her off the wall, and said to her: "Before sunset, if you can recite the quiet scriptures ten times, I will perform the starting method of this sword look."

The puddle was too excited to hear, and the starting position was also swordsmanship! She quickly trot all the way to get her chanting booklet.

However, her brothers knew what the so-called "hands-up style" was, and all of them couldn't bear smiles. I didn't know that the little girl knew that she had been waiting for a long time. Will I cry for anger.

Han Yuan sat at the gate of the courtyard and started to do his daily 30 pieces of wooden homework. Li Min picked up a roll of writing, drawing and drawing, Cheng Qianyi ... No, he was combing the hair of the master, and the master himself was doing His mistake was decided to pay the price-he felt his scalp was numb by the shabby boy.

The setting sun was hanging in the mountains of Qinglong Island, Yan Zhengming narrowed his eyes and thought, "If I can be so lively every day on Fuyao Mountain, the longevity day after day is indeed a race over the living gods. '.'

Suddenly, Yan Zhengming couldn't help but miss Fuyao Mountain. According to his ideas, he didn't want the martial arts to be so prominent. Daily traffic like Qinglong Island was completely unnecessary. They all pass on and go out without being bullied.

At that time, the disciples will grow up, and they may also accept apprentices. He can change the master ’s ignorant hall into a shrine dedicated to the disciples. If any apprentice is mischievous, he will send the most unreasonable copper coins to pack them .

Yan Zhengming thought about it, and then he said, "After returning to Fuyao Mountain, we will also accept apprentices. We can also hold a martial arts competition once a year. When that apprentice loses, he will take the apprentices to brush together. Bowl ... hiss, copper! Are you trying to bald me? "

Cheng Qian was holding a wooden comb and said vaguely, "You should be bald."

Han Yuan poked away the abolished spell with a carving knife and asked briskly, "Little brother, you will be in the first game tomorrow, how do you feel, how long can you win?"

Before Cheng Qian had time to answer, Yan Zhengming wondered: "What, the first game tomorrow? Why didn't you say copper coins early? Go to my pick of a sword that is better than usual, and you ca n’t hold it anyway. A wooden sword went straight up, did you hear? "

Cheng Qian answered with a hair in his hand, and asked casually, "What do you think, do you need me to win?"

Yan Zhengming raised his eyebrows on one side and felt that his master was becoming too crazy. When he said this, he was a thousand talents in the world. His elderly people could not bear it anymore. He poked at him and said, "Did I say something, you can sweep the lecture hall and step on Qinglong Mountain?"

Cheng Qian smiled: "It won't necessarily win, but if you feel you need it, I will definitely do my best."

Cheng Qian rarely said "do your best", he said that these four words are much more important than others, because he would never be perfunctory, say "do my best" and he can really fight to the end Breath.

Yan Zhengming couldn't describe what it was like for a moment, he sighed secretly, he didn't feel how much it hurt, and even Cheng Qian broke his four or five hairs and forgave them.

Yan Zhengming whispered softly: "Small dive ..."

Cheng Qian: "Well, combed."

Li Yan looked up, and suddenly he didn't breathe, was choked by saliva, coughed alive, Han Yuan had already covered his eyes and couldn't bear to see.

The puddle that had just retrieved the scriptures ran over, and encountered the new image of the head brother in person. She opened her mouth instantly and looked up at him with reverence, his head full of respect. A flower was inserted on both sides, and it was inserted symmetrically. It was like growing a pair of colorful ears. Putting on a purple dress, the master can go out and tell someone that the match is gone!

A moment later, a rage burst out in the courtyard: "Cheng! Dive!"

What hurts this little evil animal! What's the use of raising him?

Cheng Qian passed through the courtyard and plunged into his own room. He planned to close the door and take the master who came to collect debts to take pictures outside the door, but just as it happened, there was a sudden sound of bells and drums in the dusk of Qinglong Island.

The big bell sounded one after the other, and the drums seemed to be struck directly on people's hearts.

There was a smile on Cheng Qian's face, and half of the door was closed in the middle: "What happened?"

Li Yan stood up, straightened, and frowned, "If I remember correctly, the bell sounds like a warning, and the drum sound is to assemble the inner disciples to defend the enemy-why, who is the one who dares to invade Qinglong Island?"

"Puddles, don't run around here," Yan Zhengming yelled at the puddles that ran to the door to look out, "I'm going out to ask somebody-Yan Shi ..."

His voice faded, and the gate of the courtyard had been pushed open from the outside, and Ji Shi followed breathlessly behind him: "Wait! Really you ..."

Several people in the courtyard looked together at the door, and saw Tang Wanqiu standing there impassively.

Tang Wanqiu did not start without saying, "Follow me."

Yan Zhengming stepped forward and asked, "Senior, I wonder what happened on the island? Where do you want us to go?"

Tang Wanqiu was patient with no explanation. She turned her head and grabbed the puddle's vest without a word. In the little girl's throat screaming, she seemed to be holding a small parcel, speeding her all the way Just go and say the next sentence: "Don't grind!"

In this way, everyone in the Fuyao group had to follow closely. Cheng Qian lifted his feet and was about to leave. Suddenly he thought of something. He turned around and waved, and the lock on a box in the corner fell off. Frostblade sword flew straight and fell into his hands. 2k novel reading network

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