MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 79

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Hearing Yan Kaiqi's words on the phone, Shen Yuhuai's expression instantly turned cold, "Is that the capital you investigated?"

"The ip tracked my laptop and stopped. During the day, the company suffered an external network attack, but the firewall was fine and there was no major problem." Yan Kaiqi sat in front of the computer, The information on the computer screen has basically been deleted by him. "I feel strange during the day. When I turn on the computer at night, I notice that someone has invaded my computer, and it has obviously chased my ip."

The progress of our investigation, I processed the data after you reminded me last time, but I should have exposed it, which is more passive for us."

Shen Yuhuai knew what Yan Kaiqi was thinking, and they had expected that the capital involved in the investigation might be very large. They can find Yan Kaiqi's side along the way, which is also where they are currently passive. But since the other party made such a reaction, in a sense, it also verified the idea that the industrial chain involved in the other party's capital is not ordinary.

Having a computer without doing anything else is probably a warning.

"Don't check during this time, leave the rest to me." Shen Yuhuai said solemnly: "Since they noticed you, they must pay attention to your every move, and you will check further. It's too risky."

"At least make sure we're looking in the right direction."

Yan Kaiqi said: "At this stage, it is not a question of whether or not to check. If they really have a problem, they will touch you sooner or later, and you are not safe."

The two were silent for a moment, before Shen Yuhuai said, "I have my senses, you should deal with things first, don't involve you."

Since the other party's capital can track down the IP, it will inevitably find out the Yan Kaiqi to which the IP belongs.

In any case, the Yan family cannot be involved in the following investigation.

After hanging up with Yan Kaiqi, Shen Yuhuai immediately backed up the data on the computer. There are more capital in the capital, but there are only a handful of capital that can cover the sky with one hand.

The data in the computer will be encrypted soon. According to the existing data, it can be basically determined that the aromatherapy raw materials involved in the Chenjia aromatherapy incident are not simply controlled objects acquired in the market, but are Materials extracted by special institutions and of unknown origin, these materials were made into aromatherapy by interested people, and were accurately sold to the Chen family in the aromatherapy shop.

There is a hidden industry chain behind these specially manufactured aromatherapy, which put some illegally extracted compounds into the market, and may even have made profits.

This industry chain involves city B and city S. What they didn't find is who and who is colluding in this industry chain.

City B is relatively difficult to investigate...and City S is likely to be Lin's Medical.

The data on Yan Kaiqi's side has been processed, and the other party's capital should not know how much progress they have found, probably just to make sure that Yan Kaiqi has come here, so they will use actions like hacking the computer to warn Yan Kaiqi ...It is best that the other party is not sure about their progress. If they are sure, the level of danger around Yan Kaiqi will increase.

Shen Yuhuai sat in front of the computer and put away the USB flash drive where the data was stored.

Will these be related to the people who followed Chen Qizhao some time ago...?


The sun is shining and the weather is perfect.

Chen Qizhao got up in the morning and went to the company first, and confirmed with Xiao Zhou the progress of the recent cooperation with Feihong Shen.

Before entering the office, he saw Chen Liyao haunting the office not far away with documents. It looked like he came here to deal with work, and his behavior was very normal.

Chen Qizhao raised his eyebrows slightly, since he knew that Chen Liyao was the eyeliner placed by the other party in the company, Chen Shiming planned to use Chen Liyao to send wrong news, making the other party mistakenly think that Chen's current progress is slow and continuous. Fired a few smoke bombs to divert the focus of the matter elsewhere.

Because of this, following Chen Liyao's line, they also found a small number of people who were not on the list originally.

The progress of the finishing has slowed down, and he is especially concerned about Chen's recent actions, so the number of recent actions by Chen Liyao has also increased.

When Xu special assistant saw Chen Qizhao coming in, the report got stuck for two seconds, and soon resumed reporting as usual.

He was talking, noticing that Chen Ershao was not far away, his eyes were on him, and he was even more uncomfortable. He always felt that there was something wrong with the things he reported.

But for Chen Ershao, no matter how many times, he was afraid that the other party would start to pick on him if he disagreed, and he didn't know how Xiao Zhou was flattering people with his conscience.

Chen Shiming listened to the report, his eyes already fell on Chen Qizhao.

After they broke up in the study last night, not long after they went to the living room, Chen Qizhao also returned to the room. He was probably used to the scenes when Chen Qizhao quarreled with them when he encountered problems, and he was also used to the aggressive Chen Qizhao, so when Chen Qizhao chose to avoid it so decisively, Chen Shiming felt a little depressed for no reason.

The idea of ​​having a dream is really unbelievable. Chen Shiming doesn't believe these mysterious claims, so last night, he preconceived that Chen Qizhao was joking. But later, when I recalled Chen Qizhao's performance at that time, the other party's reaction was very real... This is also the point that he has been contradicting since last night.

Can such absurd dreams really exist?

Chen Shiming didn't believe in the dream, but he knew that Chen Qizhao had something hidden in his heart.

"I have already told the Gu family about the necklace. They sent someone to take the necklace this morning. It is said that they have contacted a professional appraisal agency." Chen Shiming waved his hand to stop Xu Special Assistant The report, waited until Special Assistant Xu left the office, he continued: "The situation on the Gu family's side, Dad also communicated with Uncle Shen's side, the Gu family is indeed fighting for power now, and Gu Zhengsong's momentum is very strong. The trend is towards Gu Zhengsong."

"But Gu Zhengsong has a disadvantage, which has always made Mrs. Gu hesitate." Chen Shiming continued: "The Gu family is a very traditional family, Gu Zhengxun has children and daughters, but Gu Zhengsong is above The only ones who came to the table were two daughters. I also inquired about the illegitimate child you mentioned. Gu Shen is the son of Gu Zhengsong, but he basically has no power in the capital, so Gu Zhengsong has been suppressing the news that he is an illegitimate child. , everyone who knew it knew it, but it didn't spread."

"Master Gu knows?" Chen Qizhao asked.

The more a family is like the Gu family, the more they care about certain things. Even if Mrs. Gu favors Gu Zhengsong, Gu Shen's identity as an illegitimate child will never be on the table. There are still people in the Gu family's faction, and those people may not agree with the decision of Mrs.

Halfway through, he noticed Chen Qizhao's expression, "What do you want to do?"

Chen Qizhao: "Gu Zhengsong is so taboo, what if the identity of Gu Shen's illegitimate child is revealed...and advertised?"

Chen Shiming frowned and said, "What are you thinking? Yesterday I said not to get into the muddy water of the Gu family. Are you telling me now that you want to run the water of the Gu family?"

"I don't touch it, so others can't touch it?"

Chen Qizhao raised his eyebrows slightly, "If the jade necklace is true, then Gu Zhengxun will do it."

Chen Shiming paused slightly: "That's also a matter of the Gu family."

Gu Zhengxun is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Chen Qizhao thought of the middle-aged man who was at home yesterday. He didn't seem to be very aggressive on the outside, but in fact, this kind of person is the most scheming. Gu Zhengsong has been fighting for so long, and he has some means in his hands. Judging from the extent of the Gu family's concern about the jade necklace, the effect of this necklace is far beyond his expectations.

But the Gu family are not stupid. Gu Zhengxun came to them behind the scenes, and the necklace was also donated to the Gu family in the name of Zhang Yazhi.

In the beginning, Lin Shizhong abandoned so many twists and turns to get the jade necklace into his own hands, and then combined with the statement of his previous life, and finally the necklace was given to Gu Zhengsong from Lin Shizhong. Face to face, because the face has not been torn.

What is the relationship between Gu Shen and Lin Shizhong? Is there any other collusion between Gu Zhengsong and Lin Shizhong?

It's not clear yet, if I can borrow Gu Zhengxun's hand...

Following the line of Chen Liyao, Chen Shiming also asked people to check the situation of Chen Sanshu's family, including Chen Jianting and Sun Rooning.

It was built and turned into an institution like a medical testing laboratory. Because it is medical treatment, I suspect it has something to do with the Lin family, but no direct evidence has been found." Chen Shiming handed a document to Chen Qizhao.

Chen Qizhao opened the document, which is full of investigation materials of Chen Sanshu's family.

When he saw the information about Uncle Chen's gambling and debt, he curiously said: "I am gambling and indebted, and every time I sell assets to fill the vacancy... The reason is very good, and I am not afraid of being investigated."

"Yes, those assets that changed hands were all sold by Chen Jianting on the pretext of filling the vacancy. If there is no breakthrough of Chen Liyao, even if we know about Chen Jianting, we will only think that he was a good bet and failed. Pay off gambling debts, so sell your assets.”

Chen Shiming continued: "But it is certain that he is betting that this matter is true, and it is estimated that someone will teach him about selling assets, probably because of this, he will be used by others, He took several pieces of land from the Chen family. Although he said that, there are still doubts. There should be other reasons for the third uncle to rely on Lin Shizhong's side. "

"As for Sun Rooning, something was wrong with her going to the aromatherapy shop. I found that she went to the aromatherapy shop several times, but did not buy it. And Chen Jianting can know about the driver Lao Lin when he goes out of Chen's house, and Lin Shizhong understands so well. The details are probably due to their family."

Chen Qizhao said, "There is a possibility that the aromatherapy shop colluded with her."

Just lack of evidence.

According to Chen Shiming's statement and this information, the lines of Chen Jianting's family can basically be explained.

Lin Shizhong learned about the driver Lao Lin through Chen Jianting's family and planned the aromatherapy matter. Sun Rooning has a relationship with the aromatherapy shop. As a frequent customer, it will not cause suspicion. Chen Jianting sold the project privately. Some of the assets are for profit, and Chen Liyao is also inserted into the Chen family as an eyeliner.

There may be other reasons for this, but there must be a connection between Chen Jianting and the others.

With an expression on his face, he continued: "Next, you can consider staring at Chen Jianting. The possibility of finding clues from him will be higher... and we have action here."

Chen Qizhao looked at Chen Shiming suspiciously: "What action? What about the group?"

"Chen Liyao's contact with people has increased recently, and he has been in the company for a long time. It is estimated that Lin Shizhong should take the next step for Chen's side." Chen Shiming continued: "The matter of the Sun family It came out so coincidentally that it might force Lin Shizhongjian to take a slant..."

He put the information on the table, "Since this is the case, why don't you come for a thrill, how about you please enter the urn?"

S In the shopping mall square in the city center, Yan Kailin was sitting in the rest seat of a tea shop, playing games while waiting for others.

The game played three times before I saw the message popped up in vx.

After a while, he saw Chen Qizhao's figure appear in the distance, and hurriedly waved: "Brother, this way!"

Chen Qizhao came over.

Yan Kailin closed the game and complained, "Why are you taking so long? I've been waiting for you for almost an hour, and my phone is almost dead."

"The company was delayed for a while, so the store you mentioned is here?" Chen Qizhao glanced around.

"On this side, I only found out after a lot of effort, a small brand store, there is an offline store in S city." Yan Kailin thought of Chen Qizhao's message to him last night. After taking a picture, he held a pen in one hand, and then showed him the picture and asked him if he knew what brand the pen was.

Yan Kailin didn't have Wen Mo in his stomach, so he had to run to ask his eldest brother, but his eldest brother actually recognized it and found him the address of the offline store very attentively, "You don't know Yan Kaiqi looked at me and said he wanted to give me one, but he thought it was the pen I wanted to buy."

Yan Kaiqi doesn't care about anything else, but pays special attention to Yan Kailin's study.

"Isn't it a waste of me to write homework with a pen? I can't use the pen." Yan Kailin continued to complain: "Oh, by the way, who's birthday, I don't seem to have heard of it recently. Who's birthday."

Chen Qizhao searched the distribution of brand stores, and it is indeed a niche brand store.

Hearing Yan Kailin's question, he casually replied, "Shen Yuhuai."

"Oh, Shen Yuhuai..." Yan Kailin was stunned after speaking, "I'll go, Brother Huai's birthday, when, how come I don't know!?"

Chen Qizhao found the location of the brand store, on the fourth floor of the mall, he said: "May 10th."

After he finished speaking, he tilted his head, and suddenly saw Yan Kailin's eyes with a bit of complexity.

"What's wrong?" Chen Qizhao asked.

"Why do you have such a good relationship with Brother Huai recently!" Yan Kailin: "Last time my brother went to arrest someone, I heard him say that you ended up staying at Brother Huai's house, and I went back to the bedroom several times. I saw you coming back in Brother Huai's car when I was there..."

Chen Qizhao walked forward, "Is there a problem?"

"The problem is big!" Yan Kailin immediately said: "Why do you think you have a better relationship with him than me. I don't even know Brother Huai's birthday, how do you know?"

Chen Qizhao lied: "I only found out last time."

"Then I'll send something, I've troubled him a few times, but I still have to send it." Yan Kailin began to worry: "Is there a shoe store upstairs? What size of shoes does he wear? ?" He was about to send a message to ask his eldest brother, when he heard a voice reply.

Chen Qizhao said: "It should be 42 now, maybe 43 is suitable."

Yan Kailin was stunned: "You know this too!?"


Chen Qizhao was just thinking about something and didn't want to continue this topic with Yan Kailin, so he asked another thing: "The last time you told me about your falling into the water as a child, how much do you remember?"

"Falling into the water...?" Yan Kailin reacted, "Oh, the time you saved me, I didn't remember something too clearly."

"You said that you were pushed into the water at the time, and I went into the water to save you." Chen Qizhao tried to recall this incident, but it was too long, and he was no better than Yan Kailin. It has been too long, and it is even more difficult to recall a childhood event, which may really be the problem of the high fever at the beginning.

He continued: "We were on the big lake at the suburban villa? You mean the boat?"

Yan Kailin replied: "Yes, just a few of us were on top, and then I fell down for no apparent reason."

"Do you remember who was on the boat with us?"

Chen Qizhao looked at Yan Kailin, and then said, "How old are you, do you have a bad relationship with you? Do you remember who pushed you?"

Brother Xuyan, oh and Brother Huai, the rest seem to be Uncle Zhou's family, Aunt Liu's family... I can't remember those people."

"How is your relationship with Lin Xuyan?"

"Lin Xuyan? He's not."

Yan Kailin said: "That boat is small, we were the only ones who went up to play together at the beginning, I still remember that Brother Xuyan seemed to be nearby at that time. Didn't someone call for help? In the end, it was my brother. They came to pull people... oh yes! I remembered that my brother should have come here with brother Huai at the time, and they have a good relationship. "

Shen Yuhuai.

Chen Qizhao's expression stopped slightly.

Yes, the Shen family also went there at the time, and the relationship between Shen Yuhuai and Yan Kaiqi has been good since childhood.

Is it too easy to send a pen?

Chen Qizhao couldn't think of what gift to give Shen Yuhuai, but in his impression, the other party used the most pen.

Yan Kailin asked: "Why do you ask this?"

Chen Qizhao came back to his senses and asked another person: "Did Chen Liyao go?"

"Who is Chen Liyao...? Oh, your cousin!" Yan Kailin remembered: "It should have been there, there were a lot of people at that time, and you played with him when you were young. I don't like him very much. , he always doesn't like to talk, he puts on his face all day, as if someone owes him money."

There are still quite a lot of people at this point of the mall. The two of them just got on the escalator, and Yan Kailin continued to ask Chen Qizhao about the size.

Chen Qizhao just wanted to return to Yan Kailin's words when he suddenly noticed two figures appearing on the escalator up from the side.

They have now reached the 3rd floor, and he has already met these two people when they were on the 1st floor.

"Brother, why didn't you call me back?" Yan Kailin looked at Chen Qizhao doubtfully: "You said Chen Liyao, was he the one who pushed me into the water?"

These people shouldn't be following him... Could they be following Yan Kailin next to him?

Yan Kailin was inexplicable: "Brother, what are you looking at me for?"

"I didn't see you." Chen Qizhao turned on his mobile phone to shoot, and by chatting with Yan Kailin, he quietly took pictures of the people who followed him before others were paying attention.

S City Research Institute, Shen Yuhuai just came out of the meeting, listening to colleagues in the laboratory next to him discussing what to eat for a while. He responded casually, processed the messages piled up on his phone, and stopped at the message Chen Qizhao sent in the afternoon.

[- Zhao: Are you a size 43? ]

Shen Yuhuai replied yes, when he looked up, he saw Liu Suizheng staring at him.

He moved the phone slightly to the side and asked, "Anything?"

"It's weird." Liu Sui hummed twice, "Don't go around in circles with me, to be honest, you've been mysterious all day long, are you going out on a date, and have you caught up to what I said last time? That pretty sister?"

He looked at Shen Yuhuai's expression, and when he saw that the other party didn't speak, he immediately said, "Yes! It must be!"

Shen Yuhuai: "I haven't caught up yet."

Liu Sui didn't believe it.

Shen Yuhuai said again: "But it's too soon."

Liu Sui: "Show your brother the photos, we'll just go to S University for dinner later, you invite your sister and let your brother check for you."

Other colleagues also came over to be very lively, "What?"

Shen Yuhuai was about to speak.

After a while, the phone suddenly rang.

"Yu Huai, are you at S?" Yan Kaiqi's words were a little anxious.

"What's the matter?" Shen Yuhuai said slightly, his face serious.

"I called Kailin and no one answered. If I call him again, the phone will be turned off."

Yan Kaiqi: "I'm a little worried that he hasn't answered the phone. I'm driving to S University now. You're close. You go and see if he's at school first."

At this point in time...Shen Yuhuai's face became serious.

Liu Sui was still talking about going to eat at the restaurant S was thinking of, when he opened his mouth, he saw Shen Yuhuai's slightly solemn expression, "Yu Huai?"

Shen Yuhuai hung up the phone, "Sorry, let's go to dinner, I have something to do temporarily."

The two went shopping, Chen Qizhao bought a pen, and Yan Kailin also bought a pair of shoes.

Chen Qizhao was driving after dinner in the evening, and the two did not stay and went back to school.

It was only nine o'clock in the evening when he returned to school. Yan Kailin said that he had invited people from the club to go out for a party, but Chen Qizhao suddenly stopped him.

"You go to the cafeteria and buy me a cup of milk tea, I'll call you."

Chen Qizhao turned off the car and glanced at Yan Kailin.

"Signboard, three-point sugar is normal ice."

Chen Qizhao fell behind Yan Kailin, and out of the corner of his eye glanced at a few people who were following in the night, and lowered his head to edit a text message.

Three people, one more than before.

Yan Kailin rushed to the party, and when he heard this, he spread his legs and ran to the cafeteria.

Chen Qizhao took advantage of the darkness to slowly slow down, and when the people he followed walked to the vicinity, he clamped a person's hand and knocked the person directly into the canteen beside the pile of junk in the alley of things.

The man didn't expect to be hit, he didn't react, he was hit and fell straight in.

The other two were startled and rushed over immediately.

Chen Qizhao grabbed the broomstick that fell to the ground next to him, looked at the three complete strangers, his eyes were cold.

"Have you been with me for a long time?" His tone was a little cold: "Just right, I have something to ask you."

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