MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 98

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The pink rubber band in the mobile phone camera is not firmly tied, it seems to be loose and wraps the forehead, and it is slightly raised to reveal a wider field of vision. If you ignore the pink circle, it seems that there is no problem .

Chen Qizhao stared at the pink circle for a long time, and had the urge to immediately reach out and yank it away.

Just a moment before he started, he caught a glimpse of Shen Yuhuai sitting next to him, and the other party's eyes also stayed on his head.

Chen Qizhao reluctantly said, "It doesn't look good."


Shen Yuhuai said: "It suits you."

Chen Qizhao: "…"


Before Chen Qizhao could react, the sound of taking pictures from a mobile phone next to her rang several times. He tilted his head slightly and saw Zhang Yazhi standing beside him with his mobile phone, slapped wildly at the hair piercing above his head.

Chen Qizhao: "…"

He looked at Shen Yuhuai: "It doesn't look good."

Shen Yuhuai stopped, "Then let me tie you up again?"

After taking the photo, Zhang Yazhi kept picking up photos over there, looking at Chen Qizhao's cold face in the photo holding the little hair pulled, her heart softened for some reason. Her eyes couldn't help but stay on the interaction between the two at the bedside. The youngest son of the Shen family had helped them a lot during this time. In addition to the matter of the Gu family, the Shen and Chen families had been in contact a lot recently.

For Shen Yuhuai, her initial impression was still the polite child when she was a child. Every time she came to the house, she brought Chen Qizhao, who was a child, to play. The relationship between the two has been very good since childhood. . It was only later that the Shen family had more affairs, and Shen Yuhuai went to study in City B, and the relationship gradually faded, but it seemed that the relationship between the two of them had recovered as before last year.

Shen Yuhuai has never been a very talkative character, and Zhang Yazhi was a little keenly aware of it when she came to the house before. For this reason, she also specifically asked Shen Yuhuai's mother, and learned from the other party's mouth that Shen Yuhuai was a restrained and quiet child. There was indeed a big problem in the Shen family during that time. The Shen family's sister and brother may have felt that compared to the outgoing Shen Xuelan, Shen Yuhuai's mind will be more introverted, and the interaction with outsiders will stop at the level of politeness.

When Chen Shiming and Shen Xuelan entered the study to study, even if he didn't say much, he still stayed by the side of Chen Qizhao who was still playing.

After all, there is an age gap, and Chen Qizhao is usually a playful character. Zhang Yazhi thought that the two children could not get along, but it didn't seem as bad as she thought.

Zhang Yazhi lowered her head slightly, and suddenly felt a little warm in her eyes. She avoided the child and quietly wiped the tears from her eyes with her tail finger.

Shen Yuhuai was on vacation on Saturday and stayed in the hospital to accompany Chen Qizhao.

The two didn't say much. When Chen Qizhao was flipping through the magazine, Shen Yuhuai sat next to him and looked at the documents in his phone.

There is a chair beside the hospital bed, Shen Yuhuai spreads his legs at will, and looks over there with his mobile phone. From Chen Qizhao's point of view, he can see the journals densely covered in English on the mobile phone, and the other side is reading The speed was a bit fast, and it didn't take long for my fingers to open the next page.

Chen Qizhao had seen such a scene before. When he was hospitalized before, Shen Yuhuai also sat while playing with his mobile phone when he came to the hospital to see him.

The atmosphere is no different from before, but Chen Qizhao always has a strange feeling.

When people are clear-headed, they will always think about illogical things uncontrollably. For example, in the bathroom not far away yesterday, he pressed Shen Yu Huaiqin nonsensically. It seems like a long time has passed since the relationship was confirmed, and the relationship seemed to have become some kind of potential rule, and it had become the norm in their hearts tacitly, so that in some uncontrollable moments, he just wanted to kiss Shen Yuhuai.

I can't tell you the feeling, but it's not the same as in a hotel, or in a school grilled fish shop.

It seems that Shen Yuhuai has never asked anything, and has only endless connivance to all his actions.

Chen Qizhao can't explain the logic of his behavior in the recent period,

Is he really dating Shen Yuhuai?

What did Shen Yuhuai think of him?

One after another problem appeared, Chen Qizhao's attention was difficult to focus on the magazine, even if it was talking about the algorithm he was interested in, but the finger that was always moving in the distance was not as vivid. He half-drooped his eyes, his eyes seemed to follow Shen Yuhuai's fingers, and saw that he opened a page and entered the next page.

The forehead is cool, and without the bangs, some feelings are always too clear.

His eyes followed that finger, and intermittent words appeared in his empty brain, and he began to examine his behavior during this period.

Chen Qizhao forced himself to look away and grabbed the mobile phone next to him, but just two minutes after entering Tetris, the reminder that the battery was exhausted popped up.

At this time, he noticed the gaze from the side.

"What's wrong?" Shen Yuhuai looked over.

Chen Qizhao: "The phone is out of power."

Hearing this, Shen Yuhuai stood up, took a tablet from the backpack beside him, and handed it to him: "Password 0108."

The tablet fell into Chen Qizhao's hands, and when he opened several apps on the desktop, he didn't recognize them.

On Shen Yuhuai's tablet, in addition to the information, there are all kinds of practical apps, but there are no games, and even the app store has been looking for a long time. Chen Qizhao just scrolled through a page, and behind an app on the last page, he saw a Tetris with the same icon as his mobile app.

Shen Yuhuai's tablet is often used, and the game app appears on the last page.

He doesn't play games, and the app he uses for work has an extra game app, which he downloaded recently.

Chen Qizhao couldn't help but swipe towards Shen Yuhuai.

The other party didn't seem to be reading those English journals. The newly opened document was a few chemical structural formulas.

Chen Qizhao clicked on Tetris, and the sound of the game was particularly loud.

Zhang Yazhi glanced over there and saw that Chen Qizhao was playing the game, and quickly looked down at the working draft.

Chen Qizhao turned off the sound of the game, and the Shen Yuhuai vx account has been logged in, and the avatar is the seaside fireworks. He clicked in and played a few games, but soon lost interest and quit. His eyes stayed in the tablet photo album app for a while, but he didn't click in, and finally opened the browser next to him.

The room was quiet, and there was no sound of fingernails touching tablet pages.

The tablet in the distance seemed to stop at a certain browsing page for a long time. He moved his fingers slightly, swiped to the previous page of the document, and re-read this paragraph. During the third repeat reading, Shen Yuhuai raised his eyes slightly and noticed that the tablet's browsing page seemed to be closed.

Someone is not looking at the page, but at him.

Shen Yuhuai raised his eyes and met those unobstructed eyes. Without the layer of bangs, Chen Qizhao's eyes seemed to be a little brighter than yesterday.

The two looked at each other for a while, and Shen Yuhuai said, "Hand."

Chen Qizhao extended his hand.

Shen Yuhuai held his hand, and with the cover of her figure, the two held hands recklessly.

Chen Qizhao glanced in Zhang Yazhi's direction, and could not help but adjust his posture, he lowered his voice: "I didn't want to hold hands."

"I think so." Shen Yuhuai squeezed his fingers and looked down at the contents of the phone, "Wait for a while, this article will be finished soon."

Chen Qizhao responded and hooked Yu Huai's tail finger.

On the sofa in the room, Zhang Yazhi was still looking at the sketches. On the table was the accumulated design drawings of this period of time. She didn't notice that the distance between the two people near the hospital bed seemed to be getting closer and closer. close.

Liu Sui sent a lot of things. When Shen Yuhuai read it, he seemed to be breathing steadily.

He looked to the side, the boy didn't know when he had fallen asleep.

Shen Yuhuai was about to shake the bed down, but when he set off, his tail finger was pulled by some force.

He stopped and saw that his tail finger was circled by the opponent.

"Xiao Zhao fell asleep?" Zhang Yazhi's voice came, "He will be sleepy after taking those medicines, maybe he is sleepy."

Shen Yuhuai's eyes sank slightly, and when he heard Zhang Yazhi's footsteps, he carefully pulled out his fingers.

Zhang Yazhi lowered her voice and asked, "Will Yu Huai stay here for lunch at noon?"

Shen Yuhuai had just lowered the hospital bed, and when he heard that he was about to answer, the phone in his pocket vibrated at this moment.

Yan Kaiqi's name was displayed on the screen of the mobile phone, he said, "I have something to do, so I won't stay here at noon."

Shen Yuhuai did not answer the phone, and inadvertently opened the phone camera.

Zhang Yazhi is a little regretful, she used to pull up Chen Qizhao's quilt and give him Shen Yuhuai's tablet, "Is this yours?"

Several vx reminders popped up on the phone, and Yan Kaiqi sent several hellos.

Shen Yuhuai turned off the phone: "Well, he woke up and told him."

After coming out of the hospital, Shen Yuhuai drove to a cafe. After a while, Yan Kaiqi came in with a computer bag and sat down beside Shen Yuhuai after a round of inspection.

"Just got out of the hospital?" Yan Kaiqi sat down beside him, and quickly retrieved something from the page, "I'll call you as soon as the thing recovers. But why are you doing this? Your family should have more information than me, so why are you asking me about it?"

Shen Yuhuai: "No, it's better to confirm again."

Gu Shen sent someone to hack into Yan Kaiqi's computer before, but Shen Yuhuai had someone check the computer, but no malicious programs were found inside the computer. He was mainly curious about how Gu Shen found out about Yan Kaiqi. He originally thought it was the relationship from the capital, but he always felt that something was missing.

Gu Shen's social circle here is limited, except for Lin's Medical, is there any potential network.

"The data that can be recovered are all here." Yan Kaiqi said this and suddenly remembered something, "Oh yes, one of the things we checked at first could not be recovered, that is, you were not at the beginning. Do you suspect the extraction of controlled substances? Before the extraction of the controlled substances, the data from the market-allowed institutions was not found. It took too long, maybe I deleted it in advance.”

Shen Yuhuai was looking at the information on the computer, and handed over the tablet from the bag, "It should be there, you save a copy, and then check whether there is any information change at the institution."

The downfall of Lin's Medical, there are too many things in S City recently.

"I would have brought an extra computer if I knew it earlier." Yan Kaiqi found the document and photographed the names of several institutions, "I checked it with your tablet."

Shen Yuhuai stared at the computer intently: "Well."

"Isn't it sure that there is no problem? Why..."

Yan Kaiqi just opened the browser and suddenly stopped.

Shen Yuhuai noticed his silence and raised his head: "What's wrong?"

Yan Kaiqi turned the tablet over, and there were a few lines of words under the browser search box that were particularly eye-catching.

"How to communicate after confirming the relationship? What is the cold period between lovers? I'll go..." He was shocked: "Shen Yuhuai, are you in love?"

Shen Yuhuai took the tablet away.

Several days passed in a blink of an eye, and there were fewer nurses in the hospital. After reading the magazines that Chen Shiming brought, Chen Qizhao picked up the textbook and talked to the class about the final exam situation . He was absent from the exam at the end of this semester. If he wanted to complete his degree, he could not fail the course. Chen Qizhao had to ask Yan Kailin to find someone to come over with the questions and outline of their final exam.

Although the course this semester is not very difficult, he still went through the outline to be safe.

It has been a long time since she was hospitalized, but Zhang Yazhi has been worried. The situation seems to have improved in the past few days. Chen Qizhao found that the hallucinations of the drug have gradually decreased, the initial reaction to the drug has decreased, and other conditions such as nausea have become less and less.

When Zhang Yazhi communicated with the doctor, Chen Qizhao heard two words, saying that the adaptation period of the drug reaction passed, and his condition improved.

Chen Qizhao didn't feel anything about it, but the smile on Zhang Yazhi's face increased.

Xiao Zhou rarely comes to the hospital, and there are many things in the company.

When he came to the hospital that day, he brought over the projects that Feihong and Shen cooperated with and showed Chen Qizhao a glimpse.

"And this, what Xu Special gave to me is the stage result of Lin's medical case." Xiao Zhou brought a bunch of documents and gave them all to Chen Qizhao.

The matter of Lin Shizhong is a foregone conclusion, but the matter of the Gu family is not yet. During this time, Chen Qizhao noticed that the cooperation between the Chen family and Gu Zhengxun was still going on, and the case of Lin's medical treatment went smoothly, but the progress of Gu's side was a little slow.

Chen Qizhao took a look around, then marked a few things on the non-Hong Kong project, and asked Xiao Zhou to go back and negotiate: "I have already determined the stage target, if I want the actual effect, not the expectation The effect, don't use the old framework to deal with it, the manual function can be there, but the manual function cannot be used to replace the automatic function."

Xiao Zhou took the order and rushed back to continue working overtime.

Chen Qizhao looked down slightly, and finally took out his mobile phone and sent a message to an anonymous phone.

There were doubts about Chen Shiming's suicide in his previous life, but the situation at that time could not find a third person, and the police also determined that it was suicide when the case was finalized. At that time, the Chen family was bankrupt and there were only a handful of enemies. His attention was all on Lin Shizhong, but he ignored the hidden Gu family. Lin Shizhong considered himself arrogant, and while he was still alive, there was no need to take action against a Chen Shiming who had no ability to resist, not to mention the painstaking effort of pretending to commit suicide.

It can be replaced by Gu Shen, the outlaws can do it by any means.

Now I can't find out what was the last truth in my last life. He couldn't find out why Chen Shiming was killed. Lin's medical intervention is too much, or it may be that Chen Shiming has found something... The reason is still unknown, the biggest situation is that Gu Shen wants to cut the weeds and eradicate the roots.

A few years later, the relationship between Gu Shen and Lin Shizhong is different from that of later generations. Now that the two have entered, it does not mean that they will leave other backers outside, insurance. For the sake of it, I still have to check all other things, including some related people.

Some things can only stabilize when everything is clear.

In the hospital consultation room, the doctor checked the medical records and finally said to the person in front of him: "The situation has indeed improved recently. Chen Qizhao himself is also a person with independent personality and strong ability to resolve. , can achieve a specific transformation in a certain emotion, many people will have all kinds of extreme reactions during the anxiety period, but he has such a situation less often."

When Chen Qizhao was treated earlier, the other party's attitude was actually calm and casual, saying that it was cooperation, but in fact some things that should be asked were not asked at all.

But his mood seems to have stabilized recently. During daily inquiries, he can be heard cooperating with the number of auditory hallucinations, which greatly promotes their treatment process.

Chen Shiming said: "That means he won't be in this situation in the future?"

"This is not necessarily the case. Ordinary people will also experience anxiety or depression. The key is that ordinary people can quickly resolve such emotions and will not let emotions evolve into diseases." The doctor continued: "While People like them have the possibility of relapse once once. It is estimated that he will have to take medicine for half a year. At present, he can adjust his condition. Apart from the medicine, the rest is up to your family. "

In order to reassure Chen Shiming, the doctor added one more sentence: "His personal adjustment ability is very good, and he has not yet reached the level of severe disease. If it is based on the current situation, it should take one or two months. It can be adjusted well. Don’t pay too much attention to your family, just get along naturally, and don’t put too much pressure on your children.”

After Chen Shiming left the ward, the doctor looked at the medical record and sighed.

To be honest, this is the first time he has seen a patient like Chen Qizhao. The calmness some time ago was a warning light for them. If the patient has a violent reaction, it is fine. To adjust the plan according to the situation, but against Chen Qizhao, he was unable to start several times.

It's not like an anxiety patient, but like a vigilant, vicious wolf. This kind of contradictory situation appeared several times in Chen Qizhao's body. The doctor thought that the situation would deteriorate to an unmanageable level, but when this kind of person eased down, the improvement was visible to the naked eye.

The nurse looked at him, "The dose of bed 5 should be reduced?"

"It can be reduced, his condition has stabilized."

The doctor thought carefully for a while: "However, in his case, after being discharged from the hospital, it is recommended to review it once every six months."

Outside the ward, special assistant Xu was standing next to his boss. Seeing that the boss's attention was all on the paper report, he didn't report the work, but asked: "Do you want to send the documents over tonight? ?"

When the boss came to the hospital during this time, he always asked him to bring the documents halfway at night.

However, the situation is much better than the previous two weeks, at least no work calls in the middle of the night.

"No." Chen Shiming took the report to Xu Special Assistant, "Go back to the company and give this to Mr. Chen, then you can get off work, you won't work overtime today."

Special Assistant Xu: "!"

Seeing the subordinate's joyful expression on his face, Chen Shiming glanced at him: "What? Are you still here?"

Xu Tezhu stood up straight: "I'll send it right away."

Chen Shiming and Chen Jianhong came to the hospital once a day, but they didn't stay for long, and were often temporarily transferred due to work.

After the dose was reduced, Chen Qizhao did not have nightmares for several days, and his spirit recovered a lot. Finally, Zhang Yazhi let out a sigh and said that he would be discharged the day after tomorrow.

"So you have to wait until the start of school to make up the test?" Yan Kailin came here today and brought Cheng Rong and others, there were more lively voices in the quiet ward, "This hospitalization time is too long. long."

Chen Qizhao responded: "I should be discharged the day after tomorrow."

Yan Kailin said happily: "That's fine, then Cheng Rong and I will set up a bureau for you to wash away the bad luck."

"You just want to eat and drink by yourself, right?" Liu Kai said again: "Go to my bar then, and I'll make you a good drink."

It's just a group of people who can't go out for a drink. Finally, Yan Kailin opened a game.

Yan Kailin twittered: "Hey Liu Kai! That's my soldier!"

Liu Kai said: "It's not a big deal to eat your soldiers."

After finishing the game, Zhang Yazhi brought some fruit.

Yan Kailin wanted to start another game, but Cheng Rong said something else casually: "Isn't it Xiao Zhao's birthday in a while? Is your birthday still in the hospital?"

Chen Qizhao raised his eyes slightly and remembered something: "birthday?"

Oh yes...he does seem to be celebrating his birthday soon. He has no concept of time, he always feels that a long time has passed, but it seems that it has only been a short period of time.

In recent days, Zhang Yazhi often uses her mobile phone to look at shopping websites, and inquires about his interests word by word.

He didn't feel relieved, but asked Xiao Zhou to go to the counter to buy two bags.

"Brother, what kind of candy are you?" Yan Kailin glanced at the glass bottle on the bedside table, and as soon as he reached for it, Chen Qizhao pushed his hand away, "It's in the drawer, take it yourself."

Yan Kailin felt inexplicable. When he opened the drawer, he did see a package of unopened candies, but wasn't the one in the bottle open?

After a while, the phone Chen Qizhao placed next to her rang, and an unfamiliar number popped up.

Liu Kai asked if he wanted to drive again.

"You guys drive, I'll go to the toilet." Chen Qizhao picked up the phone, got out of bed and went to the toilet.

As soon as the bathroom door is closed, it is cut off from the outside sound.

The ringtone of the mobile phone continued to ring, Chen Qizhao opened a software and connected the phone: "Speak."

The other side of the phone is none other than the intelligence dealer who has been helping him investigate the matter. Some time ago, Chen Qizhao's mental state was not very good. The other party called him several times without responding. Later, Chen Qizhao called him back when he had time, and settled the unsettled account. He checked the people related to Gu Shen.

"I checked all the people who went in with Gu Shen, and a few were from City B, they should have been brought by Gu Shen when he came over. But two of them It's local in S City, and the matter related to Gu Shen is also under martial law recently. The two related people should have been checked by the police. One of them is a local black den and has also committed a lot of illegal and criminal things. ."

Flower Shirt I don't know why the boss is interested in Gu Shen's related personnel, "But don't worry, everyone who has contacts with Gu Shen is being watched closely, and Gu Shen can't come out. Rather than talking about the situation in City S, it's better to talk about the situation in City B..."

Chen Qizhao paused slightly: "What's the situation in City B?"

"Oh yes, the boss doesn't know about this, right? It happened this morning."

Flower shirt sat in front of the computer and called up a document, "Gu Zhengsong is out."

The light in the bathroom was a little dim, and the mirror of Chen Qizhao standing beside her was reflected.

Chen Qizhao's fingers moved inadvertently, he turned on the sink switch of the washstand, "How did it come out?"

So many illegal and criminal incidents have been accumulating directly against Gu Zhengsong's family. Recently, there has been a lot of action in the capital. Several industries under Gu Zhengsong have been thoroughly investigated, and some problems have been found. With so much evidence thrown down, how could Gu Zhengsong escape from it?

"Gu Zhengsong is also really ruthless." Hua Shirt flipped through the documents and continued: "He put all the blame on Gu Shen."

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