MTL - Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect-Chapter 33

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Holding a pile of tattered books in Li Huai's arms, he was stumbled by the threshold of Cheng Qian's door. He almost flew out with the tatters in his arms, but he hadn't had time to speak out. He made a terrible scream-in the room, Cheng Qian was holding the needle, one by one contending for blood bubbles in his hands.

Cheng Qian's method of dealing with the blood bubbles is very sharp, one pinch in, one pinch and one pinch, three times, five, and two, never dragged his feet, and stabbed his fragile head brother: "Give me a tap! Cheng Qian, did you come from a big bag! Ah— "

Cheng Qian said indifferently: "No, I may be a pig killer."

"You unfilial thing ... oh!" Yan Zhengming almost jumped up from his chair. "What bird sword, I will never practice again!"

Li Yan was busy closing the door that had been knocked open by himself, in case the last face of the Fuyao faction swept the street.

Master Yan ... No, Yan head, this is the first time in his life that he was bled by a wooden sword, and he really suffered. He called his father, mother, father and mother three times, and didn't care about the young ones. The disciples lost face.

Han Yuan looked at him horribly against the corner, and that look seemed to have cast a shadow on Ben Jian's swordsmanship.

"I got this from Qinglong Island," Li said, turning the pile of tattered boxes on the table, trying to ignore the grievous hum of the head, explaining, "This is the island history on Qinglong Island, which records Some of the major events that have taken place in Xianmen over the years have mentioned us. "

Han Yuan stretched his neck and asked, "And us? What did you say?"

"The earliest record was that when Qinglong Island was completed, it was said that an elder of Fuyao brought two disciples to pay congratulations on behalf of the head." Li Yidao said, "The first one on the list seems to be glorious ... "

Yan Zhengming sighed coldly, and half-deadly waved his hand to interrupt him: "There is no need to say the scenery on the ancestors, let's talk about the time when the family lost."

Li Yan bubbled for a while: "I remember it ... Oh, the sixth generation of Fuyao ’s head, I do n’t know why, after a certain fairy market ended, he suddenly announced that the sect would be streamlined, and each person could only receive two Apprentice. Later, his successor overthrew this rule by himself, and took eighteen disciples in one breath. He was smashed into a ball for the position of the head and almost died. It seems that from now on it seems that one generation is not as good as the next. "

"Is this still?" Yan Zhengming took the head seal from his neck and asked, "Who are you going to fight? Hurry up, I won't suffer here, I'll pack my luggage and go home."

No one ignored him.

Li Yan lay on the pile of old paper, and then rummaged, "I guess from that time on, the door regulations began to discourage disciples from fighting, and then ... it seemed that there were a lot of magic repairs in the martial arts. There are two of them ... "

Cheng Qian: "Three."

Li Yan sighed: "Well, forget it-it's easy to say that it's a fork in the road. This records a senior in this door who believed in astrology and believed that Gongfa swordsmanship are all small engraving skills, and he does not teach his disciples anything else. In his generation, Fuyao Wooden Swords were almost lost, and one of his predecessors loved traveling. It is said that when he was in charge of the school, his close disciples had only seen him in his whole life ... but it was the ancestor who really left Fuyao in front of the world. Here, I do n’t write anything about the ancestor, except that he retreats all year round and does not associate with anyone. Every time Xianxian sends his disciples, that is, Master and ... who comes over. "

Speaking of this, Li Min looked up and said, "Well, I don't really say that, in fact, the Fuyao faction was still the top ten."

Yan Zhengming was convinced: "I can hear it. We have a long history. We have been producing demon cults and all kinds of freaks for many years, and they are also famous-I think it is the unstoppable grandfather who blesses us.

Han Yuan asked blankly: "What then? Pack your luggage and go back to each house?"

Cheng Qian and Li Yan looked up at him together,

Han Yuan called aggrievedly: "I didn't mention it, it was the master!"

"The host of Qinglong Island just called me to invite him to stay on the island for a while," Yan Zhengming leaned against a table and announced slowly, "he said that after the fairy city, Dadao would be able to preach. Don, he has reserved a place for us. "

Li Yan asked a little uneasily, "How long is a period of time? Aren't we going back to Fuyao Mountain?"

"Maybe," Yan Zhengming said sharply, "that Tang Zhenren seems to have asked for meals for twenty or thirty years. They also said that she just went out for a while."

Li Yan involuntarily scratched his nails and said, "But I heard people say that the island owner hasn't asked the world for many years, why did he suddenly come and leave us?"

Yan Zhengming said: "I don't know. He is said to have had a relationship with Master before."

For so many years, Yan Zhengming has been raised in the mountains, but the master said to him before he left, and all of them were regarded as a breeze. At this time, he rushed to Qinglong Island, and he basically did not understand anything, and did not dare Ask and talk, often thinking about things, over a period of time, it is really exhausting.

"Bronze coins," Yan Zhengming kicked Cheng Qian up, "put your broken knife down, looked up, and said something."

Cheng Qian was interrupted by him.

He changed the ordinary knife very sparingly, scraped off the nicks, and said plainly, "What?"

Ever since he escaped from the Valley of Forgetfulness with a puddle, Cheng Qian's eyes seemed to have nothing else, except for practicing sword all day long and practicing. Whenever he came to him, he must hold a wooden sword in his hand. And one of the carving knives.

Because of this, Yan Zhengming tried several times to stop the failure and almost quarreled with him, but unfortunately he didn't take it seriously.

Only then did Yan Zhengming feel the helplessness that Master had faced them.

Cheng Qian cleaned up the sawdust and said without hesitation: "What do we have to remember? Is the beauty of the head brother? You should be less affectionate."

This hard-hearted remark made his brothers and sisters disgraceful and ended the short meeting with great results. Li Zhi and Yan Zhengming looked at each other helplessly, and for a moment did not know what to do with the three masters. .

After all, none of them saw Master's soul fly away.

Yan Zhengming smirked at Li Ye, Li Ye knew, and led Han Yuan away.

Yan Zhengming stayed in Cheng Qianwu's house by himself, and took out a recent record about Fuyao, silently watching it beside him, and they ignored each other until it was dark and Xue Qing came in with a food container. He glanced in surprise at Yan Zhengming who still refused to leave: "Little ... head."

"Let them take my things over," Yan Zhengming ignored Cheng Qian's expression of "how haven't you got off the ground", calmly commanding, "I'll live here these days."

Cheng Qian's careless expression began to break.

Yan Zhengming didn't even look at him, and said to Xue Qing directly: "I'm afraid he can't think of anything to do, see him here for a few days."

Cheng Qian seems to be full before he eats, only half a moment before he uttered a sentence: "Brother thinks more, I think quite openly."

"I have the final say." Yan Zhengming rejected his words briefly, and at the same time stood up and acted, and in the eyes of Cheng Qian's dilemma, he was ready to torment him.

He seemed to have the secret of being in charge of the head-when he practiced the sword, he was clamoring to pick up his luggage to pack his luggage.

"By the way, call a few people," Yan Zhengming said. "Sweep the floor. Is the hair invisible on the floor-and my incense burner moved in and called Xiaoyueer to perfume."

Before Cheng Qian had a chance to say a word, Yan Zhengming had completed the whole process of Dou Qin's nest, and then pushed him up by the back of Cheng Qian's head and threw it beside the dining table, forcing him to say: "Ready to eat."

Cheng Qian silently reached out and touched the chopsticks, but before they met, Yan Zhengming slapped him.

"Clean hands." Yan Zhengming frowned.

Dao Tong did not go out, Cheng Qian inconvenienced directly in front of them, the master who just became the head, had to stare at the other side for a moment, dip his hand in the basin severely, and touch the tea bowl on the side.

...... Slammed again by Yan Zhengming.

Yan Zhengming: "Drink tea before eating a meal. What are you stink about?"

Cheng Qian: "..."

He had a hunch that he could not be good this day.

"Cool first and then hot, how can you eat hot and cold dishes alternately?"

"I haven't run out of rice. Who asked you to serve pastries?"

"What? You use a bowl for dinner and soup?"

"What the hell, this eggplant is not peeled! Is the eggplant unpeeled for humans?"

Cheng Qian finally couldn't bear it. He smashed down his chopsticks, stood up and left.

Yan Zhengming said inexplicably: "Why are you going?"

"I can't think of it, I can't swallow," Cheng Qiandao said, "go to the backyard to practice swords."

Cheng Qian's sword practice is two hours in the morning and night, and they are unstoppable, and never cut corners.

But that day he suddenly felt that the two hours were not enough, and he wanted to practice outside.

When he was exhausted, and was forced to go back, he found that his house had been scourged by a master into a pan silk hole.

And the big demon in the sitting silk hole didn't let him in. "Wash away, do you plan to lie down and sleep while sweating?"

Cheng Qian's expression told Yan Zhengming that he seemed to think so, and he often did so, so Master Yan said nothing and turned and called Xue Qing in: "Chang me for bed sheets!"

As soon as Xue Qing left, Cheng Qian shouted at him: "Can't you go back to yourself?"

Yan Zhengming said: "No, look at what you look like now. I have to look at you these days-do you practice your sword so late every day?"

Cheng Qian jumped on his forehead and ignored his question: "I won't sleep with you!"

"Do you think I am willing to sleep with you?" Yan Zhengming exclaimed. "The cutting boards are softer than your bed!"

Cheng Qian turned around and walked away: "Okay, I'll go to the kitchen to sleep on a cutting board, and the master will take care of himself."

Yan Zhengming's overwhelmed Datong boys snarled, "Give me him!"

Cheng Qian treats others-even the Dao Tong brought on Fuyao Mountain is a little distant and courteous. Of course, it is impossible to quarrel with a Dao boy who was wounded inexplicably by Chi Yu.

Jin Qiang, who was brought from Wenrou Township, had Cheng Qian even sneezed four times, tears came down, Yan Zhengming cast a handkerchief in disgust, and frowned, "Is there anything wrong with your nose?"

Cheng Qian squeezed his fingers with two fingers, stretched his arms and threw them aside, and ran out of a book about spell taboos: "I think it's something wrong with your brain."

Yan Zhengming pressed him face down into the quilt and snatched the spell book: "Sleep."

Cheng Qian: "Give me!"

The two had a quarrel and couldn't even sleep.

A good book was almost torn in half. Finally, Cheng Qian let go of his love for the classics, and Yan Zhengming took the opportunity to toss the book aside and waved his hand to kill the lamp.

Cheng ground his teeth in the darkness, and burrowed into the quilt, covering his head.

Yan Zhengming, who had won the victory, put his hands behind his head, but his pride came as fast as he could, and Cheng Qian ignored him, so he lay flat on the bed and looked at the bed account for a while.

After a long time, he suddenly said in a silence: "I now know what it means to be like walking on thin ice, like being on the abyss."

Cheng Qian shuddered in the quilt, probably for him at this time, Yan Zhengming was the annoying "abyss".

Yan Zhengming remained silent for a while and continued to take care of himself: "There is a lecture hall after Xianshi, and many casual practitioners will take this opportunity to come to study. I just want to stay, at least to lay a foundation ... we can't just return to Fuyao Mountain without roots and bases. "

It is clearly a martial art with a famous name and a long history, but it is necessary to learn some carving skills from the lecture hall of others like unrooted sanshou.

"I have promised the island owner, but I have no intention of attaching to Qinglong Island." Yan Zheng murmured for a moment, adding that he did not know who he was trying to persuade, "really not."

Cheng Qian didn't know when he had popped his head out of the quilt and looked at him quietly with his side on his face.

Cheng Qian's face hasn't opened yet, but she has already lost weight. There are only a pair of eyes left. The eyes inside are firm and firm, and the shape is still childlike clear and immature.

"When I was like him, what were you doing?"

Yan Zhengming thought, looking at Cheng Qian, his heart was soft and not flavorful, and he could not help blurting out: "Ten years, up to ten years, we will go back."

But after saying this, he regretted it, Yan Zhengming turned his head in pain, stopped looking at Cheng Qian, and quickly said: "I'll just talk about it, it's best to go back, not to pull back, don't you too much letter."

... Okay, if he's reliable, the sow can go up the tree.

Sometimes, a person or a small number of people may experience the sky falling apart, but time does not stop for whom, everything in the world is still in a hurry.

While several youngsters of the Fuyao school were scrambling to find a way out, the fairy city of Qinglong Island began as scheduled.

The so-called "fairy city" on Qinglong Island is a big collection once every ten years. A long street of more than ten miles has been opened on the island. Elixir, charms, magic weapons, cheats, etc. can be traded here. The majors will bring a new generation of disciples to meet fellow fellows, and some disciples will be able to travel alone, even after the fairy city is over.

In addition, the most eye-catching thing is the "Blue Dragon Trial" which is widely expected by casual repairers in the world.

Qinglong Island's Lecture Hall is the most desired place for all non-disciplined non-disciplined practitioners. Numerous unnamed entrances have been entered, and non-disciplined practitioners or mortals who want to try their luck will come here, hoping to be instructed by famous teachers Orthodox practice road.

The outstanding ones will also be accepted by Qinglong Island. Even if they can't formally worship Qinglong Island, they can study in the Lecture Hall for several years and get started. With a skill, they can travel around the world to find opportunities by themselves.

Of course, there are so many people in the Lecture Hall, and after being screened at various levels, it is only one or two that can finally enter the Lecture Hall.

Like the Fuyao faction, it seems that the island owner opened the back door in person. Otherwise, some of them may not be able to pass the Qinglong test.

When Xianshi was just opened, a few people went to watch it lively with the encouragement of Han Yuan.

Xianshi Street is very interesting. Many mortals are mixed. At first glance, it is almost impossible to distinguish which is a monk and which is a mortal. However, the exchange or transaction is very clear. Yan Zhengming quickly found that only mortal people can With gold and silver, monks usually require barter.

Even if Yan Zhengming was carrying tens of thousands of silver tickets, they could only buy mortal things on Xianshi Street. Do n’t think about the magic weapon of monks.

The Qinglong test will be conducted on the Qinglong platform at the end of Xianshi.

The "Qinglongtai" occupies only three or four feet, but I don't know what secret method to use. I went up and saw that it was too big, and even pretended that it could be a real illusion. Tang Wanqiu and the other monks stood in a circle around Qinglongtai, probably to maintain the order of the conference.

Buddhism of self-confidence can go up to compete with others, and those who have no entry at all can choose an illusion to test it, and examine its character, mentality, qualifications, and so on.

To be fair, everyone can watch again.

When Yan Zhengming finally found a place in the teahouse around Qinglongtai, they were catching up with two monks in the competition, one using a sword and one using a sword. Unlike the battle of the great demon they encountered at sea, this level of competition can be clearly seen in every way you come and go.

The man who made the sword was fancy, very nimble, and it must have been a little hard work, but after the fancy, it was a bit frivolous, a bit "big and clumsy" meaning, two people passed two or three hundred moves, The swordsman who had not shown the mountain suddenly caught the other party's flaw, and was stabbed with his arm. He forced his thick-backed sword into the swordsman's sword strokes. Picked up the swordsman's sabre.

A circle of people applauded.

Han Yuan admired Yan Zheng with envy: "Brother, when can we put on a real sword?"

Yan Zhengming watched the stage intently, and said smoothly: "Wait for your wooden sword to stop smashing your feet."

Cheng Qian smiled and said to Han Yuan, "Master said that the sword I sent is different from other swords. It will take a few years."

After speaking, he remembered the wooden sword like a sea **** needle in the wind and rain of Master's hands, and couldn't help but add another sentence: "Besides, as long as the sword comes, the wooden sword is not as bad as the iron sword ..."

He hadn't finished saying this, Li Su suddenly pulled him, and whispered, "Don't talk nonsense!"

Cheng Qian froze, looked up, and saw a dark-skinned man next to him looking at him coldly.

Cheng Qian was very inexplicable. He paired his eyes, and the man stood up, looked down at Cheng Qian, and said, "A wooden sword is not as good as an iron sword-I listen to the meaning of this little brother, it must be Have a deep understanding of Kendo? "

At this time, the casual swordsman who had just fallen down from the Qinglong platform, walked to the black-faced man, and shouted, "Brother."

Cheng Qian immediately understood what was going on. He thought that this was really new. Couldn't he pull the **** out to blame that pit?

Obviously, at this point, Han Yuan and he were so enthusiastic that Xiao Yaohua couldn't see others bullying his little brother, and immediately took a step forward, and the slang words of the street urchins had come to his lips.

It's just that he hasn't had time to spray yet, Li Yan has grabbed him with anxiety, "Don't cause trouble!"

Yan Zhengming reached out and blocked the reluctant Cheng Qian behind him, lazily rushing at the other side and said, "The child is so open, saying that the briquette is white, it is him, too. He smiled when he heard it, please . "

He talked about briquettes in front of black coals ... Li Ye had a hard time when he heard it. He knew that the intention of the big brother was really calm, but once he said this, he didn't know what it was, it was like that. Provocative.

Born to beslap face-what kind of special talent is this?

The black-faced man's face turned darker, his ousted brother whispered in his ear for a moment, and the black-faced man's eyes fell on the wooden sword in Cheng Qian's hands.

Immediately, he sneered and said, "What? The" Faith "faction? I haven't heard of it. I don't think this lecture is good. Whatever dogs can enter the relationship of the three aunts and six wives, this Qinglong What the island does is try to fame, to lie to you fools who don't know the inside / outside! "

Tang Wanqiu, who guarded the law next to Qinglongtai, apparently heard it, and her face turned ugly and rainy, but she didn't dare to leave her job. She could only stare hard at this side. Her eyes were like knives. Everyone glanced at each other. Maybe I want to kick this black charcoal head who dares to speak badly on Qinglong Island and these little cubs who come in by nepotism all kick out of Xian City.

Yan Zhengming listened without touching, and said, "Anyway, he scolds Qinglong Island. What does it have to do with me?"

So he sneered, and he was about to leave.

Cheng Qian didn't have the heart and lungs like him, he had seen Tang Wanqiu's face.

Although this black charcoal was not bad for Qinglong Island, it was provoked by their Fuyao faction. The original island owner's repeated calls several times have caused people's dissatisfaction. If they really leave like this at this moment, I am afraid that their days on the island will not be too Better.

Yan Zhengming: "Little dive, gone."

Cheng Qian turned a deaf ear, slowly drew his finger across the edge of the wooden sword, stood in place, and slowly said: "Oh? So, this brother who was killed by the sword ... it must be very real Already? "2k novel reading network

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