MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 92

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The press conference is still going on in an orderly manner.

At this time, inside the Chen Group, police officers in plainclothes stood with Special Assistant Xu, and the conference room was full of suspects who caused these internal incidents of the Chen Group. These suspects looked at Special Assistant Xu with a look of disbelief. They didn't seem to have expected things to turn into the current situation. Their plans have been carried out in an orderly manner, even when they were dealing with Chen Shiming's people some time ago. I didn't notice the abnormality at all, why did the plainclothes police come to the Chen family all of a sudden! ?

When these people were taken away from their workstations by the police, they did not expect this outcome at all.

Chen Liyao looked surprised when he was pushed into the conference room, but his expression changed immediately when he saw the people gathered in the conference room. He avoided the eyes of those people, looked at Chen Shiming's assistant Xu Special, and asked, "Xu Assistant, what's going on? Did you misunderstand something?"

"Is there a misunderstanding?" Xu Tezhu replied calmly: "If it means that you communicated with outsiders, destroyed important documents in the company's public property, and colluded with others to maliciously cause vicious business incidents I don't think it's a misunderstanding."

Chen Liyao was stunned for a moment, then his face suddenly changed, "You can't arrest me, I want to see Brother Shiming..."

Assistant Xu ignored him, but looked at the serious-looking police officers, cooperated with the investigation and submitted relevant evidence, and said in a kind tone: "Comrade police, this is provided by our company. Part of the evidence materials, this time, please take a trip."

"It's all right, it's my duty." Comrade police took the materials from Special Assistant Xu and said in a serious tone: "At that time, there are some things that need your assistance to investigate, and we will contact you immediately if there is any situation."

Te Assistant Xu stood up straight: "No problem."

Chen Liyao wanted to break free from the restraints of the police, but was snorted and squatted on the ground.

Shouldn't be... How could they be found out, they even entered the important meeting room for a meeting yesterday.

And during this period of time, the Chen family has not noticed him. He has always acted freely, and no one has stopped the news.

A huge sense of panic climbed into his heart, but at this moment his mobile phone had been confiscated, and he could not contact others at all, looking at the group supervisors, managers, etc. who usually contact him... At first glance, almost no one was left behind, and he felt a chill in his heart, knowing that these people were completely over.

At the press conference, Chen Shiming gave a detailed explanation of the engineering defects in Y City, and even presented a favorable appraisal report issued by the local Housing and Urban-rural Development Bureau of Y City. However, Lin Shizhong couldn't listen to Chen Shiming's explanation in the live broadcast. Instead, he asked others to immediately contact the informant who was still inside the Chen family. However, when they called, most of the people's mobile phones were not connected, and the key was contacted. When he was in person, he immediately heard the hesitation of the other party's words and realized that it was wrong.

The assistant hung up the phone immediately, took out the SIM card and destroyed it immediately.

Lin Shizhong's face paled, "Let other people immediately destroy all contact information, don't let the police track down Lin's side, and immediately deal with all channels within the Chen family, their It's very likely that Bian is playing a game..."

This is more than just a game. They arranged it for so long, and they didn't even know the news at the press conference.

And now the informants they stay inside the Chen family can't be contacted, they may have been controlled, and it is only a matter of time before they can be traced.

The voice of the live broadcast in the office continued, and the speaker on the tablet had been changed. After Chen Shiming explained the matter in Y City, Chen Jianhong stood up and raised a question in front of the reporters, congregation and media. This important cooperation, "Thank you for your relationship with Chen's Group. Today, I take this opportunity, Chen's next quarter will focus on the construction of Pengkang Building, which is planned to cooperate with Gu's Group in City B..."

Lin Shizhong's hand holding the mobile phone shook slightly, and his eyes widened to see Gu Zhengxun appearing at the press conference of the Chen Group. This kind of cooperation should be planned first and then publicly released, but Chen Jianhong is Release the news directly at the press conference.

Gu's Group's bid for the construction of Pengkang Building in City B has been released for a long time. The cooperation with Gu's in Beijing is a huge opportunity for the industry. Many qualified companies have In this competition, some time ago, there was indeed news that Gu Zhengxun was responsible for the construction of Gu's Pengkang Building, but he did not expect this opportunity to fall on Chen's.

And in order to sit for Chen Jianhong, Gu Zhengxun even went to the scene in person.

Chen Jianhong actually reached such a cooperation with Gu Zhengxun, but no news of such cooperation has been released before... He originally planned to use the pressure of public opinion to suppress the Chen family and bring pressure to the Chen family as much as possible , but the news of the cooperation of Pengkang Building came out, let alone pressure Chen, the large sum of funds brought by the Pengkang cooperation is enough to relieve the pressure of this period of time, and may even lead to a rise in the stock price.

This cooperation is enough to directly defeat his efforts during this period of time.

Lin Shizhong didn't understand why there was no news of such an important news of Pengkang Building. Chen Jianhong... This was completely beyond his expectations. Knowing that Chen Jianhong was holding such a big move in his hand, he would never agree to attack the Chen family during this time.

Lin Shizhong dialed Gu Shen's number, but no one answered. Seeing such a situation, Lin Shizhong's heart sank a little. He was used to being cautious and had a strong intuition about danger. He immediately said, "Contact the airport immediately, we have to leave S City immediately."

The assistant planned to contact the airport, but before he could contact the airport, new news broke out on the Internet. Someone from the Lin's public relations department called in trepidation. The assistant's face turned pale after hearing this. He trembled and said, "Mr. Lin, something has happened."

When Chen's press conference was about to end, there was an overwhelming press release on the Internet, with some pictures attached, pointing directly to the fact that Lin's Medical in S City was suspected of producing and selling illegal contraband. There is also a photo of Lin Shizhong attached to it, and there seems to be a capital push behind it. When it broke out, it immediately caused a big wave of publicity on the Internet.

Lin's Medical is a leading pharmaceutical company in China. Many drugs on the market are from Lin's, and the nationality is relatively high. When netizens familiar with Lin's medical products saw the news, all kinds of panicked remarks immediately spread on the Internet, and a burst word was directly posted on the Internet.

[Should I go? ! Lin's Medical! ? 】

[No way...what is illegal contraband, I'm scared when I see this. 】

【Lin's medicine? ! I was still on their antibiotics yesterday, I go I go! 】

This kind of news cannot be suppressed at all, even if the Lin Group suppressed public opinion as soon as it received the news, there was someone behind it who pushed the matter more and more to the climax of public opinion .

Lin Shizhong could barely calm down at first, but when he saw this news, he knew it was over. The cooperation with the Gu family has been going on for several years, and they have kept it secret. Even the Sun family, who is in charge of their transportation, only knows a little bit, but the various accusations and capital pressures that appeared in the online press release, the other party obviously has Only because of the strength of the evidence did he dare to detonate public opinion on the Internet so arrogantly.

If it is a simple product issue, they can calm down and deal with these matters. At most, the influence of public opinion makes Lin's depression for a quarter or two. But he knew exactly what he was doing. It involved a criminal incident, and this matter could not be handled simply by suppressing public opinion... State organs would not let them go.

And at the Gu family's side, most of them will directly push him out...

"Boss, someone seems to be coming downstairs!" the assistant said.

Lin Shizhong couldn't care less, "Has the airport been contacted?"

"Contact." The assistant paled and continued: "We can go from the underground garage."

Lin Shizhong didn't have time to pack other things, and hurriedly walked from the internal elevator to the underground garage.

When he first arrived in the underground garage, he saw a person standing beside his car from a distance, Lin Shizhong slowed down and saw clearly that the person standing beside his car was the Sun family The young master who was sent abroad.

He frowned slightly, not expecting this person to be here, "You go to another car, we can't use this car."

The assistant went to drive his car immediately, Lin Shizhong didn't want to get involved with other people, he didn't have much time. It was only when the assistant was reversing that Young Master Sun, who was standing beside Lin Shizhong's car, noticed the movement here.

When Lin Shizhong didn't react, Master Sun stabbed the knife at Lin Shizhong.

Lin Shizhong fell to the ground, Young Master Sun's eyes were scarlet: "It's all your fault, if it wasn't for you, my dad wouldn't go in, neither would my house!"

The assistant was dumbfounded when he saw this situation, and didn't dare to get out of the car at all.

When they got up, they originally came after Lin Shizhong when they found out that Lin Shizhong had escaped. Unexpectedly, there was still an ambush in the underground garage, and they stabbed Lin Shizhong directly.

"Call the ambulance and control the scene!"

The Lin Group was in a mess, and the online comments could not be suppressed. Chairman Lin Shizhong was stabbed in the underground garage... A series of incidents caused the entire Lin Group to panic.

When the flower shirt arrived at the scene, he saw the chaotic downstairs of the building. Police cars and ambulances were all there. Many people involved were taken away. He was stunned when he saw this scene. The boss on the other end of the phone relayed: "That's about it. I heard that I wanted to run away, but I was stabbed by a hater, got into an ambulance and was taken away."

"Okay." Chen Qizhao hung up the phone.

The rain seemed to be getting heavier and heavier, and there were only a few scattered people walking downstairs in a high-end hotel.

Chen Qizhao walked to the entrance of the hotel, closed his umbrella, and looked at the inner hall of the hotel.

At the Chen's press conference, Chen Shiming retired to the rest office and listened to the situation in the group reported by Special Assistant Xu on the other end of the phone. , before the press conference was held, they had already reported the case to the police, and at the same time they were preparing to wrap up the work, arresting all those who wanted to create chaos within the Chen family.

Hang up the phone, an assistant hurried over and looked anxious: "Mr. Chen, something happened online, look."

Chen Shiming paused for a while, his face changed suddenly when he saw the relevant public opinion, he frowned: "Where is Chen Qizhao!? Did he come to the company today?"

"Second Young Master didn't come, but only once a few days ago." The assistant replied: "It seems that he asked Xu Assistant to pick up something, and then he didn't come back to the company, so Second Young Master needs to be notified. are you coming?"

Chen Shiming looked at the online public opinion of Lin's crimes, and according to the plan, as this matter progresses, they can logically release the evidence of Lin Shizhong's crimes, and finally bring Lin Shizhong to justice. Gu Zhengsong was involved too much, so to be on the safe side, it is best not to startle the snake, and then prepare to attack Gu Zhengsong.

Chen Shiming called Chen Qizhao immediately, but his past call was not answered, he looked nervous and called Zhang Yazhi.

Zhang Yazhi was watching the news at home, and when she saw Chen Shiming's call, she immediately answered, "Shiming, what's the matter?"

"Mom, is Qi Zhao at home?" Chen Shiming's voice was a little flustered, "Did you not go out today?"

"I was at home in the morning, so I shouldn't have gone out." When Zhang Yazhi heard Chen Shiming's voice, she knew something was wrong. She hurriedly asked the butler to go upstairs to have a look, but she heard the butler say.

"I went out three hours ago."

The housekeeper said: "You were still in the kitchen at that time, he said he had something to do, and he would come back later."

Zhang Yazhi's eyes were stunned, but during breakfast, Chen Qizhao clearly said to go back to the room to rest, she hurriedly asked, "Isn't Xiao Zhao on your side?"

"I'm not here." Chen Shiming's heart was filled with panic inexplicably. During this time, too many things happened in the Chen Group. After taking it down, he also noticed Chen Qizhao's strangeness, but every time he wanted to discuss these matters with Chen Qizhao, the other party subtly avoided the topic.

He also said hello to Chen Qizhao about this press conference. At that time, Chen Qizhao's attitude was casual, and he acquiesced that this matter would be handled by him and his father. According to their plan, it shouldn't be like this. He thought about the matter that Lin was investigated a while ago, and then thought about today's situation...

Chen Qizhao is taking risks, is he crazy? There are desperadoes on the opposite side, how dare he take such a risk.

Chen Shiming called Special Assistant Xu, and learned from Special Assistant Xu that Chen Qizhao came to the company a few days ago, "Have you given him all the information?"

Xu Te helped Wei Dun, and said truthfully: "Yes, didn't you say it before? You don't need to hide it from the Second Young Master."

"Yes." Chen Shiming's eyes sank a little, but the premise is that the other party will not take risks in private.

At this time, the assistant who went out to inquire about the situation came back: "Mr. Chen, I just went to ask, Second Young Master came once in the morning, but has already left."

Chen Shiming: "When did you leave?"

"About an hour ago." The assistant replied: "Some staff said that the second young master was leaving by car at the time, and they didn't know where to go."

In a high-end hotel in the city center, in a slightly dark room, the live broadcast is being played on the Internet TV. Gu Zhengxun and Chen Jianhong laughed at Yan Yan, which made Gu Shen drop two cups. The middle-aged man next to him didn't say a word, and continued to report the situation on Lin's side, "We are completely disconnected from the people inside the Chen family, Chen Liyao. I can't get in touch... I just sent someone to Chen Jianting's house to check the situation, and found that there are people around their house, which may have been controlled. "

In other words, the situation that the Chen family has been under pressure from public opinion during this period is all a conspiracy of the Chen family, and they are all performed by them, not only everyone they arranged, but also the Lin family group. Over there, the Chen family had already controlled some of the evidence, and deliberately waited for them to start the plan, in order to use the time to arrange their troops, and then wipe out everyone.

The police went in and out of Chen and Lin, and the other party was very well prepared. Chen Jianting's family was completely destroyed, and there were news on the Internet that Lin Shizhong could not use this chess.

"Have someone immediately cut off all contact with the Lin family, destroy all evidence, and don't take any contact from Lin Shizhong." Gu Shen's face became gloomy and terrifying, "From now on, We have nothing to do with the Lin Group, you know?"

The middle-aged man immediately said: "We have already arranged this matter, it is Mr. Gu's side, we need..."

Since the last illegitimate child incident broke out, there has been a lot of trouble on Gu Zhengsong's side, plus a bunch of people from the Gu family are staring at him, and the exchanges between Gu Shen and Gu Zhengsong can only be reduced. Besides, about the cooperation between the suburbs of Beijing and the Lin Group, as early as several years ago, Gu Zhengsong had already handed over full power to him... The Gu family is a place where the strong eat the weak, and there are those shameful traditional concepts that Gu Shen is very small. When he was young, he knew that he had to fight for what he wanted. If he wanted to get into Gu Zhengsong's eyes, he had to be outstanding.

And now he is indeed favored by Gu Zhengsong, but this favor involves too many interests.

Gu Shen looked at the two people in the live broadcast, and his resentment towards Gu Zhengxun and the Chen family became deeper and deeper. Sure enough, from the beginning, he should not allow Lin Shizhong's indecision and leave this threat until Now... about the jade necklace, Gu Zhengsong is already dissatisfied with him, and now the channels for cooperation with the Lin family are completely broken.

Thinking about the mess in Lin Shizhong's hands that the Chen family has not been completely settled, Gu Shen feels extremely difficult, obviously from the beginning he has the winning ticket, how did things come to this point! ?

"Mr. Gu will not talk about it. If he contacts him, he will say that we can handle this matter."

It is impossible to tell Gu Zhengsong about the matter, because Gu Zhengxun in the capital has long been a mess, and if Lin's affairs are not handled properly at this stage, it will only make the Gu family get on fire. Gu Shen looked at the discussion on the Internet, and asked sullenly, "It would be normal if Lin Shizhong was arrested because of the Chen family, but why are the channels under him exposed!?"

For such a long time, Gu Shen thought that he had done everything thoughtfully, and the business with Lin's Medical had not been in trouble for so many years, how could it be exposed so coincidentally... And once it was exposed, it was not reserved for them at all reaction time.

The middle-aged man said: "It is very likely that the Chen family joined forces with the Shen family. The Shen family's actions have become very small during this period. I thought they had given up, but I didn't expect them to find out. There are more things than us...Lin's side has already had police personnel before it was exposed on the Internet, and we dealt with the problem as soon as possible."

Shen family, Chen family…

Gu Shen lost her patience, and was provoked and defeated by that person one after another, "What about that person, I gave you so much time, the other party has done so much, and you haven't found him yet? "

He fought the man behind the Chen family twice. The first time he asked Lin Shizhong to target the Chen family, but the man used Lin Shizhong's opponent to target the Lin family. The second time, he used public opinion to put pressure on the Chen family. The man instead exposed all the Lin family's activities. He also made the Chen family fight a turnaround at the press conference, not only clarifying everything, but also publicly announced Cooperation with Gu Zhengxun Pengkang Building.

"Before we suspected that the person who had been helping the Chen family was likely to be the Chen family." The middle-aged man bowed his head and said, "I received a bit of news before the incident, saying that it was Lin Shizhong who reported it. Chen's people can basically identify two targets if they are checked based on the clues we have obtained before."

"Lin Shizhong's matter will be dealt with immediately, lest he bite us. There are many things during this time. This matter should be suppressed first, and the rest will be dealt with after the storm passes." Gu Shen suppressed his anger, wiped the water stains on the table with a tissue, and calmly said the next arrangement: "Two goals? Then deal with both of them."

The Chen family and the Shen family... Gu Shen's eyes were dark.

When all these things are done, don't even try to run away. These people dare to ruin his game at this time, so don't blame him for being too ruthless. After all, the warning has already been warned, but if they insist on going to hell, he can only send him a ride.

The middle-aged man was about to go out when he suddenly received a call.

After answering the phone, he immediately switched to the webpage, and when he saw the latest news on the Internet, he looked at Gu Shen tremblingly.

"Sir, it's not good."

Shen Group meeting room.

Father Shen and Shen Xuelan were also paying attention to the press conference. When the news about the Lin family broke out, the two of them looked a little suspicious and surprised. This was to explain the Chen family to them in advance. The matter is completely different. Before there is no direct evidence against Gu Zhengsong, it is too risky to directly detonate the Lin family.

"Lin Shizhong can't run away." Father Shen didn't quite understand, the Chen family should have solved the crisis now, and shouldn't have directly exposed Lin Shizhong's involvement in the illegal transportation of controlled objects.

Shen Xuelan: "Chen Shiming is not such an adventurous character, I'll call and ask."

Shen Yuhuai's eyes have been on the video of the press conference. From the beginning of the live broadcast to now, he has not seen Chen Qizhao, even if the camera is shown to the left area where the staff is located, there is no Chen Qizhao . Judging from the degree of Chen Qizhao's attention to Chen's affairs during this period, Chen Qizhao should be present at this important press conference...

He lowered his eyes slightly, watching the intensifying discussion on the Internet, his heart was blocked by something.

"I'll go out." Shen Yu Huai said.

Father Shen hesitated: "Where are you going at this time?"

At this time, Shen Xuelan suddenly frowned, her face changed greatly, and she said directly: "Look at the official media over there in City B."

Shen Yuhuai paused for a moment, his eyes stayed on Shen Xuelan's phone for two seconds, and then he went out without saying a word.

The on-site press conference ended, and Chen Jianhong and Gu Zhengxun entered the internal lounge.

Chen Jianhong said: "Thank you for your help this time."

"You're welcome, in fact, your Chen family helped us more." Gu Zhengxun looked at Chen Jianhong meaningfully, "It's also a good thing for me to come out of the capital this time."

Chen Jianhong looked at him, somewhat puzzled by his words.

Gu Zhengxun patted Chen Jianhong on the shoulder, since he cooperated with the Chen family, the progress he had promoted was something he could not imagine before, first the jade necklace, and then the phone call a few days ago, " Jianhong, both of your sons are outstanding, I still owe your family a favor for this matter."

Chen Jianhong's eyes paused for a while, and he waited until other people came to report the situation on the Internet to him.

His always strict expression changed, and he understood what Gu Zhengxun meant.

#Official Notice: A company in City B is suspected of smuggling and circulating illegal drugs#

Read The Duke's Passion