MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 95

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Chen Jianhong sat beside him and looked at Chen Qizhao, seeing that he hesitated for a while before starting to drink water.

Chen Qizhao drank very slowly, and after a while, he drank all the water in the cup.

Chen Jianhong paused slightly when he saw this, took his water glass, and asked, "Are you still drinking?"

Chen Qizhao: "No more."

The water glass was placed on the bedside table, and after the conversation ended, the silence spread between the two.

The doctor's diagnosis came out as early as a few days ago. After Chen Qizhao woke up, he carried out some tests and tests intermittently. The mental condition has been judged to be a problem. Chen Jianhong was still in the company when he got the news. When the assistant handed him the diagnosis report that day, he was silent for a long time. Chen Qizhao was diagnosed with a certain physiological anxiety reaction and may also have a tendency to depression. This is not the same as ordinary anxiety and depression, but a really diagnosed disease.

The assistant relayed the words at the time: "The doctor said that he may have been in a state of anxiety for a long time, with some symptoms of anxiety disorder physiologically, but it is not like a severe situation, which may be related to the cause of his anxiety. The cause is related to the cause. In addition, he has suppressed emotions and depression tendencies. Anxiety will not turn into depression, but it does not mean that the patient will not get depression. Now it is not very serious, but if there is no intervention drug treatment , there is a good chance that this will aggravate and turn into a more serious situation."

"The doctor also said that there should be a period of time for the patient to have a physiological reaction, such as palpitations, dizziness, and tremors. Physical malnutrition and overwork consume a lot of the human body. At the initial diagnosis, if there is a physiological response, drug intervention is recommended. Everyone’s adjustment ability is different, and medication can also lead to some negative effects.”

Chen Jianhong went to the hospital after listening, but Chen Qizhao was asleep when he got to the hospital.

In the time he hadn't reacted, his children had done a lot of things, but they had also ruined their own bodies. What doctors call long-term emotions, in fact, if they could find out earlier and untie the child's heart earlier, these things might not have become the serious situation they are now.

Chen Jianhong still remembers his wife's worries during the physical examination at the beginning of the year.

Now Chen Jianhong looked at Chen Qizhao who was sober, and the emotion in his heart was even heavier.

The quiet environment coupled with Chen Jianhong, Chen Qizhao's mind gradually became sober, after sobering up, he was inexplicably uncomfortable. He hadn't been alone in a space like Chen Jianhong for a long time.

In the past, there were Zhang Yazhi or Chen Shiming around, and he let them both control the topic and time when he was talking, but when he was with Chen Jianhong, he couldn't find a suitable topic to talk about , and Chen Jianhong is not the kind of person who will take the initiative to talk.

"Are you hungry?" Chen Jianhong asked.

Chen Qizhao just woke up and drank a large glass of water, "I'm not hungry."

Chen Jianhong said again: "Tell me if you're hungry, I'll ask the kitchen to make something to deliver."

The mobile phone on the desktop in the distance seemed to vibrate, and the laptop screen that was on was dimmed.

Chen Qizhao's eyes couldn't help looking at the small workbench in the ward, he thought about working so late, he really didn't take his body seriously, but he wanted to think about it, but he didn't like Straightforward as ever.

The sound of the phone vibrating urged Chen Jianhong to go over, and finally Chen Jianhong said, "I'll take a call."

Chen Qizhao responded.

Chen Jianhong did not go out to answer the phone, but lowered his voice and stood a little farther away from the hospital bed to answer, and he could see the person on the hospital bed at a glance.

The man's voice is serious when he talks about work, Chen Qizhao can hear a word intermittently, but he has no energy to analyze. He scanned the other clothes in the room, and when he saw some scattered things, he knew that it was Zhang Yazhi's handwriting. It was also the last time I was hospitalized. It was only a few days in the hospital, and Zhang Yazhi almost moved the Chen family over. She would always deal with other things exaggeratedly.

Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes slightly, noticing the needle hole on the back of his hand and several emergency medical instruments by the bed.

After Chen Jianhong finished the phone call, he saw Chen Qizhao sitting on the bed, his eyes stopped on a sign next to the hospital bed.

He just took a few steps closer when he heard the child speak.

Chen Qizhao asked: "Am I sick?"


But now the child is thin, there is not much flesh on both sides of the cheeks, and the face that was a little round before has become sharp.

Chen Qizhao saw that Chen Jianhong did not speak, and just wanted to ask another question, suddenly a big hand fell on his head.

"You're sick." Chen Jianhong's voice was a little deep, "It's okay, it will be fine soon, don't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid." Chen Qizhao was just a little surprised and felt absurd.

After the questioning, the two sides became quiet again. Chen Qizhao went to the bedside table and found the mobile phone. He looked at Chen Jianhong again, "Did I lose my mobile phone?"

Chen Jianhong was silent for a while, and then took the phone to him from the cabinet beside the sofa, "Your mother was worried about you and put the phone away."

The main cause of Chen Qizhao's anxiety is not sure, and Zhang Yazhi is afraid that the news outside will affect the child, so she put away his mobile phone after the accident. Chen Qizhao didn't wake up very much these days, and didn't pay attention to the location of his mobile phone, but Chen Jianhong didn't think so. He didn't want Zhang Yazhi to think that the child was like a fragile item. If Chen Qizhao was really in an accident, they would instead control this emotion. , which may make the situation even more uncontrollable.

The phone is turned off, and only 30% of the battery is left after turning it on.

After turning it on, Chen Qizhao saw today's date, and suddenly realized that a week had passed since the day Gu Shen was arrested.

Chen Qizhao took the mobile phone to check the situation outside, and noticed that there were many messages accumulated in the secret mailbox. There were too many messages, so he could only read them slowly.

Chen Jianhong did not stop him, but sat next to him and looked at him without asking anything else.

The messages accumulated in the mailbox are mostly emails from the people he commissioned to investigate, and there are even missed calls.

When she saw the missed call, Chen Qizhao's first reaction was to check the call records and found the call records of the last call a week ago. No backtracking.

Seeing this, Chen Qizhao raised his head slightly and glanced at Chen Jianhong.

"What's wrong?" Chen Jianhong asked.

Chen Qizhao lowered his head and did not answer.

Although the mobile phone has a set password, it is still possible to find a professional to turn it on if it is really in the hands of the family, but the power of the mobile phone and the background information of the mobile phone indicate that the family has not moved For his privacy, he didn't check the missed messages on his phone.

The email is the follow-up to the investigation, other evidence that may have been involved in Chen's previous channels, and Gu Zhengsong's layout in City B. Judging from the situation of Gu Shen's arrest, the Gu family's influence in S City is not that wide, and most of them are using Lin Shizhong's background to facilitate the operation. Once the Lin family falls, the actions of Gu Zhengsong's faction in S City will be restricted. It is basically impossible to do whatever you want as before, but it does not mean that the other party will take risks.

There is a lot of information, Chen Qizhao can only read it slowly.

When he finished reading, the battery of the mobile phone was basically exhausted. Chen Qizhao stared at the turned off mobile phone for a while, and put the mobile phone on the table. I don't know if it was because he was too tired. After reading the information, he was not as comfortable as before. Instead, he was a little sleepy and couldn't keep his spirits up.

"No power?" Chen Jianhong asked.

Chen Qizhao replied: "I don't see it."

"There will be no other problems with Lin's medical, Lin Shizhong's case is a foregone conclusion, the evidence we submitted is very comprehensive, and some of the arrested people in Chen's family provided Clue, if the situation is serious, his sentence will not be short." Chen Jianhong was silent for a while, then continued: "You are worried about the Gu family, but don't worry, Gu Shen will not be able to come out for a while."

Chen Qizhao asked: "Is there someone to protect him?"

"Yes, although Gu Shen is Gu Zhengsong's illegitimate son, but he is very important to Gu Zhengsong's side. On the second day of his arrest, someone specially came from City B and wanted to bail him out."

Speaking of this, Chen Jianhong had to admire Chen Qizhao's early arrangements. In the case of insufficient evidence, Gu Shen would easily be released on bail by lawyers through various methods, so he was held in S The evidence in the city police station must be sufficient to provide support for the police, and the evidence Chen Qizhao provided when he called the police and Gu Shen's subsequent gun possession were enough for the police to delay time to find more sufficient evidence.

"The bail was unsuccessful. The police found some evidence from Lin Shizhong's confession. This evidence is very important. It should be the evidence that Lin Shizhong has just sorted out and prepared recently. Cooperation with the Gu family." Chen Jianhong continued: "Now the police have been hurrying to investigate the relevant personnel. Gu Zhengxun is watching from the B city side, the S city side is a foregone conclusion, and the official notification has been released."

Dog bites dog…

Chen Qizhao didn't expect this, but thinking about Lin Shizhong's reversal is also within the scope of speculation. Lin Shizhong is a shrewd businessman. Even if there is a grudge between the Chen family and the Lin family, Lin Shizhong can still suppress the grudge for his business empire...

Chen Qizhao, a shrewd businessman, has seen many times in his past life. Feelings and hatred may only be the beginning of what they do. His own plan, just like Lin Shizhong nibbled away Chen's channel step by step to open a channel for himself, and finally caught up with the thief ship of the Gu family.

So this shrewd person will be cautious, discreet and sharp.

Gu Shen can be trusted, but not too. Most of Lin Shizhong thought about the possible future of Lin's medical treatment, so he left behind some tricks for himself, and reached some cooperation with the police before releasing the evidence.

However, no matter how big the evidence is, the charges on Lin Shizhong's head are enough to keep him inside for the rest of his life, don't even think about coming out.

Chen Jianhong continued to speak, but before he could finish everything, the person lying on the bed had already closed his eyes.

He paused for a moment and asked, "Xiao Zhao?"

Chen Qizhao fell asleep.

Chen Jianhong waited for a while, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, and put it back into the cabinet next to the sofa. Seeing that Chen Qizhao was fast asleep, he adjusted the lights in the distance and returned to the sofa to deal with the unfinished work.

The hospital stay was longer, and Chen Qizhao's symptoms of drowsiness have eased since he woke up that night. After the situation was relieved, Chen Qizhao received medication, and there were many reactions to the drugs in the initial stage. He did not resist the doctor's treatment, and was very cooperative unexpectedly, which made Zhang Yazhi both worried and afraid, and often asked the doctor about the situation.

The initial dose of medication was low, and Chen Qizhao also experienced some drug reactions, but the side effects were not so obvious. Zhang Yazhi has always consulted on the appropriate plan before taking the medicine, considering both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine, Chen Shiming even exaggeratedly formed a special team to follow, and the place of hospitalization was also transferred from the original second city hospital to a quieter and more convenient private hospital for treatment .

Shen Yuhuai came several times, and every time Chen Qizhao arrived, he was either sleeping or being treated.

The matter of the Gu family's industrial chain also affects the Shen family, and the Shen family also has a share in providing evidence. In order to deal with the follow-up matters, the Shen family is also busy during this time. In June, there is still an important project to be done in the laboratory. Shen Yuhuai and his tutor have limited time to ask for leave. When they are busy, they often run on both sides. Most of the free time is at night, but Chen Qizhao sleeps very early at night.

"At the beginning of the medication, the reaction will be relatively large. The doctor said that these are normal. In the past few days, I will rest after eating and sleep more." Zhang Yazhi saw Shen Yuhuai coming over and pulled the person Speaking of which, Shen Yuhuai often came over during this time, and Chen Qizhao also helped him in the treatment, and also contacted several authoritative doctors.

Shen Yuhuai said, "Has your appetite recovered?"

"No, I'm still eating less." Zhang Yazhi lowered her eyes slightly, she knew that patients with this type of disease may be emotionally agitated and may resist treatment, but Chen Qizhao did not. He knew that he was sick, he took medicine when he needed to, and treated him when he needed to. These days his emotional level is very calm and he doesn't speak much.

But the more this is the case, the more worried Zhang Yazhi is, "Sometimes I hope he will be more noisy, just like before."

Zhang Yazhi said something, "Isn't it busy recently? Your mother came here last time and heard that there are more things in your laboratory."

Shen Yuhuai: "Fortunately, I can be busy."

, after this period of time, there should be no such big reaction, the doctor said that his condition can be controlled, and he should be able to stabilize after taking medicine for a period of time."

Shen Yuhuai looked at the sleeping man not far away, the quilt was covering him, and only saw a soft head with his back to this side.

He picked up the emotion on his face, "It's okay, I'll come back another day."

Zhang Yazhi has always been the nurse in the hospital, and the Chen family takes this matter very seriously.

The ward is quiet and no one else disturbs you. Chen Qizhao's cooperation has made the doctor's work progress very smoothly, but these cooperations are limited, and there is still no definite result when it comes to the cause of Chen Qizhao's emotions. Chen Qizhao didn't say anything.

The hospital stay was too long, because the Chen family did not want to be disturbed too much, and the police questioning and other matters were all run by Chen Shiming, and the people who visited the hospital were also controlled, not letting too many people people come. But Zhang Yazhi was worried that Chen Qizhao would be too bored. Generally, when Chen Qizhao's friends came over, they wouldn't let the nurses stop him.

Only asked about the cause, the Chen family rarely told others, only that the child was a little unwell.

Gu Shen's arrest made many people relieved. The Yan brothers who had been vigilant also temporarily lifted the alarm. Yan Kailin, who was trapped in the school, almost cried when he left the school , I went to the bar to play for a day and a night, and then was pushed back by Yan Kaiqi, and it was not until the final exam was completed that he was relieved from the life of hell.

After the exam, he learned about Chen Qizhao's situation. He had been suppressed by Yan Kaiqi and thought that Chen Qizhao was going out to avoid the limelight because of the Chen family. As a result, he found out about the illness, so he made a fuss to find out which hospital Chen Qizhao was in, and rushed over without stopping.

I haven't seen each other for almost a month, Yan Kailin took off his irritating earrings before going out, dressed honestly and entered the hospital, walked through the first floor of nurses to Chen Qizhao's ward, "Your brother is too exaggerated. This kind of arrangement is not so exaggerated when I was pressed in the school. My brother sent me three people at most."

Seeing that the two children were chatting happily, Zhang Yazhi didn't bother the children to chat and went outside the ward.

Chen Qizhao was half lying on the bed, playing with his mobile phone with a sullen look, the game was Tetris: "Then what?"

"Hey, how many and then, in the days of my final exam, my brother even greeted the school, worried that I would rebel and escape the exam. The people in our class didn't even dare to cheat, and a group of people passed the exam honestly."

Chen Qizhao: "Cheating?"

"It didn't work." Yan Kailin sighed: "I didn't use the cheat sheet I prepared in advance. I'm a college student, why is it worse than my high school?"

"Oh, and also, Cheng Rong broke up with her girlfriend, you know?" Yan Kailin lowered his voice and said: "Dalian, Cheng Rong also held a wine party and cried with us. half a day."

Chen Qizhao turned his eyes slightly when he heard the words, not paying attention to the Tetris, and said a little surprised: "He still cry?"

"Of course! Crying while drinking, it's the first time I've seen him cry like that." Yan Kailin became enthusiastic when he talked about gossip, "But he deserves it, he's in love. When I was young, I doted on the little girl, and when I did things and drinks, I forgot about it. The girl said that Cheng Rong was too cold to him, and that the relationship was completely insubstantial, and then she dumped Cheng Rong."

"Will it be cold?" Chen Qizhao had no impression of Cheng Rong's girlfriend. The most impressive thing was that Cheng Rong threw his girlfriend a birthday party, but Cheng Rong's previous girlfriend changed. Many, the means of pursuit are also enthusiastic, and should not be regarded as cold.

Yan Kailin: "You don't know if you're not in love."

Chen Qizhao: "…"

"You don't understand those people who are in love. If you ignore people for three hours, you just don't care. If you reply slowly in two days, it can be considered cold! If such a relationship lasts for three or four days, then It's over, you're going to be broken up."

Yan Kailin clicked his tongue twice, and said with an unfathomable face: "Little couples are in love like this, they can't wait to stick together every day, especially in the period of love, they will send messages every half hour. What is the baby doing, whether the baby is good or not, the baby is all boring. If you don't reply to the news for a long time, it's over, and your girlfriend will definitely think that you are not the first in her mind.

Chen Qizhao's hand stopped slightly, and heard Zhang Yazhi said that Shen Yuhuai had come to his ward several times, but every time he came, he would catch up with him to sleep. He was in better condition these days, and he went to bed a little later, but Shen Yuhuai hadn't come over for two days.

Yan Kailin is still talking about Cheng Rong's love history, Chen Qizhao's attention has gone astray, he sent a message to Shen Yuhuai in the morning, and has not received a reply yet.

Outside the ward, Zhang Yazhi was explaining to the housekeeper, Uncle Zhang: "At night, it's better to be light. Children like to eat meat, so don't be too greasy."

Halfway through the call, Zhang Yazhi saw Shen Yuhuai coming over from a distance. After she explained the matter, she saw what Shen Yuhuai was carrying, and said, "Why do you bring things every time you come, are you free today? ?"

Shen Yuhuai freed up time in advance, "Well, I'm done."

When he saw Zhang Yazhi outside, he looked inside, "Why are you outside?"

"Kailin is here, talking to Xiao Zhao, I think they were having a good time and didn't stay inside." Zhang Yazhi took the things to the nurse, "Go in and talk to them, I'll go downstairs to get something."

As soon as Shen Yuhuai entered the ward, he noticed that the boy's eyes were looking straight at him.

When I see people for a few days, I mostly see him lying down. The situation that drugs may cause obesity has not appeared on Chen Qizhao. Now Chen Qizhao is sitting, his hospital gown seems to be empty, his face It seems to be a little smaller.

The hair is also a little longer, a little bit covering the eyes.

Yan Kailin: "Brother Huai is here?"


As soon as Shen Yuhuai came, Yan Kailin's topic was somewhat restrained. He didn't dare to talk about the bar and Cheng Rong, so he was afraid that Shen Yuhuai would turn his head and talk to his brother, so he could only talk about it on a different topic. something else.

Yan Kailin's lively voice could be heard in his ears, Shen Yuhuai walked to the sofa and sat down. As soon as he sat down, he noticed the gaze looking at him from a distance.

His eyes were straight, but he didn't move away from him.

"Brother, are you listening to me?" Yan Kailin asked.

Chen Qizhao responded: "Yes."

The man in the distance was sitting on the sofa, wearing simple clothes. Chen Qizhao had seen this dress a few times. Shen Yuhuai liked to wear this color when he was working. Shen Yuhuai didn't seem to be interested in Yan Kailin's words, Chen Qizhao looked at him, and the other party seemed to be sending something on his mobile phone.

When Yan Kailin was talking happily, the phone rang and saw Yan Kaiqi's name beating on the phone page.

"Hello brother? Oh yes, I'm in the hospital... This time?" Yan Kailin said a few words: "Oh good, then what time do you come over?"

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone and said to Chen Qizhao, "My brother dropped by to pick me up after get off work, I will be there in fifteen minutes, brother, I will come to see you tomorrow."

Chen Qizhao looked at Shen Yuhuai.

Yan Kailin is very busy after the exam, and he is free these days.

Fifteen minutes is not long, not long after answering the phone, and soon left.

"Do you want some water?" Shen Yuhuai asked.

Chen Qizhao nodded.

The room was quiet all of a sudden, Chen Qizhao's eyes followed Shen Yuhuai's figure, followed him there to pour water, and then watched him walk in front of him.

"Why are you looking at me all the time?" Shen Yuhuai handed him the water and sat in the place where Yan Kailin had been.

Chen Qizhao took the water glass, the rim of the glass seemed to smell a little mint, "No, it seems that I haven't seen you for a long time."

"Have you taken the medicine?" Shen Yuhuai's voice was very soft.

Chen Qizhao took two sips of water and answered honestly, "I have something to eat."

The eyes of the two met, and Chen Qizhao blinked slightly.

At this time, Zhang Yazhi came in from outside the ward, "Has Kailin gone?"

Shen Yuhuai narrowed his eyes and turned his head: "Well, Kaiqi has something to do at night, just picked him up."

"I also want Kailin to stay here to eat at night." Zhang Yazhi put the things on the table beside the sofa, "I asked Lao Zhang to cook more at night, you stay here to finish eating Let's go."

Shen Yuhuai just wanted to respond, but suddenly felt a cool finger touch his wrist, and the finger ran up the back of his hand and held his wrist.

The strength was very light, but Shen Yuhuai was involuntarily carried back by that hand, his fingers wrapped around his fingers, and finally covered the back of his hand.

Shen Yuhuai looked sideways and saw the boy's half-drooped eyes and somewhat messy bangs.

The warm temperature spread all the way along the quilt, and Shen Yuhuai felt that his fingers were a little hot.

Chen Qizhao shaves, and runs his fingers to the palm of his hand, light and itchy.

Shen Yuhuai's heart jumped.

"Yu Huai?" Zhang Yazhi looked towards them.

Shen Yuhuai grabbed the hand and replied, "Yes."

Read The Duke's Passion