MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 88

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The interception of bidding projects is a common thing in the industry, but for the Lin Group, it has rarely happened in recent years. The Lin Group is not what it used to be. The projects that have been greeted are basically stable. Even if they need to bid, few people will compete directly with them, or they have already arranged them in advance.

But in fact, this is the case. A project they had been busy with a while ago was suddenly won by a competitor. They didn't pay attention to this competitor before. It was a small subsidiary company of a foreign group. It stands to reason that the other party should be in a lawsuit with its peers now. How could they suddenly increase the budget to compete for the project! ?

"Have you talked to the people over there about this? Didn't you say hello to us?"

The supervisor frowned, "The other party has asked someone to help!?"

"I didn't ask anyone to help, the vice president of the company went in person, and one or two small companies asked the bidding company for help, and the price was raised, far exceeding our price. Budget." The person in charge said anxiously on the phone: "How to deal with this now!?"

The supervisor doesn't know how to deal with this matter, so he can only go to the superior immediately to ask for instructions.

It was only when I went to the superior's office that I realized that Yicheng came to find fault again today. Several important departments in the group were still dealing with other matters. It was a foregone conclusion that the project would be robbed. He finds a way to solve the problem of the manufacturer himself.

The cooperation of several manufacturers is nothing more than spending money with them, but after spending a few days, they suddenly realize that it is completely different.

Because the funds in hand were not enough, several rival companies that had been at peace with the group suddenly attacked, but within ten days, many problems occurred one after another, and the group can only focus on the main target first To deal with those big companies, the funds to them have become very limited.

The paper report was presented to Lin Shizhong's office. When he saw the report, his face darkened, "Why was this matter reported at this time!?"

The assistant paused slightly: "During this period of time, the main personnel were all helping with Chen's matter, this report was suppressed for two days, and it was already like this when it was spread here. We have notified the financial office to approve funds for several major project groups, but the news in the industry is not very good."

Some news from the industry was also presented to Lin Shizhong. When he opened it, he found that several important rival companies of Lin's Medical suddenly attacked them in the past few days, especially their There are projects with potential competition. These people uncharacteristically do not bite each other. Qi Qi targeted Lin's Medical, and the company headed by them was their long-time nemesis, Yicheng Medical.

Since the fight with Yicheng last year, they have maintained a delicate balance, but now these companies are involved, which has directly broken the balance, and Lin has directly become the target of public criticism.

Lin Shizhong couldn't think of the reason, Yicheng didn't have the ability to focus so many companies on Lin's, "How did Yicheng do it?!"

"There is news leaked in the industry... I heard that the management of several large companies has received news, and they may already know the means we did for bidding before." The assistant's face paled slightly , "Including our use of Fu Yanyu to calculate Yicheng, bribing others to bankrupt Fengyu Medical's project, and provoking competition from manufacturers, etc. have all come out."

Lin Shizhong threw the document on the desktop, and several sheets of paper were scattered on the ground.

Competition in the industry often happens, these things are indeed done by Lin, but after these things were done, he has already ordered to clean up the traces, so as not to let the wind leak out.

The assistant didn't dare to speak, if it was only one thing, they could let the people below solve it as soon as possible.

But now there is more than one thing, the industry has also spread, it is not guaranteed that Lin will not be targeted by them in the future.

"Where was the person who handled the matter? Find out all the people in charge. Whoever spread these things out, check them out immediately!"

Lin Shizhong's tone was gloomy, "Meeting."

Assistant hurried down to notify.

Lin Shizhong grabbed the document with his hand, blue veins appeared on the back of his hand, a Yicheng is already a dog skin plaster, and more will only get more and more annoying. In normal times, it's fine. They have time and energy to spend with them, but during this time they concentrated on preparing to bring down the Chen family. The emergence of this group of people at this time is nothing more than adding pressure to Lin's side.

It's no coincidence that things break out at this stage, as if someone did it on purpose.

After Lin Shizhong instructed to go down, he immediately called Gu Shen.

The phone was connected not long after it rang, and Gu Shen's voice sounded: "What?"

Lin Shizhong briefly explained the problems encountered by the company to him, "I don't think it is a coincidence that these things will suddenly come out. It is very likely that it has something to do with the person in the Chen's conference room."

Chen's encountered more things during this period, and several projects had major problems. Even if Chen Shiming found someone to deal with the situation in time, the Chen's board of directors put a lot of pressure on Chen Shiming. Even so, Chen Shiming's ability to withstand pressure is extremely strong, and under such circumstances, he can last until Chen Jianhong returns to China. The current situation is still within the scope of their plan and the Chen family has been exhausted. Now they only need to continue to delay for about three days, and then move on to the next step.

The problem is that the person who exposed Jiang Yuze with tricks has not yet appeared to assist Chen Shiming.

That person was like a ticking time bomb. Lin Shizhong was always worried if he didn't find out completely.

Gu Shen was silent for a while after hearing Lin Shizhong's words, "The news from the industry?"

Lin Shizhong: "I haven't heard any rumors before, it's obviously just broke out in the past few days."

"Are you sure it's not someone in your company?" Gu Shen asked again.

"It's unlikely." Lin Shizhong is a cautious person. The people who handle these things are the backbone of the group and have always been tight-lipped.

On the other side of the phone, Gu Shen waved the others away, his expression darkened.

Gu Shen: "It could only be him."

Lin Shizhong's concerns are clear to him. In order to catch the person in the conference room, he also sent a lot of people to investigate. In the end, only a few people were identified as suspicious objects. I have sent someone to observe it, but no major problems have been observed.

This person hides too deeply, and knows far more things than Chen Shiming and others.

The reason why Gu Shen forced Lin Shizhong to start early was not only to eliminate hidden dangers as soon as possible, but also to find this person. Since this person cares so much about the Chen family, it is impossible for the Chen family not to take action when he encounters difficulties.

It's just that they thought the other party would help Chen to solve the problem, but the other party directly attacked Lin.

"I will help you continue to investigate this matter and pass the information to me."

Gu Shen frowned and said: "You solve your own problems first, this matter should not affect our plan."

Soon, the information from Lin Shizhong came to Gu Shen, and the assistant handed over the tablet, all the recent events of Lin's family were impressive.

The assistant also took advantage of this time to bring up other documents, "Sir, the people I focused on before have no other suspicious behaviors, and we did not find them and Lin when we tracked them. Competitors' companies have had contact, and they have not met Chen Shiming and others privately."

In other words, those who were listed on the suspicious list before, either had been vigilant and hid themselves, or they really had nothing to do with the conference room.

The assistant didn't speak anymore, but focused on Gu Shen.

Gu Shen read the document calmly, and suddenly sneered, "The other party is provoking us."

The assistant paused: "Provocation?"

Gu Shen directly opened the page and pointed to a few time points, "Does it look familiar?"

Assistant has been helping Gu Shen to run to Lin's side all this time, so when he saw these time points, he immediately reacted with a bit of shock in his eyes: "This is not us…"

"Yes." Gu Shen's eyes became gloomy, "We are targeting Chen's time."

The information about Lin's being targeted by competitors lists all the problems encountered in the past half a month in detail. Obviously, such a premeditated targeting rhythm is controlled by someone behind the scenes, and the other party doesn't seem to be worried at all To be discovered by them, or to say that this series of actions against Lin's, is like a blatant declaration of war.

Their methods against the Chen family are orderly, that is, they detonate the layout inside the Chen family one by one, and finally drag the Chen family into a doomed situation.

After they finished targeting Chen, the other party followed suit.

It seems to be tit-for-tat, provoking them in a more subtle way.

This person may not only know their arrangement, but even have some means of targeting Lin.

By using this method to challenge him, the other party has a deep scheming, even if Chen's current difficulties, he can arrange other things in a hurry, as if all the winning tickets are in hand, watching them as if Watch the jumping beam clown.

It was the first time that Gu Shen met such an interesting opponent, and he couldn't find out whether it was one of them. He was the first to dare to confront him like this.

"The most hated kind of person in my life, who is self-righteous."

Gu Shen covered the paper document, and he admitted that he was provoked by the man.

And the matter was not over yet, not long after Lin Shizhong and Gu Shen hung up the phone, people from the local industry and commerce bureau came to the headquarters of the Lin Group.

Lin Shizhong is not afraid of evidence. Even if that person submits the evidence to the Industry and Commerce Bureau to report that he has monopolized the market or malicious competition, the legality of the evidence is still open to question. It's just that when he questioned the investigation of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau, the other party said: "We did not receive an anonymous report, but a real-name report."

"What do you mean?" Lin Shizhong paused.

“Yicheng Medical, Fengyu Medical and other companies reported real-name reports, and the other party also provided evidence.”

The investigator is serious, "Now your company is suspected of unfair competition, please cooperate with our investigation."

While Lin was being investigated by the Bureau of Industry and Commerce, Chen Shiming, who was always concerned about Lin Shizhong's actions, also noticed this.

"The Bureau of Industry and Commerce investigates?" Chen Shiming accumulated a pile of documents on his desk, "Some competition methods are secret things, the Bureau of Industry and Commerce can come to the door to explain that this matter should not be a small matter, or someone will provide Evidence to report."

"I heard about Lin's competitors."

Xu Tezhu's tone was a little serious, "This is a good thing for us."

Chen Shiming read the document, "Send it to Mr. Chen later, and tell him the same thing."

Xu Tezhu hurriedly nodded, "I know."

As Special Assistant Xu was about to leave, Chen Shiming stopped him, "Has Chen Qizhao come to the company these days?"

Special assistant Xu: "Second Young Master came here once last week, and he had to go through some materials, and he never came again."

Chen Shiming: "Okay, let's go."

After Xu special assistant left, Chen Shiming dialed the phone at home.

He was busy during this time, he hadn't been home for a while, and only when he called earlier did he know that Chen Qizhao had been home for a few days. It is impossible for Lin to suddenly be targeted by so many competitors for no reason. It is very likely that someone is behind the scenes, and the only person he can think of is Chen Qizhao.

Chen Qizhao didn't contact him for a while, and he didn't know what Chen Qizhao was doing.

"Second Young Master?" Uncle Zhang, the housekeeper, replied, "Second Young Master was at home some time ago. They stayed in the room and rarely came out."

Chen Shiming asked: "Have you been home these days?"

"I didn't return." Uncle Zhang continued: "But today, Friday, I should be back. During this time, Er Shao will be back on Saturday and Sunday."

"Okay, I see."

Chen Shiming hung up the phone, always having a bad feeling in his heart.

Since the birthday party, Chen Qizhao hasn't contacted him anymore, which is a bit wrong. He still remembered Chen Qizhao's ugly face when he mentioned Jiang Yuze's drug replacement. With Chen Qizhao's character, if this matter was really important to him, he should have asked directly.

But Chen Qizhao didn't ask him, even with so many things happening in Chen's these days, his performance was very dull.

Chen Shiming made an internal call, and soon the assistant came in.

"Second Young Master came to the company to get a copy some time ago, and bring it to me."

Outside of school.

Chen Qizhao deleted the text messages on the phone and stood with Yan Kailin in a bakery in the school. Yan Kailin's tray was full of bread, and while talking to Chen Qizhao, he waited for the checkout, "their bread is really good, just a few new products. I ate it once yesterday, and it was almost sold out today. ."

Chen Qizhao glanced at him, "I bought so much, can I finish it?"

Yan Kailin said: "That must be enough to eat. I have an exam next week, and I will stay in the dormitory to study for the past two days."

On vx, Shen Yuhuai sent him a message.

Chen Qizhao cut to the vx interface and stopped slightly when he saw Shen Yuhuai's news.

[-Shen Yuhuai: Are you going home this week? ]

[- Zhao: back. ]

[-Shen Yuhuai: Did you drive? ]

[- Zhao: No this week. ]

[-Shen Yuhuai: Wait for me at school then, I will take you back. ]

Chen Qizhao lowered his head and did not refuse Shen Yuhuai.

After he replied, he looked at Yan Kailin, "Which ones are delicious?"

"It's the double egg yolk one, and the coconut one!"

After Yan Kailin answered, he saw Chen Qizhao walking over and taking a tray, and took all the remaining new breads in the store.

"You like it too?" Yan Kailin asked.

Chen Qizhao: "Bought it for someone else."

"Bring it to Aunt Zhang?"

Yan Kailin looked at Chen Qizhao. During this period of time, he often saw that his brother was not in the dormitory, or he was taking a leave of absence to go out to do something. Several times he wanted to go to the dormitory to find someone to eat, but he was empty. He knew that Chen Qizhao was also in business, and it was hard to ask him directly because he was so busy. After going back to his brother to inquire, he found out that something had happened to the Chen family recently, and I heard that there were problems with several projects.

"Are you going home this weekend?" Yan Kailin asked.

Chen Qizhao scan the QR code at checkout, "Return."

Yan Kailin held a large bag of bread and suddenly said, "Brother Zhao, if you need money turnover, you must speak to me!"

Chen Qizhao's hand stopped slightly, picked up the bread on the counter, and said casually: "Do you have enough money?"

"That must be enough, I still have several million in pocket money." Yan Kailin was really afraid that Chen Qizhao would have difficulties, so he added a few words: "I am really rich, usually it is I can’t spend it very much, I can make a package with him for the pocket money, and he will definitely agree to lend you money.”

Chen Qizhao heard Yan Kailin's voice, and said casually: "Is it just a few million to lend it out? Aren't you afraid that I will use this money to do something else and pay you nothing back?"

When Yan Kailin heard this, he immediately retorted: "I borrowed that too, willingly."

Chen Qizhao didn't know how the Yan family raised such an ignorant little boy like Yan Kailin. It's lucky that this honesty and frankness was not deceived into bankruptcy, he said: "You know your brother Why have you been asked to stay at school all this time?"

"I know, didn't I say it before? He said that I had a grudge against someone, and the three people who fought last time were hired." I checked with Cheng Rong and others, but the key is that he didn't have a grudge against anyone. Later, he found out that one person said that he was his mortal enemy. The key point was that he couldn't even remember the other party's name. "I'm just wondering, who can I have a grudge against!"

Chen Qizhao said: "Then do you want to take revenge on them?"

"Ah? How to retaliate?" Yan Kailin asked: "Brother, do you know who it is?"

Chen Qizhao: "If you don't know, just ask."

Yan Kailin thought for a while and said, "Of course, if I knew who it was, I would definitely sue my brother first and let my brother solve it."

Chen Qizhao didn't speak, looked at the contents of Yan Kailin's bread bag from the corner of his eye, and took one out of it.

Yan Kailin: "?"

Chen Qizhao half-drooped his eyes: "You don't need money, just give some bread."

The bakery is far from the bedroom building.

When he arrived at the gate of the school, Chen Qizhao said that there were other things, and let Yan Kailin go first.

Yan Kailin looked resentful, "We haven't eaten together for several days."

Chen Qizhao said: "Not bad today."

After Yan Kailin entered the school, Chen Qizhao put his hand in his pocket, thinking that he was going to meet someone later, he just picked up the cigarette and put it down quickly. He looked down at the news reports on a financial app, as well as the so-called journalists' gossip, but the news about the Lin Group was cleared up after a while.

Lin Shizhong's preparations in this life are far less than in his previous life. If he does not pull Chen in at this stage, he will expose more problems. Lin has done too many things behind his back. He really does not have the legal evidence to directly ask the Industry and Commerce Bureau, but Lin's opponent does.

Since Fu Yanyu's incident, Yicheng has split his face with Lin, and they have more evidence... In addition to the companies that compete with Lin, he just put some ambiguous information Let it go out, supplemented by some clues he has investigated, as long as these things are put on those competitors, naturally some people will unite.

He has investigated those companies and enterprises, and many people were killed by Lin Shizhong.

Lin Shizhong made too many enemies, those people were kept in the dark, and the only thing left was to pierce this layer of window paper.

But the biggest hero was Yicheng. When bitten by a mad dog, Lin Shizhong had to peel off at least a layer of skin.

But this is not over yet, his purpose is not only Lin Shizhong, but even Gu Shen who is hiding behind Lin Shizhong, don't even think about being alone.

Chen Qizhao closed the app boringly, stood under the pergola at the school gate, and saw a familiar car in the distance.

Shen Yuhuai also seemed to be very busy during this time, and the two of them didn't have much time to meet each other. Chen Qizhao didn't ask more about Shen Yuhuai's side. He knew about the Shen family since the birthday party was over. It should have been involved in this matter, Gu Shen thought that it should not be so easy to secretly attack Shen Yuhuai, at least Shen Yuhuai was safe during this time.

Shen Yuhuai was mostly busy with the lab. He had inquired with Liu Sui, and they had a very important experiment to be busy with in June.

Chen Qizhao restrained his expression, and stopped for a while when he walked out.

He calmed down before continuing to walk out.

When Shen Yuhuai turned in, he saw a boy standing at the door.

He drove to the parking space and turned off the engine, and the boy came over quickly.

"Why are you waiting outside?" Shen Yuhuai stopped understanding the movement of the seat belt, and saw Chen Qizhao put the bread in the back seat.

"I bought some buns at the entrance of the school. Yan Kailin said it was delicious."

Chen Qizhao didn't know what Shen Yuhuai liked to eat, so he had to buy all the ones recommended by Yan Kailin. He just turned around and suddenly saw Shen Yuhuai looking at him.

"What's wrong?" Chen Qizhao looked at him as usual.

Shen Yuhuai didn't start the car, and quickly looked away from Chen Qizhao, "I'll be free next week."

Chen Qizhao looked at him, "Aren't you busy?"

"En." Shen Yuhuai narrowed his eyes, and leaned to the side, "Come here."

Chen Qizhao turned slightly and Shen Yuhuai kissed him.

Being so hooked by Shen Yuhuai, Chen Qizhao involuntarily leaned over and held the other party a little while they left.

Shen Yuhuai pulled his left hand instead, held Chen Qizhao's hand, felt the coldness in his palm, and frowned slightly.

Chen Qizhao looked at him.

Shen Yuhuai said, "Your hands are too cold, did you wait a long time?"

"It won't be long." Chen Qizhao said.

Shen Yuhuai did not speak, but raised the co-pilot's window.

The vehicle started soon, drove away from the school gate, and walked in the direction of Chen's house.

Chen Qizhao was inexplicably relaxed after getting in the car. His peripheral vision fell on the aromatherapy box in front of the car, and the very fresh mint smell came up in the small car as the window rose. clear. It was very similar to the smell on Shen Yuhuai's body. Just smelling it gave him a very relaxed feeling. He didn't say much, just closed his eyes and rested for a while, completely ignoring the eyes of the man next to him.

Shen Yuhuai didn't speak, looked away, and drove the car more steadily.

Just when he put the bread, he noticed Chen Qizhao's right hand.

It's just that the other party took it away very quickly. After putting things away, the hand retracted to the side near the car window, covered by clothes.

Chen Qizhao's right finger has obvious burn marks.

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