MTL - Little Madman’s Guide to Acting Good-Chapter 76

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The news of the accident spread quickly. When Lin Shizhong learned that the accident happened at the press conference, the situation could not be undone. When he came down from the press conference, his face was still gloomy. He didn't expect the Sun family to have such an accident at this critical moment, and it happened under the circumstances that he told him in advance.

After returning to the office, the negative impact caused by the press conference has already spread from all directions.

Lin Shizhong really wanted to give up the Sun family. After all, the partner targeted by the regulatory authorities was too unfavorable for them, but this time the Sun family was investigated too suddenly, and he received it two days in advance. When the news came, I only had time to withdraw some of the arrangements. In fact, there were still three companies that had not settled the business with the Sun family.

Originally, he planned to take advantage of the press conference to clear the relationship and let the Sun family take the blame, but now the Sun family bites back, and his arrangement is almost a waste... He may even join several houses subsidiary.

"Get rid of the responsibilities, cut off the business with the Sun family as soon as possible, and don't have to deal with the regulatory authorities. Now all the trouble is thrown on the Sun family, and the company that cooperates with the channel will be transferred immediately. , don't let the fire burn to our side."

After Lin Shizhong arranged things, he dropped the internal phone.

In his heart, he resented the person who handed the anonymous letter to the regulatory authorities at the critical moment. If it weren't for the anonymous letter, he could have kicked the Sun family away after transferring the business. In this situation, if you want to get rid of the relationship with the Sun family, you need to pay more... It may cause all the hard work in the past few years to be in vain.

After a while, his phone rang.

Lin Shizhong saw the phone number and immediately answered the channel: "This matter..."

"The Sun family bit back because they received anonymous emails and a report letter from the supervisor." The person on the phone said straight to the point: "The person who sent the email is intentional, report it first, and then The purpose of stimulating the Sun family is obviously to come at you."

Lin Shizhong frowned and said, "Impossible, I'm very careful about the Sun family, I can't leave any evidence."

"The other party is very aware of your movements. If you are really careful, how will he know about your affair with the Sun family, submit a report letter accurately, and instigate the Sun family to rebel." The people inside sneered and said bluntly, "Lin Shizhong, do you think what you said is credible?"

Lin Shizhong felt a little unsure about his arrangement when he heard this.

He is indeed cautious, and he is very careful in every aspect during this period. Unless there is a problem with the people on their side, it is difficult for him to predict that these things will be exposed. The other party seemed to know all his layouts from beginning to end, and every time he was stuck at an important point, it seemed that he had foreseen the future.

"Recently we just started to wrap up the matter of the Chen family, and the matter of the Sun family broke out. Don't you think this is a coincidence?" The person on the phone said: "I gave it to you Be patient enough, it is very difficult for you to keep all your assets after procrastinating. As early as last year, when I told you to solve the Chen family directly, you were procrastinating. It would be funny to play a good game for the slightest profit."

Lin Shizhong frowned, he has never made a mistake after walking like this for decades, but he does not agree with the other party's approach.

His prudence is that he wants to bankrupt the Chen family without affecting the Lin family at all. If he goes too far, it will easily lead to the Lin family. He has used the Chen family for so many years, To make so much profit, I don’t want to overturn at the last minute and lose something.

But the person on the other side of the phone didn't think so. The other party acted more aggressively. They just wanted to quickly solve the problem of Chen's and eliminate all hidden dangers.

"What do you want to do?" Lin Shizhong asked.

, you can earn back what you want in five or six years. There is no need to waste time on the Chen family's side. Since they have used the Sun family to bite you back... Just be simple where it should be, for example, let the Chen family really enter. crisis."

The Sun family appeared at Lin's press conference and bit back. The uncontrollable situation broke out in an instant. The news of Lin's accident spread like wildfire. Lin Shizhong had to come forward to turn the tide. But the public opinion caused by the press conference and the Sun family still had a very big impact on the Lin family, and it was even reported that the regulatory authorities had entered the Lin family several times.

When Chen Qizhao received the news, the matter between Cheng Rong and Liu Kai had been resolved.

Cheng Rong: "I finally found out these days, and it was the Sun family who was causing us trouble. They shot themselves in the foot, and now they are involved in illegal and criminal matters. I see them. The family won't be arrogant for a few days."

Liu Kai took a sip of wine and continued: "What's more, I heard that the kid ran out of the country directly, and now his father has been arrested, and it is said that he bit Lin's side, now outside It was so lively that my dad was still talking about it when I got home."

The Sun family has an average status in S City, but the Lin family is a giant.

Now that the Sun family's boat has capsized, and it has also affected the Lin family, the attention of the melon eaters has basically been attracted to the past.

The Lin family didn't seem to have expected the Sun family's retaliation, so the press conference was not completely blocked at that time, which made the matter at the press conference come out directly, plus the Sun family's hand They did take some evidence, making them into a passive situation.

This can be said to be the biggest crisis that Lin has encountered in the past five years. In the past five days, Lin's public relations copy has been published in seven or eight editions. Even more overwhelming.

You can still rely on capital to suppress public opinion on the Internet, but Lin Shizhong still has to be busy to deal with a series of chain reactions brought by the Sun family. It's a matter of time before Lin Shizhong escapes from the Sun family's backbite, but if he wants to escape, he must at least peel off his skin... Once the Lin family is held back by the Sun family, the Chen family can collect evidence to speed up the progress.

Chen Qizhao looked down at the news on the phone, Chen Shiming had sent the latest investigation progress. He thought about the evidence currently in his hands. One was the private accounts of Lin Shizhong, the evidence of vicious competition and illegal collusion, and the other was the evidence of business leaks and collusion infiltrated by the Lin family in Chen Shi's hands by Chen Shiming... But these not enough.

To overthrow a group as big as Lin's, it's still a little bit short of relying on these alone.

Lin Shizhong and Fang Jie were involved in illegal drug smuggling transactions, and colluded with the Sun family to illegally transport contraband... and then contact the evidence that he brought down Lin Shizhong in his previous life. In fact, there are too many places where Lin Shizhong violated the law .

Hammer Lin Shizhong to death.

Chen Qizhao has investigated more things in his life, from which he can see some things that have not been found before. Is Lin Shizhong's illicit drug smuggling only exposed on the surface? Or is there something else he hasn't figured out yet...?

"Brother? Why don't you drink more wine?" Yan Kailin said: "It's rare to have fun!"

Liu Kai asked: "Didn't you say that your brother has been taking care of you recently? Why does it seem looser than before!"

"He's been busy lately!" Yan Kailin continued: "I don't know what I'm doing, I work overtime every night, and I used to send messages to check the post, but I haven't checked me much in the past two days, otherwise I don't have time to come out and play with you."

Chen Qizhao heard that and looked at Yan Kailin, Yan Kaiqi has been very busy recently...?

Inexplicably, he thought of Shen Yuhuai and Yan Kaiqi going to Cheng Rong's villa that night. It was already midnight, and Shen Yuhuai usually fell asleep at that time... How did he happen to appear with Yan Kaiqi?

Several people were still talking when Chen Qizhao's cell phone rang suddenly.

Seeing the encrypted number on the screen of the mobile phone, Chen Qizhao said, "I'll go take a call."

"Go, go." Yan Kailin waved his hand and continued to complain about Yan Kaiqi with Cheng Rong and others.

Chen Qizhao didn't go far, standing in the private room to pick up the phone.

As soon as the flowered shirt on the other end of the phone heard the familiar voice of a baby in the receiver, he immediately opened his mouth and said, "Boss, what you posted this time has allowed me to check for several days. People are really hard to check."

Can’t check? Chen Qizhao knew who was on the other side of the phone.

The business scope is very wide, and the confidentiality measures for customers are also in place.

After rebirth, the only channel he can think of is the other party, but now the other party's business network has not expanded to the scale of later generations, it seems to be just supporting a small office. Chen Qizhao knew the ability of the other party, and the price he gave was also the price of his previous life. If it is difficult for the other party to find out... I can only say that the person I want to investigate has a deep background.

The flower shirt continued: "It took me a while to contact my friends in city B to find out this person. This person's name is Gu Shen, the son of Gu Zhengsong, a famous family in the capital."

Chen Qizhao's eyes sank instantly when he heard the Gu family, "Gu family? Gu Zhengsong?"

The Gu family is too familiar with Chen Qizhao. When he wanted to deal with Lin Shizhong in his last life, the Gu family kept blocking it in every possible way, all because Lin Shizhong used a jade necklace to hook up with Gu Zhengsong, the second child of the Gu family. .

After Lin Shizhong's accident, Gu Zhengsong helped Lin Shizhong to clean up the mess twice, and then because Lin Shizhong was unable to return to the sky, and something happened on the Gu family's side, Gu Zhengsong quit and didn't care about it anymore. thing.

In this lifetime, Lin Shizhong didn't get the jade necklace, and it stands to reason that he wouldn't catch the line of Gu Zhengsong.

The most important thing is...Chen Qizhao never heard of Gu Shen in his last life, "I remember that Gu Zhengsong has no son, only two daughters."

"Yes, on the surface Gu Zhengsong does not have a son, but Gu Shen is Gu Zhengsong's illegitimate son." Hua Xie said proudly: "I found out about this through my friend's contacts, and the Gu family is a In a very traditional family, it is difficult for an existence like an illegitimate child to enter the genealogy, so Gu Shen has no chance to show his face, and he is just a mediocre rich second generation in the circle of the capital. But I heard news... that Gu Zhengsong is actually I am very concerned about the child Gu Shen."

Chen Qizhao frowned: "Why?"

"Gu Zhengsong can't give birth. It is said that it was done by the deceased first wife. In the end, only the two daughters of the first wife were left, but he didn't like those two children very much. Dirty things of the big family. There are too many, Gu Shen can be said to be Gu Zhengsong's only son, and it is difficult for him to be an illegitimate child now, but if Gu Zhengsong is in the upper position, it is only a matter of time if he wants to support Gu Shen in the upper position."

The flower shirt continued: "Don't look at Gu Shen, who looks like a rich second generation, but I heard that this person is still doing other things behind his back. As for what has not been found out, some people say Gu Shen is very shrewd."

"The reason why he appeared in S City recently seems to be because of tourism. He happened to be familiar with several rich second-generation generations in S City. The photos you sent me are similar to The video should be a party held by Cheng Rong of the Cheng family a while ago, and Gu Shen followed those rich second-generation in at that time, he is relatively well-known in the capital, and he can play with people."

Chen Qizhao frowned slightly... Gu Zhengsong and Gu Shen.

The current head of the Gu family has two sons, the eldest son Gu Zhengxun and the second son Gu Zhengsong, now this stage should be the stage of power struggle between the two parties, and the rights of the Gu family in the previous life fell to the second child Gu Zhengsong In his hand, he was also the backer who later cleared some obstacles for Lin Shizhong.

For Gu Zhengsong, Lin Shizhong was just an ordinary friend who gave him a necklace. It was the best thing to be able to help him twice. After all, Lin Shizhong's accounts were too dirty. Relationship, the impact of exposure after the fact is no trivial matter. Therefore, when Lin Shizhong fell, the Gu family not only did not lend a hand to help, but also left the relationship clean.

The appearance of Gu Shen made Chen Qizhao have a bad feeling.

In the last life, the Gu family helped Lin Shizhong just to repay the kindness of a jade necklace, or was there another secret?

In Chen Qizhao's impression, Gu Zhengsong is not a good person to get along with.

"Boss?" The flower shirt shouted.

Chen Qizhao said, "Continue to help me check Gu Shen, and you can set the price."

"Hey, of course it's no problem." The flower shirt continued: "The boss has taken care of my business for so long, I will definitely handle this matter for you!"

After hanging up, Chen Qizhao did not go back to the private room immediately.

He pondered Lin Shizhong's various arrangements slightly. He didn't believe that Gu Shen's appearance in S City was a coincidence. In the absence of the jade necklace, if Lin Shizhong was really on the line with the Gu family, then Gu Shen would appear. It might have been intentional in S City... At the pool party that day, Gu Shen was looking at them.

"Brother, why did you go so long?!" Yan Kailin saw Chen Qizhao coming in from outside the private room, and immediately said, "We're going to sing K at night and go to the suburbs to play..."

"You guys are playing, I have something to do at night." Chen Qizhao just sat down, "My mother said that there are guests at night, let me go back."

Zhang Yazhi has often sent messages to Chen Qizhao recently, and is often concerned about Chen Qizhao's studies. This time it happened to be the weekend, and another important guest at home was coming. Chen Qizhao thought that he didn't go back last week, so he simply responded About Zhang Yazhi. After drinking with Yan Kailin and the others, Chen Qizhao hired a car to go back to the villa.

On the way, the message he sent to Shen Yuhuai has not been replied yet.

Chen Qizhao clicked on Shen Yuhuai's circle of friends, but did not update it. He was a little bored and brushed Shen Yuhuai's circle of friends from beginning to end, until he was blocked by access restrictions. He quit Shen Yuhuai's circle of friends and continued to follow other circles of friends, and suddenly Liu Sui's circle of friends appeared.

Liu Sui sent a picture of instant noodles with court drama.

Chen Qizhao paused for a while, today Shen Yuhuai hasn't replied to his news, he thought he was still busy in the laboratory. But look at this photo of Liu Suifa... They seem to be resting today?

[-Zhao: Brother Liu is off today? ]

He just sent a message, and Liu Sui has already sent him a message.

[-Liu Sui: Rest! I've been bored these days. Are you going out for dinner at night? ]

[- Zhao: I have something to do at night, you can call Brother Huai. ]

[- Liu Sui: Shen Yuhuai was not here, he went out last night and didn't return to the institute today. ]

Chen Qizhao's hand stopped and did not type any more.

Liu Sui is still typing.

[-Liu Sui: Regardless of him, recently when I asked him out for dinner, he always said that he had something to do at night, and he didn’t know what he was busy with, and he couldn’t find anyone outside the laboratory. The last time I finished my thesis, I wanted to invite him out for dinner, but that kid rejected me! ]

[- Zhao: Have you finished your paper? ]

[-Liu Sui: It was done at the beginning of the month. I heard that there is a huge and delicious restaurant in front of your school. I haven’t eaten it yet…]

At the beginning of the month...At the beginning of the month when I went to eat hot pot with Shen Yuhuai.

Shen Yuhuai said that Liu Sui had not finished his thesis.

Chen Qizhao's eyes darkened.

"Little brother, the car can only be parked here, it seems that you can't get in." The taxi driver looked at the person in the back seat, "How about this?"

The place to get off is some distance from Chen's villa, and Chen Qizhao walked for a few minutes before arriving at the door.

When he first entered the garden, he noticed that there seemed to be a few more cars in the direction of the garage. It was seven o'clock in the evening, but his two workaholics seemed to have returned?

Chen Qizhao was thoughtful, thinking about the guests at home.

He entered the entrance and said hello to the butler who was waiting at the door. When he turned around to the living room, he suddenly saw several familiar faces.

Shen parents, Shen Xuelan... and Shen Yuhuai.

Chen Qizhao looked at Shen Yuhuai.

Shen Yuhuai also seemed to notice his gaze, and nodded at him when he looked over.

Zhang Yazhi said, "Qi Zhao is back."

In addition to the Shen family, there is also a couple of slightly unfamiliar men and women. The man looked about the same age as Chen Jianhong. From a distance, he looked very serious. The woman sitting next to him was very beautiful, and the two looked like a couple.

If it was the Shen family, the workaholic in his family might indeed leave work and come back early.

Chen Qizhao greeted the people, he looked around, and finally sat down beside Shen Yuhuai.

There are many people in the living room, Chen Qizhao basically sticks to Shen Yuhuai when he sits down. I didn't reply to the message I sent you."

Shen Yuhuai turned slightly to the side, and a warm breath covered Chen Qizhao's ears, "It's not convenient for the elders to be present without looking at the phone."

He lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes stopped on Shen Yuhuai's thigh that was close to him, and his eyes darkened a little.

"Is the lab busy today?" Chen Qizhao asked.

Shen Yuhuai looked sideways when he heard the words, and approached him a little, "Not busy, rest today."

"I thought you would go out to dinner with Brother Liu on the weekend." Chen Qizhao didn't look at Shen Yuhuai, and asked in his usual tone, "Brother Liu is still busy with his thesis?"

"Yes." Shen Yuhuai responded.

"Is that so..." Chen Qizhao lowered his eyes and looked at the thighs that the two were touching.

Shen Yuhuai was wearing a pair of black trousers today, with long and thin bent legs, his hands were casually placed on his legs, and there were clearly visible cyan veins on the back of his hands.

…Shen Yuhuai is lying.

Chen Qizhao looked at his phalanx, his eyes deepened.

The stranger spoke up.

"Qi Zhao and Yu Huai seem to have a good relationship?" The beautiful woman looked over.

Chen Qizhao politely called auntie.

"The two can play together." Zhang Yazhi said, "Yu Huai often came here when he was a child."

The beautiful woman smiled and looked at Chen Qizhao with a bit of love in her eyes, "Yazhi, this child looks like you."

The two people in the main seat also looked over. The first thing Chen Qizhao noticed was the slightly old-fashioned middle-aged man. After a while, Chen Jianhong introduced, "This is your Uncle Gu."

"Uncle Gu?" Chen Qizhao tightened his hand slightly, and when he heard the surname, he suddenly remembered where he had seen this person. When he thought about it, he felt familiar. The person in the photo he just saw in the afternoon looked very similar to the person in front of him... Or he had seen the photo of the person in front of him.

Gu Zhengxun, the eldest son of the Gu family.

This couple is Gu Zhengxun and his wife.

Chen Qizhao narrowed his eyes slightly. Their family should have nothing to do with the Gu family. In his impression, Chen Jianhong and Gu Zhengxun had no business relationship at all. home? !

He didn't make a sound, kept his usual state, and carefully observed the situation on the field.

Shen Yuhuai noticed the silence of the people around him, his eyes stopped on Chen Qizhao's hand on his thigh, and the place where his index finger touched was slightly white.

The boy didn't speak, and he didn't seem to change from usual, but his state was tense.

A small animal in a shell, watching something vigilantly.

Chen Qizhao cares about the Gu family...?

The liveliness in the living room continued, and the butler came over to continue the tea.

Chen Qizhao didn't notice the eyes of the people around him, his attention was all on the conversations of Chen Jianhong and the others.

Gu Zhengxun was talking to Chen Jianhong, and his father Shen also participated in the exchange. Several people were talking about the business side. From the conversation between these people, he could easily hear that Gu Zhengxun came to S City It was a business trip, and the reason why I came here today was all due to the Shen family's team. It seemed that the Gu family wanted to discuss things with their family and only asked the Shen family.

Chen Qizhao was a little surprised by this incident. He did not expect that the Shen family and the Gu family knew each other.

Chen Qizhao didn't speak, but he was thinking about things.

Out of the corner of his eye, he suddenly caught a glimpse of a jewelry box beside Chen Jianhong's forehand.

At this time, Chen Qizhao suddenly felt an itch on his thigh.

He suddenly came back to his senses and saw the fingers of the people around him tap on his thigh.

"Are you distracted?"

Shen Yuhuai's voice was very close.


The author has something to say:

Xiao Chen: He is lying.

Xiao Shen: He was distracted and didn't look at me.

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